Connie & Lucky's Daughters

By hubworld23

57 0 0

Sometime After Saving Uncle Mimic And Rescuing Scuttle Town From Danger. Connie & Her Little Sister Lucky Dec... More

Connie & Lucky's Pregnant!
Uhh.... Surprise?
Connie and Lucky's Special Night!
Rough Kiddy Days!

Connie and Lucky's Date

17 0 0
By hubworld23

Somewhere in Lucky's Room

Lucky: *Combs her Hair!* *She then begins to start sewing her dress for herself...*

Somewhere in Connie's Room

Connie: *She then takes her orange hairpin and takes it out...* *Then she leaves her room.*

Lucky: !!!!!!!! You look beautiful Sis...

Connie: *Blushes* So do you.

Lucky: Th Thankyou!:) *She said shyly.*

Connie: So ready for our very first date Sis?

Lucky: Yup!:) *She said with a smile but then said...* But who is gonna watch the kids while we are gone?

Connie: Hmm... *Then gets out her orange cellphone as she then dials a number...* Ray it's me connie i have a deal for you.

Ray: I'm listening... *He said*

1 hour Later

Ray: So let me get this straight so you want to watch these two for about an hour or so while you and icepop go on your date?

Connie: That's the Deal! Ya up for it?

Ray: It's A Deal! *He said as he then shook her Paw!*

Connie: We'll be back in an hour or so you two better behave yourselves when we get back.

Both: We will...:)

Lucky: Good... Now give your mommies a good bye kiss.

Both: Ok. *They both said as they then both kissed Connie & Lucky!*

Both: *Connie and Lucky then kissed them both back.*

As they then went to the Orange Elevator as Lucky then pressed a button that said the word Garage on it and she then pressed it...

Elevator: *Ding!* *Then it Opens as Connie & Lucky began walking outside of the Garage...*

Connie: *Using her Emblem as he took it off. She then throws it to the ground as such it then transforms into a Huge Limousine and then she and Lucky went inside the limo and then closed the door.* Take us to the nearest restaurant in Kidsland! *She said as the Orange limo then drove off!* Neat Huh? *She said as she then sat next to her sister with a Smile.*

Lucky: Yeah Neat... *She replied sadly with Guilt as her Adorable cute kitty blue round ears started to flop.*

Connie: *Looks at Lucky* Still feeling pretty bad about leaving Me, Shantae, and Risky behind huh Luck?

Lucky: Yeah... It's just i did wanted to help you guys i really did it's just...

Connie: I know luck i know you know you could have went home if you wanted to ya know... So what made you come back?

Lucky: I guess it was by good conscience that led me to you guys.:) *She said with a smile.*

Connie: *Then she says as she then smiles to her sister along with a hug.* I'm proud of you Icepop!:)

Lucky: Thx Big Sis! *She replied back with a hug.* Speaking of Shantae... Why don't we call her?

Connie: Great idea Luck! *She then grabs her phone and then dials shantae* It's ringing...

Lucky: Yay!:D *She said as her tail waggled left and right with Excitement!*

Shantae on Voicemail: This is Shantae i'm not here right now please leave a message as you the Beep! So See ya Later! *Beep*

Connie: Hey Shantae it's me Connie! Lucky: And Me Lucky remember us we helped you saved your Uncle Remember? We really missed you!:) Lucky: We have also started dating so this call is gonna be up short...

Both: Bye!:D *They said happily as they then hang up Connie's Phone!*

As they Then arrive at The Restaurant the Limo Stops.

Connie: *She then opens the door... As she and her sister then come out and closes the limo's door.* After You...:)

Lucky: Thank You. *She said as she then walked inside the Restaurant with Connie Following her...*

Waiter: Hello how may i help you today? *She said with a smile!*

Connie: One burger please... Hey Luck is there anything you want? *She said as she turned her head to her sister.*

Lucky: Two Fish Tacos please with our usual drinks...:)

Waiter: Two Tacos... With Burger & Drinks! Will that be all?

Both: Yup! *They said as the waiter then walked away...*

Connie: So Lucky how are you?

Lucky: Me???

Connie: Yes You!! Do you think there is any other Lucky in the World?

Lucky: Uh... No i don't think so.

Connie: Exactly what i meant. So i'll ask you again how are You?

Lucky: I I I I'm Fine! *She replied Nervously as she then asked...* How are you?

