😈 Tales of a Cambion (Book 3...

Від nereidesalpha81

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The second semester is finally here and filled with challenges no young demon has ever faced before. Recallin... Більше

I (XLVII). The Misfit Class' New Term 🏫
II (XLVIII). Master Bachiko 🫖 🧺 🧹
III (XLIX). Iruma's True Feelings 🏹
IV (L). The Signal That The Harvest Festival Has Begun 🌾
V (LI). Cunning Demons 😏
VI (LII). Devilishly Pure 😈
VII-A (LIII-A). Clara's Toy Box 🧸
VII-B (LIII-B). A Night Filled With Screams 🌌
VIII-A (LIV-A). Can We Make 100 Friends? 🏯
VIII-C (LIV-C). The Students I'm Proud Of ⛺
IX (LV). The Dorodoro Brothers' Provocation 🦚
X (LVI). The Iruma I Know 🌱
XI (LVII). Toto The Genie 🧞‍♂️ 📖
XII (LVIII). Wish Upon Your Weapon ⚔️ 🏹🛡️
XIII (LIX). My Very Own Magic 🪄
XIV (LX). Lied's Distress 😰
XV (LXI). The True Worth of The Lightning Breather, Hunter, & Archer ⚔️ 🏹 🛡️
XVI (LXII). The End of the Harvest Festival 🏁
XVII (LXIII). Legendary Leaf and Shining Shrub 🪴 🌟
XVIII (LXIV). Welcome Back 🌸 🏵️
XIX (LXV). The Instructor's Banquet 👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫 🍻
Gateway I: - Σπασμένο προς έναν άλλο τρόπο
XX-A (LXVI-A). Bad Company 🎮
XX-B (LXVI-B). Heartfelt Cooking Class 🍳

VIII-B (LIV-B). Dominion of Regalia 🏰

36 3 1
Від nereidesalpha81

The cover of dark brings terror to all in fear of witching hours. Pray tell, readers. Could such be caused in roots of inevitable escape from nocturnal predators stalking prey and competitors, or simply the lost luminescence of any sorts being out of reach to seek guiding refuge in these times under faraway stars? Whatever may it be, most unacquainted netizens down in where most call Hell, are not too different from humankind. The fear of getting lost, the dark itself, being eaten alive, and many other factors where all sinners may never comprehend. But amongst all who power of nightfall black skies, there are some individuals who honed great courage and strengths to pierce through the tugs of their hearts for incredible hunts across the demonic lands.

Leaping from angle to angle in the speed of light descended Kaminari Levina—lone Pikachu demoness of rebellion. She had just slain a couple of Steak Bats and a handful of Numbing Spicy Boars for her taking. She pulled down her leather face mask to wipe the sweat off from her face before looking around the vicinity.

"Phew. That batch was a tough one to wrangle." Said Kaminari, "Surely I'd have a hard catch with them without those hunting tactics Lavande taught us. Ain't that right, Yanna?"

Her half-Gorgon and Salamander friend, Yanna Siegfried, popped out from faux tree bark like a ninja and got at the ground level saying, "Sure as all this Netherworld desires, Le-chan! And I've even snatched some fruits from my pretty surprises."

"Wasn't expecting Professor Raim to get you a special treat, sounds pretty swell of her." Commented the Pikachu.

The duo took a seating on a sturdy tree branch as they shared some of Yanna's fruits. Kaminari was thinking of maybe killing down a few beasts that could be roaming around for extra points they could harvest. It sounded like a good idea, given they know what they'll be hunting for. Yanna thought of using a handful of berries as bait to drag in some omnivorous or herbivorous entities in the areas nearby. With that said and done, it only took a moment to find a nice spot and wait for an opportune second to strike. They used this tactic for a few separate points. Kaminari then had no idea what to do with Steak Bats, since they didn't cost a lot of points and ultimately decided to cut off their wings with her dagger before using them as bait for carnivorous magical beasts. This took a bit longer to have patience with as nocturnal carnivores were harder to spot, not to mention resisting the temptation to snack on one of her slices of Steak Bats the Pokémon demon she still had in her bag of harvests. Eventually, a few creatures like Chili Monitor Lizards, Honey Alligators and Leek Tarantulas, savored some pieces before their lives were taken away in a hunt of wits.

"Aha! This is a great catch for the night!" Smiled Yanna, "I can't wait to see what else the others have in store!" "Yeah! The fact we both managed to taken down a Tamarind Ogre-faced Spider was by far the best battle I've ever fought in this whole landscape." Agreed Kaminari, "That crazy boss-level [REDACTED] sure got the biggest kick in the ass this afternoon!"

"You think Ryūko's going to have something against fighting spider beasts?" Asked the Gorgon, knowing their other friend is an Arachne.

