Stuck In A Dimension Of Drago...

By Venator-TheThird

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your name is Axel Cederburg and you live in the country of Sweden, you are a huge fan of the how to train you... More

Chapter 1: Hunters
Chapter 2: Dragon's Edge
Chapter 3: A Giant problem
Chapter 4: Berk
Chapter 5: Stormstriker
Chapter 6: Project Shellfire (part 1)
Chapter 7: Project Shellfire (part 2)
Chapter 8: The Woman behind it all
Chapter 9: The Volcano
Chapter 10: slimy trouble
Chapter 11: Temporary relief
Chapter 13: The Scream Of Death
Chapter 14: Titan Isles Part 1
Chapter 15: The Meeting
Chapter 16: Battle on the Edge Part 1
Chapter 17: Battle on the Edge Part 2
Chapter 18: Journey To Vanaheim

Chapter 12: Into Ashes

40 3 0
By Venator-TheThird

Night had come with the full moon high in the sky and stars everywhere, creating a beautiful reflection on the ocean below, beside you Toothless was flying with Hiccup on him, his expression unable to be read due to the darkness. You were pretty tired as it had been 5 hours of continuous flying and you could tell that both Toothless and Storm could use some rest.

You were about to ask Hiccup how much time was remaining when he pointed to an relatively large island up ahead and said "There it is, we can spend the night there and leave next morning hopefully with a solution to our problem". You said "finally, I have never been on such a long flight, are you sure they'll help us?" To this Hiccup said "Mala is a good friend and an ally of ours, I'm confident she will help." You said "Okay I trust you, let's go".

You flew closer to the Island expecting to see the statue of their great protector high above a village which would be covered in brightness by torches and maybe even dragin fire but what you saw was even more sinister.

The whole village was aflame, the statue of the great protector was broken into 2 pieces and on the ground, there were people everywhere with water buckets rushing to put out the fires. You were shocked to see the damage, the Defenders of the Wing were a neutral people, who would attack them in such a way? To your right Hiccup said "What happened here?" You replied "It looks like a village raid, but more severe than usual..." You broke off because as soon as you got close you could see dead and injured people and even some dead dragons, some dragons were the inhabitants of the island but there were some species that didn't live there, mainly whispering Deaths and Singetails. You said "Who would attack the Defenders of the Wing and who could control these dragons?" Hiccup just shook his head and said "I don't know, Viggo maybe? Let's find Mala and find out, come on". He dived towards the center of the village, Toothless growling in disgust at all the bloodshed, Storm was also growling in rage and fear and almost didn't listen to you. But you managed to follow Hiccup to the ground.

You landed and dismounted only to see you, Hiccup and your dragons surrounded by warriors in black cloth armour pointing bows notched with arrows at you. You said "Uh Hiccup I thought they knew you?". Hiccup said loudly "Is Mala here? I am Hiccup Haddock, a friend of your queen". At hearing his name the warriors lowered their weapons and you even saw some sigh in relief.

Suddenly you heard a voice "Hiccup, oh thank the Ancients you're here". As a tall woman in black armour came forth from the soldiers, she was taller than Hiccup and you and had auburn hair and green eyes. She had a long single edged blade at her side and she looked like she could deal a lot of damage with it.She approached Hiccup and said "Thank the ancients you came, we have been attacked during the night by masked demons riding dragons". Hiccup said "Woah there, good to see you too Mala but what's this about demons on Dragons? Could you start from the start please?".

Mala took a deep breath and explained "it was a normal night when I was about to go to bed, Throk was doing his nightly round of the village. Suddenly a flaming boulder hit the village and shouts erupted as we saw at least 30 ships in our harbour firing upon us. We started to return fire with the dragons of our island helping and we almost pushed them back, than they came. At least 35 dragons rose from the ships and attacked us, there were several men on the dragons who jumped off and started to fight us, I thought at first that the dragons would run off after the people had jumped off but they continued to defend the invaders, we managed to get a good look at one of them and it was like someone was mind controlling them, they had no emotions in their eyes, just blank faces. They also fought ferociously not caring whether they would die or survive. The battle lasted 3 hours after which they looted and burned everything, they managed to capture the Great Protector and Throk, while trying to save him, was also captured."

You stood in silence for a few moments trying to process the information, you already knew who was the cause of this attack, the mystery man, only he could control dragons like that, but why attack the Defenders of the Wing? By looking at Hiccup you could tell he had the same questions and the same conclusion. He said to Mala "Don't worry, we'll save Throk and the Eruptodon as well as take revenge". "Thank you Hiccup, I knew I couldn't count on you, and who are you?" Mala said directing the last part at you. You straightened yourself and said "I am Axel Cederburg, the newest member of the dragon riders, pleasure to meet you". Mala replied "I am queen Mala of the Defenders of the Wing, the pleasure is all mine". Obviously you already knew who Mala and Throk were. They had met Hiccup in the season 4 beginning and had become close allies after a few misconceptions about each other.

