Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

By Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... More

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure
Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
Rescueing Agent 22
The Other Bin
The Tales Of Sky Pirites
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake
Aiden Vs. Magica

Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire

138 8 0
By Jozar143

In Glomgold's mansion he and Scrooge were having a staring contest while Huey, Dewey and Aiden were waiting to go to the store but it was taking forever and Glomgold's butler escorted the children out and wait in the hallway and when Mark Beaks walked past them Huey was amazed. Mark Beaks was hanging out with Scrooge and Glomgold but they were too busy in their staring contest to notice. Back at the hallway Dewey was wondering around while Huey and Aiden were just standing and talking about the new guy that they walked by.

Aiden: Who was that Huey? And do you know that man?

Huey: Yes I do Aiden. That was Mark Beaks! Oh, man, I'm almost breathing the same air as him. (sniffing) Oh ingenuity.

Aiden: Wow, it sure sounds like you looked up to this Mark Beaks guy, huh?

Dewey: Come on, like we couldn't be young, influence, business people?

Huey chuckled of Dewey's statement.

Huey: Oh. Oh! You were serious? I mean I can Aiden as a young, influence, business guy with magic powers but you on the other hand are more crazy, irresponsible, fun guy than the serious, brilliant, successful guy.

Dewey: You don't know! At least I'm not the guy who just reads about people who do stuff guy.

Aiden: Easy Dewey, nobody is perfect all the time not even me.

Dewey: Well little brother I may not be perfect but I'm gonna be a big deal than Beaks in three years, top!

When Dewey was messing with the knight armor it collapsed and the butler got mad at him and Dewey says  "I'll pay for that in three years. I'm really sorry." Mark Beaks walks out of the staring contest battle between Glomgold and Scrooge with friendly jesters and then with not so friendly jesters.

Aiden: Mr. Beaks, I'm Aiden a one of a kind kid with incredible magic powers training to become a sorcerer.

Dewey: And I'm Dewey future astronaut president...

Huey: Can you sign this? You're my hero and I'm a genius!

Mark Beaks: "Genius"? "Magic powers"? You three, I like how much you like me! That shows real smarts! Come by to my offices and I'll hook you up with a tour. Maybe even an after-school job?

Mark Beaks sign Huey's Mark Beaks Teach book and both Huey and Aiden were excited about it, Dewey  not so much.

Mark Beak: internship starts maana!

Aiden: [turns to Huey] What does maana mean?

Back at staring contest both Glomgold and Scrooge's eyes were turning red, Glomgold starts grumbling that he hates the music that Mark Beaks put up for them and Scrooge thinks they should do something about him, Glomgold agrees and he wants some pie and when he hints the bell for his butler, he lost the staring contest.

Scrooge: Hah! See ya tomorrow, Flinty.

Meanwhile Huey, Dewey and Aiden were walking to Waddle, Mark Beaks's company and Huey was making a check list.

Huey: Let's see. Can do attitude, check. Professional posture.... check. Completed checklist,  check.

Aiden: Wow, I can't believe we get to be interns at Waddle for Mark Beaks!

Huey: Me neither this like my dream just came true.

Dewey: Yeah, I'm mostly doing it to show off this bad boy.

Huey: What is that?

Dewey: Oh, this? It's my super serious business briefcase. "What brilliant business secrets is he hiding in there?" Who knows?!

Aiden: You can't open the lock, can you?

Dewey: Nope.

Later on the three brothers made it to Waddle where Mark Beaks was waiting waiting for them on a hoverboard.

Mark Beaks: Welcome to Waddle, where imagination and innovation get married and have babies!

He high-fived his app on his phone and made Aiden really amazed.

Aiden: What kind of app is that?

Mark: Beak: It's a digital high-five app, so you never get left hanging, or, you know, have to touch anyone. Come, roll with Beaks.

Aiden and Huey: Yes sir!!

