
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

515 40 53

The meaning of Serendipity is "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9 - Part 1
Chapter 9 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Part 1
Chapter 12 - Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part 1
Chapter 18 - Part 1
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Chapter 19 - Part 1
Chapter 19 - Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part 1
Chapter 21 - Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 17 - Part 2

14 1 5
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

Once I settle into the waiting wheelchair, they roll me into an empty room in the busy ER. A nurse follows us in, handing me a folded piece of material, instructing me to remove everything from the waist up before stepping out with the EMTs, Jae-sung following them. When the curtain closes, I quickly do as instructed and slide my arms into the uncomfortable and overly starched piece of fabric passing as a hospital gown. I settle gingerly on the bed as Jimin sits down in the chair on the other side, leaning his elbows behind me as he runs his warm hand up and down my exposed back. I turn to look over my shoulder at him, smiling slightly and moving closer as he ties the gown closed.

A quick knock on the frame of the room is heard right before the curtain opens slightly, the nurse looking in. Seeing I'm ready, she enters, followed by Jae-sung, Officer LaRoux, and someone with a nametag that says "Registration." Jae-sung stands next to Jimin, Officer LaRoux stands behind the nurse watching the three of us, while the nurse takes my vitals and registration gets me taken care of. After it feels as though I've signed my life away, I get an annoying little plastic bracelet with my name and date of birth placed around my wrist. As registration leaves, the nurse starts asking a bunch of questions, entering the information into the computer as I answer each. Most are standard demographics, but some are quite invasive, until finally one that I'm happy to answer is asked...

"Are you pregnant or could you be pregnant, Ms. Cho?" the nurse asks in her monotonous clinical tone that she's been using the whole time. I look back at Jimin, a smile on my face. I turn back to her.

"It hasn't been confirmed yet, but we think I might be. I took a home pregnancy test two days ago, but the results were inconclusive as it may be too early. I had planned to see my primary this week for confirmation before we head back to South Korea." Officer LaRoux pulls out her notebook and pen again as she speaks up while the nurse types the information into the records.

"You're leaving for South Korea, Ms. Cho?"

"Yes, Officer. We arrived yesterday from Busan, South Korea. I live in an apartment across the street from the coffee shop. We came back to pack up my apartment and office here. I'm moving back to Seoul with my husband this weekend, and I'll I start at my firm's Seoul office next week."

"What were you doing in South Korea?" she asks.

"I went on vacation at the beginning of the month with a now former friend for three weeks. During that time, I was learning about my family roots because I was born there. I met my husband early in my vacation while he was in Busan with his group preparing for a concert on the 15th. We fell in love and were married on the 18th."

"Preparing for a concert on the 15th, ma'am?" her sharp eyes look at me, then at Jae-sung, then at Jimin. I see the gears turning.

"Yes, Officer LaRoux."

"The only concert I know of that was happening at that time..." she quietly says before trailing off, a look of confusion on her face, as her gaze flicks between each of us several times. She shakes her head, and I hear her muttering 'there's no way' to herself several times. I turn to look at Jimin and Jae-sung, my eyebrows lifted.

"I think she may know who you are, but hasn't put the puzzle pieces together yet," I say, and Jae-sung steps to the end of the bed as Jimin stands up behind me, leaning closer to us both.

"I think now is an appropriate time to explain who I am. It may make this easier," he says. Jae-sung looks at him, then at me, finally nodding. I turn to look at Officer LaRoux, whose eyes have narrowed. I also look at the nurse, who looks bored while waiting to ask more questions.

"I've been given the go ahead to tell you the identity of my husband, Officer LaRoux, however it must stay confidential by everyone as it's a security risk if it's leaked." I see the nurse's ears perk up at that. "Actually, is there a secure room with a door where we can do this in private, Officer?"

She looks at the nurse, whose shoulders slump briefly before nodding. "Follow me, please."

I hop off the bed, following the nurse and officer, with Jimin and Jae-sung behind me. We must make a spectacle as we pass the nurse's station to a room behind it. The nurse stops at the door, indicating for us to move through it. As we do, I take a cursory glance at the ceiling and corners, then wait in the center with Jimin as Jae-sung walks around it, making another sweep but with a more critical eye. Stopping at the door, he speaks lowly to the nurse, asking a question. I see her shake her head. He says one more thing, to which she nods and walks away. He closes the door, turning the lock before positioning himself in front of it and facing us with his arms crossed over his chest. He nods his head as Officer LaRoux looks back and forth between us.

I look over at Jimin, who pulls the mask then the hat off. Running his hand through his hair, he looks down at me, his smile melting my heart. With my own smile, we look over at the officer, whose mouth has dropped open.

"Officer LaRoux, I assume you know of the K-pop group BTS, yes?" When she nods her head slowly, eyes still wide and mouth hanging open, I continue. "I thought as much. Please let me introduce you to my husband, Park JiMin."

Jimin bows to her then puts his arm around my waist, smiling down at me again before leaning his forehead to mine. I close my eyes briefly, relishing in the feel of him.

"BTS? Park JiMin as in Jimin of BTS?" I hear her say in an incredulous voice. We look back over at her.

"Yes, ma'am. The very same."

"Oh my god! I'm a huge fan!" And with that the professional cop has changed into an ARMY fangirl in an instant. I see her start to hyperventilate, so I move to pull the chair out from under the counter she's near, helping her into it before she falls. I look back at Jimin, who's just shaking his head, then at Jae-sung who's rolling his eyes.

"I'm sure you're used to this, aren't you?" I narrow my eyes at them as I see Jimin's face turn a light pink. "Do you know what it's like to be on the other side of it? To meet a celebrity or a celebrity crush?"

They just look at me, then slowly nod their heads. "But you didn't act like that, Nae," Jimin says quietly.

"Remember, love, I've been in your place, although very briefly. I also understand what it's like to be a fan. You're an idol, yes, but I would think there's someone out there that you would feel the same way if you met them." I smile a little to help take the bite out of my words.

I step back as the officer's breathing starts to return to normal, and I see her professional mask is slipping back into place.

"Are you alright, Officer LaRoux?" I ask as I move back in front of Jimin, his arms slipping around my waist again, hands resting over my abdomen. She looks up at us, then at Jae-sung. She takes a deep breath, holding it before slowly letting it out.

"Yes, thank you, Ms. Cho. I just never expected..." she stops, a frown on her face.

