Moony Kitty ~~ !Yandere...

By Nameles3_

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y/n was teamed with monkey King known as Sun Wukong y/n is known as the cat moon who lives in the moon for a... More

Chapter 1~ A Hero is born
Chapter 2~ Bad weather
★ Love interest ★
Chapter 3~ Duplicatnation
Chapter 4~ Coming home
Chapter 5~ Noodles or death
Chapter 6~ Calabash
Chapter 7~ The Great Wall Race
Chapter 8~ impossible Delivery
Chapter 9~ Skeleton key
Chapter 10~ Macaque
Chapter 11~ The End is here!
Chapter 1 S2~ Revenge of the Spider Queen
Chapter 2 S2~ Sleep bug
Chapter 3 S2~ Dumpling Destruction
Chapter 4 S2~ Ping Pong Panic
Chapter 5 S2~ Sweet 'n Sour
Chapter 6 S2~ Minor scale
Chapter 7 S2~ lost in mind
Chapter 8 S2~ Game on
Chapter 9 S2~ Shadow play
Chapter 10 S2~ To Catch a Leaf
Chapter 11 S2~ 72 Transformations
Chapter 12 S2~ This is the End
Chapter 1 S3~ On the run.
Chapter 3 S3~ Smartie kid
Chapter 4 S3~ The winning side
Chapter 5 S3~ Amnesia Rules
Chapter 6 S3~ The First Ring
Chapter 7 S3~ Cooking with Chang'e
Chapter 8 S3~ Benched
Chapter 9 S3~ The King, the Prince, the Shadow
Chapter 10 S3~ The Samadhi Fire And Solar Eclipse
Chapter 11 S3~ This Imperfect World
Chapter 12 S3~ The Corrupted King
Chaotic Story (NOT A CHAPTER)
★ Love Interest PT2! ★
Chapter 13 S3~ Time to Be Warrior
Chapter 14 S3 Ending~ Destiny Fulfilled
Chaotic Story PT2 (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter 1 S4~ Familiar Tales
Chapter 2 S4~ In the Past
Chapter 3 S4~ New Adventures

Chapter 2 S3~ Great Grand Dragon of the East

1K 27 7
By Nameles3_

3rd person

The jet was now in water.

Everyone was just sitting around as tang gets out the water.

Tang~ We're alive! WE'RE ALIVE!

The jet shook more breaking the glass as more water comes in.

YN~ why did you even break the engine....

A fish jumps on mei face.

Pigsy~ yet we finally get away from macaque, and now we all get to DROWN!

the jet was slowly breaking down.

Sandy~ this drone... Is not water adventure friendly!

Sandy yelled.

Mk~ Monkey King you gotta do something!

Sun~ huh? Why a little water never hurt no- Oh right.. Mortality

The jet started to flicker red lights as a warning.

An large creature swam past them.

Mei~ what's that?

Mk~ Something big!

They all look at the window

Sun~ Everyone relax, pretty sure this is just an old friend of our coming to help out!

The creature looks at them in the window then growl.

YN~ I don't think "old friend" likes us.

Sun~ yeah maybe friend might be stretching it.

The jet crashes down on the ground where there's no water.

The creature looks down on them then continued to swim.

They all got up and looked in front of them.

They were in a bubble where's there a huge palace in it.

Mei~ the dragon palace of the east sea! WERE IN THE DRAGON PALACE OF THE EAST SEA!

mei screams while holding mk shoulders.

Sun~ Yeah, this is kind of my sorta old buddy's house, where I got my staff.

Pigsy~ got or...

Mk~ took right? You took it? Oh boy..

Sun~ Oh! Here they come! Smiles everyone! Smiles!

The door opened revealing some people.

The guards move their weapon aside revealing the old man mad face.

Sun~ Hey! Ao Guang! Long time no see-

Ao Guang~ SUN WUKONG! You dare return to my domain?

A dragon comes out Ao Guang chest.

Ao Guang~ after humiliating me, tricking me?