Connie: Me? Oh i'm doing fine AOK! *She said with a Thumbs Up! As she then rubbed her hair back nervously...*

Lucky: Well...*Ahem* So How is you being a Spy doing?

Connie: It's pretty Good!:) I'm doing some training right now but i'm doing pretty Good! I say the same of you being a Ninja?

Lucky: It's Great! Learning some new tricks and stuff:)

Connie: That's great! *She said Happily*


Both: !!!

Lucky: What is That?! *She said with Fear!*:O

Connie: That was me li'l sis i'm Starving! *She said as she then put her Paws on her belly as she then rubbed them in circles!*

Lucky: Oh! That makes sense... I'm hungry Too excuse me?

Waiter: Yes? *She said*

Lucky: When will our food be ready?

Waiter: In just a few minutes.

Lucky: Ok!:)

Unaware to them two boys were near to Lucky in a very creepy Way...

Boy#1: Hello Iceworks!

Boy#2: Bonjour Madamolle Lucky! *He then grabs her paw and gives it a kiss...*

Lucky: Gah!:O Umm... Bonjour? *She said with a confused smile on her face. And then asked?* Uh who are you two?

Bonnie: I'm Bonnie and this is my little brother Blucky!:)*He said with a smile.*

Blucky: Pleased to meet you Both! *He said with a Bow*

Lucky: Nice to meet you both! I'm Lucky & this is my older sister Connie!:) *She replied with a kind smile!*

Connie: Sup? *She said as she was still texting on her phone...*

Bonnie: Wait you are lucky right... Also known as the Ice Ninja?

Lucky: What makes you say that?

Bonnie: Because... *He then grabs Three Cookies as he then says* Think Fast! *Then he throws the cookies at her...*

Lucky: *Then she then grabs it with her Paws!* *Then she eats them* Welp... You are correct... I am the !ce Ninja!

Blucky: NO Way!:O *He said with Shock!*

Lucky: Yes Way. But as you can see me and my sister here are on a date so we don't want to be disturbed... *She said Politely.*

Bonnie: I gotcha i totally understand... *He said as he then Shouted* HEY EVERYBODY THE ICE NINJA IS HERE!!!!

Then Crowds and tons tons and Tons Of People came to corner and began to Crowd around Lucky in Seconds!!!

Lucky: !!!

Girl: Can you sign my Comic? *She was then shoved offed by a random boy!*

Boy: No Sign my Limited Addition Ice Ninja Action Figure! *He said with Excitement!*

Girl: What??? I was here First! *She said Angerly*

Boy: Big Diff Blondie why don't you wait your turn like the Others!?

Girl: I'LL SHOW YOU TO WAIT YOUR TURN!!! *She replied with rage as she began to beat him up!!!*

Lucky: *She then began to sign the merchandise!*

Connie: I wonder how Ray is holding up with the Kids... *She said with a sigh.*

Somewhere at the Kids Z Zone

Ray: *Gives Molly and Tolly some Tickets!* Here are some Tickets for the both of you! Play Nice...

Both: We will!*They said as they then went inside to the Arcade!*

Ray: *Walks to a chair and sits.*

The Lights then start to dim and the curtains move back...

Maranda: Roses are red

Violets are blue

I hope you like this poem just how i like you. *She said with a Smile*

Ray: I hear my Grandma could do a poem better! *He replied Egotistically* Besides it's not like it be charming or anything... *He continued with a Cocky Smirk!*

Maranda: *Her ears then then starts twitching* No it can't him... *She then turns around and sees Ray sitting there.* !!! Ray? Is that You?:O

Ray: Maranda???! You work Here? I thought you worked at the Magnimite Mines?

Maranda: I did but apparently somebody took my job. So now i work Here! And what were you saying about ny poem being Awful?

Ray: I'm saying it needs some work... Like those Big Bouncers! *He said with a wink as he then points to her Boobs!*

Maranda: !!! *Her Face then turns bright Pink!!!* RR RAY!!! THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!

Ray: Aww I'm sorry does the ittie bitsy wittle baby doesn't like Ray's Induando's?

Maranda: *Nods her Head.*

Ray: Well too Bad! Anyway... How is that sensitive weiner of yours doing M? *He said with a Wink!*

Maranda: !!!! *Her face then turns bright Red!* RAY!!!!!!😡

Ray: !!! Uh Oh...

Maranda: *Then grabs Ray by her tail! Up to her Face...*

Ray: *Nervously Says* Wonderful weather we are Having!

