Thing's You Don't Know About...

By Claire_201

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Crazy to not-so-crazy Q&A with yours truly :) ~ Claire_201 More

Thing's You Don't Know About Me / Q&A / My Random Rambles
Q&A With Zebra's, Pant's And Embarrassing Moment's
Who You Gonna Call? GHOST BUSTER'S! Q&A
First, A Little Rant, Then A FMK Q&A
Childhood Best Friend & Then A YOUTUBER Q&A
Hey Gurl Heeeyyyy
I need some advice


1K 39 61
By Claire_201

Right, so someone sent me this tag list, so I decided to do it on here XD

BUT, i'm tagging all of you :P So, continue! ^.^

Rule 1: always post the rules.

Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.

Rule 3: tag 11 new people.

@star-burst-baby Questions (On Polyvore)

1. Do you have a pet? yes, a dog named Sophie... and FISH

2. What was the last movie you watched? Disney movie, can't remember the name >.<

3. What was the last book you read? Some weird fan fiction :S

4. What is your favorite food? Cake :3

5. Have you ever been pooped on by a bird? Nope. 

6. Do you watch anime? YESH.

7. Did you dress up for Halloween last year, if yes what did you dress up as? BATMAN, though, I didn't really 'DRESS UP', I alway's were my Batman suit.

8. What is your favorite season of the year? WINTER :D

9. Favorite holiday? The one with my birthday in it

10. Do you like video games? YES!

11. What is your favorite animal? Chameleon's

12. What's your favorite color? Red

13. Who is your role model? Alex Gaskarth

14. What's your eye color? GREEN.

15. What's your favorite hobbie? Writing, I guess

16. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? The power to mimic everyone else's power and thing's I see

17. What is your favorite sport? Sleeping

18. What's your favorite candy? I love all food

19. Favorite name? Kitty

20. If you could live anywhere, where? London

21. What is the most played song on your ipod/mp3? This Shit Getz Old by NeverShoutNever

22. Who is your best friend? Casper the friendly ghost

(That was more than 11 question but oh well! :P)

My Questions for you guy's! ^.^

1. Last thing you ate?

2. Last thing you drank?

3. Current favourite song?

4. Celebrity crush?

5. Favorite band/musician?

6. What did you do before reading this?

7. Last song you listened to?

8. What's your zombie survival plan?

9. Do you like anime? If so, what's your favorite one?

10. Last time you hugged someone?

11. Last time you laughed really hard.

Well, there we go :P

Answer them however you want, 'cause i'm tagging you ALLL!!!!!

Until next time, me hearties :)

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