The Black Blade Assassin

By sahkee

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She was many things. An ex-assassin. A swordswoman. Childish. Wanted. Many called her crazy. Very few people... More

I'm Lost. Eh? An Orange?
Join my Crew!
The Sea King and the Ballerina, Bon-chan!
The Fire Fist and Black Blade Assassin
Towards Yuba (With Some Complications Along the Way)
Zoro vs. Saki
See you soon, Straw-Hats
The Psycho, Hana Island, and Crazy Assassin Bitches
Struggle and Pain
The Doctor is Pissed
I'll Miss You, Tra-chan
This Dark Aura...
Marshall D. Teach
Kidnapped by her Captain
Foxes are Cute
Mafia. Wait what?
Soooo...We're Sacrificial Pirates?
It's Nice to be Wanted
Murder is the Only Option

It's Shot Roulette, Bitches

217 6 0
By sahkee

Nyx is above. For context, the only difference about Saki's and Nyx's appearance is their hair.


"How was your sleep?" Law smirks knowingly.

Saki huffs and pouts. "It was fine..."

The night before, Saki had attempted to resurface the submarine with all of the confusing buttons and switches. Nyx ended up telling her to stop before she accidentally sent everything on fire and blew them all to smithereens.

"Good. I hope you don't have any plans as tonight we're all playing Shot Roulette."

Saki scowls darkly. 'Bastard...I don't even drink and he knows that.'

"What's wrong?" He grins widely.

"I can't drink with my wounds."

Law waves her concerns off. "You have a pass from the doctor."

Of course, she did.

She loved Law, really, but she needed to go see Oyaji and find Ace again. Oyaji was sick and Ace could be getting into all kinds of trouble. She had to find him before he found Teach, too. Even if Ace did promise to not engage in combat with Blackbeard without her, Saki had her doubts. She had to go. She was sure she'd run into Law again soon, anyway.

She had two options:

1. Leave during the day and very possibly get caught within 2 seconds.


2. Leave once everyone was so drunk, they all passed out.

2 sounded like the better option. Oh, if only she knew how that would get thrown right back into her face. She was going to play Shot Roulette, for god's sake. Saki + alcohol = a very drunk and giggly Saki.

She might have to swap out with Nyx tonight.

After all, Nyx can hold her liqueur.


The day had passed rather uneventfully. And Saki was bored. Every time she tried to sneak out of bed for a walk, Law was coincidentally there to scold her.

So, in short, today sucked.

'Can we swap out already~?'

'No. I want this peaceful feeling to last.'

'The peaceful feeling of not having to talk to people?'

'Yes. Law will also notice if your hair goes from red to purple.'

'So? He loves hanging out with his sadist of a bestie.'

​​​​​​ 'I'm gonna kick everyone's asses in Shot Roulette.'


Saki startles at Law's sudden appearance. "Hiya, Law. I'm hungry," she complains.

Law smirks. "Well, we've decided to not eat dinner to make Shot Roulette more fun."

Saki gapes at him. "We're drinking on empty stomachs??! You bastard!"

His smirk widens. "I doubt even Nyx will be able to stay sober."

'Wanna bet?' Nyx scoffs.

"Nyx asked if you wanna bet."

"Depends." He looks at Saki's bandages. "I'll have to check your injuries and re-wrap them," he states.

Saki attempts to rolls her eyes, but only succeeded in rolling the non-injured one. "Fine..."


The time had come for the dreaded Shot Roulette.

Nyx confidently strides/limps into the chaos of the Heart Pirates setting the game up. She winces slightly at the pang of pain in her shoulder, thigh and everything else. "Bloody thing. Why the hell did Saki have to get so goddamn injured? Irresponsible airhead..." She grumbles.

'I can still hear you...' Saki huffs.

Law spots Nyx from across the room. He uncharacteristically grins. "Nyx-ya." He waves lazily. "I had a feeling Saki didn't want to drink."

Nyx rolls her eyes. "She'll still get drunk, y'know." She taps her temple. "Just cos she isn't in control, so to speak, doesn't mean she ain't gonna get drunk. It's annoying hearing her giggles in my head."


'Shut up.'

Law was still intrigued by Saki's and Nyx's predicament. He'd never heard of a personality disorder like this one. It was a unique situation and he wanted to know more.

Nyx sees Law's expression and she quickly shuts the oncoming thought down. "You are not gonna experiment on us, asshole." Nyx's eyes narrow. "Sadistic bastard."

He smirks. "Before the crew finishes setting up the drinks, you wanna have a look at this experiment I'm in the middle of?"

Nyx shrugs. She knew it wasn't a request. "Sure. Whatever."

Law nods and leads her through the dark hallways of the Polar Tang. "How are your injuries?"

"Hurting like a bitch."

"That's to be expected."

"It's immature of you to let Saki and I walk around and drink alcohol with these wounds. You're a doctor. You should know better," Nyx chastises.

Law shrugs. "It's better than letting Saki go to the New World the way you are now. You'd die."

"I doubt it. It'll take more than a couple injuries to put us out of commission." Nyx stops walking and Law looks over his shoulder. "And Saki, for once, is right. We do need to go." Her expression darkens. "We can't let Ace find Teach until we're with him. He'll get himself captured or killed."

Law drags a hand down his face tiredly. "Fine. You can leave tomorrow after a full checkup," he recluctantly agrees.


Law points to a door at the end of the hall. "My experiment is just up here." Law starts walking again.