"I understand. We understand," I say, encompassing Jimin and Jae-sung in the statement. "Mr. Lee is the security detail tasked with protecting him. That's also the reason why I do not speak his name to people who don't know he's here. This trip is one the media is not to know about. Our marriage is also not to be known unless it's decided by us and his agency, and an announcement is made through the proper channels. That's why I asked this to be done confidentially in a secure space, which if I understand correctly, this room is one."

Jae-sung nods his head before speaking. "I didn't see any cameras or audio recording devices, and the nurse assured me there aren't any. I also let her know, and will reiterate with you Officer LaRoux, that if this is leaked, the agency will proceed with legal action."

I watch as she quickly nods her head. "As an officer of the City of New York, I'm sworn to keep matters confidential, so I understand." She looks back at Jimin and I. "Thank you for telling me. And before we leave this room, can I just say one thing?"

I look at the men in turn, then look back at her before nodding.

"I am a huge fan and have been to a couple of the concerts when you were here. Your group's music got me through a really tough period in my life at the time, and I don't think I would be here if it weren't for you." I translate her words to Jimin.

"Thank you." Jimin bows again.

"They find us when it's our time, don't they, Officer?" I say, a smile lifting the corner of my lips. Hers lifts as well in response.

"They sure do, ma'am, they sure do!" Then she stands, moving the chair back under the counter, and when she turns to face us, her professional mask is fully in place. "Shall we return to the nurse and finish this so we can get you all out of here?"

I nod, and Jimin places his hat and mask back on. I turn around and adjust the hat further down so all I can see are his eyes. Cupping his cheek, I whisper, "I love you, Jimin."

"I love you too, Nae."

We follow Officer LaRoux back out to my room, pulling the curtain closed again. As we all settle in our original places, the nurse comes back in, followed by a tall doctor wearing green scrubs under a white lab coat.

After the nurse logs into the computer, he looks over her shoulder reading what has been typed. Turning to us, he clears his throat. "What brings you in today, Ms....?"

"Cho, sir. My name is Cho NaeYeong. I was in an altercation with someone from my past."

"Doctor...?" Officer LaRoux speaks up. He turns to look at her, an eyebrow raised, surprise on his face as if noticing her there for the first time. I hear Jae-sung murmuring to Jimin behind me.

"Garcia. It's Dr. Garcia, Officer...?"

"LaRoux," she says as she hands him her card. "Ms. Cho is here as part of an active investigation regarding the altercation she had this morning near her place of residence with a Mr. Marshall, who I believe is also being treated here for injuries sustained during the altercation. Ms. Cho has indicated that Mr. Marshall is the man who r*ped her three years ago. Through our conversation, it has come to light that Mr. Marshall also used a knife on her the night he r*ped her. I asked that she come here to have it professionally examined by a doctor as part of our investigation."

"I see. Of course." He glances back to the computer. "I also see, according to your intake notes, that you may currently be pregnant, Ms. Cho?"

"Yes. We realize it may be too early to detect other than by a blood test. I had planned to get one completed by my primary this week."

"I think we can do it here today based on the fact that you were in an altercation. And these two gentlemen are...?" he asks, pointing at Jimin and Jae-sung.

"This is my husband, and a colleague of ours, Dr. Garcia," I state as Jimin slips his hand into mine. I see Officer LaRoux's mouth curve up in a slight smile when she sees it, her eyes finding mine. I smile back at her, squeezing Jimin's hand.

The doctor nods, stepping over to where boxes of blue exam gloves are sitting, pulling a couple out and walking over to me as he pulls them on. Putting his stethoscope in his ears, he proceeds to have me breathe deeply in and out while listening to my lungs and then my heart. "Nurse, please put in an order for labs to be drawn for a pregnancy test."

As she starts to type the orders into the computer, he continues. "Where am I looking, Ms. Cho?"

"Mr. Marshall sliced three long cuts into my back diagonally from bottom left to upper right."

"And how long ago did this happen?" he asks as he moves around the end of the bed. Jimin and Jae-sung move to the side, watching the doctor's actions closely. Officer LaRoux also moves so she has a view of it.

"Almost three years ago."

"Can you please untie the gown, Ms. Cho?" the doctor asks as he moves the adjustable light around and flicks it on, turning a spotlight on my back. I reach around to start untying them but feel Jimin's fingers brush over my own as he takes over, pulling each tie until they're all loose. As I hold the material to my front, I feel my back being exposed as the material is moved out of the way. I turn my head to look at Officer LaRoux over my shoulder, and see her eyes go wide when my tattoo is revealed.

"Once the scars were healed, I decided to cover them with this tattoo. I couldn't bear the sight of them, reminding me what he did every time I looked in the mirror..." I quietly explain.

I feel the doctor's gloved fingers start to probe my back, finding the ridges of scar tissue. "Did you have these checked and treated when it happened?"

I shake my head. "No, I was too ashamed about what happened to me. I never told anyone in the time since, not until recently when I told my husband after we met."

"These scars are very clean," the doctor begins in a clinical voice, and I hear the nurse tapping on the keyboard as he continues. "But definitely made by a sharp knife. Not a serrated-edged blade. Without having seen them right after they happened, I can only make an educated guess at how deep they were, which I would guesstimate to be at least five centimeters deep, possibly deeper, and roughly around thirty-five centimeters long each. They appear to be deliberately made as well, based on the straightness of the scars in several areas. You're very lucky, Ms. Cho, that they healed as well as they did and without infection. But you should've had them checked and treated by a medical professional. Then they would've been documented."

I turn around to look at the doctor and officer. "Actually, I took several photos over the course of healing, from the morning after when I came to, through the process of the tattoo covering it. I wasn't sure if I would ever need them..."

Both the doctor and Officer LaRoux raise their eyebrows at me. I hear Jae-sung telling Jimin what I just said and I turn around to look at them.

"Nae! Why didn't you say that to begin with!" Jimin exclaims, Jae-sung nodding his head as well.

"The pictures aren't something I dwell on but have them saved to the Cloud in case they would ever be needed. I actually forgot all about taking them until the doctor mentioned having documentation. Can one of you get my phone from my bag, please?" Jimin just shakes his head, taking the bag from Jae-sung and opening it. Pulling my phone out, he places it gently in my hand. "Thank you, love."

