The Fox In A Snake Pit! Story...

By SesshyUchiha

86 2 0

Lucius x oc *eventual pairing* *Might eventually pair Draco with Luna or someone else* Story theme/thought: W... More

muggles and muggle-borns
Inspired Anger
Green Vs. Black
Her Dreams
Her Dreams ~pt. two~
Snape v.s. Lockhart!
Talking to Snakes!
Turning to Stone!
Christmas Day! Part-1
Christmas Day! Part-2
Christmas Day! Part-3

Borgin and Burke's

21 2 0
By SesshyUchiha

Basic Information

Full name:

Jade Green*Black*

Gender: Female

Date of birth:

September 10, 1978

*she was 13 by the end of the last book... she'll be 14 in this one*

Nationality: British-American

Blood status:



Thunderbird Feather *Core* Red Oak *Wood*


Hair color: Jet Black (with white tips after she meets Bellatrix)


Curly but ends just above her hips

Eye color: Light blue

Skin tone: pale

​​​​​​​Personality Traits:

At first glance, she looks intimidating. Has a voice like a sweet-sounding voice. She believes in ghosts only after getting to Hogwarts. Prone to absentmindedly taking things apart when agitated or angry. "Indeed" is often uttered by her in annoyance. Jade's interests include Sweet Tea, documentaries about magical animals, music, foxes, snakes, and learning every spell or curse there is to learn.

Hobbies: Drawing, card games *mostly war*, and singing

Fears: Tight spaces

Ambition: Finding out who she is and making new friends


Father: Tom Riddle (Voldemort)

Mother: Bellatrix Lestrange (Black)

Aunts: Narcissa Black, Andromeda Tonks (Black)

