By DylanobsBitch

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"ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴜɴ ɪꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɴᴅ; ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ." Maisy Miller was once a pouge on the island of outer banks... More

intro *
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12

Ch 9

7 0 0
By DylanobsBitch

Another day had passed. Maisy was hiding in her room not particularly wanting to face the next day as no matter what seemed to go well in her life there was always something else there trying to bite her in the ass. The curtains were still drawn closed and she had been awake for god knows how long having another restless night, but still couldn't find it in herself to actually get out of bed.

The bedding was comfy and she was wrapped up in her own warm cocoon like she was in her own little bubble where she was protected from anything that might want to try and hurt her. After yesterdays ups and downs she tried to block it all out. But there was too much on her mind and she physically nor mentally could do it.

John Bs words stung like a bitch. Like a bee sting that would linger and ebb for a long time. But instead of it just being a small bee sting that would eventually go away the ebbing was still there and getting worse by every minute that passed. it was like she was reliving the very moment over and over again like a movie set on loop that you can never erase from your mind. Always an image planted there never to go away no matter how much you beg or sit there trying to rid the plaguing images.

It was probably 8 in the morning as the girl was curled up in her own world, that she barely registered her mum entering her room until she called her name rather loudly startling the girl to move from her relaxed position to one which was very rigid.

"you need to be up and ready in the hour, there is a beach clean up with all the teens here in figure 8. If you think you're going to be allowed to miss an opportunity to make this family look good then think again. Get up or you'll eventually become one with your mattress." her mum gestured to her sunken position to which Maisy rolled her eyes as she began to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"maybe thats the point mum, the mattress is comfy ,I'd happily live my life like this" she muttered turning around as she closed her eyes. Almost immediately a bright light entered her vision through her eyelid making her scrunch up her face in annoyance knowing her mum had opened her curtains.

"well I don't particularly feel like raising a mattress so get your ass up and get down to the beach. I won't warn you again." her mums voice was final as she headed back out the door and downstairs. Maisy rolled over to look where her mum had just been before groaning and eventually wrenching herself out of the relaxed position she had just been in knowing the warmth she had created would be gone in seconds.

Getting out of bed she decided to clean herself up before leaving by washing herself knowing that it was long overdue before drying her hair and getting dressed. She didn't bother with any makeup as her skin looked pretty clear so just put her clothes on and grabbing her few essentials which she shoved in her pocket.

She had paired a comfy pair of flow shorts along with a tank top which was airy and light on her body as she knew it was a hot day. If she was going to walk up and down on a beach all morning she was at least going to be comfortable while doing it.

After getting ready Maisy left immediately not bothering to say bye as she was pissed her mum had signed her up to this clean up at 8 in the morning. Sure if it was at a normal daylight time maybe she wouldnt mind, but 8? yeah no thanks she'd rather be sleeping and "wasting away" as her mum would put it, in her warm bed.

The beach wasn't too far so when she got there she put her bike to the side and began walking to the beach. Walking around a random guy had passed her a bin bag and a litter picker to begin the clean up to which she gave him a half hearted smile not really being in the mood for this at all.

Not really knowing what she was doing she prodded at bits of litter on the floor tossing them about as she struggled to even get them onto the end of the stick which is when she realised if you pulled at the handle the thing actually does most of the work for you.

"Hey Maisy I didn't realise you'd be here." she turned around to see Sarah with Topper in tow which made an actual smile grace her face knowing she recognised at least someone.

"thank god your here, I genuinely think I'd go mental doing this on my own. I only woke up about an hour ago, this is like child labor." she groaned as the three began to stroll up a hill.

"something like that, anyway I've been meaning to speak to you about this but did John B talk to you?" at first she was confused why she would asked that but then it dawned on her that John b before speaking to her had previously had a go at the other girl for the exact accusation he had given Maisy.

"yeah he wasn't so happy with me, it was so belittling. He just wouldn't hear me out." she sighed as she recalled the conversation from the other day which had been anything but pleasant.

"tell me about it, that kid has got a mouth to him!" she scoffed making Maisy and topper laugh slightly at it both for slightly different reasons.

"Well, he showed his true colours, It's what I've been trying to tell you.I mean, he's lucky your dad didn't press charges Sarah." Sarah muttered about how he is so rude which she wasn't wrong about but Maisy knew the boy was just hurting and the conversation they had was most definitely different than the one he had with Sarah. The two of them had an issue and Maisy had caused it in some way so she knew she had to fix it wether he would let her or not.

"I know! After stealing scuba from us? its just.... Kinda ridiculous to me. After everything my dad has done for him you'd think he'd be more grateful.Then he yells at me and Maisy like it was our faults, can you believe that!" Maisy could feel the waves of frustration coming of the girl making her sigh as neither knew what to do as he obviously had in his head that it was either one of them.