Sun~ Wha.. What? The staff but that's a totally misunderstanding.

Ao Guang~ And now I learn it has been lost? You have given the evil lady bone demon exactly what she needs to destroy us all! I should execute where you STAND.

Mei~ I thought you said he was your friend!

Mei whispered towards wukong.

Mk~ he knows about the lady bone demon?

Mk whisper.

Tang~ what are we going to do!

Tang whisper while panicking.

Sun~ relax, I got this.

Wukong whisper back.

Sun~ maybe you forgot, I am the great sage-

The dragon move forward to hit wukong in the chest.

YN~ oh.. That's not good.

Ao Guang~ do not try to fool me a second time, tricker! I can sense your weakness, your power is all but consumed.

The guards jump and surround mk and his friends.

The cat sigh.

YN~ hey.. Ao Guang..

Ao Guang looks over to y/n

Ao Guang~ are you here to visit me, or trick me like this monkey.

YN~ none, but hey... Let's all calm-

Ao Guang~ Y/N you are coming with me.

The dragon comes closer to y/n as guards hold them.

Mei~ Y/N!

Mei pulled out her dragon blade as Ao Guang eyes widen

Ao Guang~ HALT! Where did you get that.

Ao Guang points at the blade.

Mei~ uhm.. It's mine? My family's?

Ao Guang~ I know this blade, it belonged to my brother, the dragon of the West... You mean to tell me you are a descendant of Ao Ji?

Mei frown as she nodded.

Mk~ Uh.. Mister dragon of the east, sorry to interrupt this little family.. Whatever is it, but you know about the lady bone demon, what's she capable of. We can stop her! We just need-

The dragon opened its mouth at mk, as mk closed his eyes.

The dragon ate mk, but only took the scroll instead of actually eating mk.

Mk looked in his palm where the scroll used to be.

Mk~ Hey!

The dragon sat beside Ao Guang as it handed the scroll to Ao Guang.

Ao Guang~ You would tell me how to protect my people? When you have unleashed this blight back into the world!

Ao Guang yelled at mk who had tears in his eyes.

Mk~ Wow, okay, fresh wound, just gonna let that bounce off me.

Mk wipes his tears.

YN~ okay, way too far old man.

Ao Guang frown.

Ao Guang~ Still the same cat.

Ao Guang~ Bring the girl and the cat, imprison the rest.

Ao Guang turned around as everyone look shock.

Mk~ Mei! Y/N!

Mei and y/n was getting dragged.

Mei~ don't worry guys! Me and y/n will figure this out!

The sage looked at both of them.

Wukong, mei, and y/n eyes turn gold as the sage used his power on them

Nothing is more important than getting that map back, understand?

Mei looked at wukong as the cat just frown and looked away.

Everyone was going to prison.

Sandy was about to follow until a guard stops him.

Guard~ Not you, you're on clean up duty.

Sandy looked at his drone his jaw dropped.


The door locks multiple time.

Tang~ My mother was right! Associate with the wrong people and see where you end up!

Tang sobs dramatically.

Pigsy~ I ain't gonna sit around and wait, I'm breaking us out of here! Using... This!

Pigsy pulls out a spoon.

Mk~ a spoon?

Pigsy began to dig slowly using the metal spoon.

Pigsy~ oh! There's nothing a spoon can't fix! Oh this baby will have us out of here in no time!

Pigsy accidentally breaks the spoon.

He grabs another spoon in his pocket and began digging faster.


Meanwhile mei and y/n was getting dressed up in formal outfits.

Mei~ dang! You made us look good! What would you say if I asked you to be my personal stylist?

The woman huffed.

Woman~ I suppose you are starting to look like a proper part of the dragon clan..

Mei turned around as y/n rolled their eyes.

YN~ I'm definitely burning this later, it's so tight...

The woman flinch.

Mei grab her dragon blade.

Mei~ hey, you wouldn't know where a super secret map would be kept at, maybe you could give a tour? Just two fancy girls plus cat being all fancy.

