Negotiations Underway

By Egalia_Fireblood

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The Valaxi Empire has sent an envoy to Earth to accept their surrender on the Empire's behalf. It's supposed... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: Best Foot Forward
Chapter 3: Into the Unknown
Chapter 4: Your Only Plan is Improvised
Chapter 5: Time to Dance
Chapter 6: Revelation
Chapter 7: Truth be Told
Chapter 8: The Approaching Storm
Chapter 9: A Budding Rebellion
A Fishing Trip

Chapter 10: The Truth Comes Out

74 0 0
By Egalia_Fireblood

Approximated Earth Date: 3. May. 2235

Teresh couldn't believe how beautiful this planet was, it took his breath away. The temperature was much colder than he was used to, with snow-capped mountains visible in the distance. Around him was an endless swath of trees that were far smaller than the ones they used as homes on Kurro, but the quantity was staggering. Wherever he looked, it was either mountain or tree line as far as his eyes could see. Their sky was a gorgeous blue that rivaled the prettiest gemstones. Small puffy white clouds populating the space like seeds on a sweet berry. All set against a glowing warm sun that shined above them. That wasn't all he was impressed by, Mikael's ship was a thing of beauty. Sleek, refined, and flew as smoothly as a dream. Spaces for leisure built into the ship, resembling a luxury cruise more than a personal vessel. Everything was organized, clean, and streamlined. It was impressive... too impressive.

Teresh had let himself become too enraptured with everything going on around him, and it wasn't until he stepped onto the landing strip that he truly realized it. He looked at the ship more closely as he followed behind Tom. Specifically taking note of the engines. They looked pristine, liquid fuel burning clearly, and there were four large thrusters that were cleverly hidden by the outer plating of the ship. Aesthetic mostly, but when he actually got a good look at them, something twinged in his stomach. They didn't look primitive or lower grade; they looked like any other set that you'd see on your common ship in the empire. It looked more than capable enough for FTL travel. Technology that this species shouldn't be capable of.

Teresh opened his mouth to speak, but a light blue blur in his periphery caught his eye. His eyes widened, noticing a blue feathered kooli addressing them.

"Greetings, I have been waiting a long time for you Teresh. My name is Lyze, welcome to the revolution," Lyze exclaimed, holding his hands out to his sides, even extending all four of his wings to add to the effect.

Teresh's eyes widened, his breath caught in his throat. The amount of whiplash that he felt at that moment could not be understated. Here was another kooli, one of his people, here on planet earth and wearing garb with the humans symbol proudly displayed on it. There was a twang of recognition, but he couldn't place it. Something about this man was familiar to him, but unknown. Like someone that had shown up to a family reunion and says that they know you, without being able to recognize them at all. The questions about their grasp on technology were now being answered. They had help from the outside. An insider from within the empire that provided them this technology. One of his own kin even. That vague familiarity now a nagging feeling in the back of his head as he struggled to wrack his mind.

Had they met before? If so, what was this talk about revolution? He couldn't think of any revolutionary groups in recent history. Even the word itself sounded strange in his tongue. Revolution for what? Against whom? The jarva was beloved. Things were perfectly fine on Kurro, there hasn't been a war or even a minor conflict in decades. What was this elder even talking about?

He didn't even know where to start, and the words just started tumbling out of his mouth.

"You're a kooli, here, on this planet?" Teresh sputtered, exasperated. "Who are you? What are you doing here? What revolution?"

The kooli held up his taloned hand, "I understand that you must be confused, if you just come ins-"

Teresh felt a flash of anger in his chest. An unusual feeling, but one he recognized clearly. He was not going to be told to sit still and wait around any longer. This was his job; he was here for diplomacy. He was not going to let this man treat him like a child even if he was his elder. Teresh deserved answers, and he needed things to start making sense or he was going to lose his mind.

"No!" Teresh yelled, surprising himself just as much as everyone else. "I'm tired of being told that answers are just around the corner. Tell me what's going on, now. I'm an official diplomat, here on behalf of the Valaxi Empire and I demand to know what this is all about!"

Lyze clicked his beak a few times, a clear sign of disapproval. With a wave of his hand, he replied, "Very well. If that is what you wish."

Teresh's throat felt raw from the exchange, and he barely noticed that his eyes were misty until they began to smear his vision. He quickly wiped them away and found a weight resting on his shoulder. Tom's hand, gently gripping his shoulder lightly. What he now knew was a gesture of support and encouragement.

