
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

469 40 53

The meaning of Serendipity is "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9 - Part 1
Chapter 9 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Part 1
Chapter 12 - Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part 1
Chapter 17 - Part 2
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Chapter 19 - Part 1
Chapter 19 - Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part 1
Chapter 21 - Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 18 - Part 1

6 1 2
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

In what feels like mere seconds, warm fingers are caressing my face. My eyelids flutter open, and I'm looking up into the beautiful brown eyes of my love. I look down to where the girls had curled up into me, but they're no longer there.

"What? Where are the girls?" I ask, panic lacing my voice.

"Shhh, love. They're fine. They came down about twenty minutes ago. We were going to let you sleep a little longer, but your phone has been ringing several times the past few minutes. We thought you might want to check to see if they're important calls or not."

"How long did I sleep?" I sit up, stretching and rolling my neck around, hearing it pop a few times in the process.

"Only about fifty minutes."

"Huh. Okay, I'm coming." I stretch one more time, then turn to get off the bed where Jimin is now waiting. He grabs my hands and pulls me up, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before we head down to the living room, the girls snuggling on each side of their grandmother, half asleep.

I smile at them as I walk over to my bag to get my phone. I'm coming back to where everyone is still talking when I glance down at the recent calls list. I stop dead in my tracks, frozen when I recognize two of the three numbers in today's list. I frown, opening my voice message mailbox. Playing the first, I bring the phone to my ear as I listen to the voice of Officer LaRoux calmly explain that she's wanting to give an update about the case, asking for a call back as soon as possible.

Trembling, I play the second one. Before I can even get the phone to my ear, I hear his voice saying just two words filled with so much venom... "F*cking B*tch!"

I had never changed my personal cell number after what happened, but prior to this he'd never had the audacity to contact me on it. I'm not even sure he remembered me before this morning.

Staring at the screen, I'm confused why Leeza called after I'd told her to lose my number and never contact me again... I click the play button, and I can hear her voice screeching before I lift the phone to my ear.

"Like what the actual f*ck, Nae! You attacked Jeff? You broke his ribs and a finger! Then kicked him in the nuts?? Unprovoked! You really are a b*tch, you know that? He kept saying you were, but I just wouldn't believe it! Now I'm glad we're no longer friends!" I hear a pause, then, "God, I can't believe I fell for your act. And you wanna know something else, b*tch?" She laughs maniacally. "I'm glad you're all alone – at least I have someone in my life who loves me, and what do you have? Nothing! But thanks to you, he might go to jail now! F*ck – You – B*tch! The police said he ass*ulted you? When? And what the hell is this sh*t about r*pe? If it had actually happened, you would've said something to me, something that huge? But you never did, so it's really hard to believe it now. In fact, I don't believe it. Yeah, I know you had s*x with him three years ago. He told me. Want to know what else he said? That you came on to him, wouldn't take no for an answer, especially after you drank too much. He said just to get you to stop, he finally just had s*x with you but then you had regrets. Sounds like something you would do! So he left because you guys fought and you were screaming and crying, trying to hit him, a complete f*cking hysterical mess. But you were the worst f*ck he's ever had! Sounds about right, I can totally see that... God, you've been such a wet blanket when it comes to that kind of thing. I'm glad we aren't friends anymore! I honestly don't think I could stomach being around a lying skank like you anyway. You always act like such a prude about guys and drinking and a casual hook up... but want to know what I think? Hmm? I think you secretly like having s*x, just maybe not with men. Wouldn't that take the cake!? Although Jeff said you were a lousy f*uck, you enjoyed it a lot that night but couldn't handle having s*x with him outside of marriage because of the way you were raised. And I can absolutely believe that! Man, what a joke. Don't bother calling me back, b*tch. We are definitely done. Our friendship is no longer. I'll take care of my man, you worry about yourself! Oh! And if I were you...? I'd watch my back...b*tch!"

The message ends and I'm shaking so hard that I can barely feel the phone being squeezed in my hand. In a daze, I drop it on the rug beneath my feet and head to the stairs, taking them down to the basement, shutting the door behind me. When I reach the studio floor I stop, not sure what I'm doing. As if on automatic pilot, I turn on the hardest, loudest d*ath metal I can find, crank it up, and walk to the bathroom. Stopping in front of the sink, I look at my wide eyes and ghost white face in the mirror, seeing only a pathetic, weak woman who was violated in the worst way imaginable, then left to bleed, in pain, by a sadist who took what wasn't his.

Then I feel the white-hot rage welling up my throat, releasing as a scream at the top of my lungs. Without thought, I pull my arm back and p*nch the mirror, shattering it. I do it again, then again, the pain from the slices and embedded glass not registering as I continue to scream out my rage. When I'm out of breath, I hang my head, my chest heaving as I try to gulp in air, the shock of my ex-best friend's words finally registering in my rage-hazed brain. I stumble back, the wall catching me as I slide down to the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest, wrapping one arm around them as I let my cut hand dangle across it, head leaning against the wall as tears stream down my face unchecked.

What the actual f*ck, indeed...

"Nae! NaeYeong, oh my god, what did you do? Baby!" I hear Jimin's voice from far away, muffled, almost as if he's underwater... "MR. LEE! JAE-SUNG! HYUNG!!"

Then I'm alone again, and the exhaustion crawls over me, making my limbs feel like wet noodles. I lean over to lay my hot face on the cool flooring, not wanting to think or feel anything at the moment. I just want to be swept away in a sea of calm...

I feel the floor shaking under feet more than I hear the footfalls as several run in my direction. Suddenly there's silence when the music cuts off. Then I feel my upper body being lifted up in arms, strong arms, warm arms. I want to open my eyes, but they feel swollen and heavy.