Maranda: *Beats him Up!*

Molly & Tolly drinking Smoothies on a bench

Molly: OMG! This smoothie is Sooo Good!

Tolly: IKR?:D *She said as she continued to drink her Smoothie! Then she notices Ray all bruised Up!* What happened to you Mr. Ray? *She asked as she rosed an eyebrow...*

Ray: Don't Ask... *He Grumbled* Time to Go!

Ray: Did you two had a good time?

Both: Yup!

Molly: I wonder how are mommies are doing? *She Wondered*

Meanwhile at Chef Tiko's Restaurant Lucky was still signing Autographs while Connie on the other hand or Paw was starting to get Impatient

Connie: Hey Ice how are you holding Up?

Lucky: I'm Tired! Iv'e signed 1,600 Posters, Video Games and etc...

Connie: Mmm... *She banged her head on the Table!* *Her stomach agreed with a loud Growl!* *GROWL* I'm Starving! *She Replied with a Muffle!*

Crowd: *In the Kitchen talking to Tiko as they chanted* ICE NINJA ICE NINJA ICE NINJA ICE NINJA!!! *They Chanted!*

Tiko: *Face then starts really red as a Tomato!* THAT'S IT I QUIT!!!! *He said as he stomped with Anger as he then packed his things and left the Restaurant!*

Bertha: Wait! Tiko don't leave! *She said as she ran outside and to his Car!* Please Sir we need You! *She Begged*

Tiko: I'm Sorry but it's just too much for me!!! *He Replied as he then drove off!*

Bertha: Oh what do i do what do i... *She then notices Bonnie who is about to run off... As she then turns Bright Red in Anger and says* YOU!!!😡

Bonnie: !!! Uh Oh...:O *He said in Worry as was about to run away! He was then caught by Bertha!*

Bertha: You Started this so Pray Of ALL OF KIDSLAND you are gonna Help Me! *She Shouted as she then grabbed him by the Ear...*

Bonnie: Hey What It!!! OW OW OW!!!

Back in the Kitchen

Bonnie: What No Way! *He said as he crosses his Arms!*

Bonnie: HEY! You were the one who started all this!!! *She said as she then gave him a small blue Chef Hat and a pink apron that said Sue Me on it.* I don't wanna wear this i'll look silly!

Bertha: *Mimics Him!* Don't care let alone don't wanna hear it! *She then leaves the kitchen leaving Bonnie Alone!*

Bonnie: Dang!!! What I gonna... *Ding* *Smirks* I think got an Idea!

Bertha: Now Everyone please settle down... There's just been some Technical Difficulties is all...*She Reassured the angry Crowd!* Heh... He... WHERE IS THE *Then BAM! The door is then smacked by Bonnie as he then brings out the food...*

Bonnie: Soup's On! *He said as he brought the food to the Customers!* Finally, now I can get outta here! *He said as he then tosses both the Apron and Chef's Hat high in the Air as it then lands to Bertha...*

Bertha: !!!

Girl#1: My Soup tastes like a Rock... *She said*

Boy#1: Yeah? Well, mine tastes like a boot! *He Stated*

Girl#2: Well mine is a Boot...:( *The little girl said Sadly*

Connie: *Chewing as she then says* How is that Fish Taco Luck?

Lucky: *Bites on the Taco...* Mmm...:) *Her then slowly starts to turn Red! As such she begins to shriek painfully!*

Connie: *She then asks with a confused look on her face...* Uh you ok there Lu-

Lucky: HOT!!!!!:O *She said as she quickly gets out of her Table and then runs outside!*

Connie: !!! *She then Follows Her!*

Crowd: *Then turns around and looks at Bertha!*

Bertha: Don't blame me it was Bonnie's Fault!

Bonnie: *Is Gone*

Bertha: Heh... *She rubbed her head with a Blush*

Girl#1: *Then she runs pasts bertha as she goes to the kitchen* Hey! I see the problem Tiko is not in the Kitchen!

Bertha: Now Wai- *Then she gets pelted with food!* Hey Ow! Watch It! *She Said*

Crowd: GET BERTHA! *They replied Angerliy!*

Bertha: Uh Oh...

Connie: Feeling Better Luck?

Lucky: Yeah! Thx for the Milk Sis!:)

Connie: No Problem Lucky! *She said with a thumbs up as she then sees the Angry Mob of people chasing Bertha!* Yo Luck it's an Angry Mob...

