Death Toll

By Newton_Salamander

150 46 130

Unparalleled School for Monsters. A death wish. You go in, there's a slight chance you'll return with your li... More

Authors Note


8 3 6
By Newton_Salamander

Dedicated to Drone_Pilot for following me. :)



"Yeah, I'm ready."

Not really knowing what to do, I looked expediently at the man. He knelt on the carpeted floor and unbuckled the latch on his briefcase, opening it roughly.

He then stood again, watching me with his striking blue eyes. Performing well in pressure I looked into the cases contents to see a dark pit (No not Tartarus) looming. Shaking off my fear, I braced myself.

And jumped.

Cold air whooshed past me as I fell. A broken scream graced my lips, as I tried to find a way to slow my fall. But there was nothing, no walls, no nothing.

I fell for what felt like hours, trying the whole time to stop falling. To say I failed would be an understatement.

By the time I could finally see the floor, I was going into shock. There was no way I would, no, could survive. I had given up hope, why I had been so foolish as to just jump in without any warning, I had no idea.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the blood splattering moment when I would hit the ground. Instead I fell into a soft material that felt suspiciously like a pillow.

It was the floofiest pillow I had ever felt, and as I struggled to escape its floofy bindings I choked on my own saliva. As I struggled to get air back in my lungs I slid off the pillow and on to the hard floor.

A boy, around my age stared at me with wide hazel eyes. His brown hair hung over his lightly tanned skin, it was almost ethereal.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I nodded regaining my composure.

"Y-yeah, where are we?" I asked, finally getting a chance to look around at my surroundings.

"No idea, I barely got a chance to look around before you showed up." Holding out his hand, I grasped it firmly, letting him pull me up.

"What do we do now?" He shrugged, putting his hands into his pockets.

"How about some introductions, I'm Felix Maslow." I was taken aback as he held out his hand for me to shake. Grasping his hand I replied:

"Lucy. Lucy Bacon, but please, no jokes about my last name." Felix cracked a smile at my comment.

"Don't worry, I won't."

Silence resumed, not really knowing what to say, I tried to start up a conversation.

"So . . . Did you know about this?" Raising an eyebrow he replied, "know about what?"

"You know," I started gesturing with my hands. "This. Finding out that we're monsters, and stuff." I finished lamely.

"And stuff, yeah that pretty much explains everything." A letter laying on the floor caught my eye, starting to walk towards it Felix followed suit. It looked like a normal letter that you would get in the mail, but something seemed off about it. It might have been the lavenders drawn in the top right corner, or the periwinkle seal with a octopus.

Reaching down to pick it up, I grabbed it in my hand holding it up into the faint light so Felix and I could read it. 

The Head Master

Unparalleled School For Monsters

Akee, Lost Cause 84167

(123) 456-7890


  "Okay . . ." I trailed off, not knowing how I should react to this strange letter. Felix reached over to take the letter from me, I let him. Not really knowing what to expect, Felix started to pry the letter open.

The letter inside the envelope seemed to be made of the same material as the envelope. And as Felix unfurled it, I waited in baited silence. It was blank except for a tiny bit of writing at the bottom, it read:

Be patient, you may only read this when your room-mate arrives. It the meantime, stay and talk. Everything will be taken care of at the school by the time you arrive.  



Hope you enjoyed this new chapter, and it wasn't to cringy. 

And on other news, I HAVE 14 FOLLOWERS!! Thank you to the people who followed me! :D

Question of the day:

How do you feel about Lucy and Felix meeting? Like do you think it was to sudden of a trust?

Anyway, I've been watching Marvel with my family, and who agrees that Loki deserves better. Like if he had had a better life then he might not have turned out like that. 

I'll spare you from my rambling, but that's the jist.  


- ShEiLa {ThE sTrAnGe AuThOr} 

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