By jeonvists

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[COMPLETED] Where Jungkook and Taehyung made the impulsive decision of moving in together after only 3 weeks... More



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By jeonvists

Taehyung groans tiredly as he tries to stretch as much as he can. He is very tired. He feels like every bone hurts. Every muscle and every organ  feels like it needs to be stretched like dough.

He sighs, pulling out his phone to call Jimin.

It is 6 a.m. in the morning, Jungkook is getting ready for work, and Taehyung is supposed to go to school— only if his back didn’t feel like snapping in half. Taehyung decided to stay back and rest, the sound of Jungkook shuffling in his room, the sound of his shower running and the constant opening and closing of his wardrobe as he decides what to wear put Taehyung in some peace—- reassuring him that he is still not alone. He imagines them as a family, the brunette too pregnant and tired to move, a cup of ginger tea in his hand while his boyfriend gets ready for work which he arrives late at because he decided to stay back five more minutes to cuddle him and kiss him goodbye.

His heart hurts.

Jimin picks up the second time Taehyung calls.

“Mimi, why are you ignoring me?” Taehyung pouts.

“Tae, it’s six in the morning!”

“You sound very awake to me.”

“Th-that’s not the point!” Jimin flushes.

Taehyung hears the quiet hushes and giggles in the background, and it drowns in him what is going on at the end of the other line.

“Jimin, it’s six in the morning. Seriously, your alpha needs to calm down.” Taehyung grins when he hears Yoongi laugh through the phone, Jimin shushing him, grumbling.

“We’re trying for a baby.” Jimin announces shyly.

Taehyung freezes, his eyes widening.

“For real? Oh my god, congratulations, Mimi!” Taehyung smiles brightly, sitting up despite his aching back and lets out an excited noise.

“It’s too early to congratulate me, pup. We’re still trying, Yoongi has a baby fever and wants one so bad.” He giggles, happiness evident in his voice. Taehyung feels so happy for his best friend. He feels over the moon, but his smile softens when he says Yoongi is the one wanting a baby— a melancholic smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“I’m still so happy for you.”

Jimin hums.

“Did you need something? Are you okay?”

“Hm. Yes, I am. My whole body hurts, though. I called you to give me a massage.”

He chuckles.

“Do you still need me to come? I will be there in no time, baby.”

“No, no! Continue with your baby making, I’ll be fine.”


“Bye, Mimi.”

Giggling, Taehyung hangs up and lays back down— grunts of pain escaping his lips before resting his head back down on the pillow he took from his bed, trying to get comfortable.

Jungkook lets out a short sigh— standing behind the wall that connects the living area to the hall leading to their bedrooms. He stopped when he heard Taehyung talking to Jimin, his gaze lowering as he listened to the way Taehyung's voice showed a hint of sadness.

Sadness that he caused.

He peaks from behind the wall, watching Taehyung try to lay down and groan in pain. He heard him complain about his body hurting, and he now watches how he tries to get comfortable on the couch, his lips curled into a grimace.

Jungkook lets out his pheromones, taking small steps towards the omega that go unheard by him until he is close enough for the pheromones to reach him and hopefully ease his pain.

A familiar scent of sandalwood engulfs the omega's senses at once, his body slowly relaxing—his eyes growing heavy and his breathing slowing down.

“Good morning.” Jungkook announces himself quietly, the warm presence spreading across the space as he walks closer— the distance between them lessening further and affecting the omega more.

Another month flew by, and Jungkook didn't really ever see Taehyung. He was angry — too angry to even look at the omega.

Every time he caught a glimpse of him, he felt his rage kick in once more, making him hurry and leave before he could say anything.

Jungkook knows Taehyung is five months pregnant, and he grows more tired every day. It makes him wonder if Taehyung can keep it up, if he can go to school, work, and somehow manage to rest in between.

Jungkook knows that it has been hectic for the omega — too tiring.

Taehyung was alone, completely. Jimin kept him company every few days, but other than that, it was him all on his own, working and studying.

Every time the thought crosses Jungkook's mind, it gets shut down. He can't handle how his heart still stutters in front of the omega —especially if he is as tired and overworked as he is right now.

His body is getting thinner despite his growing belly, darkening eye bags under his eyes— Jungkook swallows, trying not to let the guilt eat him up.

Jungkook eventually caved in and tried to help behind his back. He started cooking for both of them every night. He waits for Taehyung to go to sleep, gets up, and cooks a meal that he keeps for the morning, leaving a note behind letting Taehyung know that his meal is in the oven.

He kept sneaking some of his shirts into his room, knowing his scent would calm him down. Taehyung one day walked into his room and found a random air diffuser by his bed. He never said anything, never acknowledged if he noticed or not.