"It's-- He's a Pogue, at the end of the day." that made Maisy furrow her brows and look up from where she had been previously struggling to get her gloves on which had been handed to her previously. Maisy knew what John B had said to the two girls was wrong but the mention of the pouges in general made her skin crawl, that was all Kooks would ever think about them as.

"I mean, you can say they're all just people, or-- or whatever, but it's a totally different mindset on the cut." before Maisy could utter any words kelce popped into view with a big smile on his face. Sarah looked between Topper and Maisy unsurely as she now knew about Maisy origins. She was completely alright with it but the more her boyfriend talked about them the more uncomfortable she got. Kielce however, he looked as if he was up to no good as no one could be that happy to pick up litter even if it was for a good cause.

"yo, you all look thirsty" thats when he brought a drink from behind his back waving it in the air before passing it over to Topper. The sound of a drink was like music to her ears, she knew this would be her only way to get through the next few gruelling hours the kids were forced to partake in.

Topper smells the liquid reeling back slightly with a laugh as it looked like strong shit he had probably snuck from his parents liquor cabinet.  Maisy wasn't going to complain though. He took a large swig before passing the bottle to Sarah who done the same.

"what did you do to this." she laughs as she passes the bottle over to Maisy receiving laughs from both the boys. Maisy made sure to take a few long swigs letting the burning fluid sooth her throat as she laughed.

"thats some good shit kelce. I could literally kiss you right now for how much this was needed to get me through this." she held the bottle in her hands taking another swig before holding it out towards him making kelce laugh slightly.

"you could always follow through I wouldn't be complaining" he walked towards her making her shove him back with a playful eyeroll and laugh. When he was about to take the bottle from her outstretched hand weezie came in from nowhere and took her own long swigs making Sarah gasp as she immediately grabbed for the bottle.

"since when did you start drinking." Sarah said in alarm as her younger sister cringed at the taste of the drink not expecting it to be so strong. The others laughed at her action as there was no harm in letting her have a bit of a drink. She was a teenager, at least she wasn't going behind anyones back while doing it. Maisy couldn't have been older than 10 when she first got her hand on a drink, being in JJs company really did that to a person.

"since today" before Sarah could have a go at her sister anymore, a voice was heard from behind making Kelce stealthily take the bottle from Sarahs hand and place it back in the cooler it had originally been in. As the man was asking if they all had it undercontrol, everyone at once began to ramble that it was all good and he shouldn't worry.

"just hydrating all good over here" as she spoke the man began to tear off into another direction making the group of them begin to laugh. Throughout the morning they continued litter picking as well as drinking and finishing up the death concoction Kelce had nicely made for the group leading to not a bad morning.

The bottle had gone a lot quicker than the group had expected but they wernt complaing as it just took the edge off the morning. Before they knew it was the end of the morning and they were all stood in a large circle being made to hold each others hands. She was stood beside Sarah who wasn't able to contain her laughs. It was so contagious Topper and Maisy couldn't help but join in but Maisy tried to sh the two but there was no use as she couldn't help but join in herself finding this the most ridiculous thing she had ever done.

They were all doing prayers which made no sense as if the prayers worked, then Agatha wouldn't have screwed up the whole island in the first place but that didn't seem to stop the mans passion. Maisy could feel eyes on the three of them so she tried to contain herself and get through to the end of it.

They all let go of each others hands thats when Topper and Sarah began to make they way down the beach laughing to each other making Maisy laugh at the state of the two. The alcohol was in full swing and Maisy felt as though her body was floating so she began to make her way down the beach more than ready to head home.

Thats when she found Wheezie laying down on the sand who looked more than pissed so she called over to Sarah to catch her attention which thankfully she did. The moment she saw the state of her sister she sighed now knowing where most of the drink had gone and seeing it was her first time drinking it was going to be a long day for the younger Cameron.

"wheezie come on we got to get you home, you coming Maisy." Sarah couldn't help but laugh at her sister as she dragged her off the ground into her arms making Maisy laugh herself rembering exactly what it was like to get drunk the first time. Not fun.

"I'm alright my drunk baby sitting duties are unfortunately retired." she began to shrug with an amused facial expression making Sarah roll her eyes.

"well there is a party happening later ill send you the address. I would invite you but there would be no point as you're definitely going." the two began making their way to Toppers car as Maisy began to laugh knowing there was no way she was getting out of it.

"sure, get her some water and she should be fine. Wheezie lovely drinking session. See you later" she laughed as they got to the car and she turned away for her bike not too far away.

As she strolled a bit further along she found her bike parked with her bag looped around. She grabbed for her earphones and put them in to then start playing music from them and then climbed on top of her old bike. If she was thinking straight she'd tell herself this was more than a shit idea but who cares she needed to get home somehow so off she went.


bit of a filler, what do you guys think?

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