Stolen Love

By thelonesomedove12

29.4K 1.1K 49

Abhinav, Aarushi and Madhav had always been referred to as the 'Three Musketeers'. For as long as they could... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10(The End)

Chapter 5

2.5K 100 1
By thelonesomedove12

The next day at  Soumya ma'am's house, all the students waited for her to walk into class.

A few minutes later, she walks in grinning happily.

The students look confused as Aaru asks her, "Ma'am what's wrong?"

"I'm smiling, why would you think something is wrong?", The teacher asks confused.

Aaru shrugs, "I don't know- oh my god", she stares in shock at the tall, brown-haired boy who just walked in.

"Soham?", Aaru asks shocked.

"Soham", she yells happily running to the front of the class and throwing her arms around him.

The guy hugs her back tightly spinning her around and laughing, "Ru ru".

Aaru smiles at his nickname, as she pulls back.

"You're back?", she asks surprised.

He nods, "Transferring back."

Soumya ma'am clears her throat, "I see you guys know each other. For those who don't this is my son, Soham. He doesn't stay with me, which would explain why you don't see him often."

"Who was also my classmate a few years ago", Aaru adds.

"Who the hell is he? How is she so close to him?", Abhi mumbles to Maddy.

Anya grins from next to Maddy, "Your competition."

Maddy snickers, while Abhi glares at Anya. Kavya turns away and blocks out the conversation as she understands Abhi's jealous tone.

Aaru comes back to her place between Abhi and Maddy grinning happily.

Soham follows her smiling, "Ru ru, won't you introduce us?"

Aaru rolls her eyes, "Guys meet, Soham. Soham, guys.

Soham huffs, "I am guessing you are Maddy and Abhinav?", Soham asks pointing at the boys.

Abhi raises his eyebrows, "You know us?"

Soham nods, "Aaru has told me a lot about you guys."

Abhi nods giving Aaru a look, Aaru diverts her eyes from him.

Abhi looks shocked seeing Aaru ignore him. He needs to do something, but he has no idea what.

"Oh by the way, since Diwali is coming up we have a celebration here. My mum told me to invite you guys.", Soham says.

Aaru nods smiling, thinking it will be a good distraction. The others voice their agreement, making Soham grin.

"Okay then, see you this weekend.", He says before kissing Aaru on the cheek, winking at her and walking away.

Aaru sits shocked, while Abhi looks down fisting his hands. Why do I feel like this, he wonders.

"You'll realise soon", Maddy responds immediately as if he could read his mind, before uncurling his first.

After class, Abhi walks up to Aaru and he hesitates.

"Yes Abhi?", Aaru asks smiling slightly at his face which was slightly pouty.

"Park? Now?", Abhi asks hesitantly.

Aaru sighs, thinking she should reject the offer.

"I think you are busy", Aaru says pointing behind.

Kavya walks up behind him smiling and lacing their hands together.

Aaru looks away, not able to see the scene.

What she doesn't expect, was for Abhi to snatch his hands back, before coming to stand next to Aaru.

"I'm busy Kavya", Abhi says.

"But what about our date? Remember you asked me out.", Kavya smirks at Aaru. Abhi follows Kavya's look at Aaru. He notices Aaru look away, the hurt and pain in her eyes killing him.

 Abhi takes Kavya to the side before telling, "I'm sorry for giving you false hope Kavya. I was confused about my feelings and just wanted a distraction."

Kavya stands there shocked and sad, as Abhi drags Aaru to the park.

"What did you tell her Abhinav?", Aaru asks swinging.

"So it's Abhinav now?", Abhi asks silently.

Aaru sighs, "Don't hurt her too much, If you are confused stay away and take time to think don't hurt everyone around you."

Abhi snaps his head to look at Aaru, "Am I hurting you?"

"I wish you didn't. But, I'm learning not to get hurt.", Aaru mumbles vaguely.

"I-I'm going to head home.", Abhi says, wondering how on earth he's hurting Aaru.

Aaru nods bidding him bye, before walking to her home.

After that day, Abhi decided to take time off from the world. For the next two days, he didn't go to school nor tuition.

And in these two days, he did a lot of thinking. The one constant thing always on his mind was Aaru. Would she be thinking about him? Does she miss me? Do I love her?

He didn't get answers to all the questions, but he definitely got peace of mind.

Aaru on the other hand had begun 'Operation Move on'. It did sound stupid when you say it like that, but she had a solid plan.

The first step is to stop her flow of thoughts about Abhi. She thought of distracting herself, to forget thinking about him.

And of course, she also thought maintaining a respectable distance, would be good for her.

Aaru was a master at hiding her emotions and feelings. She masked her hurt and pain, with a fake chirpy attitude. But she also knew no one other than Abhi can read her like an open book. She wanted to stop that.

Thursday evening, Aaru sighed, lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. This is hard, no doubt she thought exhausted.

"Aaru, tuition", her mom shouted reminding her of the time.

Aaru got up and grabbed her bag before walking out.

As she entered class, she noted Abhi was absent again. It was the second time seeing him absent. Stop thinking about him, Aaru. You wasted years on him.

Aaru shakes her head before sitting next to Anya.

"Hottie alert", Anya whispered from next to her.

Aaru snaps her head up to see... Soham.

"Oh, Soham", Aaru says frowning.

"I guess you expected a certain someone", Anya teased.

"Shut up", Aaru glared.

"Heyy", Soham greets sliding in next to Aaru, sitting way too close.

Aaru inconspicuously moves away before smiling, "Hey, so how is the planning coming along for the party?"

"Good, great actually", Soham grins.

They converse light-heartedly for a while until the teacher comes in.

After class, Aaru calls Madhav as she walks home.

"Hey, how is the fever now?", She inquires.

"Almost gone, I'll come tomorrow", Maddy says.

"Great.", Aaru grins.

"So how was class, and Soham?", Maddy asks slyly.

"He's just a friend.", Aaru sighs.

"But you guys are close", Maddy points out.

"We are. He makes me happy, with his little jokes and his crooked smile.", Aaru says smiling lightly.

Maddy goes silent on the other side.

"You there?", Aaru asks.

"Oh, yeah yeah. Anyways ok, I'll call you later.", Maddy says cutting the call before rushing to Abhi's house.

Maddy bursts into Abhi's room, scaring him.

"Oh my god man, knock when you enter. Also don't have a fever? What are you doing here?", Abhi scolds him.

"Shut up you idiot. I think Aaru is starting to like Soham.", Maddy says.

"I mean, she should they are close friends right?", Abhi asks.

Maddy sighs in annoyance, "I mean like like. The other kind."

"WHAT", Abhi asks shocked getting up from his bed.

"Why are you reacting like that, do you like her?", Maddy smirks.

"Come on man, she's our Aaru. She's my best friend.", Abhi says.

"So you aren't jealous?", Maddy asks.

"N-no.", Abhi says.

"Ok then, I'll hold you to that. And tomorrow all of us are going to the library in the evening. You wanna join?", Maddy asks.

Abhi shakes his head disinterested, "No way, that's boring."

"Your loss, Soham is joining too.", Maddy adds.

"Oh wait. I just remembered that I'm free tomorrow. You know what, I'll join too.", Abhi says looking away not wanting to see Maddy's smug expression.

"Okay then", Maddy grins.

"Shut up man.", Abhi groans closing his eyes and falling back on his bed.

"I didn't say anything", Maddy grins, lying down next to his best friend.

"Figure it out, bro. That's all I can say", Maddy says quietly.

Abhi nods, "I am trying to. I'm very confused."

Both of them say nothing, as they continue to lie there silently being there for each other.


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