The three boys were on intern tour with Mark Beaks showing them how things run there, he shows the kids the high-impact trampolines, the low-impact trampolines and the no-impact trampolines. Aiden loves trampolines except for the no impact one though, they continued their tour inside of Waddle and the slides are the new stairs, both Aiden and Huey were loving this already and so is Dewey apparently.

Mark Beaks: Oh, before you ask, yeah, it's all made of candy. You're welcome.

Aiden and Dewey took a lick on the desk top and they tried different flavors, Dewey tried the cherry side and Aiden tried the banana side.

Dewey: Ooh, wow! Who knew work can be so awesome?

Mark Beaks: Mark Beaks did. Blame!

Dewey: He talks the way I want to live!

Marks Beaks gives Huey, Dewey and Aiden their official Waddle trainee beanies and now they are weenies and he also tells that there's only space for one intern so one of the two will go home at the end of the day. When Mark Beaks left the kids were starting their internship.

Aiden: One internship? That's totally not fair..... well I hope you guys do great out there.

Huey: Thanks Aiden, I hope you'll do the same unlike doing he doesn't even want the job anyway.

Dewey: Uh excuse me? Sliding my way to billions? Licking other people's stuff? It's everything I never knew I always wanted! I am in!

Aiden: I just don't want this to be a competition Dewey, if you get this internship I'll be happy for you and I'll definitely feel the same if Huey gets the internship and I hope you guys would be happy for me if I get the internship.

Huey: Of course we'll be happy for you buddy! [turns to Dewey] Anyway Dewey this is about more than just goofing around.

Dewey was sliding down in a fun way but Huey slides down in efficient way. Aiden decided to take the stairs while Mark Beaks was celebrating of him being a billionaire and thinking of blocking Scrooge if he follows him online he sat down in his office and started working and suddenly a villian name Falcon Graves was after Mark Beaks and the guards try escorted him out but Falcon Graves beated them down and Mark Beaks was filming him doing it. And Falcon Graves makes his way to Mark Beaks's office.

Falcon Graves: Mr. Beaks, allow me to introduce myself. Falcon Graves professional corporate saboteur and....

Mark Beaks: Professional is right, man! That suit game is on point.

Falcon Graves: As I was saying, unfortunately for you, I've been hired to steal your coveted project tahdah.

Mark Beaks taking photos of him being hostage of Falcon Graves and when Falcon Graves destroy Mark Beaks's phone he had baup phones.

Falcon Graves: Get me to research & development. Immediately!

Later on Huey, Dewey and Aiden were giving some tasks to see one of them is worthy to be an intern at Waddle.

Aiden and Huey: Ooh, task list!

Huey: This is a place of dreams! Oh I don't know, Dewey, this look like a whole bunch a boring business-guy tasks. You're not really equipped to handle them, so...

Dewey: And lose this internship to you? No way! This place has free snow cones! "Free snow cones"! Plus Aiden said no matter you gets it we should be happy for eachother right?

Aiden: That's right, that's exactly what I said... so Huey what is the first task to do?

Huey: The first task is answering phones.

Both Huey and Aiden were answering the phones in efficiently while Dewey was answering the phones in his own way. The next task was type notes, both Aiden and Huey was doing great on their notes while Dewey was not doing so great. The third task is order lunch while Huey was ordering a man a sandwich both Dewey and Aiden was given everybody pizzas and they all cheered for both Aiden and Dewey. Meanwhile Mark Beaks was giving Falcon Graves a tour of the high, low and no-impact trampolines while he was taking hostage but Falcon Graves doesn't think it's necessary of him to do that, Mark Beaks just want to keep it natural and he gives tour to his awesome company.

Falcon Graves: Must I wear the hat?

Mark Beaks: You bet. All trainees gotta wear the hat, and you are a trainee, right? Boop.

