Connie and Lucky's Date

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Somewhere in Lucky's Room

Lucky: *Combs her Hair!* *She then begins to start sewing her dress for herself...*

Somewhere in Connie's Room

Connie: *She then takes her orange hairpin and takes it out...* *Then she leaves her room.*

Lucky: !!!!!!!! You look beautiful Sis...

Connie: *Blushes* So do you.

Lucky: Th Thankyou!:) *She said shyly.*

Connie: So ready for our very first date Sis?

Lucky: Yup!:) *She said with a smile but then said...* But who is gonna watch the kids while we are gone?

Connie: Hmm... *Then gets out her orange cellphone as she then dials a number...* Ray it's me connie i have a deal for you.

Ray: I'm listening... *He said*

1 hour Later

Ray: So let me get this straight so you want to watch these two for about an hour or so while you and icepop go on your date?

Connie: That's the Deal! Ya up for it?

Ray: It's A Deal! *He said as he then shook her Paw!*

Connie: We'll be back in an hour or so you two better behave yourselves when we get back.

Both: We will...:)

Lucky: Good... Now give your mommies a good bye kiss.

Both: Ok. *They both said as they then both kissed Connie & Lucky!*

Both: *Connie and Lucky then kissed them both back.*

As they then went to the Orange Elevator as Lucky then pressed a button that said the word Garage on it and she then pressed it...

Elevator: *Ding!* *Then it Opens as Connie & Lucky began walking outside of the Garage...*

Connie: *Using her Emblem as he took it off. She then throws it to the ground as such it then transforms into a Huge Limousine and then she and Lucky went inside the limo and then closed the door.* Take us to the nearest restaurant in Kidsland! *She said as the Orange limo then drove off!* Neat Huh? *She said as she then sat next to her sister with a Smile.*

Lucky: Yeah Neat... *She replied sadly with Guilt as her Adorable cute kitty blue round ears started to flop.*

Connie: *Looks at Lucky* Still feeling pretty bad about leaving Me, Shantae, and Risky behind huh Luck?

Lucky: Yeah... It's just i did wanted to help you guys i really did it's just...

Connie: I know luck i know you know you could have went home if you wanted to ya know... So what made you come back?

Lucky: I guess it was by good conscience that led me to you guys.:) *She said with a smile.*

Connie: *Then she says as she then smiles to her sister along with a hug.* I'm proud of you Icepop!:)

Lucky: Thx Big Sis! *She replied back with a hug.* Speaking of Shantae... Why don't we call her?

Connie: Great idea Luck! *She then grabs her phone and then dials shantae* It's ringing...

Lucky: Yay!:D *She said as her tail waggled left and right with Excitement!*

Shantae on Voicemail: This is Shantae i'm not here right now please leave a message as you the Beep! So See ya Later! *Beep*

Connie: Hey Shantae it's me Connie! Lucky: And Me Lucky remember us we helped you saved your Uncle Remember? We really missed you!:) Lucky: We have also started dating so this call is gonna be up short...

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