Mala said "Why are you here Hiccup?" But Hiccup quickly said "That doesn't matter, this mysterious attacker is my main concern" he than told Mala everything about how you met the riders and the mystery man and how they fought him off. Mala listened intently and at the end said "I've heard of this man, he is a curse to this world and I will personally get rid of him, come on, rest for the night, in the morning after things are settled we can calculate our next plan". "Thank you Mala, come on Toothless, Axel let's go". You started to follow Mala, Storm and Toothless not far behind. While walking Mala asked "Is that your companion Axel?" You replied "Yes this is Stormstriker, I met her in the woods on the Edge, or rather she found me". Mala chuckled and said "A failed titanwing is a formidable dragon and quick to anger, I'm surprised to see you befriended her". You said "We had some minor inconveniences but were able to put them aside". Behind you Storm growled in agreement.

You arrived infront of one of the few unburnt huts and Mala turned to Hiccup and said "This is the best we can offer for now seeing as our guest houses have burnt down, I will meet you 2 in the morning. Leave your dragons here and we will care for them." Hiccup said "Thank you, in the morning we'll get back to the Edge and figure out our next course of action."

You and Hiccup said your goodbyes and entered the hut where there were several beds, it must have been where soldiers slept, you both took different beds and you asked Hiccup "What now?" He replied "We have to help them, Throk is a good friend and needs rescuing, the Eruptodon as well". You said "Okay I hope you have a plan". After that you said your goodnight and went to sleep.

The next morning you and Hiccup woke up and went outside, judging from the sun it was 8 am, most if not all the fires had been extinguished. Your dragons had slept outside and they were now wide awake. Mala was also there giving orders to some people. She saw us and walked over saying "Ah good morning Hiccup and Axel, I trust you slept well?" Truth be told you had a nightmare but you said "Yes thank you very much". Hiccup also nodded and said "Let's ride to the Edge and meet up with the others, than we can try to find this mystery man and his new armada." Mala said "Excellant, let's go than".

You mounted Storm and said "Are you ready for the flight home girl?" She roared as if to say yes and you had never seen her so enthusiastic. Hiccup mounted Toothless who was also really excited, Mala sat behind him and said "It's the sage fruits, they make a dragon hyper active for a set period of time". You said "This is pretty handy". Hiccup than said"Okay let's go".

They took off first with you following behind them to guard their rear. Due to their hyperactivity the dragons covered the trip in 3 hours instead of 5 which was really helpful.

When you reachedthe Edge it was about 11 am and you could already see Hookfang and Stormfly as well as Fishlegs which meant the twins had returned. You also saw another Razorwhip which meant Heather was here as well as a Rumblehorn, Skullcrusher. You said "Hiccup isn't thag your father's dragon? Skullcrusher?" He said "Yeah it is, what's he doing here?" Mala looked shocked, she said "Your father also rides dragons?" Hiccup said "Yeah, recently he started to ride them".

You 3 landed outside the Clubhouse and went in. Inside were Astrid, Fishlegs, the Twins, Snotlout, Heather and Hiccup's father the chief of Berk, Stoick the vast. Hiccup said "Hey dad, surprised to see you here, umm what's happening, hey Heather" You also greeted Heather and Stoick.

The chief of Berk said "Son we need to talk". Heather also added "Urgently". You looked around the room and saw everyone was in a glum mood. Mala entered from behind and said "Hello everyone". Stoick looked at her and said "You must be Queen Mala, pleasure to meet you" Mala said "The pleasure is all mine". Hiccup interrupted them by saying "What happened dad, is everything okay?"

Stoick took a deep breath and said "Last night Berk was attacked, by an armada of 40 ships. (Hiccup was about to interrupt but Stoick continued) no son listen, 40. We thought that they were raiders so we attacked and the A-team helped us and we certainly were beating their arse, but than about 50 Whispering Deaths came from behind, riders on all of them. The warriors jumped off from the dragons's backs and were attacking us, and the dragons themselves had plain faces with no emotions, like during the time of the Red Death they fought like they wanted to die, like they didn't care. And than he came. A man in a black coat, a huge scar on his face. With a war hammer  riding none other than a Skrill. I flew up to him on Skullcrusher and he said 'I am the bringer of the scourge, bow before my might!' So I replied 'leave us be and you may live!' And we insulted each other and than he attacked me, thankfully me and Skullcrusher managed to defeat him and he fell from the skies. However something odd than happened. After falling from the sky he got up and looked at me and said 'Now the real fun begins!' And he snapped his finger and the expressionless Skrill just got up, he than took out an elixir and force fed it to the dragon and infront of out very eyes, it turned into a Titanwing Skrill. At this point everyone was terrified and we kept on fighting, we managed to fight them off but not before they destroyed more than half of Berk and captured Gustav and Fanghook."

Silence followed and no one breathed a word. You were incredibly shell-shocked, not only did the mystery man attack the Defenders of the Wing but also Berk, from the looks on the other riders (except for Hiccup's) face you could tell they had already been told. This also explained how that man had so many titanwings, he had some special elixier he used.

Hiccup was about to say something when Heather interrupted him and said "Wait Hiccup there's more, last night Berserker Island was also attacked by an armada of 30 ships. There were also several Whispering Deaths but you guys know dragons don't come near our island so our only threat were the ships which we managed to defeat. However on the lead hunter ship was none other than Viggo himself, with a huge burn on the left side of his face. We managed to defeat them but not before they launched a surprise attack from behind killing 20 of our men."