Once I open my phone with my thumb print, I log in and go to my Cloud files. Scrolling through the various folders, I find the secure one I'm looking for labeled 'D-Day' as it was the day of death of the old me. I chuckle without humor at that thought as I enter the encrypted password to open it, then hand the phone to the doctor. He starts scrolling through the photos that I had taken, with Officer LaRoux peering at them from his side.

I pull my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them as I realize I knew all along what happened. I stare straight ahead as the images showing on my phone flash across my mind's eye, something I blocked out over the past few years. I know what they are looking, completely n*ked the morning I woke up, my hands covering the important bits, but not covering the blood and bruises showing from my shoulders down, ties on my wrists and ankles, first on, then off to show the raw marks and bruising that happened when I struggled. The bloody mess of my back where the cuts can be seen, first from afar in a full body view, then close up views. Then other photos showing the bruising and marks as they faded, the healing process of the cuts, then the various phases as the tattoo slowly covers them.

"I'm a fast healer, doctor. I took care of them the best I could. The first week after it happened, I took off from work claiming I had a severe stomach flu. When I went back to work, I was very careful, and whenever anyone asked why I moved the way I did, I claimed it was because I had been so ill."

"Nae..." I hear Jimin breathe my name. I twist to look at him, noticing he has tears in his eyes, as does Jae-sung. I realize they both must have seen the photos, and the color drains from my face as I drop my legs off the edge of the bed again.

"Oh my god..." I say as my hand covers my mouth. Jimin quickly slips past the doctor and Officer LaRoux, rounding the bed to come and envelope me in his embrace, holding my head to his heart as my tears flow. "I'm sorry, it didn't occur to me that you would also see them..."

"It's alright, my love. I'm glad I did, though they're so horrific... Is this what you dreamt happening that last night in Busan?"

I nod my head. "I guess I knew all along what that b*stard had done to me, but I blocked it from my memory..."

"You are such a strong, beautiful woman, Baby. I know you told me what you went through, but I honestly had no idea what it meant. No wonder you blocked the memories." He leans back, pulling the mask down below his chin so he can softly kiss my forehead, wiping the tears from my face with his thumbs. He searches my eyes as he cups my cheeks, then leans his forehead against mine.

When he straightens up, I see him look at the doctor and officer. When I feel the doctor gently probe my scars again with his gloved fingers, I turn my head to see Officer LaRoux holding my phone as the doctor compares what he physically sees and feels to what's on the screen.

"You're indeed lucky infection didn't set in with these cuts. And from the timeline shown in the photos, you are a quick healer, which probably helped them not get infected. But I must reiterate, if in the future something like this happens again – God willing it doesn't – but if it does, as a medical professional I would be remiss if I didn't advise you about getting it checked and treated right away." He walks back around to my side of the bed, pulling his gloves off and throwing them away before washing his hands.

Officer LaRoux hands my phone to Jimin, who then hands it to me as he readjusts his mask. He walks behind me again, tying my gown shut once more, his hand slowly smoothing it down my back when he's done. I scoot back further on the bed, drawing my legs up again and tucking my skirt around them as I lean back into his chest. He slides his arms around me, settling his head on mine.

"Doctor, could I get a copy of your determination from the exam of Ms. Cho's scars for the investigation?" Officer LaRoux asks.

"Of course, Officer. I'll go get those ready for you right away. Nurse?" And with that, both the doctor and nurse leave the rest of us alone.

"Ms. Cho, would you be willing to send a copy of those photos to me so I can add them to your file? It shows a clear reason why you reacted the way you did when Mr. Marshall approached you."

"Of course, Officer LaRoux. Do you need a physical copy, or will an electronic copy be sufficient?"

"Electronic copy is fine. That will keep the date, timestamp, and metadata embedded in it, which will also help with the timeline. Here's my card with the secure email address to send everything to. If you need to get in touch with me at any time, please don't hesitate."

As I take her card and slip it into my wallet, I pull one of my own out, grabbing a pen and jotting down my personal cell and email address on the back. I hand it to her, which she takes. After a quick perusal of it, she slips it into the same vest pocket I had seen Jae-sung's card go in earlier.

"Thank you, Ms. Cho. Now, unless there's anything else you can think of, I'm going to connect with my partner to see what state Mr. Marshall is in." When none of us say anything, she says, "Again, it was very nice to meet all of you, although I wish it had been under different circumstances."

"As do I, Officer LaRoux. Thank you." We all bow, and she turns to leave, pulling the curtain closed tightly behind her.

I feel my shoulders sag when it's just the three of us. I sigh deeply, letting it out.

"Why do things like this keep happening to me? To us?" I ruminate out loud, not expecting an answer as I know there's really not one. "I mean, it has to stop sometime, right?"

As Jimin's arms tighten around me, the curtain opens again revealing a medical lab technician who pulls a cart in.

"I'm here to draw blood for labs. Please state your full name and date of birth."

The woman looks at her handheld scanner as I tell her, then she uses it to scan my bracelet and a few vials which she sets aside. Getting everything ready, she checks my arms for the best place to draw the blood. Deciding which one to use, she gloves up and wraps the stretchy tourniquet around my arm, pinching the skin in the process. As she slips the needle in, I wince hard at the sharp pain it causes, then watch in fascination as she seats the vial and dark red liquid spurts into it. Before I know it, she's replacing that one with the empty one and I'm not sure why I'm so fascinated with this process.

As she waits for enough to flow in, she gets a piece of gauze, holding it at the ready for when the needle comes out. Loosening the tourniquet, she covers the insertion site and pulls the needle, snapping the cap on efficiently then dropping it on the cart with one hand while the other hand presses the gauze down. Grabbing the readied piece of tape, she quickly puts it over the gauze, fastening it down as she grabs the tourniquet and gathers all the garbage to throw away. Taking the vial out, she drops the used needle in the sharps container on the wall, picking up the other vial as she slowly mixes them a few times. Slapping the labels on them, she places them in the waiting vial holder, and proceeds to push the cart to the curtain.

"Excuse me?" I capture her attention. She stops briefly and looks at me, impatience showing on her face. "How long before we get results from the test?"

She picks up her handheld scanner, looking at it. "Approximately forty-five minutes if it doesn't get too busy in the lab." With that she pushes the cart out, haphazardly pulling the curtain closed behind her.

"Can you say rude much?" I grouse to nobody in particular as I poke at the tape covered gauze.

"Is that normal?" Jimin asks curiously, pulling his mask down below his chin.