The woman looks in horror at mei who stab her sword in her gown to have it next to her.

Woman~ it is unseemly to have a weapon while wearing a dress! Give it to me.

Mei~ uh.. No?

Woman~ if you don't comply, I will be forced to take it from you.

YN~ yeah right.

The cat smirked.


Mei tied a bow on the handle of the closet which the woman is trapped in.

Woman~ Let me OUT of here! When the great dragon of the east hears about this!

The woman tried to break open the door.

Mei grabbed onto a spare jacket on a mannequin using it as a bag for her sword.

Mei~ sorry! I can't hear you over a sound of us not complying! But thanks for the clothes! KAY BYE!!

Mei grabs y/n hand dragging them.

The closet fell.


Sandy was cleaning up as he wipes a sweat.

Y/N and mei dashed throughout the palace avoiding guards and other palace members quickly searching for the map.

Mei~ Okay.. Find the map, find the rest of our friends, and get the donk out of here before anyone knows we're missing!

Y/N stops running making mei look at them.

YN~ what about this huge door? It seem like it has something special in it?

Mei~ oh! Maybe let's check it out!

Mei peeks in the door, as they both went in closing the door behind them.

Mei and y/n looks in front of them seeing all the ancient treasures

Mei gasp seeing the map in front of them.

Mei~ there it is!

Then all of a sudden a burst of pink white teal circles the map.

Then y/n and mei opened their eyes seeing Ao Guang in front of them.

Ao Guang~ it is never wise to come uninvited into the Lair of the dragon.

Mei~ h-hi, we just..

Ao Guang~ stealing from me? On order from the monkey King, no doubt.

YN~ was it yours to begin with?

Mei~ well, I mean it is our map so..

Ao Guang~ You are a member of the dragon clan! You allegiance is to your family! And you.

Ao Guang points at the cat.

Ao Guang~ Do you not realize what danger that map brings, if the samadhi fire is reforged then the solar eclipse will come and cause more trouble!

Mei~  My allegiance IS to my family! But also to my friends! The fate of the world is at stake and this is important, we the map so we can find the weapon and stop the lady bone demon!

Ao Guang~ There IS NO stopping her! She is beyond any of us.

Mei~ Monkey King said with this-


YN~ okay you're right about that one, but what other choices do we have?

Mei held her sword, as she dashes towards him.

Mei jumps over Ao Guang grabbing the map.

Ao Guang grabs mei wrist as their eyes turn green.

The cat eyes turn bright yellow.

The two elements, fighting none stop

The cat felt pain their chest as they fell to their knees.

Mei~ Y/N!

Ao Guang backs away from mei in surprise.

Ao Guang~ This cannot be!

Mei looks down and ran towards y/n helping them up, then running away as Ao Guang can only look at them.


Mei was carrying y/n on her back dashing through the palace.


Mei yelled as she crashes into stuff trying not get stuff on y/n.

Mei stopped as she saw sandy.

Mei~ Sandy? What is that!

Mei laughs as she saw the vehicle sandy builder.

Guards looked at them.

Mei place y/n gently then went with sandy to beat up the guards.

Mei, y/n, and sandy went in the vehicle.

Y/n was in their cat form laying on mei lap.

Mei~ So you made this all from the smashed up drone?

Sandy~ yeah, I was trying to rebuild it but turns out without the instructions, it's really hard.

Guard~ ow my leg.

The guard cried out.

Mei presses the windshield button wiping the guard off.


Sandy pulled down on the ignition, the van speeding down the hallway way.


Pigsy was still digging.

Pigsy~ Alright, everyone hold tight, I'm getting us out of here just 5 or 6 more-

Tang~ years?

Mk laughed.

Pigsy~ Hey! It ain't like the hole's gonna just suddenly make itself!

The can crashes through the wall that pigsy was digging a hole, so the hole actually make itself.

Everyone was on the ground.

Mei~ Y/N, Mei and sandy! You jailed break us! Y-You broke the jail! We're free!