"I'm all right Jimin, just frustrated. Just tired of all the sh*t. I don't know how much more of it I can take...just when I'm finally happy and my life is going so well, something had to happen. I just don't get it... Don't understand why...why would they...she...why...?" I sigh deeply into his arms. "I'm fine, my love. I'll be fine... I just need some time to my best friend...former best friend...could be with someone like...that...! How could she?" I choke on the tears that start flowing again as the arms tighten around my upper body, while I feel someone wrapping something thick and soft around my hand, putting pressure on it. I suck my breath in sharply when I feel the pain hit.

"Ouch! What the hell!" I cry, trying to pull my hand back. But the hand of whoever is putting pressure on it grabs my wrist in a firm hold, keeping it from moving.

"Hyung, will she be okay?" I hear Jimin ask, the words rumbling deep in his chest. I turn my head so my ear rests closer, listening to his heart beating strong and steady, though fast. "Why would she do something like this?"

"You heard the guess is it put her in shock, then when she came down here, her rage took over. I mean, look at the mirror. It's completely shattered."

"The blood's everywhere. Do you think we should call an ambulance?"

"No ambulance. No hospital. I'm fine, love. Just angry and tired." I say, snuggling closer to his warmth as I feel the pressure getting less on my hand, and whatever was wrapped around it being lifted.

"I don't think we need to call an ambulance, but it might be a good idea to have a doctor check these cuts out. You can see the bleeding is slowing down, but I think I see some glass in some of them, and I'm not sure we'll be able to get all of it out on our own. She might need stitches too. Some of those look deep..." I hear water getting turned on at the faucet, then off, and a warm rag is suddenly being rubbed on the back of my hand and fingers carefully.

"Guys, I said I was fine! I don't need to go anywhere, and I most certainly don't need stitches!" I suck in a sharp breath when pain blossoms as the cloth catches on something, tugging at it, fire shooting through my hand and up my arm. "F***CCCKKKKKKKKK!"

"NaeYeong! Watch your mouth!!" I hear my father scold. "If your mother ever heard you..."

"Where is the closest medical facility, Mr. Cho? I don't think we'll be able to get the glass out ourselves, some of it is embedded fairly deep."

"There's one less than a mile away. I'll drive. Meet me out front in five minutes. I'll grab all your stuff and let her mother know what's happening...and to keep the girls out of here. Go out the front door on the garden level."

"Jimin-ssi, let me carry her so you can get in the car first. I'm sure she'll want to stay close to you on the way there, and it will be difficult to get in with her in your arms. Then I can keep pressure on her hand on the way there."

"Jae-sung hyung..."

"Now is not the time, Jimin-ssi. You can be pissed at me later. Besides, I think you know what Mr. Cho was talking about when he said garden level?"

"Yes, Nae gave me a tour earlier. Fine. But be very careful of her."

I blow an exasperated breath out. "Guys! I'm still here, and I can hear everything you're saying! If you're going to insist on me going, I can walk my goddamn self!"

I go to sit up, bumping my hand on the cabinet in front of me, and the pain has me screaming bloody murder.


My wrist is suddenly shackled in the firm grip again, immobilizing it as the soft cloth is wrapped around it tightly again.

"And how well did that go for you?"

"Shut up, Jae-sung oppa. You can be such a pain in my *ss sometimes, you know that?" I hiss at him as I feel his arms hook behind my back and under my knees, lifting me easily.

"Seems to me I've heard that before, but not sure if it was from you... I guess I'll have to try harder..."

"Seriously, just shut up," I growl, a foul mood settling over me as I feel myself getting gently jostled as we go up the stairs and out the front entrance.

There's some shuffling, and I hear the gate open then latch with a metal clank behind us, then the crunch of dry autumn leaves as we walk a little bit to an idling vehicle.

"Here," I hear my father say as a vehicle door opens, then the creak of the leather seat as someone slides across it. Then I feel myself being settled inside and slid over to warm arms again, my Jiminie's spicy scent filling my nostrils and I sigh again, the calmness washing over me. Even when I feel Jae-sung get in next to us and put pressure back on my hand, I feel nothing but calm in my love's embrace.

The thrum of the vehicle's engine and tires rolling over the pavement is enough to lull me into a semi-sleeping state. As my father suddenly stops, I jolt awake, trying to sit up. But Jimin's arms tighten around me.

"Stay still, Nae, we're at the medical center now."

"Son, go through those doors to the desk. The people there will ask why we're here. I'll go park the car and be there as soon as possible to help."

The door opens and closes right away, then I hear the door right next to us open, the wash of air flowing in with the smell of exhaust and antiseptic. Jimin hands me off to Jae-sung again, and we're going through two sets of automatic doors, the scent of illness and antiseptic almost gag worthy.

"Oh my god, I think I'm going to be sick..." I say suddenly as I feel my stomach cramp at the cloying scent.

"Try to hold on little sister, we'll get you to a toilet. Jimin-ssi," I hear him call behind us.

"What hyung?"

"Find a bathroom that's for a family or is gender neutral, NaeYeong thinks she's going to be sick."

"Not think, it's going to happen..." I barely say before feeling my stomach buck and roll, the bile wanting to crawl up my throat. "Hurry..."

I clap my good hand over my mouth and nose, hoping that will help dilute the smell a bit.

"Over there," I hear Jimin say, and then the breeze flows past me as I feel us moving faster. I groan, trying to hold it down, and just as I think it might be too late, I hear the door opening and I'm getting set on my bare feet on cold tile. I reach out my hand, trying to feel for the toilet as the door closes behind me.