Nyx raises an eyebrow and follows him, matching his stride and pace. A difficult task, seeing as Law is a tall bastard.

The door opens silently and Nyx can distinctly hear something...beating? Pounding?

Law turns on the light and he proudly holds up a beating heart.

"Holy shit, that's a motherfucking heart." A few moments of silence pass and Nyx nods in acknowledgment. "New technique?" She grins and ruffles Law's hair like a proud sister. "Well done. That's cool."

'Saki, you should see Nyx's face. She smiling.'

'Holy cheese, no way! I wanna see!'

Law smirks. "Thanks."

"I wanna know how you figured out you could do that, but I doubt the crew will take much longer." Nyx sighs disappointedly. "Next time, tell me how you did it."

"I will." Law always appreciated Nyx's compliments as she didn't say them very often.

"I'm ready to kick your sorry ass in Shot Roulette, you hear? When you're passed out from drinking, I'll be laughing over your immobile body." Nyx promises.

Anddddd the nice Nyx moment was over.

Law scowls. "Whatever."

The two (technically 4) headed back to the mess hall/dining room/whatever the hell it was called and the crew was just finishing up pouring the alcohol into the last shot.

"Ah, hey Saki– er, Nyx!" Shachi fumbles over his words. He and the 19 other crew members (Bepo loved Saki and Nyx, so he isn't included) were terrified of Nyx. A few bad encounters (and death threats) with her and they all stayed well away. She was just too much like their Captain. It was scary.

"Sup." Nyx greets him with a glare.

Shachi shudders and Penguin walked up to them. He didn't notice the frantic arm waving from Shachi was a warning. "Saki-chan!" Penguin freezes at the sight of the purple hair. "Uh, I mean...Nyx-san..."

Nyx rolls her eyes at the two petrified idiots. "Piss off."

They were out of her sights in less than a second.

"You really need to stop scaring my crew." Law sighs.

"Like you can talk."


"Let's get this shit over with." Nyx takes a seat, being mindful of her injuries, of course, and motions for Law to sit next to her. "I'm fucking starving, so after this, I'm raiding your kitchen."

"Sure you are."

"Oi, Shachi." Law addresses the red head. The mentioned crew member raises his head. "What drinks are we using?"

"There's water, vodka, gin, and rum. All clear drinks, so you don't know what one you're about to drink."

"Sounds fun," Nyx muses. "A game of luck."

Law sighs. "My luck is shit."

The crew dispersed into groups, leaving Law, Nyx and Bepo together. "Who's going first?"

"I will." Law volunteers. He spins the wheel and drinks the shot in one gulp. "Fucking vodka..." the liquid burns all the way down his throat.

"Ha, sucked in, shithead." Nyx smirks. "My turn."


24 rounds and many shots later, most of the crew was out cold.

A very drunk Law and tipsy drunk Nyx/super drunk Saki were still going strong, now opting to drink straight from the bottle.

'Hehe~! Look, it's a butterfwy~!'

"There is no butterfly, dumbass," Nyx slurs.

'It's like, weeeeee fly fly booterfwyyyyyy~!' Saki giggles drunkenly.

"Shut upppp~" A laugh slips pass Nyx's lips. "Shit. No laughing." Nyx scolds herself.

Law groans. "Fuckkkk..."

"Pass out, stupid dumbass. I'm gonna make good on my promise and stand over your body, laughing..." Nyx yawns, her vision lagging and her head dizzy.

'Yohohoho yohohoho~!!! Yohohoho yohohoho~!!!!' Saki sings, words slurring together.

Law takes a swig of rum and offers it to Nyx. She takes it, tilting her head back and gulping the burning liquid, emptying the bottle quickly. "Aahhh." Nyx exhales and wipes her mouth. "Good stuff."

A thump startles her and she grins crookedly when she realises Law passed out. "Ha~. Idiot~! I beat you~!!!" She stands up, swaying slightly and laughs maniacally, just like she said she would.

'Oooo, I see kitsune~!!! Kitsune, come here~!!!'

"There's no Kitsune, idiot~. Dumbass~."

Phantom sighs. 'This is a nightmare...Where'd the responsible and snarky Nyx go...?'

"Piss off, sword..." Nyx grumbles. "I'm sober..."

'That's not what I even said...' ​​​​​ Phantom was a sword and, yet here he was doing the impossible, sweatdropping at the drunk Nyx and Saki.

"Whatever~! Saki is so stooooopid~!"

'Hahhh?! I am not! Kitsune! See~?'


'I want ramen~~!!!!! I'm soooooo hungryyyyy...' Saki complains.

"Shut itttttt. I don't wanna hear youuuuu." Nyx stumbles toward the kitchen. "But I'm hungry, too..." She rummages through the pantry, grabbing whatever she could find.

Too bad she blacks out.

Phantom sighs exasperatedly. 'Dumbasses...'


Not my best chapter, but omg, you guys have no idea how hard it is to write two characters that basically have the same personality while trying to find different words to describe what they're doing or how they're talking. Does that make sense? Like, I couldn't say 'Nyx grumbles' or 'Law smirks' all the damn time. That's all those two do for fucks sake...damn sadists...

And damn, first time writing a drinking scene, so I hope it was accurate. I haven't been drunk before, but I've seen my older brother drunk and let me tell you, it's a funny sight.

Fun fact: Saki is 171 cm or 5'7.

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