I just shrug my shoulders. "I suppose so? I don't know. I've not been to the ER before, so...who knows?"

"Interesting. Remind me never to come to a medical facility like this in the future."

"Trust me, I hope to never repeat this experience either."

As the minutes tick by slowly, we talk quietly about everything that happened. I keep looking at my phone and as soon as the forty-five minutes pass, I throw it on the bed next to me with a heavy sigh. I run my hands through my hair in frustration, then slowly down my face. Another twenty minutes pass before the curtain opens. I watch with wary eyes as the doctor comes back in.

"Your lab results have come back. Congratulations, Ms. Cho, you are pregnant. However, it appears to be very early in the pregnancy as the hormone levels are still rather low. Do you know how far along you might be?"

"Anywhere up to two weeks? That's why we weren't sure if it could be detected yet...but there have been several indicators." The doctor nods.

"That would make sense with the hormone levels. I'll have the nurse bring your discharge papers, and we'll get you out of here as soon as possible. Follow up with your primary or OB-GYN in the next ten to fourteen days. Do you have any questions?" I just shake my head. "You can get changed and the nurse will be right with you."

"Thank you, Doctor." I have a huge grin on my face as he leaves. I jump off the bed, turning to face Jae-sung and Jimin, who's moving toward me, the question on his face. I can only nod my head emphatically as my grin spreads.

"We're...pregnant?" he whispers, unsure of whether my nod means what he thinks it means. I nod some more.

"Yes, we're pregnant, love!" He stares down at my flat stomach, before looking me in the face, his own smile stretching across his face as he lifts me up, squeezing me tight. As he puts me down, Jae-sung comes up behind him, clapping him on the back in congratulations. Then he picks me up in an embrace as well.

"Congratulations, little sister!!" Letting me down, he holds his hand out to Jimin, who takes it. We're both surprised when Jae-sung pulls him into a tight embrace. "Congratulations, Jimin-ssi!"

We all laugh as he lets go. "Oh my god, we need to call your parents, Jimin! I promised your mother we would as soon as we found out."

"Let's do it after we get out of here, love. This is not the place to make that call," he laughs at me.

"You're right. Where are my clothes?? I want out of this stupid gown," I say as I start to pull the ties apart. Jae-sung spins away from me quickly, pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose.

"At least let me leave first, little sister. Please?" he whines as he steps to the curtain, slipping through it quickly.

I rush over to the other side of the bed, pulling the gown off over my head in my haste when I can't reach the middle tie. Pulling my bra on, I fasten it as quickly as I can. I do the same with my shirt, rounding it out with my cardigan. I look up, realizing Jimin hasn't said anything since I left him standing on the opposite side of the bed. I see he has his hands clasped tightly together in front of his groin area, a pained expression on his face. I move back to him, lifting up on my tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his neck below his ear, then across his jawline to his mouth, where he opens to my tongue as I swipe it across his pursed lips.

He lifts me up quietly and I wrap my legs around his hips as I feel his hard-on rubbing against my core. I sigh into his mouth as he reaches between us, moving the material of my skirt out of the way and undoing his pants, pushing them down just enough to free himself. Sliding the material of my thong to the side, he slides himself inside me as he devours my mouth, grinding his pelvis into mine, making quick work for both of us.

I hear Jae-sung clear his throat from the other side of the curtain.

"Keep everyone away from here for a few more minutes, Mr. Lee," Jimin growls lowly.

"Hurry up. The nurse looks like she's getting ready to come over here. She keeps looking this direction."

"Give us two minutes," Jimin growls again as he slides into me a few more times, finishing with his own release as I cover my mouth with my hand, holding onto him with my other arm around his shoulder, my eyes wide as I feel tingles run all the way from my head, down my spine, and into my toes as they curl.

"Oh my god, Jimin..." I pant quietly as he slips out of me. When I unwrap my legs from him, he helps me slide down his body until I'm standing. I adjust the material of my thong to cover the necessary bits, licking my lips as I stare at his c*ck. I lean over and take him into my mouth, cleaning him with my tongue, tasting both of us, the flavor intoxicating. I feel his hand on my cheek as I let him go, and I pull up his jeans, watching as he zips and fastens them again. Pulling his sweatshirt down, he covers himself as he grins at me while I wipe the corners of my mouth with two fingers, then stick my tongue out at him.

"Are you ready for company? The nurse is on her way over here."

Jimin pulls his mask up over his face again, but I can tell he's grinning like a cat that just ate the canary before he says, "Yes, we're ready, Mr. Lee."

I quickly move back to the other side of the bed, grabbing my things as Jae-sung and the nurse come in. I turn around, pulling my hat on and slipping my bag strap over my head as I feel my face heat up when my gaze meets Jae-sung's smirking, knowing one.

The nurse sets the papers down on the small counter next to the sink, going over them in her clinically monotonous voice, stating the same thing the doctor told us. I sign my name where she tells me to, and she hands a copy of the paperwork to me, which I slide into my bag.

"Follow me. I'll take you to the exit." She leads us out past the nurses station, past several other curtained rooms, to double doors that say "To Lobby" across them. Opening them with the tap of her key card to a sensor on the wall, she indicates for us to go through with a bored 'Have a nice day' in our direction. She doesn't wait to see if we leave before she turns on her heel and walks away.

"Wow. Okay then." I say as I watch her retreating back. "Let's get out of here guys."

When we reach the sidewalk, I see several taxis waiting at the curb just down the street with their signs on. I lead the guys to the closest one, leaning over to speak to the driver through the open passenger window.

"Do either of you need to stop at the apartment first or should we head over to my parent's place right away?"

"Do we need to change?" they ask at the same time, looking at each other.

"Well, you have some blood on your sweatshirt, Jimin." I touch the few smears and drops that stain his front from when he caught me earlier.

He looks down at them, his eyes getting big as if it's the first time he noticed it. He looks back up at me.

"I think I can just turn it inside out. That would be fine, right?" Jae-sung and I both nod.

I lean back down to the window and state the address we need to go to. When the driver affirms we're good to go, I open the back door and slide all the way across to the other side. Jimin gets in to sit in the middle, with Jae-sung on the other side. The taxi pulls away and as we ride to my parent's place, I struggle with the plastic bracelet. Finally, I use my teeth to get it off. Then I pull the tape and gauze from my arm, the adhesive making my arm red, itchy and irritated. I throw the offending things in my bag with the intention of throwing them away at home. I run my fingers over the bruise that's starting to form around the puncture mark, frowning.