Mark tries to offer Falcon Graves some snow cones but wacks them out of his hand even the blueberry one that stays in his mouth forever just like Mark Beaks's mouth is, Falcon Graves reminded him that he is in danger right now but he already knows and he did another hostage selfie. Falcon Graves breaks his second phone but he already forgotten about the back up phones so they continued to the project tahdah but stopped to see his new trainees on how are they doing.

Huey Excuse me, Mr. Beaks.

Mark Beaks: Sup?

Huey: Mr. Beaks, here's my and Aiden's completed, color-coded and categorized checklists.

Aiden: We even made some categories for...

Dewey: Me and Aiden ordered everybody pizza.

Aiden: It's true, we did.

Huey: So who would you say is in the lead for the internship?

Mark Beaks: Oh, uh, I guess you're tied.

Aiden: Well anyway who's your new friend Mr. Beaks?

Falcon Graves: The name's Falcon Graves and who I might you be little boy?

Aiden: I am Aiden Fauntleroy who's trying to be one with Waddle just like my brothers.

Suddenly it was a mandatory dance break and all the employees started dancing and both Dewey and Aiden dance along for thirty minutes and Mark Beaks gaves Huey, Dewey and Aiden the most important task yet.

Mark Beaks: Getting my 2:15 artisanal cold-pressed coffee. Now I want almond-infused foam, not almonds in my foam. Infused foam, understood?

Aiden: Uh-huh.

Dewey: Coffee with stuff, got it!

Huey: You don't even know where it is!

So it was a race between three boys getting the coffee for Mark Beaks, Huey and Dewey got their coffees first and Aiden got his last and he got thirsty from his all day tasking, he looked at the coffe that he's suposse to give it to Mark Beaks but all of a sudden he drinked the coffee. Dewey gives the coffee to Mark Beaks one minute early.

Dewey: (panting) Beaks, coffee! Winner!

Mark Beaks: Oh, I... ahem. I'm sorry, why am I getting my 2:15 coffee at 2:14? I didn't get an email about it moving up. Hello!

Aiden: Uh Mr. Beaks I kinda dranked your coffee cause I was kinda thirsty.

Mark Beak: Are you pulling my leg right now?!

Dewey: Aiden! Why did you drink his coffee?

Aiden: I'm sorry I got thirsty! Plus I wanted to know what coffee taste like.

Falcon Graves: Mr. Beaks, just take the coffee from the blue one.

Mark Beaks: I didn't become an almost-billionaire by having coffee at random times and no little kids drinking my coffees like some thief!

Aiden: I'm really sorry Mr. Beaks sir.

Mark Beaks: Well "sorry" doesn't bring back my coffee now does it? Hand over the beanie.

Aiden hands over the hat to Mark Beaks and Huey arrived just in time.

Huey: Mr. Beaks, I have your 2:15 coffee at exactly 2:15.

Mark Beaks to his coffee and he felt a lot better.

Mark Beaks: Ooh, yummy! Man, things got real for a second back there, right?

Falcon Graves: How is this not very real?

Mark Beaks: Yeah, yeah, yeah one sec. Kid, what's your name?

Huey: Huey, sir.

Mark Beaks: Ooh, don't love it. How about brand-new Waddle intern Huey!

Mark Beaks gives him a golden Waddle beanie as the intern.

Huey: Achieve dream. Check.

Aiden: Alright Huey! I'm proud of you.

Huey: Thanks Aiden, sorry that you didn't get this internship though.

Aiden: That's alright what really matters is for you to be happy.

Aiden hugs his older brother Huey and Falcon Graves asks "Now, can we finally get to Project Tahdah?" And they were about to go to project tahdah Mark Beaks notice Dewey's briefcase.

Mark Beaks: Whoa, is that an ironically fancy briefcase in my super-chill work environment?

Dewey: Uh... yes.

Mark Beaks: What's going on in there, like, brilliant business secrets?

Dewey: You know it!

Mark Beaks: Very chill. Oh, I like how you roll! You are my new Vice President of Fancy Business. Intern, you report to him now. Boom.Book. Beaks out!