More silence. You didn't know what to say, 3 attacks in the same night with both Viggo and the mystery man! Of course you knew why the Whisoerimg deaths could attack and why the Berserkers won, the others didn't know yet but the king of dragons, the Bewilderbeast lived under Berserker Island and used her [yes its a her, watch the series to find out] mind control power to stop other dragons from entering.

Finally Mala broke the silence by saying "We were also attacked and half our village was burnt our great protector captured and my guardian Throk also in their hands."

More silence, Hiccup said "So let me get this straight, 3 islands were attacked on the same night by that mysterious man and Viggo, but why?". Heather said "What do our 3 islands have in common?" Astrid said "All 3 islands are friendly to us dragon riders, that's the connection!". Fishlegs said "But why attack them, what would they get?" Snotlout than added "Why wouldn't they, they have a mighty dragon army". Tuff tham said "Yeah they were probably itching for a fight". To which Ruffnut said "Yeah they must have wanted to try out their new army."

Stoick than said "Whatever the case we must get back Gustav, Throk, Fanghook and the Great Protector. Plus we need revenge". Mala said "I couldn't agree more, we must rescue them before it is too late, but how will we find them?" You than had a stroke of brilliance, you said "All 3 islands were attacked by Whispering Deaths right, so that means that they are in one of the 2 Whispering Death islands". "Axel that's brilliant!" Said Hiccup "We'll have to scout out the islands to confirm it but I think we're onto something". Astrid said "Now whose going with whom on this scouting mission?".

Before Hiccuo could say anything Stoick interjected "We should all go to the islands one by one, we'll be safer". Mala said "It's better to split up because we'll cover more ground. Hiccup shouted to get both of their attentions and said "Alright listen to me! Dad, you and Astrid can do a search at the island near Berk. I'll come with you as well, Heather and Axel you 2 go to the second island located near the Fog that leads back to the archipelago. Snotlout you stay here with Mala, sorry Mala but we can't take you, it's too dangerous and you don't have a dragon. Ruff, Tuff you 2 and Fishlegs are tasked with securing the Edge and making sure no one invades it, Fishlegs you're  staying here just incase the volcano erutps because you know the Gronkle iron formula. Any questions?".

Stoick said "That is a good plan son, I'm proud of you" (To which Hiccup blushed a little) than Mala asked "What will I do here? I must avenge my people!" Hiccup said "Don't worry Mala it's only a scouting mission, we won't leave you when the action starts". Snotlout asked "Why do I have to stay?". Astrid answered "Well if you want to help us find the massive army of dragons that could kill us than be my guest". Snotlout said "You know on second thought, I'll stay here, to protect Mala you know".

Hiccup said "Any other questions (no one asked anything) well than good luck and remember it's only a scouting mission, we'll rendezvous here by sunset and if no one comes till moonrise than the people who have arrived will search for them, we'll restock amd leave in an hour, good luck and may Thor be with us all".

You walked out of the Clubhouse after the meeting had been dismissed and mounted Storm. The effects of the Sage fruit had worn off and Storm looked sleepy and exhausted, you mounted her and said "Come one girl, let's get to our hut, you can rest for an hour before we leave." Storm grunted in exhaustion but took flight towards your hut. You had planned to find Heather at the time of departure as your mission was with her.

You reached your hut and dismounted Storm, who immediately ran inside the hut and fell asleep. You chuckled and walked in, you decided to sharpen your battle axe and maybe also try to sleep a little when you heard the flap of wings outside your hut. You rushed outside and saw Windshear land as Heather dismounted her and walked towards you. She stopped infront of you and said "You didn't even ask what our plan was and flew off, whys that?" You groaned, Heather was a practical person and loved making battle plans. Heather laughed at hearing your groan and said "Don't worry I know Storm needed rest, why don't we train than". You perked up, you hadnt been able to train with Astrid for the last 2 days and saw this as an opportunity, you said sarcastically "Sure let's train, but I apologise in advance if I injure you". Heather laughed and said "Oh we'll see about that before taking out her battle axe weapon thing-y and charging you. You also grabbed you battle axe from the strap on your back and charged.

You aimed to hit her with the blunt of your axe in the stomach but at the last moment she dodged and tripped you. "Too slow" she said. You stood up and said "Oh it's on". You than charged her again.

45 minutes later both of you were exhausted and and were sweating profusely. Heather looked at the sun and said "Well its time to leave, let's go". You nodded and went inside only to find Windshear who had already woke Storm up and the 2 of them were playing. You brought them outside and mounted Storm while Heather mounted Windshear. You said "Well let's hope this goes well, you know the way right?" Heather said "Yes I know the way, try to keep up though". You chuckled and said "I'm the one on the giant dragon". But Heather said nothing and took off.

You also took off after her, straight into unknown dangers.

[Titanwing Skrill, 3 times bigger than regular skrill]

[Queen Mala of the Defenders of the Wing tribe]

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