Cousins: Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks

Pet: Kit *Silver fox*, Zeke *Black Python*

Other noteworthy relatives: Mr & Mrs. Green*Adopted parents*

Individual magic

Boggart: Elevators *Doesn't like tight spaces*

Patronus: Water Dragon *doesn't have one right away*

Amortentia: Forest, a new book,

~~~~~August, 1st of 1991~~~~~ 

Jade's summer with the Malfoys had been an incredible experience. For most of it, they traveled to France, where they taught her a foreign language and introduced her to new spells that she would never be allowed to learn at school. This gave Jade a sense of freedom and liberation, as she was no longer confined to one place with her Muggle 'parents.'

Being with the Malfoys allowed Jade to explore new cultures and broaden her horizons. They exposed her to the beauty and richness of the magical world outside Hogwarts. Jade enjoyed the opportunity to learn new spells and languages, which further deepened her understanding of magic.

The Malfoys were also incredibly generous and accommodating. They treated Jade like a member of their family, showering her with attention and affection. Jade felt valued and cherished in the Malfoy household, which made her summer unforgettable.

Jade was just happy to finally be able to move about freely, unlike her muggle 'parents' who had always hovered over everything she did. Growing up, she had barely had the opportunity to make any friends, especially with Mrs. Green, who had been overly controlling and intrusive. However, things changed when she met Draco.

A few months into summer, Draco Malfoy informed Jade about the situation involving his father attempting to prevent Harry Potter from returning to Hogwarts. Initially, she was appalled, but as she considered the situation and the possibility of encountering Quirrel and Voldemort again, she began to question whether it would be better for Harry to avoid such a scenario. As a result, she decided to keep her thoughts to herself and did not share her concerns with Draco.

Now, with less than a month until the start of their second year at Hogwarts, Jade and Draco had received their requirement letters.

The list read;


The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk

Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart

Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart

43 Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Voyages with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart

Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart

A year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart' 

After reading the list, she heard Draco groan in annoyance. She turned to look at him with an arched brow, curious about the reason for his discontent. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"This list... the books are utterly useless and a waste of time and money if you ask me," Draco said with a grumpy look on his face. 

Glancing back at the list of books, Jade couldn't help but notice a distinct pattern. The name Gilderoy Lockheart appeared multiple times, and she couldn't help but question the reasoning behind it.

"Who is Gilderoy Lockheart, anyway?" she asked, her voice barely audible as she pored over the paper. "Also, why are we required to have and read his books? Seems utterly pointless..." she let out a sigh before she saw Lucius walk into the room.

"Are you serious?" Draco's expression conveyed disbelief as he asked the question. However, Jade maintained a straight face, not giving anything away.

"He is a wizard who has captured the hearts and minds of many witches. Stories of his encounters with fantastical creatures abound, but there's a certain skepticism as to whether or not he actually experienced them firsthand," Lucius stated, taking the list from Draco's hands and scanning its contents.

"Why don't you two make a trip to Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Ally tomorrow, hm?" Lucius asked the two of them. Jade shrugged while Draco just nodded. 

"Why not? I don't have anything else to do that I know of." Jade said sarcastically but humorously as she chuckled. Draco just stared at her almost bug-eyed. "What? Am I not allowed to make a joke?" she asked a hint of playfulness in her tone. 

"It's... it's not what you think..." Draco began, but he was cut off. 

"It's because strangely enough, I typically don't react well to others' sarcasm," Lucius said, his voice sounding almost serious. "You'd do well to keep it to a minimum when it's directed at me."

Jade just stood blinking at him for a moment, stunned. 'Really?' She thought to herself. "How can this be possible? Sarcasm is how I deal with stupid people... Uh, not saying you're stupid... I just-"

Lucius's laugh at her reaction caused her to stop rambling. "I wasn't serious," he said as his laugh began to simmer into a chuckle. "Draco's just not used to people not being afraid of sarcasm when it's directed at me."

Jade, still feeling slightly thrown off guard, let out a small sigh of relief. She realized that Lucius's comment was not meant to offend her, but rather to explain why Draco had reacted the way he had. Understanding dawned on her, and she couldn't help but smile at the situation.

With a sly grin, Lucius turned his attention back to Jade. 'If she continues to associate with Draco, perhaps I could find some enjoyment in her company,' he mused. As he watched her, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. 'This could be the start of something truly exciting,' he thought.

~Time skip~ 

The next morning, after enjoying a hearty breakfast, Jade and Draco ventured into Lucius's study. As they stood in front of the fireplace, they were greeted by a swirling dance of flames. Intrigued but a bit hesitant, Jade watched as Draco uttered a few incantations and gestured towards the fire. To her surprise, the fire erupted into a swirling portal, emitting a warm and otherworldly glow.