Huey: What?!

Dewey: Yes! Faked it, maked it!

Aiden: Way to go Dewey!

Dewey: Thanks! I didn't even know this was my life's dream until today.

Huey: But... but... how did I win and still lose?

Aiden: Hey, hey, it's okay Huey you're not the only one I also lost because of the coffee, thing remember?

Huey: But Aiden, I worked so hard and had so many completed checklists. [Calling out to Mark Beaks] Do you need me to get a briefcase? Cause I can go get one and then become the Vice President of Being Chill! Cause I'm chill. I'm straight chilling. Like a villain, even.

Aiden: Huey you need to calm down!

Dewey: Oh, no, Huey's broken.

Huey: Or I could be Chief Manager of Being Broken! 'Cause anyone can just be anything! Look at me, everybody, now I'm the Duke of Making a Mess.

Huey went all berserk and both Aiden and Dewey shouts "Watch out for the Duke!" The security guards shows up and asks Mark Beaks if anything's alright but Falcon Graves took them all down. And now Mark Beaks, Huey,  Dewey and Aiden are all his captives.

Falcon Graves: You, Vice President,  take me to Project Tahdah!

Dewey: Yes, of course. Sure. Umm...

Huey: Seriously? It's that way.

Huey says pointing at his left and everyone followed Dewey to project tahdah.

Mark Beaks: Welcome to the cutting edge of the latest technology.

Falcon Graves: Open the vault! NOW!

Mark Beaks: Ugh, fine! I'll "finally take you to Project Tahdah". Blech! Ugh.

Aiden: You guys, I'm starting to not like Beaks's new friend, he's really mean.

Mark Beaks: Menacing man, small children, prepare yourselves for my greatest invention.

When Mark Beaks opens the vault it was all nothing and Falcon Graves and the children were confused about.

Aiden: This is Project Tahdah? It's nothing!

Mark Beaks: Everything you think it is, and nothing you're expecting!

Dewey: You got the nothing part right.

Huey: So, Project Tahdah is a hoax?

Mark Beaks: Tahdah! I built hype for a fake product, everyone invests in my company, kablam, I'm a billionaire!

Falcon Graves: This is ridiculous. I'm calling my employer.

When Falcon Graves calls his employer it turns it was Mark Beaks that hired him to steal Project Tahdah.

Falcon Graves: You've got to be kidding me! Why would you hire me to steal something that doesn't exist?

Aiden: So he can say Project Tahdah was stolen, but still keeps the money!

Mark Beaks: See? Fleshy coffee drinking kid gets it. Why actually put the hard work of inventing something when I can just tell everybody I did? Fake it till you make it, right?

Mark Beaks got an a notification that he's now a billionaire and it was all thanks to Falcon Graves and Mark Beaks did a selfie with him while Huey couldn't believe that he looked up to his idol.

Huey: I can't believe I looked up to you.

Aiden: You and your company are as fake as Project Tahdah. And you should be ashamed for crushing my big brother's dream like that!

Mark Beaks: Well what can I say kid? The money and the buzz are very, very, real to me. [turns to Falcon Graves] Gravey there's a helicopter waiting for you on the roof. You know? Keep the beanie.

Falcon Graves: I do not like being lied to!

Falcon Graves picks up Mark Beaks and drags to the roof so he can toss him, Aiden, Dewey and Huey follows them. And they reached on top to the roof, Falcon Graves took Mark Beaks phone.

Mark Beaks: Dude not cool! That's my last back up phone!

Falcon Graves: Yes! Finally!

Dewey, Huey and Aiden figure out a plan to save  Mark Beaks from being tossed out of a roof.

Dewey: We gotta save Beaks. Right?

Aiden: Of course, I mean he's not best but it the right thing to do. So Huey what's the plan.

Huey: Why should I help that faker, I sure Dewey's biggest favorite friend will just fake his way through it like everything else.