"Nah, I doubt it because she and I know that even spiders eat other spiders in certain times." Shrugged the electro demon, "I mean, with my hunting combat skills and your sneakily improved charms, this is just a walk in the park. What could possibly ruin our night as best buds?"

As Yanna giggled in like-minded perspective, they continued roaming around their side of the map taking down a great worth of beastly produce. From tropical crops to bittersweet cuts, the hunters these girls got holds on became the hunted.

Well, that was until Kaminari's ears picked up something before Yanna decides to make a move down below a tree. The latter noticed the twitches, holding back the next jump.

'Huh? I can hear someone, but can't make up who it could be.' Thought the former, 'Does this sound like we accidentally roamed into enemy territory?'

And right she was, they soon spotted a pack of large dogs barking up at the tree they were sitting up in. It seemed that flying away wouldn't be the best option as they appeared to have been under someone's spell of command with a direct order to find the girls.

'Damn it! We've been spotted, but who could have sent these canines after us?' Wondered the huntress.

'Are we going to stuck with this, or will someone give us a sign to get down unharmed?' Asked Yanna upon the situation.

Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke up to them.

"Do not fret, ladies!" They said, "Just slowly make your way down and the dogs will not bite. But you are in no position to evade or retreat."

The voice, Kaminari and Yanna dreaded it as such voice came from no other than the Pink Maestro of their class, Kamui Caim. He looked well-dressed and had better presentation of self than last time they met. The two girls reluctantly got down from the tree with their hands where he could see them.

"I presume you are making nocturnal hunts out and about, dear ladies?" Asked Camui.

"Y-Yes. But what's with the dog pack?" Asked Yanna, trying to keep herself together.

"Whatever. Just bring us in where you want us to go without being a creep." Scoffed Kaminari, clearly displeased to see the owl.

"You need not go anywhere, my friend." Said the latter, "Her Highness will be arriving shortly."

"Wait? You mean Ryūko?" Asked Kaminari.

"Le-chan, I don't think it's the Prinzessin he's talking about." Said Yanna, "I think it's his tutor partner."

The former then looked ahead in realization, seeing two large canine beasts walking beside their mistress of the domain—Queen of the Beasts Keroli Crocell.

"So it was you two, huh?" She beckoned.

With nowhere left to slip through, Kaminari and Yanna were left without another option but to listen to what Keroli has to say.

"I've received a word from one of my beastial subjects that a couple of demons were on a hunting spree over some of the creatures here." Said Keroli, "Unfortunately, my friends, you're trespassing into our territory."

"Lady Keroli has conquered the majority of this very block, you see." Added Camui, "To inflict harm on any beasts under her command is an offense to her solemn rule. We cannot let your actions slip by unless you have a reason for us not to interfere with your activities."

"If you think offering your points to us will suffice, you're mistaken as you have assassinated one of my precious subjects." Said Keroli, "I'm certain you can provide something better than that."

This was a big dilemma for Yanna because there certainly was no way put of it through trades. Kaminari was stuck between a rock and a hard place in this situation, too. How would they be able to get their way with this problem without making bigger offenses?

"Well, I'm sure you're most merciful, I will commend." Said Yanna, "But I don't see how is this affecting us since we've been apprehended by your canine companions. Have they been treated well with their fills made sufficient? Not saying that giving them our collections would help, like you said. But what about some boss-level ingredient we snatched during daylight?"

"Boss-level ingredient, you say?" Repeated Camui.

"Hell yeah, we wiped out a gigantic Tamarind Ogre-faced Spider." Nodded the Pikachu, "Let me tell you, that wasn't in this area. It was quite a challenge to knock it out and slash way the fruits on its many legs."

"Hm, a boss-level catch does sound enticing." Commented the owl, "Better than nothing, I suppose. That, however, isn't as sufficient. What more can you give out?"

As Yanna set down the comically large tamarinds, Kaminari was pondering of what else can be done. Offering boss-level ingredients wouldn't make the cut, but that was the best they could offer because the duo hasn't see their classmates at all through the first day. Does this mean Keroli and Camui wouldn't let them hunt as they need too, or could there possibly be a bluff strong enough for the Pokémon to use?

Yanna was already receiving odd looks of affection from the lesser dogs. Seeing how they easily took liking to the tamarinds' freshness. Inevitably, her natural charm of sweet innocent beauty put them at ease. This surprised Keroli as she had never seen the once similarly shy person become confident to use her subtle adorableness at will.

"Well, that's certainly unexpected." Commented the icy demoness, "I suppose that can also help to loosen the tensions between us four. A shame that it seems to be the only thing that isn't part of my kingdom you've successfully slain. Even so, I will commend you for your valiant efforts. But it simply won't-"

"Oh? Don't you seem kinda tense, my friend?" Asked Kaminari, "Perhaps I can do you a favor or two?"