"Damn." I say as I feel the lump there. "She wasn't very gentle about it, was she?"

Jimin holds my arm still as he looks, his own fingertips running over it, barely touching.

"I'm sorry, Nae. I wish I could take it away."

"It's okay, love." I pull my sweater sleeve down, covering it up. "It actually looks worse than it feels. While she was fairly efficient and got it done quickly, I just wish she had been better with her bedside manner. I suppose if we give it a few days, we won't even know it was there."

He wraps his hand around mine, pulling it into his lap as the taxi hits the expressway south. While we continue the trip to my parent's place in silence, I spend time sending the photos to Officer LaRoux's email, finishing up right as we pull onto their street. Dropping my phone back in my bag, I lean forward, staring at the brownstone townhouses sitting back behind the trees planted along the boulevard and black wrought iron fences. As the taxi pulls to a stop halfway down the block and the driver tells me the total, I hand over the money as the guys get out.

I follow, shutting the door behind me. Stepping up on the sidewalk, I pause, taking a long look at the façade of the building where I grew up. As I stand there, my gaze travels up, taking in the sandy white window sashes and dark green shutters to the top of the third floor. As I stare, a blaze red-orange leaf floats down in front of me, capturing my attention. I look above us, listening to the rustle of the leaves as a slight breeze moves them, shaking a few more loose to float down around us.

I feel my heart soar with joy, and I can't help but close my eyes and turn in a tight circle with my arms out, the smile lighting up my face. Stopping, I look at the men at my side.

"Come on, let's go inside!" My joy bubbles out as I grab Jimin's hand and pull him up the front steps to the dark painted door. Pushing it open, I rush in, barely taking time to kick my shoes off just inside and drop my bag on the bench against the wall. Turning to the men, my grin gets even bigger.

"Mother, Father, girls!" I call as I step into the spacious room looking toward the back of the house where the large open concept dining room and kitchen are located. That's where I knew I would find everyone. My mother turns from the stove where she's making food for lunch already. I'm nearly floating over to her as I kiss her on the cheek and throw my arms around her.

She looks me up and down, taking in my happiness. "You found out, didn't you?" A smile breaks across her face as all I can do is nod happily. She hugs me tightly before letting go and moving over to embrace Jimin in a tight hug as well. My father looks up from reading the paper at the table in the center of the room as I drop a kiss on his head, then do the same to the girls, who are sitting with him making pictures with their markers and crayons, not paying any attention to us.

I walk back over to Jimin, whispering, "Can you call your parents please? I seriously need to go do something..." He nods his head and I peck him on the cheek. I turn to my mother. "I'll be in the studio for a bit. If I don't, I think I might burst!" I sing out as she shoos me out of the kitchen with a laugh and I hear her say 'that girl!' as I move to the door and down the carpeted stairs, through the hallway, to another door.

I grab the knob, stepping on the landing and closing it quietly behind me. With my movement, the light comes on as I rush down the next flight into the renovated basement dance studio. Running over to the stereo, I power it up, deciding which music to put on.

Once the decision is made and it starts to play through the speakers, I grab my pointe shoes, slipping my feet in and lacing them up to my calves. After a few warmups, I pull off my cardigan and hat, tossing them into a corner next to the mirrors. Then I'm full out dancing my joy, the smile never leaving my face as I break a sweat to the upbeat classical tempos.

When I get that out of my system, I pull the shoes off, stretching and massaging my feet a few moments before changing the music to my favorite K-pop dance list. Unbuttoning the bottom of my shirt until it's sitting just below my ribcage, I tie it in a knot and roll the sleeves up to the elbows. Gathering my hair into a high ponytail and securing it there with a tie, I start to dance some of the routines I know to the songs that play and improvising to the rest, closing my eyes and allowing the music to flow through me, singing the lyrics at the same time.

After several songs, I finally open my eyes when I feel a presence next to me. I'm surprised to see Jimin there, dancing some of the routines as well. When he notices me watching him in the mirrors, he turns and grabs me by the waist, leading me in a dance around the room. As the music changes to the next song, he pulls me into him, covering my mouth with his. I swear I can taste his own joy at the news of becoming a father.

Sighing again, I rest my head on his shoulder as we sway to the beat, slowly moving around the room together. As the music slows even more, I look up at him.

"Did you let your parents know? How did they react? I would have done it with you, but I needed to do this first or else I was going to implode."

"Yes, and they're very happy," he says, chuckling before getting a serious look on his face. "I let them know what happened this morning too, and how we ended up getting the test done so quickly."

I stop moving, worry crossing my face at his words. "What did they say about it?"

"They're both very worried about you, but also proud with how you dealt with everything, especially protecting yourself and the girls. They would like us to video call with them later today, if you're up for it."

"Perhaps we can do that this evening. Are you still up for spending some alone time together at the apartment this afternoon?"

He pulls me tighter to his body, and I feel his response twitching against my belly.

Moving us slowly around the room again, he whispers in my ear, "What do you think?"

I giggle as I rub closer to him.

"My love, you need to stop that, or else I can't guarantee I won't take you again, right here, right now. And that would be disrespectful to your parents, here in your parent's home."

I take a step back from him, knowing he's right, but my body is craving him so bad that my s*x clenches several times. I flick my gaze around the room, making sure no one else is present as I rub my thighs together, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but that just makes the craving worse.

I groan out loud as I feel my n*pples grow hard, and I see his eyes drop to my shirt. I know he can see them outlined by the cotton fabric, which only makes them harder, and I shudder as goosebumps raise all over my body from wanting him.

"I can't help it, Jimin...I want you so f*cking bad right now," I whisper to him as my hand slides up my thigh, bunching the fabric of my skirt near my hip in the process. I feel the cool air on the hot wetness between my thighs as the lifted material exposes my thong briefly to his gaze. "I need you inside me...respect be damned!" I pant as the shirt slides over my hard n*pples when I take several steps back, crooking my finger in his direction.

He shakes his head, not moving.

I continue to move backward, angling my body toward the full bathroom in the corner, the one added when my parents remodeled the studio space for me. He still doesn't move, his eyes glittering under the studio lights as my feet glide backward, carrying me away from him. I whisper into the room.

