Ch 11

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The morning light crept over the horizon of the island as Maisy stumbled and dragged herself along the pavement back home. Feeling like a shipwrecked Sailor, washed up on the shore of a new day. Head pounding like waves crashing against the seas edge, and thoughts swirling like the sea foam bubbling along the sand. Walking by herself, she felt lost and confused at how the night had ended the way it had.

It was a familiar feeling, one she had experienced one too many times before. The night was a blur of bodies mingling, too many drinks and most obviously what she had taken; she was disappointed in herself more than anyone could ever imagine. Being swept away in the moment, carried by the current of the party, things went too far and there was no stopping the brewing of the storm which Maisy was. The sun now rising and beaming over the islands homes, she was left with the wreckage of her choices.

All that was left was to move forward but that is easier said than done. She had to find her way back to shore where she could heal and recover but currently she was stuck in the high tides repetitively beating her beneath the depths of darkness and water that the ocean was. It was like there was no ending just a repeating cycle that would never be Brocken and she was stuck to live this for a long time. Like destiny taking its course.

Despite this she was moving forward dragging herself through the high tides back home to her bed of comfort to hopefully rid herself of the bashing headache whirling in her mind. The bright lights bore beneath her ears like a fiery pit blazing in front of her making her squint and cringe at the irritation it was holding on her mind.

House coming into view, she tried to compose herself letting in a few deep breaths before creeping into the house as quiet as she could in order not to Catch the attention of anyone already inside. Although she needed to clean herself up - desperately - she made her way to the kitchen to grab a quick snack as she couldn't remember the last time she had ate something. Wether that was due to the hangover or not she couldn't tell so raided the fridge anyways.

"where have you been?" a stern voice cut her off of her browsing making her fingertips freeze at the change in tone of his voice. A shiver crawled down her spine shaking her body to the core as she turned slightly to see her dad waltzing in with a bottle of whisky in tow.

"um, I was just at a friends. Sarah's actually." she held eye contact with the man in order to review his every move not wanting to miss a single sign that the conversation would go south.

"bullshit, you were at that party and don't screw me over here saying you weren't. I could hear the fucking music from a mile away." he began to pace while taking swigs from the bottle making the girl fidget as her hands shook in physical fear from what her dad becomes with a bottle of whisky in his system.

"I'm practically an adult now, have been for 16 years, I can take care of myself." her voice stayed timid as she whispered to herself at first before raising her voice in frustration that she would always be seen as the helpless girl who had no use to the family. After her words finished her dad scoffed while shaking his head to himself before staring the girl head on making her freeze seeing where she had gone wrong. It wasn't the right time to talk back, the almost empty bottle signifying that.

"take care of yourself? okay who pays for the food on your plate who washes your clothes who pays for your education, HUH? we do everything for you and you could just fucking be home on time is that too much to ask?!" he made steps towards her making her close the fridge door and back up slightly not wanting his alcohol ridden breath to come any closer.

"I'm sorry I just lost track of time, okay?" she hated how weak she sounded, wanting to run away and hide, cower into herself and bury herself six feet under.

"you always loose track of time, just like you to only ever think of yourself, selfish brat." he practically spat at the girl making her cower and flinch slightly at the contact making him scoff and turn slightly to take another swig from the bottle. She was filled with pure anger and rage, the fact he would never see how much she cares for people showed how blind sided the man really was.

YOU OWN MY HEART // JJ MaybankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang