Divine. | Countryhumans rusame

By Junoisnotok

39.8K 955 2.8K

Soviet Collapsed, Soviet's kids kept his death a secret until the organizations accidentally found out. After... More

Soviet's Children (Prologue)
The two main Families
A usual day
At the store
The states
Going to the park
Fighting in bed
Russia's memory zone
All powers activated
groceries before plans
"Is this not a date?"
Flowers for you
The lady
In different places
SPECIAL CH: blue + red = purple
Bailing out of jail, forcefully
Japan, the mastermind
Handmade gift
Overwhelming emotions
A lot can happen in two days
(Almost) forgotten memories
Thrown into it all

Bloody Gift

930 16 125
By Junoisnotok

My favorite show, sweet tooth, has a new season! I have been watching it almost all day, it's a little addicting.

EDITED: July 6, 2023.


^ WHO's POV ^

I woke up pretty early, maybe 4:12 AM (04:12)? I absolutely did NOT want to get up but I had to look at the lab and so did AU. She was not happy about waking up to water in her face but I had no choice! She would not wake up so I had to take drastic measures.

Currently, we were looking around the lab after we had the whole 'I will kill you' stare down just a few minutes ago.

"Huh.. WHO come look at this." I hurried over to where AU was bending down at which was in a corner, she pointed at a.. necklace of some sort? I could not see what it was fully since it was faced the other way and it was hidden in the corner. There was also a note attached to it. I hummed and put my gloves on to pull it out and see what it was clearly. when I pulled the item out of the corner, me and AU screamed at the top of our lungs. I instantly dropped it on the floor.

It wasn't a normal necklace, it had real teeth surrounding an eye that looked to be attached to human skin and a note. Every part was covered in what I assume is human blood.

"Ohmygod.. how long do you think THAT has been in here..?" My voice shook with fear, sure, I've seen worse things but I just know for a fact the unknown force did this. The only reason I'm scared out of my mind is that we don't even know who this unknown force is or what they're capable of.. well, the 'necklace' gives me a hint.

"I.. don't know.." AU stared at it in disbelief. Mine and AU's breath was uneven, this was not what we were expecting to see. "That is so disgusting." I could not agree with AU more, this was horrific and downright disgusting.

"WHAT HAPPENED." Me and AU jumped and almost screamed again before we saw that it was a panicked UN. We both let out a shaky sigh and pointed at the thing on the floor. UN moved towards it to take a better look and once he did, I could hear him mumble something under his breath. I couldn't make out much but this was all I heard: "Damnit . . . Unknown force . . . Late." I looked at UN in confusion, I wish I could've heard all he said but that was impossible because of how quiet he spoke.

"WHO, gloves." I knew what he wanted and ripped out two gloves from my pocket, I handed them to him and he put them on quickly. UN pulled on the note to see if it would come off and it seemed to stick to the skin. With a huff, he pulled harder until it finally came off. He opened the letter and started reading it out loud so we could hear it.

"Dear Organizations, do you like our surprise? We made it just for you. I wonder how long it took you to see this note and gift.. oh well. Since you don't know who we are, you can call us Rulers Of All, or ROA for short. And for a little hint on who we are, Remember the letters T.E.G. We shall rule the human world and make them suffer until they agree to our little game. Farewell."

"T.E.G? Little game? What the hell?!" AU yelled in frustration. I looked down and tried to think of any more clues but it was too confusing for me. "We will have to keep this just in case.. I'll find a place for it," UN said while shaking his head slightly, he folded the paper back and picked up the "gift" to inspect it. My eyes widened, did they miss the most important part? "Hey, it said 'we' and 'our'! That means it's more than one person." AU gasped and UN nodded. AU looked more surprised than UN, maybe he already realized but didn't comment.

"Yes, and this skin looks fresh. No way could it have stayed in here long." I took a deep breath, UN was right. It looked like a fresh cut, and the blood was not dry whatsoever.

ROA must have visited earlier.

AU grunted, "Eugh, why would they come again just to give us that?" She asked. "I think it was to tease us," UN said with a frown, "Though we have to work fast, now. The sooner ROA is gone, the sooner everyone will be safe."

Me and AU nodded in agreement. "WHO, I was told you had books to speed up the process of activating the countries' powers?" UN walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a plastic bag, he dropped both the items he had in the bag. "Mhm, I already have the books out. I'll get them from my office," I excused myself and left the room quickly. I have all the books on my personal bookshelf, I just need to get them for training.

I hope those books will work on everyone else, I mean, it worked on Russia. It has to work on the others too. There's a good chance it will work so there is really nothing I should be worrying about. I walked a little faster to get to my office, even if it was only 4:38 AM (04:38), I still felt the need to hurry and get the books.

Perhaps ROA's gift made me feel the need to pick up the pace, the training had been slow.. we might have to push the six countries way more than before. Time was not on our side. It never is.