"Either you come and help me, or I'm going to have to take care of this myself and that doesn't sound like much fun to's your choice..." and I start to unbutton my top, exposing my lacy bra a little, accidentally grazing a sensitive n*pple with my wrist as I do it one handed. I stop, panting as I bend over from the sudden rush of warmth.

When I'm able to straighten up again, my other hand is still pulling up my skirt until I reach the bottom of the hem, my wet p*ssy now on full display through the scrap of lace. His gaze turns hot as I slide one finger under the edge, barely touching my cl*t, causing another rush of heat. I throw my head back, panting and biting my bottom lip as I rub a little more, eliciting a whimper as what I really want is to feel the touch from my husband doing these things to me...

Before I know it, strong arms wrap around my waist, and I'm being lifted up and moved into the bathroom quickly, where I'm deposited on the edge of the sink counter. The marble is cold against my hot flesh, making me gasp. He lets go, closing and locking the door behind us. Turning on the light and the fan for noise, I open my eyes to see Jimin standing there, his sweatshirt already off and the button to his jeans undone, the tip of his c*ck peeking out. I lick my lips, wanting to taste his flesh almost as much as I want to feel him sliding through my slick folds, pounding hard into me, rubbing against my g-spot, and I almost org*sm at the thought without even being touched!

I pull my skirt up so it's wrapped around my waist, opening my legs wide in the process so he can see my entrance weeping for him. I quickly untie my shirt, accidentally popping the last button and throwing the edges open, my lace encased br*asts on full display.

"I need you so bad Jimin..." I whimper as I bite my lip harder, opening the split again, the copper taste invading my mouth. "I need you more than I need air right now. Please..."

Suddenly he's standing between my legs, fingers digging into my *ss as he pulls my hips forward against his, my body barely on the counter anymore. His mouth covers mine, his tongue licking the blood off my lip before slipping in. Too quickly his mouth leaves mine, kissing across my jaw to my ear, panting heavily.

"Oh god, Baby... We really shouldn't be doing this here, especially with you being a screamer..." he whispers to me as his fingers knead my flesh causing my core to rub on him. I whimper louder at the friction of his jeans and the lace of my thong brushing hard on my cl*t.

"When the basement was remodeled into my dance was soundproofed so I could dance at all hours of the day or night without disturbing anyone..." I respond breathlessly. "But I'll still try to control it...but I need you now, Jimin. God, I need you..." I cry again.

In one swift movement, his mouth covers mine again as he unclasps my bra, his fingers skillfully coaxing a moan from me as they play across my bared flesh, teasing as he pinches and rolls my n*pples. My own hands work at his zipper, using my feet to push his jeans down as far as I can. I feel his sudden intake of breath when I double fist his hardness, his heat nearly scorching my palms. He steps back, forcing me to let go.

His hands slide down my body until he reaches the strings of my thong, which he pulls off, then he's sliding three fingers into me. I slap my hand over my mouth as his thumb rubs my sensitive bundle of nerves as he f*cks me with his fingers. Just as I feel like I'm about to c*m, he pulls out, leaving me panting. I don't have a chance to recover though when he pushes his throbbing c*ck into my extra wet opening, seating himself all the way in one swift thrust.

He holds himself still for a moment, and I relish him throbbing and twitching inside me as my own body holds him in a d*ath grip as I pulse at the fullness. His hands slide up my back, pulling me to him, my chest to his, bare skin to bare skin. I grab his *ss, kneading the muscled flesh, loving the power I can feel as he flexes beneath my fingers with each thrust. I caress his collarbone with my lips, nipping at first, then biting down to stifle the scream welling up my throat as he starts to thrust hard and fast. All I can do is hang on tightly for the ride, my org*sm building quickly and I see stars as I squeeze my eyes shut when it hits, blocking out everything except the man who has consumed me with his flesh and love.

I don't know how long it's been that I've been clinging to him like he's my lifeline, but he's still jerking inside me as his lips brush across my shoulder, teeth scraping, causing little aftershocks through my body and into my core. Slowly I lift my head, letting it drop back as I lean on my hands while gripping the sink to steady myself, trying to catch my breath.

"Oh my god, Jimin...I don't know about you...but I think you might be the d*ath of me someday..." I admit to him, my eyes closed as the pleasure continues to sweep through me with every little movement. "But what a wonderful way to go!" I breathe out, a smile curving my lips up as he chuckles.

I feel his lips touch the tip of each br*ast, his tongue flicking out before he blows across them, making them pebble up as my inner walls clench around his semi-hard but still throbbing c*ck. I run a hand through his soft hair as he repeats it a few more times – flick, blow, flick, blow – and I can tell he's enjoying the feel of my body clenching around his in response because he groans each time then does it again.

Finally he pulls out, and I watch as he rests against the wall, his body slick with sweat glowing under the light. I lift a foot and slide it up the inside of his thigh to his b*lls, the top of my foot grazing as his c*ck jerks at the touch. I slide off the counter and kneel down in front of him with hands resting on his strong thighs, taking him in my mouth, my tongue cleaning him gently as he pulls the tie from my hair. With one hand sliding behind my head, he guides my movements as I first run my tongue against his flesh then pulling him into my mouth, even though he's only semi-hard, still spent from our recent loving. I appreciate that our combined taste with his spicy undertones is a bit of an aphrodisiac to me, or that could just be the hormones talking.

I look up at him as my mouth is wrapped around him, and I see he's watching me through half-closed eyes, his lips parted as the tip of his tongue peeks out occasionally to wet them. I hum lightly, enjoying his response as he bites his bottom lip and his eyes close with the sensation.

"Ah Baby, that feels so gooood..." he breathes out as he looks back down at me, before he pulls me up to kiss him, pressing my body tight to his. "I want to take you home right now and keep making love to you in every way that comes to mind..."

"Mmmm, love, that sounds like the best way to spend the afternoon. All time spent with you is my favorite, no matter what we do..." I say as I nibble on his chin.

"But we should probably head up to spend time with your parents and the girls." I stop moving my lips down his neck to look at him when he gets serious. "I'm worried about how they're doing after everything this morning." I search his face, and I feel the love welling up in my chest knowing that he cares so much for my family from the oldest to youngest members already.

"You're right...I was so filled with joy and excitement when I got out of the taxi that it's all I could focus on. I should have been more cognizant of how they're dealing with what happened." I step back looking around for my thong but get confused when I don't see it.