Jungkook doesn’t even know if Taehyung ate his food. He comes back home and finds the oven empty and the plates in the sink, but Taehyung could be throwing the food out for all he knows.

He came to the conclusion that he does not know and does not care if Taehyung makes use of what he keeps subtly offering or not. He tells himself that he needs to do this to ease his guilt. To ease the pain in his chest. He tells himself that it doesn't matter.

Right now, as he lets his pheromones take over the space for the sole purpose of easing the omega's pain, he tells himself that it does not matter if it affects the omega or not. Despite the subtle, relieved smile on his lips when he notices that the omega is clearly comforted.

Taehyung replies with something incoherent —slurring sleepily and his eyes barely open.

The alpha walks to the kitchen, opening the oven and pulling out the meal he prepared the night before.

He unwraps the foil and walks back to the omega, placing the plates on the table.

He takes a seat across from Taehyung, pretending to fumble with his phone, his eyes repeatedly going back and forth between his phone and the sleepy omega who eventually falls asleep, light snores escaping his lips.

It's seven thirty, he’s late for work and he knows he'll get an earful but he lingers for a few minutes longer until he makes sure that the omega is in deep sleep.

When he does, he gets up— taking reluctant steps towards him, looking down at him in awe.

His brown curls fall over his eyes, his eyelashes kissing his cheeks, and his lips jutted out.

Taehyung doesn't look like himself. He looks tired. He doesn’t look like he's glowing, like a pregnant person usually does. He looks drained, yet Jungkook still finds him beautiful.

The alpha reaches, brushing those soft curls back— his hand moving downwards to cup his jaw, his thumb caressing the skin under his eyes.

His eyes move down to his belly. Taehyung is wearing sweatpants and a crop top, something comfortable for his stomach.

He retracts his hand and stares at his belly for a moment longer, his hand slowly reaching.

His throat bobs, eyes nervously moving back and forth between his face and the gently rising and falling belly due to his soft breathing.

His hand stops mid air before he could touch the omega, his fingers curling into a fist instead and pulling to hang by his side.

He turns on his heels and walks out. He leaves before he can confront that any longer.

He's just feeling guilty, nothing else.

Taehyung woke up around noon, his pain and fatigue feeling much better after the nice sleep he had.

Since he is feeling good, he decides to go to the boutique. His original plan was to skip, but there is no excuse now. He needs the money, too. He almost has enough to get a crib.

After deducting his bills and sharing groceries for this month, he finds a few more wons to spare to get a crib for his pup that would come soon.

He specifically searched for one the other day, dragging Jimin with him. They were both in awe looking at all the baby beds—Jimin did mention that he would consider getting a bed similar to the one Taehyung wants to get— they liked a specific one the most.

It has drawers, and Taehyung gushed about how efficient it would be for him to have the diapers and clothes all in one place for the baby.

Taehyung is already five months pregnant, and he can not wait. He feels excited, anxious, and happy all at once.

He sometimes wishes he had someone other than Jimin to share that happiness and excitement with. Someone that the arrival of the baby means so much to them as well.

It is a different kind of happiness and excitement when it is yours.

Taehyung brushes off the thought with a heavy release of breath, not wanting to ruin his mood.

He realises that Jungkook is the reason he fell asleep. He makes a note to thank him later.

Even if they are not on talking terms— Taehyung would like to keep it civil. For the sake of his peace of mind and for the safety of his baby.

He doesn’t want to be crying and screaming because of a certain alpha.

It is best for everyone that they remain civil.

The boutique's doorbell rings, shifting Taehyung's attention from the fabric he is handling to the door.

A tall, muscular man, an alpha, walks in— his eyes unfamiliar as he looks around the boutique until his eyes land on the omega who is eyeing him with wide eyes.

"Hi," the man greets, a nervous smile on his face.

"H-hi, you're Park Seojoon, right? The model?"

"Oh, you recognised me." The man  lets out a small laugh, his hand coming up to rub the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Of course! You're a big deal in the industry now."

Taehyung's smile was too big, his cheeks rising adorably— his eyes turning into beautiful crescents.

Park Seojoon is someone Taehyung has always looked up to. He's been keeping up with him ever since his debut as a model. He fell in love with the modelling and the clothing.

He seemed to embrace every piece of clothing that adorned his body— making it look so much better.

"Thank you."

"How can I help you, Seojoonssi?"

Seojoon smiles.

"I have a formal event next weekend and I wanted a suit."

"Any preferences?"

Taehyung asks, grabbing a pen and small notebook to write down the alpha's requests.

"Well– something that makes me look handsome?"

The alpha raises his eyebrows, chuckling as Taehyung lets out a small laugh as well.