"Here, love, bend down, it's right in front of you. I'll help you." I feel Jimin's hand take hold of mine as I squat, my hand connecting with the rim of the porcelain just as everything comes up in a rush. I grip the toilet as my stomach continues to try expelling anything left. I can feel Jimin brushing strands of my hair back from my sweaty face, the other one running down my back and arm as he squats behind me, cradling me as I continue to be sick until finally nothing comes out. Finally, I lean my head back on his shoulder, the strength I feel in him settling me.

"Yuck, I hate being sick like this. I'm never sick from the smell of things...never!"

"Baby, that's probably from the pregnancy... While you were taking a nap, Mother was telling me about things she went through when she was pregnant, so I know what to expect. Certain scents made her sick as well, while other stuff didn't. It's okay, we'll get through this together, love," he kisses my temple a few times.

"I need to wash my hand and rinse my mouth, maybe not in that order..." I say, lifting my head. I feel him get up, guiding me up before leading me over to the sink. I hear the toilet flush behind us. He washes my hand with soap with both of his, rinsing it well, then placing my cupped hand under the faucet, and when it feels like it's filled with water, I lean over, sucking it into my mouth, swishing for a few moments before spitting. I repeat this until I feel semi-normal. The water turns back on, then I feel a cool wet paper towel dabbing all over my face, finishing up around my mouth and lips gently.

I try to pry my eyes open, but they still feel stuck and swollen, and I sigh again. "Dammit."

"What's wrong, love?" I hear the gentleness in his voice as it sounds like he's throwing something in a covered garbage can.

"I'm just frustrated that my eyes are swollen shut again and I can't see anything yet." There's a pause, then I feel his hands on my upper arms, his breath near my eyes. Then he's kissing each of them carefully.

"What makes them swell so much?" he asks as he pulls back.

"It only happens when I cry too much or too hard. I think it has something to do with the pressure that happens when I do. Usually a cold rag will help with the swelling, but it could take a couple of hours."

"Maybe we can ask for one while you're getting your hand checked out..."

"Yeah, maybe." I hear a knock on the door before it opens.

"Are you good?"

"Yes, big brother. I'm better. Not great, but better. Thank you."

"Good. Your father is getting you checked in and registered. When you're ready, here's a mask for each of you. Jimin-ssi, take my hat. You need it more than I do."

"Thanks, hyung."

"Come out when you're ready. Can you walk now NaeYeong? Or should we get you a wheeled chair like before."

"F*ck you, Jae-sung." I flick him off with my middle finger in the direction I hear his voice. "I'll walk, thank you very much!"

"Well, that wasn't very lady-like, ma'am!" I hear the teasing tone as the door opens then closes again.

I wait a moment, listening to the rustling of clothing. Then I whisper into the small space, "Is he gone, Jimin?"

"Yes, love, he's standing outside the closed door. Why?"

"Because while I told him I'm capable of walking myself, I need help with where to go..." I feel my face heat up and hear his responding chuckle.

"Of course, love. Are you sure you don't want me to carry you? I much prefer to have you in my arms, close to my heart..." he says hopefully.

"Actually...that sounds heavenly. My hand is really starting to throb now...and being next to you seems to calm me..."

"Then it's settled. Let's get the mask on you first. It might help with the smells here." I feel the paper settle over my mouth and nose, his warm fingers slipping the thin elastic over my ears and adjusting it so it feels better. Then I hear him putting his own on.

The door opens and I feel his arms picking me up bridal style, carrying me carefully until we stop, then he seems to sit down and settles me onto his lap, where I lean into him, my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, love," I whisper. He kisses me on the forehead.

As we sit there, my hand starts to throb more and more, and I begin to whimper occasionally as the pain starts to take hold. I must have started dozing off between the rounds of pain when I hear a muffled ringing. I jolt upright.

"My phone. Does someone have my phone?" I ask.

"I do. It shows the number that was first in your recent calls list from today," I hear Jae-sung say as the ringing gets clearer, as if it was pulled out of a pocket or bag.

"I think that's Officer LaRoux's phone number. Can you please answer it?"

"Hello? Yes, this is her phone... I'm sorry, she can't come to the phone right now... Oh hello, Officer LaRoux... Yes, this is Mr. Lee. Yes, of course... but first..." I hear his voice getting softer and more distant.

"Did he leave? With my phone?" I ask incredulously.

Jimin chuckles. "Yes, love. He did."

I lay my head back on his shoulder, muttering under my breath. "That *sshole!" Jimin just chuckles again, shifting me slightly in his arms, tightening them a little more. Soon though I hear Jae-sung's voice getting closer.

"Yes, I'll let her know to give you a call back when we get this taken care of. Thank you for calling. Of course. Thank you. Good-bye."

"Well? What did she want?" I ask impatiently.

"She was calling to let you know that he has two broken ribs and a broken finger, as well as a ruptured testicle that will require surgery. Currently, he's under supervised custody at the other hospital, and once he's recovered and released per doctor's orders, he'll be moved to the jail. She says the case is really clear cut, especially with the photos you sent. The prosecutor's office will be filing charges against him."

"Good. I hope he gets the book thrown at him." I huff out.

"I also let her know about the phone calls you received from him and Leeza, the messages they left."

"Why did you tell her about that?"

"She asked why you were back at the hospital, and I explained what led to it."

"Oh. I guess."

"She would like to get a copy of the messages as well, for the investigation."

"Well, I suppose."

I settle my head back on Jimin's shoulder, who has been quiet this whole time, as has my father. I must have dozed off again, waking only when I'm being set down on a hard bed. I groan as the makeshift bandage is unwrapped, but I start to cry in earnest when my hand starts to throb unbearably once the pressure is relieved.

