My boy best friend

By fanofstoryyy

242K 3.5K 2.7K

Sawyer and Jules have been best friends since they can remember. Over time they start to realise they have fa... More

characters/ authors note
Chapter 1: Bear
Chapter 2: Just friends
Chapter 3: Blush
Chapter 4: Giggle
Chapter 5: Unsteady
Chapter 6: EFM
Chapter 8: Suspended
Chapter 9: Kiss
Chapter 10: Like me
Chapter 11: Sleeping together

Chapter 7: Nervy

15.8K 267 112
By fanofstoryyy


The entire team stands in the locker-rooms waiting for the rugby game to begin. I sit on the bench my legs shaking anxiously.

I don't feel good. I can feel an attack coming on and i feel so stupid.

"Oi Cliff." I call to him. He comes over.

"Can you get Jules for me?"
"The game is about to start Sawyer."
"I know, can you just get her please. I need to talk to her." I look at him pleadingly as i fidget with my fingers. He nods and leaves.

A few minutes later Jules comes into the changerooms and over to me. She grabs my hand and pulls me up as she leads me to the toilets. She walks us into a cubicle. I close the toilet lid and sit on it.

"What's wrong?" She brushes my cheek and pulls it to look at her.
"I don't know. I just don't feel good." My breath shakes.
"You can do it, i believe in you."

She stands between my legs and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her legs under her butt as she stands infront of me. I rest my head on her stomach enjoying her company.

"I'll be right there watching you okay, you can do it."

I nod as i take a deep breath.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you too." She kisses the top of my head making me have butterflies. I slowly stand up and we go out the bathroom.

"Goodluck." She smiles at me before leaving making a smile fall to my face. Nate and Jett wander their way over to me.

"You good?" Jett pats my back.
"Yeah i'm good."

I'm pretty close with her brothers considering we all grew up together and i appreciate them all.

"Let's go boys." Coach says as we all run out onto the feild. The crowd is cheering for everyone, voices echoing everywhere.

I look at Jules as she sits with the girls. Her eyes lock with mine and she nods at me mouthing 'you got this'

'i love you' I mouth back which she smiles.

The game soon begins and we end up winning, thank god. We all shower in the changerooms and as we come out i see the girls standing there.

I walk to Jules wrapping my arms around her instantly and i lean my head into her shoulder. I love holding her.

"You did so good, i'm so proud of you."
"Couldn't of done it without you, love."

We all walk into a restaurant for an after-game dinner. We take a seat at a table and everyone decides what they want to eat and me and Jules go to the counter ordering.

We stand the register waiting for a worker when as a college looking frat boy takes our orders.

"Hey beautiful, what can i get you?" He says looking at my Jules. I slide my arm around her waist and pull her to me. She slowly sinks into my touch making me feel better.

The guy looks between the two of us.


Jules repeats all of our orders and he smirks down at her. His dirty eyes shouldn't even be looking at her.

"Anything else?"
"No thanks." She says politely. As he's waiting for the computer to load he just stares at Jules.

"Keep looking at her, i dare you." I sneer. His eyes snap to me.

"You heard me."

He quickly gets back to our orders before we pay and sit at the table.

"Thanks." Jules looks up at me.
"Don't worry about it."

After dinner i go back to Jules's house. We go up to her room and i get into trackies while she gets into pajamas. She lays in the bed and i come and roll ontop of her laying my head on her chest. She lets out a giggle as she gives my bare back scratches. I slowly start to drift off to sleep.


Sawyer lays on my chest his body on me as he's fast asleep.

I try to focus on the movie i put on but i can't help but stare at him. He looks so calm when he's asleep. Like he has no worry in the world. I love that he's so comfortable around me and isn't afraid to show his true colours. His broad shoulders are spread as his hands rest on my waist. The veins in his hands spreading along his arms.

My eyes linger out the window to where it's raining. The peaceful sound calming me. I run my hands through his soft brunette hair.

I hear him slightly hum meaning he's awake.

"Since when did i become your personal pillow, teddy bear and self heater."

"It's safe here with you."

I smile as he says that while my cheeks turn pink.

My bedroom door bursts open my brothers coming in and laying on either side of the bed.

"You good?" I furrow my brows.
"We're bored."
"And we can help why?"
"Because Sawyer is very entertaining."

Sawyer let's out a giggle.

"So stop clinging to our sister and come hang out with us."
"In a minute." He grumbles. They both laugh a smidge as they look at my red face. Sawyer sighs before he gets off me and sends me a smile before leaving to my brothers room.

I want a Sawyer

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