"I promise, everything makes you look handsome, Seojonssi."

The omega's cheeks turned bright red after the words escaped his lips— turning shy.

Why did he ever say that, he thinks.

Seojoon only laughs, giving the young omega a little bow as he utters a thank you.

"Why don't you look around? If you find anything that catches your eye, I'll have it altered and ready for you."

"I definitely did find something that caught my eye."

The omega's eyes widen a little as he stares at the alpha who has a smirk that adorns his lips.

Taehyung blushes— turning left and right, his hand clumsily pointing at different racks the alpha could take a look at.

"Thank you.." The alpha trails off, waiting.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

"Thank you, Taehyungssi. I'll look around. Excuse me."

Taehyung felt giddy inside.

He can't believe Park Seojoon himself walked into the boutique he works in to pick out a suit to wear to an event that must be full of celebrities.

"Who is this?" Yeonjun, a coworker, appears next to Taehyung with a questioning look on his face.

Taehyung's eyes widened, turning to slap his palm over Yeonjun's mouth—whose eyes widened in alarm— before pulling him aside.

"Quiet!" Taehyung shushes when Yeonjun lets out struggling noises, pulling the elder's hand off his mouth.

"It's Park Seojoon!" The omega whisper yells.

Yeonjun freezes.

"The Park Seojoon?" The beta asks with wide eyes, to which Taehyung nods in confirmation.

Yeonjun wheezes.

"Oh my - Didn't he model for Vogue just the other week?"

The alpha turns from where he is to look at Yeonjun, who stumbles back dramatically.

Taehyung closes his eyes in embarrassment, turning to bow at the alpha, muttering an apology.

"Can you lower your voice? He's just over here!" Taehyung pinches the beta, making him yelp.

"Sorry, it's just—what is he doing here? Shouldn't he be shopping in Gucci or something?"

"Definitely, but! He must've chosen us for a reason. Now, don't scare him away and act decent."


Taehyung turns to the alpha, nodding towards him and rushing subtly to his side.

"Yes, sir?"

The alpha smiles charmingly, pulling out a suit from the racks.

"I'd like to take this one, please."

"Of course, sir. I'll need to get your measurements to alter it to your size, may I?"

"Of course."

Seojoon smiles sweetly.

Taehyung feels like he might faint.

Seojoon smells very sweet. It is quite strange since alphas, even women, tend to smell manly and overpower. Jungkook smells of sandalwood, but even the hint of sweetness is not that obvious. It's very subtle.

Taehyung used to catch it while his nose was buried right into his scent glands.

Seojoon smells fruity with a hint of a flowery scent. It was very unusual to Taehyung. He always expected him to smell so masculine and strong.

It was not the case at all.

Taehyung can't say he is disappointed. He finds it refreshing and welcoming. It made Taehyung feel very at ease.

The omega circles the measuring tape around Seojoon's chest— subtly blushing at how wide it is.

Taehyung felt shameless— checking out the alpha - as he took his measurements like that.

He can't help it, Park Seojoon is someone Taehyung has always wanted to be— he can't help but admire while he's right in front of him. 

It feels too unreal.

"Okay, done."

Taehyung smiles, turning to write down the measurement he took down on a piece of paper.

"When can I come and get it?"

Taehyung hums, tapping the pen to the corner of his lips a few times— thinking.

"When is your event?"

"Friday night."

"Then it'll be ready by Thursday morning."

Seojoon nods, satisfied.

"Would you like to pay upfront or pay on reception?"

"I'll pay upfront."

Taehyung smiles, giddy.

He will be getting that crib for his baby soon. Hopefully, Mr. Moon pays him tonight.

Seojoon pulls his credit card out, handing it to Taehyung, who gladly takes it and swipes it.

"Thank you, Seojoonssi."

Taehyung smiles warmly, handing the model back his credit card.

"Oh please, just call me Seojoon."

Seojoon says, leaning forward on the counter.

"Oh, I- I can’t do that. You're older than me."

"Oh? How old are you?"

"I'm 25."

"In that case, you can call me hyung."

Taehyung's ears turn red immediately, his teeth biting on the inside of his cheek to suppress the grin that threatens to break out.

Seojoon chuckles— reaching for his back pocket and pulling out his phone.

"Can I get your number? So I know when my suit will be ready? If it's done a day or two earlier, I will come take it."

The omega screams internally. He doesn’t know what to make of this.

He gives the number to him, and the alpha soon leaves— leaving behind a very flustered Taehyung who didn't notice Yeonjun sneaking up behind him.

"He was flirting with you."

Taehyung jumps.

"No, he wasn't."

"Yes, he was! He also took your number, this is definitely not about the suit at all!"

Taehyung blushes.

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