I reach for Jimin with my free hand, and I feel his fingers thread through mine as he settles his other one on my head, caressing with his thumb. In my hazy state, I hear my father and Jae-sung talking to someone in the room.

"Cho...NaeYeong...broken mirror...father...husband, Mr....yes, pregnant..." I lay there, half asleep while the conversation floats around me.

"...a poke and...pinch...tiny shards...stitch..." I feel my arm being lifted, and pressure is wrapped around my hand. "Yes, because pregn...minimal pain sign..."

Then I'm getting carried again, and I snuggle closer to the spicy warmth.


I open my eyes to soft darkness and voices murmuring quietly from the other room. I notice the drapes are open but the blinds are closed on the window, diffusing what little light could be coming in from the night time city.

"Jimin? Jae-sung oppa?" I call out, rubbing my good hand over my face. The door to the bedroom opens, low light spilling in across the bed, Jimin's silhouette blocking it briefly before he steps in and sits on the side of the bed.

"How are you feeling, love?" he asks as he presses the back of his hand to my forehead.

"Tired. Hungry. And my hand throbs. Thirsty. And I have to pee really bad." I look up at him, watching as the smile lifts the corner of his mouth up in the light, the other side in shadow. I lift my other hand up, seeing how it's bandaged up in white gauze, from fingertips to wrist. "What did they do, use a whole roll on me??"

I try to wiggle my fingers, but they don't budge, not even a millimeter. Which is probably a good thing as I imagine it would hurt.

"I don't remember much...what happened? And what time is it?" I try to focus on the clock across the room, but everything seems a bit blurry still. Jimin looks at his watch, then at me.

"It's around seven-thirty in the evening. You've been sleeping since the hospital. I think everything just caught up to you. You were in and out of it quite a bit while the doctor and nurses were cleaning the glass out of your cuts. You had to get five stitches in one finger, and a couple stitches in two knuckles as they were some of the deepest. You really don't remember the hospital?" I shake my head as I try to sit up without using my injured hand. Jimin helps by putting his hand behind me.

"I remember getting sick, then being in the waiting room in your arms..." I pause, thinking. "Did I get a phone call from Officer LaRoux? And didn't Jae-sung oppa answer it and walk away with my phone??"

Jimin nods with a chuckle. "Yeah, he did. You called him an *sshole."

"Really, little sister? You called me an *sshole?" Jae-sung says from the door where he's leaning on the frame, arms crossed over his chest and legs crossed at the ankles, his silhouette backlit by the soft light from the living room.

"I think so? Things are a bit hazy at the moment."

"When you feel up to it, you need to call the officer back. She'd like to talk to you again, get a little more information about the messages you received this afternoon," he says as he steps in and perches on the corner of the bed to look at me.

"I'll call in a little bit, after I use the bathroom. I don't think I can wait any longer. Do you mind?" I gesture with my head again toward the door.

"Sure. I'll heat up some of the leftovers from last night, if you'd like some," Jae-sung says as he moves to the doorway while Jimin goes to turn the light on in the bathroom.

"That sounds good. Thank you, big brother."

He nods his head as he closes the door behind him, the only real light in the bedroom coming from the bathroom now. Jimin walks back to me.

"Can you do it yourself, or would you like some help?"

"I'll try it myself first, but can you bring my pajamas please? I want to get out of this stuff. I may need help changing too, if you don't mind."

"Anything you need me to do, my love, just tell me."

As I walk into the bathroom, I see the bedroom light flick on behind me in the mirror, and I pause as I see my reflection. I look like hell. Continuing to the toilet, I struggle to get things out of the way with only one hand. Tears start to well in my eyes as frustration takes over.

"Jimin??" I call as a tear spills over and slowly makes its way down my face to hang off my chin. Wiping it on my shoulder, I see him poke his head around the edge of the door.

"Yes, love?"

"I need help getting this stuff off so I can, you know...I can't do it with just one hand." I look up at the ceiling, trying to stop the rest of the tears from following the first. As I blink rapidly, he moves into my peripheral vision. I look over at him. He leans over and pulls my skirt down, letting it pool around my feet. I step out of it and he picks it up, tossing it out the door. Then he's unbuttoning my cardigan and then my shirt, peeling each off slowly over my bandaged hand. Once those are gone, he pauses.

"Do you want your bra off now or after you're done?"

"Now is fine. If I could, I'd take a quick shower too, but I don't think I can do that."

"No, the doctor said not to get the bandage wet. You can shower tomorrow, but we'll have to wrap it so it's waterproof. Since you can't take much for meds because of the pregnancy, they didn't want to prescribe antibiotics if they didn't have to. You're supposed to see your primary to get the stitches out in ten days. But since we'll be home by then, we'll find you a new doctor there to take care of it. In the meantime, we'll keep a close eye on how it's doing."

As he speaks, he unhooks my bra and pulls it off, then squats down to help take my thong off, leaning in and kissing my abdomen and hip in the process.

"You smell heavenly..." he says huskily, before gathering the rest of my discarded clothes and stepping out. When I'm finished, I try to wash my hands, and he walks back in when he hears the water turn on.

"Where do you keep clean wash cloths?"

I point over to the small cabinet behind the door.

"That's where I keep all the extra bathroom stuff. I also keep the clean sheets for the bed in here. Not that it will matter in a week..."

He grabs a clean washcloth, running warm water over it, wringing out the excess. Turning to me, he starts to wipe my body down, and I begin to feel a little more human as the sweat and blood gets removed. Going back to the sink again, he rinses it out and repeats the process.

"Spread, love."