Without hesitation, Draco stepped through the portal, beckoning Jade to follow him. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the unusual mode of transportation, but ultimately followed his lead. As they stepped into the flames, they were enveloped in a whirlwind of heat and smoke. In a matter of moments, they found themselves standing on a cobblestone street in Diagon Alley.

The only issue Jade had was the powder that clung to her clothes. Fortunately, she had mastered the Siphoning Spell the previous year and was ready to use it to remove the powder.

Draco stopped her, his voice barely above a whisper. "You can't do magic," he said, "till we are back at Hogwarts." He glanced around as if checking for eavesdroppers. "It's stupid, I know, but we'll be in trouble if anyone finds out... even for such a small spell."

Draco, upon grabbing a duster from the mantle of the fireplace, dusted himself off before handing it to her. Jade, accepting the dusty cloth, proceeded to dust herself off as well, mirroring his actions.

However, Lucius soon came out of the fireplace and stopped Jade and Draco mere moments before they entered and told them to follow him to Borgin and Burke since he needed to get rid of a few dark items. 

Jade followed the elder Malfoy eagerly at the mention of dark magic. Ever since she had stayed for the summer, she had become increasingly interested in it, almost feeling that it was something she should already know. It was as if she was born into it.

When they finally arrived at Borgin and Burke's, Draco eagerly stepped inside, believing that his father was about to buy him a present. However, Lucius quickly intervened, issuing a stern warning to them. "Do not touch anything in the store."

Jade would have questioned why, but as she stepped inside the store, she was immediately captivated by the darkness that enveloped every object within. The air was thick with unsettling energy, making it difficult to breathe. She felt compelled to examine the items more closely, but every instinct and Lucius' words warned her against touching anything.

As she observed the objects, she noticed that each appeared to be a dark artifact, emitting an aura of malevolence. The sight was both fascinating and disturbing. 

Jade thought she had heard a door of some sort slam shut, but she decided to dismiss it as a mere gust of wind. As she watched Lucius's face, she noticed a distinct change in his expression from contentedness to an emotionless and cold-hearted demeanor. Jade couldn't help but wonder why this transformation had occurred, but she refrained from asking, considering it was none of her business in her mind.

Lucius crossed the shop, his eyes scanning the items on display as he made his way towards the counter. His demeanor was languid as if he had little interest in the merchandise. As he reached the counter, he rang a bell to alert the attendant to his presence and then turned to address his son. "Touch nothing, Draco." 

As Draco's hand reached out for the glass eye, he couldn't help but voice his discontent, "I thought you were going to get me a gift." 

"I promised to purchase for you a top-of-the-line racing broom," Lucius drawled, his fingers tapping impatiently on the polished counter.

"What's the good of that if I'm not on the House team?" said Draco, looking sulky and bad-tempered. "Harry Potter got a Nimbus Two Thousand last year. Special permission from Dumbledore so he could play for Gryffindor. He's not even that good, it's just because he's famous... famous for having a stupid scar on his forehead..." He bent down to examine a shelf full of skulls.

Draco's statement reflects his frustration and jealousy towards Harry Potter's success. Despite his best efforts and talent, Draco finds himself excluded from the opportunity to play for the House team. In contrast, Harry, whom Draco perceives as less skilled, is granted special permission from Dumbledore to use a Nimbus Two Thousand, an expensive broomstick. This discrepancy leaves Draco feeling undervalued and resentful.

"He's not that bad, I mean the first time he'd played for the Gryffindor's he'd caught that snitch with his mouth." Jade mumbled under her breath, 'While also trying not to be murdered.' 

Lucius, who was standing nearby, must have heard her comment, as his left eyebrow rose slightly, but he didn't say anything to her.

"...everyone thinks he's so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick..."  

"You have told me this at least a dozen times already," Lucius said, with a quelling look at his son. "And I would remind you that it is not... smart to appear less than fond of Harry Potter, not when most of our kind regard him as the hero who made the Dark Lord disappear. Ah, Mr Borgin." 

Jade was puzzled by Lucius's comment, wondering if he meant Voldemort since that was who she had been told attacked Harry as a baby. Then a mean-looking man appeared behind the counter, smoothing his greasy hair back on his face. 

"Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again," said Mr. Borgin in a voice as oily as his hair. "Delighted... and young Master Malfoy, too... charmed. Oh, and Bell-no, who are you, girl?" The man asked, but Jade couldn't help but be disgusted by his appearance. 

To the point where she thought that if she spoke, she might vomit. Therefore, she decided to ignore him altogether. 

"Ah, how may I be of assistance, Mr. Malfoy? I must show you, just in today, and very reasonably priced-"

A sly smile played on Lucius' lips. "I'm not buying today, Mr. Borgin, but selling," he said. Mr. Borgin's smile faded slightly as he processed the unexpected request.

"Selling?" The smile faded further.