^ America's POV ^

Screaming is not a normal thing to wake up to. I heard it a while ago but I didn't dare to leave my dorm. I hope it wasn't that serious, I have not heard all the organizations freak out yet so it's not like a killer is in the Great Building right now.

I already took a shower and got dressed for the morning, I had a protein bar and coffee for breakfast as well. I assume Russia would want some coffee when he wakes up so I left some for him. Speaking of Russia, he sleeps like the dead. How did he not hear the scream? He did not even twitch. I had to check his pulse to make sure he was actually alive. I have trouble sleeping for a long amount of time, but Russia could be sound asleep in a fire.

I can't help but notice how me and Russia are like opposites but still have many things in common. I've also noticed how Russia is slowly becoming more open to me every day, hopefully, that's a good sign.

I sighed, I was slightly bored. What if I go on my phone? But the question is, where is my phone exactly? I got up from the couch I was sitting on and started walking to the bedroom. My phone had to be in one of the nightstands, if not, I don't know where else it would be.

Russia is sleeping right now so I should be careful. Even if he sleeps like the dead, I still want to be as quiet as possible. I quietly opened the door and walked to the nightstand on my side of the bed, I opened the nightstand and did not find anything. Just my luck. Maybe it somehow got in the other nightstand? I walked over to Russia's side of the bed and opened the nightstand, the only thing in there was his phone, headphones, and earbuds.

Where the hell is my phone? I literally had it not that long ago. I walked out of the bedroom and decided to search for my phone in the kitchen, I'm usually there in the mornings.

I looked around the kitchen, I had no luck until I saw it on top of the microwave.. how did it get there out of all places? I grabbed it off the microwave and turned it on. Good thing it was not dead. And I do not have a password on my phone since it's annoying to do and easier without it.

I looked through my phone, I had many notifications but I didn't take the time to look at them. I was gonna ask what that scream was in the group chat, I still had to change my nickname in there but it was not urgent so I'll do it later.

America: The hell was that scream this morning?

AU: Me and WHO

America: ???

AU: Come to the lounge now

America: Can I bring Russia?

AU: he is awake right now?

America: No, but I can make him wake up

AU: hehe, sure.. I'll give you 30 minutes ;)

America: ma'am. I ain't doing nothing dirty to Russia, calm your tits.


I put my phone down, there was a little blush on my face but I decided to ignore it. I had to wake up Russia and not stand in the kitchen like some idiot.

I quickly went to the bedroom and slammed the door open loudly but he was still asleep. I really thought that would work, I guess I'll have to do what I did last time.

Once I got close enough, I started to shake Russia violently until I heard a small groan coming from him. "Guess what? It's time to wake up, Ruski. We gotta go to the lounge!" I ripped the blanket off him and heard a small "noo." I chuckled, "Yes, now come on." Russia huffed and sat up straight, he rubbed his eyes before staring at me with annoyance. "Don't give me that look, you have 25 minutes to get ready." Russia huffed and got off the bed. I walked out of the room to give him some privacy, I'll probably look at random memes on my phone until he's done.


^ The organizations (third POV) ^

All the organizations were in the lounge, they were expecting Russia and America. The other countries were sleeping since it was so early in the morning.

AU was starting to get impatient, the two countries were only a little late but she was not very patient, "How long do we have to wait for—"

"Hey." AU was cut off by America walking into the room, and Russia came in right behind him. Russia nodded towards the organizations, it was clear he did not want to be here. "Sorry for being a little late, you know how long it takes for a lady to get ready," America nudged Russia with a smirk on his face though it soon faded once Russia hit the back of his head. "I am not a woman.." He grumbled and walked to the empty couch to take a seat. America wanted to say more but retained himself, he could pester Russia another day.

When the two countries got settled on the couch the organizations started to explain what they found. UN even showed them the bag he put it in, though the countries did not dare to open the bag no matter how curious they were. The description of it was enough for them.

America sighed, "So, ROA basically broke into the Great Building not that long ago while we were all sleeping? Some security you have." UN huffed in annoyance, "It Isn't— listen, I'll fix that later but the main thing is that we must push you and the other countries more than before so you all can take down ROA, and then everything will be back to normal." America nodded slowly, "Alright... Mr. Wise guy, how are things gonna go now?" He asked.

"Well, WHO has some books that will help activate powers. But since you two are kind of already at that point you can read some of the things in there and you will discover some new things about your power on your own." Russia hummed, "On our own?" He was surprised the organizations were going to allow that so soon. "Yes, on your own. We believe it would be better to do some things by yourselves and us organizations have to prepare for a different kind of training that will last seven or fewer days."