I do as instructed, leaning against the edge of the sink as he kneels in front of me, using the warm, wet cloth on my body, cleaning me. I close my eyes at the feel of his slow ministrations of the cloth. He blows on me, his breath cooling the heat of my body. He presses a kiss softly to the little strip of hair and I moan at his touch. Moving slightly higher, he presses his lips to my abdomen.

"Appa loves you, our little flower. Be nice to your eomma, my little one. We need to take good care of her so she can take good care of you until you're ready to meet us in this world." He whispers against my belly, placing another kiss there. I look down at him, my good hand sliding into his hair, loving the silky soft feel of the strands. He slowly stands up, kissing up my body, until he reaches my mouth. "I want nothing more than to make love to you right now. You smell so good, I just want to eat you right here, right now, but you need food, and so do I. So, for now, hold on to that thought, because when we come to bed for the night, expect to be my dessert."

I wrap my arms around his neck and a leg around his hip, pulling him into me as I initiate the deep kiss. When I lean back, I smile sexily and say, "I'll be waiting. But if you don't want this to go any further, you need to help me get dressed."

As he steps back, I let go. I see his gaze rake down my n*ked body slowly, stopping at my open legs, licking then biting his lip as he needs to adjust himself.

"Are you sure you don't want just a little taste?" I say, my fingers moving to spread my lips a little more, opening myself up more to his view. He drops his head back, groaning in response, before looking me straight in the eye. Without a word he closes the bathroom door and turns back to me, his hands on the snap of his jeans, popping it open and pulling the zipper down. He pulls his shirt off over his head, dropping it on the floor at my feet, then pushing down his pants, kicking them off. He wraps a hand around his er*ction, pumping up and down a few times before he kneels down between my legs, using his shirt to cushion his knees.

"Maybe just a quick snack first..." he breathes across my opening, his tongue flicking out to taste. Then his mouth is on me, his tongue slipping in as he sucks greedily. My hand slides back into his hair as he lifts one of my legs to rest over his shoulder. I feel him still pumping on his sh*ft as he uses the thumb from his free hand to rub on my cl*t. I pull his head closer as he snacks on me, and I feel myself getting close.

"I'm going to c*m, my love, I can't wait, oh my god," I whisper to him, trying to be as quiet as possible as his mouth sucks harder, his tongue plunging faster as I let go, my body spasming against him. He stands up, slipping easily into me.

"C*m for me again, my love. I need to feel you surrounding me, gripping me tightly as I c*m in you," he says against my lips before his tongue invades my mouth and I can taste myself on him. It only takes a few strokes of his hot, hard c*ck inside me to cause the second org*sm, his own release happening shortly after. He kisses me a few more times, whispering, "That's just a snack, Baby. I'm looking forward to a nice, hot dessert later. That just whet my appetite, it didn't satisfy fully..."

"Good, because I want more of you," I say as my stomach rumbles.

"Hungry tummy monster," we say at the same time, laughing.

He slips out as he leans over and gets the washcloth warm with water again, cleaning us both. This time he helps me to get my thong on, his hands sliding over the globes of my *ss as he seats the string.

"How is that comfortable? Doesn't it rub? Doesn't it feel like a wedgie?" He queries as he looks, his fingers sliding along the string.

"It took a little bit of getting used to when I first started wearing them. But finding the right material helped. Now I know what I like, and those are the only styles I really wear."

"Well, they are sexy as hell on you, Baby. But I like them better when they're off..." he grins his sexy smile, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"I like it when you have nothing on as well, love. If we could, I'd love to just lounge with you n*ked. I love how your body moves, and damn if you don't get me wet, hot and bothered, when you have nothing on..." I suck his bottom lip into my mouth, nipping it with my teeth. Letting go, I say, "I'm glad I'm yours, Jimin. And I'm glad you're mine."

"So am I, NaeYeong. You make me the happiest man in the world! Now come on, let's finish getting dressed so we can eat." He winks at me, the double entendre not lost on me.

He helps me into my silky pajama bottoms and cropped tank before opening the bathroom door again. Walking into the bedroom, he grabs his own pajama bottoms, slipping them on and tying them low on his hips. Lifting his suitcase up, he grabs a t-shirt and sweatshirt, sliding them both on. Turning back to me, he sees how my n*pples have hardened, an eyebrow lifting. Reaching out, he runs his thumb across the fabric covered nub, eliciting a moan from me.

He grabs another sweatshirt from his suitcase, helping me into it, careful not to bump my hand as much as possible. He picks up our discarded clothes, dropping them in the hamper as I go to my closet to grab my slippers. Sliding my feet in them, I close the doors. I see his eyebrows rise up almost to his hairline as he stares at my feet.

"Ummm, love?"


"You're wearing Chimmy on your feet..." His gaze comes up to mine. I look down at my slippers, then back up at him with my brows lifted.

"Ummm, yes? He's my favorite BT21 character... He's so adorable, just like his appa! Just so you know, you may find him hiding around my apartment as we start going through things... I have a few of the other characters too, but those are more for the kids... Everything Chimmy is mine."

He wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up.

"You're the adorable one, Nae."

He sets me down, grabbing my good hand, leading me out to the couch. Setting me in a corner of it, with of a shake of his head he pulls my slippers off so I can tuck my feet under me, then he pulls the blanket off the back of the couch, the one I used to cover the girls the night before, tucking it around me. Dropping a kiss on the top of my head, he goes over to the kitchen, taking direction from Jae-sung to get the food ready and plated.

I rest my head on the back of the couch as I watch them work together in the small space, finding everything they need with efficiency. It's like they've been here for years. My lids start to droop as I see Jimin heading my direction with a plate and chopsticks, and I sit up a little straighter, smothering a huge yawn behind my bandaged hand.