"Are you looking for something, love?" I hear the teasing tone in his voice. Looking up, I see it swaying from the tip of his finger. As I reach out to grab it, he snatches it away, bringing it up to his nose and inhaling deep as he holds my gaze. "You smell so delectable. It makes my mouth water and I want to feast on you for hours..."

I lick my lips as he says that, the yearning of feeling his mouth on me blossoming deep suddenly. Then he drops his hand to his c*ck, palming them as he fists himself. I step close, placing my hand over his, stroking with him while his free hand cups my br*ast, his thumb rubbing across the sensitive flesh. I flick my tongue across his as I palm his b*lls with my other hand.

"Baby, we seriously need to stop now..." I hear him say in a strained voice.

I lift my head to look him in the eyes, a wicked grin on my face as my eyebrow quirks up in question. "Who started it this time, hmm?"

With that, he gets a mischievous look on his face, and he settles the thong in my hand. With a smirk I let go of him and step back, raking his body with a hot perusal. "When we get home, Baby..." and I leave it hanging in the air between us as I lift my skirt to slip it on. He watches as I straighten my clothes before he bends over to pull his jeans back on, adjusting himself so that he's comfortable and no one will know what he's been doing. Picking up his sweatshirt, he pulls it on. He sweeps his hair back with his hands before sliding them through mine, trying to help put it back into the ponytail I had it in to dance.

I turn around to check out the damage in the mirror, laughing at how my hair is sticking up everywhere. Opening a drawer under the sink, I pull out a brush making quick work of the few tangles, throwing it up in a messy bun. I open the door a crack, checking the studio space. Seeing it's still empty, I walk across the floor to pick up my sweater. Sliding my arms into it, I button it up, covering the spot on my shirt that's now missing its own button.

Tucking my hat in a pocket, I turn off the stereo, the silence echoing in the room as we walk up the stairs to the lower level.

"So how many floors are there? From the outside it looks like there's only three, but..." I see the confusion on his face. I stop in the hallway as I consider his question.

"Hmm, let's see. This is a brownstone townhouse. There's the basement, where my dance studio is...remind me to ask later about a dance studio in Seoul...then there's this level, which is sometimes called a garden level. When we were growing up, this is where my brothers had their bedrooms, especially when they became older teenagers and wanted their own space. Now it's used for guests if they need to stay. Come on, I'll show you."

I open the door and walk into another small living room combined with a small kitchenette toward the front of the house.

"Why is it called a garden level?"

"It's on street level. Do you remember seeing the little area next to the stairs going to the front door? It was behind the fence?" He nods his head. I grab his hand, leading him to the front, where there's a door. Opening it, I see the surprise on his face when he sees the little walkway under the stairs leading to that front space. "This is another way to get to the street instead of using the front door. But this door is kind of hidden from the sidewalk unless you're really looking for it. I don't know if it's true or not, but the area in front may have been a small garden at one point, hence being called the garden level."

I shut the door and lead him to the back of the house, showing him the bathroom and the smaller bedroom.

"This one was HaeYun's." I lead him into the room next door, which is almost twice the size. Walking around the bed, we reach the door that leads outside. "This room was JiYeong's."

I open the door and step out under the balcony, showing him the backyard. Taking him up the stairs to the balcony above, we stop and look over the wall to the townhomes behind ours. He glances to each side.

"They're all so close together..."

"Yes, they were built that way...and they're all technically row houses. The whole building is built with brick walls, with the walls between each used as the wall for the next. I suppose being built this way, they stayed strong, kind of like a house skeleton. But the fronts were covered with brownstone, which is a type of sandstone. That's where the term 'brownstone townhouse' came from. Come on. Let's go inside."

When we step through the door, my mother looks up from the table where she's coloring with the girls. My father and Jae-sung are sitting in the living room talking, not paying any attention to us as we walk to the stairs.

"Where are you two going?" my mother asks curiously.

"I was showing Jimin the house." I say, a smile on my face. HaYoon drops her crayon on the table and jumps down from her chair, hopping over to Jimin and throwing her arms around his waist, hugging him.

"Uncle Jiminie! Can I go with?" she stares up at him with big eyes.

"Me too, me too!" SeoYeon gets off her own chair and jumps over to us, grabbing my hand. "Please, Auntie NaeNae?" I look at Jimin.

"Why not?" he responds, smiling.

"Sure girls," I respond. Before I can say anything else, they're running up the stairs before we can move.

"Come on, hurry!" we hear from the top of the stairs. I grab Jimin's hand and lead him up to the next floor. Stopping at the top in the hallway, I gesture to the open door to my right.

"This is Mother and Father's room. The room at the other end of the hallway is Father's office. Come this way, I'll show you their beautiful bathroom. What I wouldn't give to have a wet bathroom like what they have!"

We walk through the door to the bedroom, taking a sharp U-turn into the walkthrough closet, then past the Jack and Jill sinks, and finally into the wet shower, the whole room tiled and open to two shower heads and a deep standing tub with a drain in the center of the room.

"Even though this space is twice the size of my bathroom in the apartment, it's so much easier to keep clean," I chuckle, shaking my head. I watch as he looks around.

"This is a nice concept. I like it..."

"Me too." I reply as the girls come running up behind us, grabbing our hands and tugging.

"Come on! Upstairs!"

"Okay, okay, we're coming!" I laugh as they pull us back through to the hallway and up the stairs to the top floor. They pull us toward the front of the house and through the door on the right. I see they've been a whirlwind of a tornado already, toys strewn about the floor and across the small table sitting in the middle. One wall is covered with black board paint, and I can see little chalk drawings on the bottom half, where they can reach.

I take a step closer and notice they've drawn our family, including a few new people.

"Who do we have here?" I ask as I crouch down in front of the drawing, pulling SeoYeon to my side. She starts pointing out the new people.

"This one is Uncle Jiminie, see he's holding your hand," she looks at me with a toothy grin. Pointing at each of the next ones in line, she explains who they are. "And that's Grandma MiMi and Grandpa Soo. That's Uncle Kookie and Uncle Jae."

"I see! Very nice! Did you draw them?" She nods her head several times in answer, proud that I guessed she was the artist.

I look again, seeing other figures huddled in a group below ours. Pointing at them, I look at her and ask, "And who are they?"

"That's TaeTae, and Yoongi, Hobi, and Joonie, and...and...Jinnie! Did I get them right?" she asks, her brows drawn down as she looks over at Jimin, who is now squatting on the other side of her.