Lyze took a few steps towards them, and addressed them as a group, "As I said before, my name is Lyze. I used to be a diplomat just like you, Teresh, and I came to this planet nearly a decade ago. We had known that this system had the potential to hold intelligent life, but we didn't have certainty. I volunteered to pilot a ship, explore this system, and report back, which is when I found Mikael..."

He gestured to the grand admiral, who gave the group an affirmative nod. Mikael added, "He was expecting us to be wielding sticks or still forming tribal societies. Lyze had quite the shock when he flew into my patrol group."

"I was captured, but even then, I recognized this as a unique opportunity. One in which an alliance could be formed between our people. Between the kooli and the humans, and a real chance to free our people from the valaxi," Lyze continued.

Teresh blinked, shaking his head, "Free our people? You can't be serious, are you actually suggesting a revolution against... the valaxi? That's your revolution!?"

He didn't even want to put the thought into words, it was unbelievable. Teresh had thought that the kooli was talking about a bid for power in relation his home world, which was already horrific enough. What he was hearing now, was he honestly perpetuating treason against the empire? That their people were subject to tyrannical rule? This was ridiculous, insane, asinine. The fact that his elder was a higher up in his organization, the suggestion that he would foster a revolution against the valaxi... it disgusted him.

"That is exactly what I am suggesting, and I have spent the last decade of my life working towards that goal," he replied matter-of-factly.

"How dare you?" Teresh stepped forward, pointing a talon. He unfurled his own wings and spread them to appear larger. "You're talking about treason, war! You would be jailed and hung if anyone found out about this!"

"Treason!?" Lyze screeched, taking steps toward Teresh. Being much larger and older than him, his presence was more than imposing. "Treason to wish for freedom from an authoritarian rule? Treason to take our rightful place as rulers of our own planet!? To wish to have our pride, as a species, back!? They took everything from us!"

Teresh did his best not to shrink away, and stood his ground, "The valaxi provide for us, they protect us. Without them we would be vulnerable, weak on the galactic stage. Never able to reach the prosperity that we have under them."

"We're weak now! They control our government, decommissioned our navies, and destroyed our culture!" Lyze spat back, getting angrier by the minute. His passionate hatred for the valaxi could be felt as if it was emanating from him. "You're lower than a pest in their eyes, and you defend them like they're saviors. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"That's enough!" A voice roared. The large shape of Tom stepping between the two, holding his arms out to his sides to mimic their displays of aggression. "You both have a right to be angry, but I sure as hell ain't going to let you scream at each other. Show some restraint."

Teresh looked from Tom to Lyze, still feeling the budding anger in his chest. He gave Mikael a look and said, "We're gonna need a place to hash this out."

Mikael nodded, replying, "We have a meeting room. I'll get you all situated inside and then we can... discuss the situation. With respect for one another, Lyze."

Lyze looked over and scowled, focusing his anger back on Teresh. His eyes glaring as his wings folded against his back. The tense feeling in the air slowly dissipated with time. Teresh too retracted his wings and the two held each other in an uneasy gaze.

"I will not apologize for my words, but out of respect for Mikael I will stop this debate for now," Lyze said coldly.

"Screeching and yelling is not a debate. You're supposed to be my elder, act like it," Teresh replied with an edge.

"Say what you will, I will never apologize for being a proud kooli. Rather than a mindless valaxi drone," Lyze replied with a sneer.

He heard a grumble from Tom, and the human turned to face him. The shape of his head was just barely concealed by a veneer of black glass.

"How're you feeling?" He asked.

"I don't know. I haven't had a chance to breathe since I was pulled into your ship," Teresh replied honestly. "All I know is that humanity should become the next child race. These talks of revolution, they're ridiculous, dangerous. There's no reason to stand against the valaxi, they only want to help the galaxy, and your species by extension."

"We're going to figure this out, together," Tom replied. "I'm still not too sure what to think, but I'm not too enthused with someone that relies on intimidation in an argument."

Lyze joined Mikael's side, mirroring Tom and Teresh. He could see movement from Maxim and Ally, assuming they were communicating amongst themselves or Tom. They watched as they walked to the door and opened it, Mikael gesturing inside as Lyze entered.

Announcing, "It's quite cold out. You'll find it much more amicable inside."