Without thinking, I reach out to take the plate and chopsticks with my bandaged hand, Flustered, I awkwardly take it with my left hand instead, trying to balance it on my legs and using the chopsticks, which I fail miserably with. I set everything on the couch next to me, frustration evident as I sigh and rest my head back on the couch again.

"Aren't you hungry, little sister?" I hear Jae-sung ask from the kitchen.

I lift my head up to look at both men who are watching me. Jimin has a frown on his as he plates his own food, then heads my direction. I shake my head.

"I'm starving, but I can't eat..."

"Why not?"

I lift my bandaged hand up. "I'm right-handed, and now I know I can't use chopsticks with my left hand... I keep dropping everything!" I whine.

Jimin picks up my plate and sits down facing me, balancing it on his lap.

"Why didn't you say anything, love?"

"I kept trying, but I got so frustrated that it was easier to just set it down and pout." I say, sticking my bottom lip out to which he chuckles.

"Here, love, eat," he says as he holds food out to me. He feeds me and himself, taking turns with bites until I'm full and can't possibly eat anything else.

"Thank you. But we're going to have to figure out something else because you can't keep feeding me for the next however many days I have to keep this thing on."

"Hyung, didn't the doctor say the bandage can come off after 24 hours?" Jimin calls as he takes the plates back to the kitchen, washing and putting them away. "Would you like some tea, love?"

"That sounds lovely, but I can make it. You don't have to." I start to push the blanket off my legs with the intention of getting up to make my tea.

"No, let me take care of you right now. Just rest. You've had one hell of a day. And if you're up for it, we should call my parents so they don't worry too much. Mother already texted me while you were sleeping, to see how you were doing," he says as he fills the electric kettle with water and plugs it in, pulling down my favorite mug and getting it ready.

"Really? Do they know about what happened this afternoon? I can at least go get my tablet or laptop if you'd like...unless we have to use your phone?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"No, I didn't mention it. Yet. But we should. They'll find out sooner or later, and it's better to tell them now. And no, we don't have to use my phone. I can log into a web app, so if you want to use either a tablet or laptop, that would be good. But I can grab either if you want to let me know where they are."

"No, love, you're doing enough. I can get it. I feel like I need to move anyway." I set the blanket to the side, pushing my feet back in my slippers.

"Ugh, will you two always be this sappy??" We hear Jae-sung grouse from the guest bathroom, having gone to brush his teeth after eating. We grin at each other, nodding our heads. He walks back to the kitchen, cleaning his dirty dishes. "And to answer your question Jimin-ssi, the bandages can come off after 24 hours. We need to check everything then, make sure there's no infection setting in."

"Thank goodness. I'm not sure if I could spend a few days with this on. I want to move my fingers so badly! I can't stand how they're positioned straight! That almost hurts more than the cuts and stitches!!" I complain as I stand up and walk to the bookcase where I stowed my tablet. Tapping the screen, I realize I forgot to plug it in and it's dead.

"Jin hyung complained about the same thing with his injury. He had to keep it immobilized a lot longer though," Jimin comments, gesturing at my hand. I look up.

"I don't know how he did it for so long. It's only been a few hours and it's driving me crazy!" Setting it on the counter, I look at Jae-sung. "Big brother, I need to go in your room to grab my laptop. Just so you know." I see him nod in acknowledgment as he puts the leftovers back in the fridge so I head in that direction.

Walking through the door of the second bedroom, I see how neat he's kept the room, his suitcase sitting on the chair still closed and the bed made. The only thing that seems out of place is the suit hanging from the top of the closet door. I move swiftly to the desk, gathering up my laptop and cord. I pass Jae-sung in the short hallway as I walk back to the kitchen island where I set up the laptop, plugging it in. Turning it on, I go searching for the tablet cord, which takes a bit of time.

I hear the tea kettle whistle from the kitchen as I find the cord still tucked in a corner of the travel bag stowed in the bedroom closet. Getting it plugged in, I settle on one of the stools at the island, content just watching Jimin move around, enjoying the view as he bends over or reaches for something, showing quick glimpses of skin. He catches me watching a few times, his smirk and the slight tenting of his pajama bottoms clear evidence of his enjoyment with being watched.

He grabs a beer from the fridge, opening it and taking a quick drink. Grabbing my cup of tea, he sets both down next to me, heading into the bedroom. Coming back out, I see he has his phone in his hand. Stopping at the couch, he grabs the blanket and settles it on my lap before grabbing his beer and sitting down on the stool next to me. I see him text something. He takes another drink from the bottle.

"Does it bother you that I decided to drink?" he puts the bottle back down slowly as he sees me watching him again. I shake my head, a smile tugging gently at my lips.

"Nope, not at all. Other people drinking isn't a trigger. Just when I don't have control over what's being poured for me. And now that I'm pregnant, that shouldn't be an issue because I don't plan to drink." This time the smile curves up as I shrug a shoulder. "Although, I think I'm going to miss the taste."

He leans over then, capturing my mouth with his, his tongue easily slipping in to caress mine.

"Mmm, that's one way to do it," I say as he pulls back. His phone dings. After checking it and typing something else, he sets it back down.

"They should be ready in about ten minutes."

I log on, turning the computer in his direction. "Do your thing, love."

I sit back as he gets the video call ready. Staring out the window at the lights on the skyline, I jump when the computer starts to ring. My attention focuses on the screen as the faces of Mi-Jeong and Hyun-soo come into view. I smile when I see them, a rush of warmth filling my chest. Even though it's only been a couple days, it seems like a lot longer. We talk about the flight and Ha-eun being sick. Then it turns to the altercation this morning, and they toss a lot of questions at me. I answer them without emotion, which I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do. I get a contemplative look on my face, and Mi-Jeong notices.