Dewey: Okay, first off, that's not what BFF stands for. And secondly, guys like him, guys like me, we have to put on a show and fake it because smart guys like you are so good of making it.

Aiden: Dewey's right we don't need this internship. What we need is a checklist.

Aiden offers Huey's red hat back and has a crazy idea.

Aiden: Hey Graves!

Dewey: This is dumb. I hate this plan.

While Dewey and Aiden were making a diversion, Mark Beaks got his phone and was not thrown off the roof but was not happy of Falcon Graves's fingers prints got all over his screen.

Huey: Now go be Dewey [turn to Aiden] and you go kick Falcon Graves's butt.

Aiden: You're going down you bad baddie.

Both Aiden and Dewey charges at Falcon Graves.

Aiden: Take that!

Aiden blasted him with his magical beam and when Dewey was swinging his briefcase at Falcon Graves, he misses and throws Dewey away from him. Aiden catches his brother with his telekinesis and puts him down gently and when charged at him again Falcon Graves shouts "Time out!"

Falcon Graves: We have to take off these stupid hats. It's humiliating.

When Both Falcon Graves and Dewey took the beanies Aiden shouts "Time in!" And Dewey throws the beanie at him but misses and starts attacking again.

Aiden: Dewey, whatever you do, do not tell Graves what's in the briefcase!

Falcon Graves: What's in the briefcase?

Dewey: Oh, this briefcase? Just a bunch of fancy business secrets, very hush-hush. You see the lock?

Falcon Graves: Give me that.

Dewey hands over the briefcase to Falcon Graves trying to figure out the code, Dewey tells him to try 1111 but it wasn't the right code, then he tells to try 2222 and that one wasn't it either and when Dewey tells Graves to try 3333 he realizes that Dewey was guessing. But suddenly when he put the code in the briefcase popped money out of it and made Falcon Graves fall of the roof but lands safely one the low-impact trampoline and screams "Oh, that's it, I'm done! And you seen the last of me fleshy one!" Falcon Graves left Waddle and went back wherever he came.

Huey: That's gotta be $20 million!

Aiden: Yeah! Where did you get a briefcase full of money, Dewey?

Dewey: Next to the suit of armor in that Billionaires' Club. That place needs better security.

Mark Beaks: Sup over here?

Aiden: Uh we saved your life.

Mark Beaks: Right. Hey, so obviously I have to fire you guys because you know the secret of Project Tahdah, and if you tell anybody I'll just say you're lying because you're mad I fired you. Cool? Cool-cool.

Dewey snatches Mark Beaks's phone and types "My face looks like a but." And when he send it Mark Beaks doesn't even care what other people think about his face but until sees that comment as a thousand likes and now he can't delete it he ordered his phone back but instead they dropped his phone off the roof  and Mark Beaks goes after it and types #YOLO and lands on the low-impact trampoline but lands on his body.

Mark Beaks: Hah! Me and my phone are fine! We totally crushed that landed!

A post man showed up out of nowhere with his bike to gives him a letter and inside that letter was an invite to a billionaires' Convention on a yacht. Awesome town, population Beaks. I still get to be a Duckberg Billionaire.

When the boys were heading home Aiden gives Mark Beaks his coffee even though it's not 2:15 anymore.

Mark Beaks: You got coffee... for me?

Aiden: Uh-huh I want to make up for drinking your coffee like that, I didn't mean to make you mad I'm sorry.

Mark Beaks: Well... you and your friends did saved my life and I'm really grateful that you actually give me coffee.

Aiden: Well I'm just your safe and I'm really that you're enjoying your coffee... well see ya Mr. Beaks.

When Aiden goes back to the Mansion with his brothers, Mark Beaks gives a golden Waddle beanie and his card in case he's interested so keeps in mind and thanks hims and so he went home and can't wait to tell everyone his adventures at Waddle along with Huey and Dewey.

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