Lucky: Huh... Neat.

Both: !!! An Angry Mob??? *They then chase after the Mob!*

Bertha: No wait please I can explain... *She said with Fear!*

Boy#1: Heh Heh Heh!*Cracks Knuckles*

Lucky: Hey A Free Deator *She said as she then shapeshifted into an Arrow!*

Connie: Connie & Lucky to The Rescue! *She said as she shapeshifted into a Bird and flown to her Home!*

Bertha: Oh Connie Thank You! But what about Bonnie? *She said*

Connie: Oh don't worry about him... Lucky has got that one under the Bag!

Bonnie: Thx Snakeasha for doing this for Me... *Gives her a bag of Kidslons in it*

Snakeasha: My Plessure it's great to help out an old friend...*She said as she then took off the costume* Welp nice doing businesss with you...*She said as she then slithered Away!*

Bonnie: Ah! What a wonderful day to be a sucker!*He said as he then whistles to himself*

???: *Ahem*

Bonnie: Hmm? *He then turns to see an Angry Mob behind Him!* !!! He- Hey everyone... Now I I can... *He stuttered in fear!*

Girl#1: Where's Tiko Bonnie?*She then glared at Him!*

Bonnie: *He then began to Smirk to make him look Brave!* Tiko who? Your crazy there Toots... Where is the Proof!?*He said as he confidently crosses his Arms!*

Lucky: I knew you'd say that...*She said as she then holds a blue Camera!*

Bonnie: *Gasp* Lu LUCKY? How did you...?

Lucky: My Sister sent me... Now time for the Truth!

Bonnie: !!! Don't show them that! *He then starts running to Her!*

Lucky: *She then freezes Him* *As she then gives Girl#1 the camera...*

Girl#1: !!!

Bonnie: *Grunting* *Shaking as the Ice block then begins to Break!* Brrrr So Cold!...

Boy#1: GET HIM!!!

Bonnie: Uh Oh... *He then begins to Run!*

Angry Mob: *Then Chases Bonnie!*

Lucky: Well I guess he got his just Desserts! *She says as she then eats a slice of Strawberry Cake!* Mmm...:)

Lucky: Well that was an interesting date wouldn't you say Big Sis?

Connie: Yup and best of all we even got our food and a Refund! Due to the incident.

Lucky: Uh Huh!

The Limo then goes into the Garage as it then stops...

Lucky: *Opens Door* After You!:)

Connie: Thx Li'l Sis!*She said as she got out of the limo and closed the Door...*As the limo then transformed back into her emblem..*

As it then shows the elevator showing the duo as they then left the elevator Saying...


Molly&Tolly: Mommy!:D *They both said as then hugged both of their Moms!*

Lucky: How was your Day?:)*She said*

Molly: Our day was great we played some games at the Arcade And Mr. Ray got beaten up by a Girl!

Tolly: I even got it on Video!

Ray: !!! Tolly Don't!

Both: *Starts to laugh as they watch the video!*

Ray: Mmmm... Anyway I gotta go Kiki is waiting for Me. See ya later you two

Both: Bye!

As Molly & Tolly playing Shantae Half Genie Hero on their Wii U Both Connie & Lucky were reading a comic together Until...

Connie: *Her Emblem then rings!* *She then answers it.* Oh Hello your Majesty.:)

Thunder Queen: Hi Connie hello Lucky!:) Report to my Castle at Once! I'll explain once your here...

Lucky: Ok.

Thunder Queen: Good... See you there you two!

Connie: *Call Ends!* Alright Luck you heard what she said we gotta Jet!

Lucky: But Big Sis...

Connie: What's Up?

Lucky: What about the Kids we can't just leave the Behind... *She Said*

Connie: Hmm... Hey Molly, Tolly?

Both: Yeah?

Connie: Me and your Mother are going to the Thunder Queen's Castle... So can I trust you two to stay here while we get back?

Tolly: Yup!:)

Lucky: Neat! We'll be right Back!*Then both She and Lucky then Leave!*

Tolly: I wish we could come...

Molly: Me Too! It'd be pretty cool to meet Shantae!

Tolly: I know right Mommy is so Lucky!

Molly: *She was about to continue with her Game Until...*


Both: !!!

???: Ugh...

Tolly: Who is that Molly?

Molly: I don't know is that Shantae?

​​​​​​​To Be Continued?

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