"Daughter, you have a look on your face. I'm curious, what are you thinking about?" she asks.

"It's strange. Before now, whenever I thought about that man and what he did, I would sometimes feel panic. But I just realized that ever since this afternoon, when he crosses my mind or I speak about him, I just feel numb and I don't get the visceral reaction like I used to. I just find it odd, and a little unsettling... And confusing, I guess." I raise my hand without thinking to brush hair out of my face.

"What happened to your hand?" I hear Mi-Jeong gasp.

Jimin and I look at each other. Looking back at the screen, I don't know how to explain it.

"Um, I had a mishap with a mirror in the dance studio bathroom at my parents' house?" I answer feebly, hoping it will be enough of an explanation to not elicit any follow up questions. But my hopes get dashed when I see the look on Mi-Jeong's face, the exact same one that my own mother gets when she knows I'm not telling the whole truth. I sigh. Maybe it's an eomma thing.

"Do you remember Leeza?"

"The one I met when we went to get your belongings? The one that slapped Mr. Lee?" Mi-Jeong's eyebrow lifts up in question.

"Yep, that's the one."

"What about her?"

"Well, apparently she's been in a relationship with Jeffrey. I don't know when it started, but it sounds like he told her a completely different story about what happened the night he, you know, and she believes him. They both called and left messages this afternoon. His was very short, but hers was a very lengthy, very angry message."

"Okay...and where does the mirror come in?"

I drop my eyes in embarrassment, trying to think of how to word it. I lift my eyes to the ceiling, stemming the tears that suddenly well up. I feel comfort when Jimin slides his hand under my shirt, rubbing small circles on my bare back, his warm touch helping.

"She was in shock. We all watched as she dropped her phone and left the room without a word, going downstairs. Mr. Lee and I listened to the messages again. The one from Leeza was horrible. And at the end, it sounded very threatening. I went down to see how Nae was doing, but I found her on the floor of the bathroom, the mirror shattered and her hand bleeding." I turn my eyes to him, searching.

"I was in first. All I could see was the weak woman I had been when everything happened that night. A weak, pathetic woman. Then all I felt was rage consume me, because I didn't want to be that woman anymore. I know I'm not that woman anymore. I think I hit the mirror a couple times, trying to get rid of what I saw." I turn to look at Mi-Jeong on the screen. "Jeffrey took a lot from me that night. Part of me that I'll never be able to get back. But I feel the pieces starting to be replaced, fitting me back together in a better way than it was before it happened. I'm becoming a person I can be proud of...a person I am proud of already."

I turn my head to Jimin again. "You're helping me become whole again. Thank you for finding the broken and missing pieces and putting them back together..."

He leans his head against mine, and we sit there for a moment.

When I look back at the screen, I see the tears in both sets of eyes. "Anyway...Jimin, Jae-sung oppa, and my father took me to the medical center near my parents' townhouse to get the cuts cleaned and stitched up, but I was really out of it."

"She can take the bandage off tomorrow afternoon sometime, but we have to watch for infection. The stitches come out in 10 days. She slept most of the afternoon, which is probably a good thing since she won't be able to take much for meds. She's been through so much today...and she's carrying precious cargo now, so she needs to take it easy," Jimin says, love in his eyes as he looks at me.

"Hey! I'm not going to break!" I say, a frown on my face as everyone starts to laugh. "What??"

"Daughter, we know you aren't going to break, but you're still in the early stages of pregnancy...we just want to make sure everyone stays healthy, that's all," Mi-Jeong says gently, the smile still curving her mouth.

"Oh... Sorry about that." The blush crawls up my face, and I hide it behind the big white bandage, eliciting more chuckles.

"So, what is that view behind you?" Hyun-soo changes the subject. Jimin and I both turn at the same time to look.

"Between the big buildings is the skyline of Manhattan," I say. "I live up on the 23rd floor of my building in Long Island City, a small area right next to the East River and tucked between Queens and Brooklyn. My parents live in Brooklyn, about a half an hour south of here. This is a view I know I'm going to miss. Hold on, let me show you..." I unplug my computer and lift it, trying to balance it on my bandaged hand as I walk to the short hallway going to the front door. Angling it so they can see the living room and small kitchen, I show them the view. "As you can see, these two walls are floor to ceiling windows, giving almost a full one-hundred eighty degree view when you stand in that corner where they meet." I walk slowly backwards toward the windows at the far end of the room. "I live in a corner unit, and it was the view that sold it for me. I prefer to sit here and watch the light fade and the skyline come to life at night instead of watching television or something. In fact, I don't even have a tv in my apartment."

I shrug as I move back and set the computer down. I look at Jimin. "But I'm looking forward to moving to Seoul and starting my life there. There's a lot of bad memories that I don't want to keep running into here, no matter how huge this city is. I never thought I would run into Jeffrey as my office is over in Manhattan. And I never told him where I lived. But Leeza does..." I stop as the thought hits me. " maybe he does know since they're in a relationship... Oh god. That didn't occur to me."

My eyes are wide when I look at Jimin. "I think you should probably call Officer LaRoux as soon as we get off here. She needs to know that."

I nod, feeling mild panic that causes my heart to skip a few beats.

"Then we should let you go," Mi-Jeong says, looking first at Hyun-soo, then back at us. "Let us know how things go this week, and if anything happens, please call us."

"Of course! I'm pretty sure the next few days will be spent right here, going through my things and packing. It will be a nice, boring change of pace for once."

"And we'll let you know when we get to the airport, then when we arrive home," Jimin adds.