Mk fell dead again.

Mei~ that's right! We got the map too!

Everyone went in the van squishing mei and    y/n.

YN~ dude go to the back, there's more room.

Everyone looked at back seeing a whole room bunk beds and other supplies.

Mk~ woah! Cool!

Tang~ Oh! Slay mei and y/n that outfit looks fierce!

Mei~ I know!

YN~ it's tight.

The sage suddenly picks up y/n squeezing them in a hug.

Sun~ You look so cute! I missed you.

The cat was choking to death as the sage hug tighter.

Mei~ and also mk! I got you.. This!

Mei pulled out a bag.

Mk~ a new bag?

Mk takes off his jacket and puts on a new one.

Mk~ This changes my whole look!

Mk puts on the bag.

Mk~ it's like a whole new me! Dreams really do come true!

Mk poses.

Mei~ let's go!

Pigsy was not in the van but was still in the cell who is holding his spoon.

Pigsy~ it's okay spoony we both know who loosened that wall up first..

Pigsy mutter hugging his spoon.

Mei~ piggy! Cmon!


The van crashes through the palace door as it went down the pathways with a slight rumble.

Pigsy~ Okay, we're in a underwater city, in a van. IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THE PROBLEM HERE?!

Pigsy yells as sandy laughs.

Sandy~ oh my sweet and sour pigsy, I've got us covered!

Sandy pats pigsy before pressing a blue panel in front of him revealing different design for the fan.

Sandy Mobile~ welcome to the Total Environment Automobile, or T. E. A. For short!

Sandy mobile grins.

Sandy~ TEA! It's called tea you guys!

Sandy yells at the others in the back resting.

Sandy~ oh, I think this is what true love feels like, and one more thing!

Sandy presses an icon displaying waves as the van's tail changed into a motor.


Ao Guang stood in front of them letting out the dragon, blocking their way.

Sandy slammed on the brakes making the van turn.

Ao Guang slam open the door.

Ao Guang~ I will not allow you to leave with that map!

Ao Guang yelled.

Sun~ What are you not getting? Using the samadhi fire and solar eclipse is the only way we're gonna stop the lady bone demon.

Wukong glares at Ao Guang.

Ao Guang~ The samadhi fire and solar eclipse cannot be contain!

Mk~ Your dragoness please!

Mei~ we don't have any other choice!

YN~ without it, we can't do anything but fail.

Then wukong eyes turned gold as Ao Guang turned bright green.

Macaque was coming.

Sun~ He's coming.

Mk~ macaque? He's here?

YN~ again..?

Tang~ We should leave.. NOW!

Tang points at the blue monitor that was going off with an alarm.

Sun~ If he captures us, the map.

Ao Guang looks at them before sighing.

Ao Guang~ all hope will truly be lost.

Ao Guang sighs as he jumps out the van.

Ao Guang~ I'll hold them off, go.

As the man was about to leave until mei holds his sleeve.

Mei~ Thank you, Great great great  thousands times great uncle.

Ao Guang holds her hand while smiling.

Ao Guang~ take care of y/n please.

Mei smiles before closing the door and driving off.

Ao Guang glares up to the shadow monkey floating in the water.

Macaque grins.

Macaque~ so, they sent you to slow me down?

Macaque eyes flashes purple.

Ao Guang~ You and the one you serve are not welcome in this city.

The dragon comes out once more along with the turtle dragon mech preparing to fire at macaque.

Macaque laughs.

Macaque~ You don't really think you could stop me, right?

Shadow clones appears behind him, macaque eyes flashes bright purple as his shadow staff forms in his hand.

Macaque dashes towards the dragon along with his shadow clones.

Ao Guang dashes towards macaque.


The van was driving away in water as a huge explosion appeared behind it.

Macaque laughed.


Fun fact about y/n: did y'all know y/n was already a immortal but just didn't tell anyone except for Chang'e?

Meme + picture

That's wukong boyfriend y'all.

2553 words

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