Tom grumbled and began to walk, Teresh and the rest following behind him. Teresh stayed close to his flank, entering the facility as the door shut behind them. Mikael took the lead and took them down a long hallway. The interior was decorated by speckled brown tile, with muted gray walls. Although there are a number of doors that they pass, they are unlabeled except for numbers, and with windows that he couldn't see inside. They came to the end of the hall, with one door on the left-hand side being ajar. The grand admiral gestured inside.

Teresh, Maxim, and Ally entered the room one after another. However, he noticed that Tom was still at the door.

He said, "I'll be right there. I just need a minute alone with Mikael."

With that, he closed the door. Leaving Teresh to sit down in a seat, directly across from Lyze.

"You're talking behind my back," Mikael said, gesturing towards Tom's helmet.

Tom nodded, "That's right."

"Not even hiding it?" Mikael replied.

"Of course not sir, lying to you would be pointless. We know each other far too well," Tom answered.

That caused Mikael to chuckle, "You'd be right, there. Though I suppose there's something on your mind."

Tom reached up to his helmet. There was a slight hiss as he took it off and placed it under his arm. Now looking Mikael in the eyes.

"Sir, as your friend and not your subordinate. Tell me what we're doing here. A revolution? Against a galactic empire?" Tom said, exasperated. "I don't mean to make light of the situation, but we're not exactly a rebel alliance, and I sure as hell ain't named Luke. Would we even have a chance?"

"Tom, I'd like to show you something," Mikael said.

"Go right ahead, I'm ready for anything," Tom replied.

Mikael removed a small black shape from his back pocket, pulling them apart until their thin framework clicked into place. A holographic screen being projected into the frame, a holo-pad. Tom watched as Mikael tapped through the pad, going through file after file, then finally seeing an image pop up, Mikael sizing it up. He turned the pad around. Tom's eyes widened. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"We're fighting space wolves?"

"They're not space wolves."

"I'm looking at a God damn space wolf Mikael."

"They're aliens, they just somewhat resemble what we might be familiar with. They're not wolves."

"I think I had 2000pts of these guys back in middle school, but they weren't literal anthropomorphized wolves."

"Okay. Fine. I'll give you that mu-"

"Did you pull up your edgy furry OC by accident?"

"Alright, that's too far."

"What do you want me to say, look at it!"

"I have looked at it! I'd be laughing more if I haven't been looking at it for the last ten years wondering if it would eventually invade and annex our planet."

Tom threw up his hands and paced around. What he saw on the pad was a picture of Lyze, the blue kooli, posing with another alien dressed in regal roman-looking garb. The alien stood roughly around six foot by what Tom could figure, and it was very much the image of a wolf-like bipedal form. Similar in makeup to what you'd expect from a werewolf, with obvious difference. For starters, though broad the body was more slender and fit. Tom didn't know if it was the exception or the norm, but he would imagine they were suited for chasing and staying low to the ground. This was supported by the reversed knees that canine types typically possessed, and the slight hunch that kept their bodies angled forwards. Though clawed, they had two hands that were medium in-between fingers and paws. Seemingly enough to grip and maneuver things but not as dexterous as humans. They also only had four fingers on each hand, missing a pinky finger type. The same could be said for their feet, as it didn't look like they wore any foot coverings. What set them apart the most is when it came to their head and face. While angled like a wolf or canine, they had two long tipped ears that hung back and almost completely flattened against their head. Along with four, bright, pure red eyes. Two on each side, that were located next to one another. Though their head profile was sleek and smooth, with the slight smile from this valaxi he could see a mouth of sharp fanged teeth. Sharpened to perfection and gleaming white.

If not for the horrifying thought of a full invasion of earth looming somewhere in the future, he'd say that they were cute in a way. The same way that wolves were intimidating and fearsome, but he could see himself scratching one behind the ears.

"So, what now? What do we do about this?" Tom asked.

Mikael exhaled, "We've been planning a preemptive strike for the last few years. Something that will give us a fighting chance in holding off an invasion."

"What's the target, you must have picked one out?" Tom asked, swallowing the bile in the back of his throat.

"Kurro. We plan to liberate the planet by assassinating their ruler, their jarva, and installing Teresh's mother as the new ruler," Mikael replied.

Tom felt his heart drop out of his chest. Now a dull, cold stone sitting in his stomach.        

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