"Surely you've caught wind of the Ministry's increased raid operations," Lucius remarked, his voice laced with a hint of concern. He retrieved a tightly wound scroll from the depths of his inner pocket and carefully unfurled it before Mr. Borgin's curious gaze. "I possess a handful of... ahem... possessions at my home that could potentially embarrass me if the Ministry were to pay an unexpected visit..." Mr. Borgin adjusted his pince-nez glasses and peered down at the meticulously written inventory.

"The Ministry wouldn't presume to trouble you, sir, surely?" 

Lucius's lip curled into a sneer, his voice dripping with disdain. "No one has had the gall to pay me a visit yet. The Malfoy name still commands respect, but the Ministry's interference grows more intrusive by the day. Rumors are swirling about a new Muggle Protection Act... undoubtedly concocted by that Muggle-loving fool Arthur Weasley. And as you can see, I have at my disposal a few poisons that could easily give the appearance of..."

Jade was completely lost as to what they were discussing, so she decided to look around the shop and take in their surroundings. As she did so, she noticed a rather peculiar sight: a hand sitting on a cushion, as if it were on display. Intrigued, she followed the direction of the hand's gaze and noticed Draco looking intently at it.

Without a second thought, Draco asked, "Can I have that?", pointing toward the withered hand on its cushion.

"Ah, the Hand of Glory!" exclaimed Mr. Borgin, abandoning Lucius's list and scurrying over to Draco. "Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder! Best friend of thieves and plunderers! Your son has fine taste, sir."

Lucius's face remained impassive as he listened to Mr. Borgin's enthusiastic description of the Hand of Glory. However, there was a hint of disapproval in his voice as he replied, "I hope my son will amount to more than a thief or a plunderer, Borgin."

Mr. Borgin was quick to respond, sensing the tension between himself and Lucius. "No offense, sir, no offense meant," he said hurriedly.

"Though if his grades don't pick up, that may indeed be all he is fit for," said Lucius, coldly.

Draco, who had been listening intently, bristled at this comment. "It's not my fault," he retorted, his voice filled with frustration.

Jade remembered Draco and Lucius arguing a few weeks ago about his grades, so she knew who Draco was going to blame and sighed. 

"The teachers all have favorites, that Hermione Granger..."

"I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizard family beats you in every exam, however, Miss Green was able to at least receive the same marks as her." Lucius snapped at his son while complimenting Jade.

 It struck Jade as odd, but she would welcome any compliment that either Malfoy would give her.

Mr. Borgin, in his oily voice, declared, "It's the same all over... Wizard blood counts for less everywhere." This statement piqued Jade's curiosity and elicited amusement within her. She couldn't help but think, 'You should just keep your nose to yourself.' However, just as the thought crossed her mind, Lucius spoke up.

"Not with me," said Lucius, his nostrils flaring with disdain. "No, sir, nor with me, sir," echoed Mr. Borgin, bowing deeply to emphasize his words. 

Jade couldn't help but snicker as she thought to herself, 'So, he's a coward?' She smirked in amusement at the thought.

Lucius Malfoy uttered a terse response as he turned to Borgin. "In that case, perhaps we can return to my list," he said, his voice laced with impatience. "I am in something of a hurry, Borgin. I have important business elsewhere today."

As Lucius spoke, the atmosphere in the dimly lit shop became tense. The haggling between the two men began, with each of them trying to secure the best possible deal for the items on Lucius' list. 

Draco, with a mischievous smirk on his face, began examining a long coil of hangman's rope. Next, he turned his attention to the card propped up on a magnificent necklace of opals. 

The card read, "Caution: Do Not Touch. Cursed - Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date."

Draco turned away and saw the cabinet right in front of him. He walked forward, determined to open the cabinet and see what secrets lay within. However, just as he was about to reach out for the handle, a voice interrupted him.

"Done," Lucius declared from the counter, signaling the completion of their transaction. Draco hesitated for a moment, his hand frozen in the air, as Lucius called for the two of them. "Come, Miss Green, Draco..." he said, his voice filled with purpose.

"Good day to you, Mr. Borgin. I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow to pick up the goods." Lucius said after Draco and Jade were out the door. She followed them to a shop for quidditch broomsticks. 

~Time skip~ At Flourish and Blotts 

After leaving the broom store where Lucius had bought new brooms for the entire Slytherin team, Draco and Jade agreed to wait for him at the bookstore, Flourish and Blotts. By noon, both of them had walked into the bookstore and purchased all the books they needed for their studies.

While browsing the shelves, Draco became bored and decided to lean against the railing and look down below him. To his surprise, he saw a large crowd gathering in the square outside Flourish and Blotts. Intrigued, he examined the sign hanging above the crowd. It read:


will be signing copies of his autobiography


today 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.' 

As Jade settled into the cozy embrace of a nearby chair, she delved into the enchanting world of Lockheart's Vampire book. With each turn of the page, she eagerly compared the magical realm's interpretation of these nocturnal beings to the beliefs held by muggles. So deeply engrossed was she in her literary exploration that she failed to notice Draco's hurried descent down the stairs.

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