The tail swished in the air lightly as the Pikachu didn't hesitate to take steps closer to Keroli.

 "W-What is the meaning of this, Kaminari?" Asked the latter.

"Well, I'm sure your training was a cesspool of torture, summoning after summoning until you've perfected your craft." Replied the Pokémon with a rich deepened voice, "But it's pretty troublesome for that fragile truth of yourself having to come all the way here while I believe it would better for you and that perverted bird, who at the moment seems to be busy gushing over my dear friend Yanna, to rest your heads before the Sun rises."

Right on the money she was because despite being trained hard to keep a right composure, Camui was with the dogs having some time receiving pets from Yanna.

'Hold on?! How is this possible?!' Questioned Keroli in her thoughts, 'There's no way Professor Raim taught Siegfried seduction to flattering and innocent, yet works effectively towards magical beasts?! What is this?!'

"Anywho, I think it's a complete waste of your time to be up so late when I know how much energy you've spent conquering this block." Continued Kaminari, "Since this is a competition everyone's in, what's it's gonna be? We hand you over the spider's tamarind legs to call it a night, or must we simply offer the remains of your hunted subjects without remorse and see the look of disgust on your face? Choose wisely."

Have Kaminari and Yanna always been like this? Such caliber of negotiations was very unlikely to reach in such short notice. The latter wasn't at all a confident person when it comes to her beauty, nor was the former ever capable of making her ways without the use of violence. This calls for a case study of their lessons.


Under Raim's guidance, Yanna was told her charms are her natural beauty and innocent voice. The latter would be one of the most useful in need to warm the hearts of battle-crazy opponents as she could deceive them into helping her or relax the nerves of any feeling distressed. Not only that, but being a dual-type reptilian demon gives her an upper hand by becoming one with her surroundings, meaning to be a reptile like those in the wild. Being half-Gorgon and half-Salamander gave her both upper hands in the dry terrains and aquatic scenes because she could easily hide in the least expected places to snatch from unsuspecting competitors. In case of emergencies, using her charms would allow her to get her way- especially when it's the guys who fell into her trap. Deceit would be something she has to use wisely, however. Not everyone will fall for that sweet false innocence she masquerades in through the festival.


Back in Sir Sombre's castle, Kaminari was given the instructions to attempt holding back her raw power by slight bits to ensure she still has the necessary energy to make a move to other procedures. This eventually taught her to take a step down to consider other liable options to wisely take that would allow her to realize that brute force was not always the best answer to negotiations or first attacks. But outside of tutoring, she had watched the patrols of her sisterly friend Ryūko all in silence as she used passive, yet impressive methods of setting troublemakers in their rightful place without facing retaliation. Sure, horrifying threats would've been her bet, but that would be quite useless for the young cambion because her reputation is both intimidating and beautiful. That said, Kaminari came to realize a way to keep going in the direction she desires without using too much energy or brutalities, all because she observed and understood two powerful demons she highly respected.


Put those newly enhanced skilled up against their once hesitant traits of self, you end up facing the smartest hunters of all. Keroli's guarding fox and wolf also looked upon the canine spectacle appearing relaxed than ready to pounce. The dem-dol was still attempting to resist Kaminari's spell of choice, but the latter was utilizing her own untrained charms to amplify the move by towering her as she cupped the shorter demon's face in her palms.

"I'm certain you're very much exhausted after daylight today." Said the former, "So make it quick, sweet classmate of mine. What's it gonna be?"

Hesitating for a few seconds, Keroli puts away Kaminari's hands with a sigh.

"Fine. You win, Levina." Said the former, "We'll take the tamarind legs. They costed 3,000,000, right? But I insist you take half the number of those legs, because I'll admit that you and Siegfried are incredible power-holders. This would still give you 1,500,000, I believe."

"Then you have yourself a deal, Ice Queen." Smirked Kaminari before she stepped down while Keroli's hands were still on her own.

She put down the latter right hand, placing Keroli's left hand in her own of the same directing before leaning down to gently press her lips upon Keroli's knuckles. The shorter girl was shocked with this revelation for the brash tomboy Pokémon to shift into a courteous one.

"Yanna, please give have of those legs to them." Called Kaminari to her friend, "We've just sealed a deal!"

Yanna nodded as she put four of the tamarind legs on the backs of the lesser dogs, who were all in unit line side-by-side, to make transport easier for this long crop. That being complete, the two demonesses would no longer be disturbed by Keroli's subjects and can continue hunting as per normal.

Now with their problems out of the way, it was time for both teams to part ways. The queen of her domain and her left-hand man were returning to their kingdom base while the intelligent hunters got back up in the trees with what they have before taking rest in the branches as if they made a nest. Supposedly, this is where we learn not to mess with the least anticipated of all competitors.

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