America frowned and crossed his arms, "There is a different training thing we have to do? Well then, please don't make NATO my trainer for that." NATO made an offended look while UN laughed. "The training is about combat skills, and all organizations will be helping all countries unless someone needs a little help but I'm sure you and Russia won't need help with combat!" UN said. The two countries nodded, they would not need help. America had been fighting for his whole childhood, and Russia had also been fighting for his whole childhood but in a different way than America. They were good at combat.

Russia and America are similar but in some way they are opposites too, a little weird isn't it? Perhaps they are good friends because of it. This makes you wonder if this friendship will actually work out or fall apart. I mean, what if one of them dies? What would the other do? Would the two of them make it.. together?

"Oh, it's almost training time! I'll get the books ready for use," WHO got up and rushed off to get her books, she had read them to figure out which book goes with who. "We will leave you two alone, we must prepare a few things," UN smiled and got up, he started walking to the door and the rest of the organizations followed him while chatting about what they should do for training.

As soon as the organizations left the lounge, Russia huffed and laid his head on America's. "Really?" America asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone causing Russia to crack a smile. "Yes, you are my moving pillow now, whether you like it or not," he said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you want." America was not sure how to feel about being a "moving pillow" but there was nothing he could do to stop Russia. Well, he could do something but he didn't want to. if America was being honest, he liked Russia being this close to him.

Little did America know that Russia also liked being this close. Russia was confused why he felt this way but it kinda made him feel safe, something about America made him feel safe. Though he would never do this in front of anyone else, he was afraid they would see him as weak. Russia was glad America did not see him as weak, or at least he assumed America didn't.

"No, wait! Get back in bed, pleaseee!" Poland whined. Germany was trying to leave to get ready for the day but Poland was trying to stop him. "I allowed us to cuddle for 30 minutes, it's almost training time now," Germany took Poland's hands off his waist and got up to get his clothes and towel. "Hmph.. fine, well when you're done just wake me up.." Poland said, drifting off to sleep again.

Germany chuckled, Poland was very sleepy today and he found it amusing. Once Germany got his clothes and a towel he went over to Poland and kissed his forehead before going to the bathroom.

Poland and Germany were in a healthy relationship. Their relationship was strong and didn't show any signs of breaking any time soon. Poland loved cuddling and kissing Germany everywhere while Germany allowed Poland to do anything to him as long as it wasn't too sexual. Germany wasn't a fan of sex and didn't plan on having it with Poland, I guess you could say he is Asexual but he doesn't like labeling himself that much.

Thankfully for Germany, Poland did not like the thought of sex either. The two of them had a whole conversation about that when they were placing boundaries for their relationship, usually people do not think about making boundaries with their partner instantly but Germany and Poland wanted to be completely comfortable around one another and not feel forced to do anything they don't like.

Poland has also helped with Germany's sleeping schedule. It was complete shit before Poland became a personal judge of his life, Germany doesn't let Poland boss him around but it may seem like that. He just loves Poland so much, it's so hard saying no to him. Sadly though, he has to say "No" occasionally since Poland has no limits to cuddling whatsoever.

Germany turned the water on and went to look in the mirror while the shower was getting to a decent temperature. He had blood-red eyes and sharp teeth, two things he doesn't like. It reminds him of Third Reich. Germany files down his teeth every month, though. By the looks of it, he might need to do it again soon.

He does not file them all the way down, only to a point where it makes him comfortable to look at himself. America has sharp teeth but not as sharp as Germany's original teeth. America has small sharp teeth that almost make him look like a vampire. Germany likes to make them almost exactly like America's since it looks cool and he kinda looks up to the American as a big brother. Ok, maybe he definitely looks up to America but he would never admit that out loud even though he doesn't have to because it's already obvious.

America saved him from Third Reich and ever since then, Germany looked up to America. He also got treated like a part of the family when America introduced him to Britain, France, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Though for the main part, America took care of him until he was able to be off by himself.

That weird American seemed to be a part of everyone's life, as a good or a bad thing. Germany will never understand how America can maintain all the pressure of supporting other countries and making sure enemies don't get too much information without barely messing up ever. It might be because America was an independent country at a young age and he grew to be able to handle it all. Germany did hear a few stories of America failing to do things but he also heard many stories of America being successful. It is 50/50.

Germany hummed and looked away from the mirror, he went to feel the temperature and it was good enough for him. He took off his clothes and got in the shower. 'I wonder what's going to happen in training today... I hope I activate my power soon.' Germany thought to himself. He decided going back to when America saved him wasn't that much of a good idea, it's a good memory but it comes with a bad memory of when his twin brother died. Germany misses him but he knows he cannot be depressed forever about it, he must keep moving forward, even if his twin brother isn't.

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So I told my English teacher I had a book (I didn't tell him it was Countryhumans) and now he wants to read it. I'm currently making a human-ish version of this story on paper. Yippee..

Spell check: 2/3

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