The Pirate (a legolas x oc st...

By zahraussy

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shes a pirate elf and hes an elf prince, what a pair right? legolas and maeral have been childhood best fri... More

Part I: The beginning
chapter 1: who's taller?
chapter 2: friends truly are where the home is
chapter 3: rivendell
chapter 4: mae-1 dar-0
chapter 5: the fellowship of the ring
chapter 6: dont do anything stupid until i get back
chapter 7: and off we go to Mordor
chapter 8: spotlight
chapter 9: more than just a simple greeting
chapter 10: forgiveness
chapter 11: as if it would be enough
chapter 12: magic doors
chapter 13: cant believe you'd think about stealing at a time like this
chapter 14: spoke too soon
chapter 15: tis' nothing but a scratch
chapter 16: fly you fools.
chapter 17: the aftermath
chapter 18: past "entanglement"
chapter 19: aye aye cap'n
chapter 20: curse you pippin the hobbit!
chapter 21: for i shall return with haste
chapter 22: "oh"
chapter 23: attaboy
chapter 24: hurry your ass up then kid
chapter 25: Minas tirith it is!
chapter 26: have you truly?
chapter 27: we shall
chapter 28: water war
chapter 29: that could've been me.
chapter 30: you could've been my older sister
Chapter 31: let's hunt some orc.
Part II: We're halfway in it now
chapter 32: what else could I say about that?
chapter 33: aragorn is demented
chapter 34: oh blimey
chapter 35: white blond elf
chapter 36: have you seen that kid before?
chapter 37: visiting an old friend
chapter 38: did you threaten him??
chapter 39: you are actually at a serious advantage here
chapter 40: call me captain
chapter 41: For a while, the world was dark
chapter 42: we will endure
chapter 43: curses? really?
chapter 44: offsprings
chapter 45: It would be a miracle
chapter 46: you look like you've seen a ghost
chapter 47: I didn't have time to run
chapter 48: puffy princessy dress
chapter 49: how can I? You're taking all the stupid with you
chapter 50: I'll gouge your eyes out
chapter 51: was this the moment?
chapter 52: nice haircut
Part III: The end
chapter 53: a pirate's promise
chapter 54: may the best drinker win
Chapter 55: is it important?
chapter 56: you're supposed to be dead.
chapter 57: old ass
chapter 58: a cactus
chapter 59: the kids aren't high yet at least
chapter 60: oh
chapter 62: You'll need all the help you can get
Chapter 63: stupid
chapter 64: jack shit
chapter 65: the captain's back
chapter 66: lover instinct
chapter 67: free
chapter 68: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
chapter 69: fragments
chapter 70: dark allure
chapter 71: promise me you'll be careful?
chapter 72: fight
chapter 73: glow
chapter 74: Return of the king

chapter 61: a bit inappropriate no?

222 10 20
By zahraussy

*Legolas's pov* (a bit of a special chapter for ya)

She was still asleep, and he was utterly in love with her. Maeral's sleeping figure lay comfortable besides Legolas, her head nuzzled between the crook of his neck, her hands wrapped around Legolas's waist. It seemed this was her favourite position to sleep in when with someone.

The sun had just risen and Legolas has been awake for a long time, he just couldn't bring his heart to leave her alone when she was so vulnerable like that. 

Legolas kissed the top of her head, it smelled like the salty air of the open sea. It was miraculous how that scent still stayed regardless of how long she's been away from the sea.

Maeral whined and buried her face deeper into Legolas's neck.

Legolas smiled at her behaviour, he forgot how whiny she could be sometimes.

"do we really have to wake up?" She grumbled, her voice reverberating in the crook oh Legolas's neck.

"it's not really a requirement, but if we don't want the others to wander around looking for us, we have to show up at least once."

Maeral groaned, painting Legolas's neck with lazy kisses.

"but of course...we could just stay in here all day." Legolas suggested, his voice giving a suggestive idea.

Maeral chuckles, then pulls back to look into Legolas's eyes. "oh yeah? then what happens when they walk in here?"

Legolas shrugged. "we could just lock the door."

"We have a dunedain and dwarf living amongst us. Paranoid ones at that. They'll break the door down." Maeral smirked, one of her brows raised.

"Well then they would have a sight to see." He smirked, kissing all over Maeral's face.

Maeral laughed. Legolas wished that was the sound he'd be able to wake up to forever.

"Tempting." Maeral said, placing a kiss on Legolas's nose. "But unfortunately, I'm pretty sure we need to help them in preparation for the battle."

The battle. He'd almost forgotten about that. Living in the normalcy of Edoras had made him forgot why they were there in the first place

He'd grown accustomed to it almost. Living day to day with little errands, no need for any spider slaying nor patrolling the forest.

Maybe he could live like this at some point. Maeral could probably settle down with him too.

Although, for now he would wish to lay down in bed with his lover besides him. But alas, the world lives on.

Legolas gave a small pout, Maeral rolled her eyes and placed a small peck on his lips.

"Go put your clothes on princelling."