We sign off with "love you" and I close my laptop.

"Well, that went better than I thought it might... I knew there were going to be difficult questions asked, but it was easier to talk about than I expected."

Standing up, Jimin drinks the rest of the bottle before tossing it in the recycling.

"Would you like some more tea, love? I can make you some more while I'm up..." he looks at me, hand on the fridge handle.

"No thank you, but I will take a water if you don't mind grabbing one?" He nods and opens the door, rummaging through to see what else there is. He sets another bottle of beer, a water, and the last of the dessert that I had the night before on the counter, continuing on into the bedroom.

I turn around on the stool, looking out the window toward Manhattan. Sliding off it, I walk over to the corner of the living room to stare out at the best view of the skyline, not paying attention to anything specific as thoughts just float through my head. I hear someone walking into the room, and I see Jae-sung's reflection in the window. I watch as he walks up, stopping about a foot from me, looking out at the skyline. We don't speak or look at each other.

But I can feel that he wants to say something.

"Please just say what you want to say to me, big brother."

"I...I wasn't trying to listen in on your conversation with Jimin's parents, but I caught the last part about Leeza knowing where you live, and perhaps that's why Jeffrey was in the area," he starts carefully, as if feeling out his words. "After listening to her message this afternoon, I'm wondering... How credible do you think her threat may be?"

I think about it for a few minutes before answering.

"Honestly? I really don't know. For as long as I've known her, she's been all talk and no action. But the way she talked about him... God, I didn't even know she was in a relationship with anyone, especially not him! I guess I truly didn't know her..." Sadness permeates my being thinking about all the things we've been through together, but now it doesn't seem like it was real on her part.

"You should call Officer LaRoux about it."

"Jimin said the same thing. And I'm going to, but I have to find my phone first."

Jimin's arms slide around my body, tucking under my br*asts and pulling me back into his body. I lean my head back on his shoulder, sighing deeply at the warmth and comfort coming from his touch. Jae-sung holds my phone out in front of me.

"Here. I've been hanging onto it since we left your parent's house."

"Oh. Thanks." I take it, struggling while trying to enter my PIN one handed. I'm grateful when Jimin takes it from me to hold while I pull up the call log. "Is this the number I need to call? The card she gave me is in my wallet, wherever my bag ended up." I point to the top number. Pulling out his wallet, Jae-sung finds the card she gave to him.

"Looks like it's her work cell number, so I think she'll have it with her at all times," he says.

I nod as I click on it to call, putting it on speaker. Taking the phone from Jimin, I settle my head back on his shoulder again, staring out at Manhattan, listening to the ringing coming through the speaker.

"Hello, this is Officer LaRoux."

"Good evening, Officer LaRoux. This is Cho NaeYeong calling you back. I hope it's not too late or that I'm disturbing you..."

"No, no, I'm actually still at the precinct finishing up some reports. Thank you for calling me back, Ms. Cho. How are you doing?" I hear some shuffling of paper, then clicking of computer keys, and an indistinct conversation between what sounds like two men and a woman in the background.

"I'm good considering visiting two hospitals in one day," I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, Mr. Lee mentioned you were back in the ER this afternoon. Is everything all right?" I hear the concern in her voice as she asks.

"Yes, I believe so. A mirror and I didn't agree and we both lost that fight. Anyway, I received your messages..."

"Of course. I was calling to give you an update on the investigation. It would be easier to do it in person. Would you be available to meet?"

"I'm available anytime between now and Friday morning. I'll be packing and moving things out, so..."

"Would it be too late to stop by tonight to talk? I can come to you so you don't have to come down to the station, if you'd prefer?"

I look at the men mouthing the word tonight, and they both nod. "Tonight would work. My building has controlled access, so I'll wait for you in the lobby. I need to speak with security anyway."

"I'll head right over and should be there in about ten minutes."

"See you soon, Officer LaRoux." I turn off my phone when the call ends. I rest my arms over Jimin's, squeezing a little. "I suppose I should head down there. I want to put Leeza on the security office's list of people not to allow in..."

Jimin snuggles his face in the crook of my neck, placing feather-light kisses there and breathing in deep.

"I'll go with you, little sister," Jae-sung turns around, heading to his room.

"You don't need to do that, Jae-sung oppa!" I call after him, but he doesn't answer. I sigh.

"Do you want me to come with, love?" Jimin asks against my skin, raising goosebumps with his breath.

"I wouldn't mind, but I think you have something to take care of that seems to be a more pressing matter than going with me..." I rub my body against the growing hard-on nestled between us. He groans then bites me on the neck, sucking lightly before letting go. I turn to look at him as he backs away, a sexy grin turning the corners of his mouth up as his hand drops to wrap around it briefly, drawing my gaze. I lick my lips feeling my body respond and I need to close my eyes. I hear his chuckle heading into the bedroom, the door closing on it.

"F*ck me... Damn..." I breathe out, opening my eyes again. I see Jae-sung standing just outside his door, rolling his eyes.

"Whenever you're ready, little sister..." he says, shaking his head.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

I'm heading toward him, grabbing my keys on the way by the kitchen, when I hear him say under his breath, "God, I hope not!"

"Oppa!" I scold, my face getting hot when I hear him.

"What?" he looks at me innocently as I swat him on the arm.

"I heard that!" I say, my mouth hanging open. He pushes my mouth closed with his fingertips, the sparkle evident in his eyes as he teases me.

"Heard what?" He winks, his grin contagious.

"Oh my god. I just can't with you two around!" I ditch my slippers and slip on my flats then open the door. Making sure the door latches, we head to the elevator, tucking my phone and keys in the pocket of my sweatshirt while we wait for it to arrive. 

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