"Yes, you did! You did such a good job too!" She beams at him, her smile lighting up her whole face. She leans over and pecks him on the cheek. Pushing my hand off her waist she runs out the door to the next room. I chuckle.

"I think you made her day, Jimin," I grin at him as we get up.

"Actually, I think she made my day!" His grin gets wider.

"Why do you say that?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Because! Do you see the size of them compared to the size she drew me??" I look back at the drawing, laughing when I realize they're half the size of the rest of us.

"Oh my god!" I can't help but laugh more. "Come on, love."

Grabbing his hand again, I pull him to the next room where the girls are lounging on their stomachs on the bed, feet kicking slowly back and forth, heads propped up by little hands.

"This is the guest room, usually used by the kids when they stay with my parents overnight."

I lead him out, showing him the guest bathroom, then take him into the room that takes up the back.

"Was this your room?" Jimin asks as he looks around, seeing memorabilia of my childhood on shelves and pictures hanging on the walls. I nod, looking around, touching things. "Are you wanting to take anything home from here?"

I look over at him as he's still checking out the space, walking over to some of the pictures showing childhood and teenage years in ballet or where I'm dressed up for school.

"Maybe some of my dance things that I would use, like my favorite pointe shoes and ballet slippers. But most of this will stay here for now, I think. Whenever we visit, this is probably the room we'll stay in. Perhaps, eventually, I'll take everything...but I don't need it. I'll still have the memories without the things, you know?"

He nods in understanding.

"Come on." He follows me as I lead him back to where the girls are. "Hey, you two, let's go back downstairs to see what grandma has been making! Perhaps we can swipe a little bit of it... I'm starving!" I rub my belly just as it growls loudly.

"Hungry tummy monster!!" The girls yell in unison, getting up on their knees, making faces as they curl their fingers and growl 'grrrrr!' before jumping to the floor and running down the stairs, yelling "Hungry tummy monster, watch out, the tummy monster is coming!!"

"How can they be so full of energy?!" Jimin laughs as my stomach growls again. "And it does sound like a hungry tummy monster." Unbuttoning my sweater, he leans over and whispers to my stomach, "Little flower, you better watch out for eomma's tummy monster!" Then he kisses it before straightening up and buttoning the sweater again.

I laugh at that as we head down the stairs to the kitchen. Licking my dry lips, I realize I haven't had anything to drink since the night before because of everything. Walking over to the refrigerator, I look over my shoulder. "Are you thirsty?"

I grab a bottle of water and take a deep drink of it, quenching my parched throat as Jimin stops behind me. When I pull the bottle from my lips, he takes it, drinking the rest.

"Sorry," he says with an apologetic grin on his face as he hands me the empty bottle. I just smile and shake my head, taking it to the recycling bin.

"What would you like?" I open the fridge again to let him look.

"Water is good. I'm feeling a bit...dehydrated..." he finishes lowly, and my gaze jumps to his, my face heating up.

"True, it's been quite a...busy...morning," I respond, watching his own face flush a little as he smiles. I hand him another water as I take a second. Turning around, I move to the table and sit next to HaYoon, watching as she continues to color her picture, concentration on her face. I look up at my mother, and I see she's searching my face. I raise my eyebrows in question, so she gestures with her head to follow as she gets up.

Grabbing a couple of bowls, she starts to plate up some of the hot food, and as I get close she says without looking at me, "I don't want to ask in front of the girls, but the man I saw laying on the ground when we picked them up earlier...was that the one know, what you told us at the dress shop?"

She looks at me then, her eyes shining as she hands me the first bowl. I swallow hard, nodding because I can't say anything out loud.

"The girls didn't really say much about what happened, but I saw the scrapes on HaYoon's hands. What happened?"

"He," I pause, knowing she would know who I'm referring to, "he pushed her down to get next to me. The scrapes happened that first time."

"First time?"

"Yes, when she got up she hit him on the leg, yelling to leave me alone. He pushed her down a second time. That's when the girls finally went inside to get the guys."

"Why weren't they out there with you three?" my mother flicks her gaze to Jimin, who is sitting at the table, talking to the girls and watching them draw, then over to Jae-sung talking with father. She looks back at me, waiting.

"They didn't realize we had left for fresh air. I felt nauseous from the strong scent when we entered, and the girls didn't like it either. We went for air, but then that's when he showed up."

"Which one of them took him down?" her gaze flicking back to the men.

"I did."

The surprise on her face changes to confusion as she looks back at me. "You did it?"

"Yes. After he, you know, I didn't feel safe so took some self-defense classes. They helped me feel a semblance of normalcy and peace again. When the classes were over, I realized I actually enjoyed the discipline and routine of it, much like I did with ballet, so continued on with regular martial arts classes since."

She shakes her head, picking up some chopsticks and heading back to the table. I set a bowl in front of Jimin then sit back down next to HaYoon and dig into my food. The first bite makes me moan in appreciation as my stomach growls loudly in satisfaction.

Without looking up, the twins say, "Tummy monster, tummy monster," in unison. I rub HaYoon's back in response, then continue eating until my bowl is empty.

"Thank you, Mother. That hit the spot. We didn't have a chance to eat this morning." Looking at Jimin's empty bowl, I ask, "Would you like some more, love?"

"No thank you, it was very filling. Thank you, Mother. It was very delicious."

I grab his bowl and chopsticks, taking everything to the sink to wash. Putting them away, I walk back to the table to sit, trying to smother a yawn behind a hand.

"Why don't you go take a nap with the girls? You look worn out," my mother suggests.

"I'm fine, Mother," I say, trying to smother another one. "I was going to help put the food away."

"Love, go take a nap with the girls, I'll help Mother put things away," Jimin says, placing his hand over mine and squeezing. "You do look exhausted, and you need to stay healthy, especially now that you're taking care of two people..."

I smile at him, suddenly feeling the exhaustion hit, and my shoulders droop. "Alright, I'll go. Just don't let me nap longer than an hour, please."

Standing up, I drop a kiss on top of his head, then walk to my mother, dropping one on hers. "Come on girls, gather your things. Let's go take a nap together. We won't be able to have snuggles for a while, so let's take advantage of it."

They slowly get up, gathering all the markers, crayons, and papers strewn around. I follow them up the two flights of stairs, trudging all the way. They've already put their stuff in the playroom and are up on the bed, waiting patiently as I reach them. I climb up too, settling in the center with another yawn, and they snuggle into my open arms. 

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