The both of them walked to the main hall, their hands brushing occasionally. Legolas was scared to make the first move and intertwined their hands together. Maeral wasn't doing it either, he didn't know if she wanted to. What if she was ashamed for them to be together?

He didn't doubt the fact that she loved him, but he could see that she was scared to be affectionate with him in public spaces. Legolas decided that it was probably because she wanted to keep up her reputation of the 'great captain maeral'. The merciless joyful pirate who doesn't have any attachments except of the sea and humanly riches.

"Ah! There they are!" Merry exclaimed, looking more cheerful than yesterday. 

Gimli looked up to the both of them while drinking his ale, he held up his fingers and nodded in acknowledgement.

Aragorn on the other hand, looked horrible. Why is it whenever Legolas leaves him for more than a night he would look disarranged? He had his head in his hands and his hair was a mess. For once it wasn't greasy and looked fluffed out. But instead his hair looked like a cat that just showered then dried.

Maeral seemed to notice this and pointed to Aragorn. "What's up with him?"

Gimli set down his drink and smirked. "first of all, where were you lads last night? Mae you were the one who invited us, but next thing we knew, you were gone."

Legolas had already expected for this question to come, they left off pretty early than the designated time the feast ends. The others would come looking for them sooner or later.

Unfortunately, he didn't prepare an answer. Of course they couldn't flat out tell them the truth. that would say the least inappropriate to be mentioned in front of all the people here. 

Legolas turned to Maeral.  She was always good at making up lies at the last resort. Besides, he wanted to see how she'd react to this situation.

She spared a glance at him, then sat down next to Merry.

Maeral rested her chin on her palm and said the words so ever casually. "yeah we left the feast early. I needed to clear my head and take a walk."

"We saw Legolas following you short after. Anywhere interesting you went to?" Merry asked, sipping his tea. 

Maeral looked at Legolas, taking a bite of one of the biscuits there. That was her sign for him to continue the act.

"I never was one to be overly fond of parties." Legolas shrugged. That was always his father. "So when I saw Ral left, I took my chance." He sat down next to Aragorn, in front of Maeral. 

Maeral nodded ever so slightly that to the human eye that was a mere twitch of the jaw.

Aragorn groaned and let his face fall flat to the table. Merry shook his head at him. "shame. If you stayed longer, you could've seen a drunk Aragorn."

Breakfast went on as usual. Merry and Gimli debrief Legolas and Maeral about the things that happened last night. Unlike Maeral, to Legolas nothing was entertaining enough that he would've stayed. Well except for Aragorn getting drunk. That Legolas would have loved to see.

There seemed to be more people than usual in the great hall today. Legolas could hear that they were talking about the battle and the countries relationship with other kingdoms.

After a while of groaning and mumbling, Aragorn got up to his feet and excused himself. It was no doubt he was taking a smoke outside.

Gimli and Merry also eventually left to their own business, soon only Maeral and Legolas were left on that table.

Legolas wanted to talk to her about what they are now but decided against it. Even though no one in the halls would understand them speaking sindarin, Maeral would possibly still be uncomfortable to discuss it in front of all these people.

So he waited. Legolas wanted to pull her away to a secluded place somewhere but it seems everybody wanted a piece of her this morning. Specifically Eowyn, she seemed to both admire and look up to Maeral.

It possibly has to do with Maeral having the freedom to do anything she wanted. Fight in the battle with all the men, bask in a warrior's glory all while being proudly a woman and not needing to cover it up in any way. Legolas remembered how Eowyn argued with Aragorn to fight in Helm's Deep. Eowyn was now probably trying to live through Maeral.

Whilst also making a new friend in the process. They were similar in a way, both headstrong and stays firm on their guard. Never letting anyone else topple their spirits down. The only difference was probably just that Maeral's more outgoing.

Maeral was all over the room that it was difficult for Legolas to keep track at this point. Even with his keen eyes.

Legolas stood up to leave, he'll talk to Maeral later. But just as he stood up and walked to the first pillar, the doors bursts open and Aragorn runs in.

"The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" Aragorn shouts as he runs full speed towards King Theoden.

Theoden looks up, startled to Aragorn who was panting in front of him. 

Eowyn rushed to her brother's side, the both of them looking up to their uncle. And just like out of thin air, Maeral was besides Eowyn too. 

Maeral crossed her arms, staring up to the king with a curious look on her face. There wasn't any fear or doubt. Just plain curiousity. Her eyes met Legolas's on the other side of the room. She raised her eyebrows and sighed. They both turn back to Theoden.

Theoden lowers his head, his eyes wave around as he look to the floor. Legolas could see that he was weighing his decision. It seemed as if time stopped and everyone held their breath, scared of the fate of their world based on one human king's decision.

But slowly, Theoden's head rises. He gives a swift and small nod to Aragorn. His face determined.

"Then Rohan will answer. Muster the rohirrim!"

a/n: pic above is so me fr. Alsooo special chapter in honour of yall who have sticked this far lol.

Anyways hope yall like this chapter and give a vote if you enjoyed it!

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