Goddess|| Aqua Hoshino x F!re...

By kaeyasUmPremAcy

9.5K 468 265

||WARNING:Slow updates!!|| "Jeez...even after more than three deaths...Fate has decided to let me have anothe... More

-1st life-

-2nd & 3rd life-

1K 53 49
By kaeyasUmPremAcy

3rd pov:

Of course she lived again.

After the suicide of Y/n L/n, the eldest daughter of the F/n L/n everything in the L/n trading business went in ruins.
Nobody wanted to buy from them. And everybody sent hate to them Left and right. Of course nobody knew Y/n was reincarnated as the daughter of an actress and idol.

"Wha...what the hell...?!"
Y/n thought. Her eyes were blurry and she couldn't talk. All she heard was a ladies voice and she felt like she was carried.

"Oh, she's awake! Espen come and look at our daughter!"
The lady said. A huge smile across her face. Of course y/n didn't know that because everything was a blur.

"My, she got your looks, honey."
The guy called Espen said.

"Am...am I a baby?!"
Y/n thought. Soon y/n started crying and tears formed in her eyes.

"Why am I suddenly crying?! Stop it, me!!!"
Y/n thought.

"Oh, looks like she's hungry. Espen I think it's best if you go out of the room right now."
The lady said.

"Of course, Kirsten. Just call me if you need help, honey."
Espen said as he went out of the room.


It's been 17 years.
17 years since y/n was reincarnated.
Obviously she didn't know what's going on at first but she soon found out that she was born from a famous and wealthy family. It was Kirsten Kalda and Espen Kalda. Scandinavian celebrities. It's made her freak out but she was happy at the same time.
She knew she can live her life better this time and she knew she had to live it to the fullest. "Maybe...living a new life is better."

"Mamma and Pappa! I'll be leaving now."
Y/n said as she wore comfortable but nice clothes and had a mask on.

"Be careful, sweetie. The world is dangerous."
Kirsten said as Espen nodded.

"We don't want anything to happen to our daughter. Plus if something bad happens the news will spread in the internet. You know how people are these days."
Espen said as y/n kissed both her parents cheeks.

"Don't worry! I'll be riding in the car. My bodyguard's already here."
"Love ya!"
Y/n said as her parents waved her goodbye. What she didn't know that this would be their last goodbye to her.

"I'm so happy I have kind and loving parents. This life is the best. Now my concert will be in a few hours so I have to get read."
Y/n thought as she entered the car.

"We'll be going now, ma'am."
Her bodyguard said.

"Go on."

4 hours later

Y/n had now left the concert with some bodyguards since your new song was a hit, new people started coming. From a small crowd to larger ones. Of course this wouldn't have been easy if your parents weren't celebrities and if you didn't have talent for this. And you never knew you did. Your past life self always kept on studying and never had time to get a good childhood which you regret. Y/n then sighed as she walked next to her bodyguards. They were currently were going to your car, about to go home but of course fans and paparazzi's were there.

"Ah, shit. I think...I should talk to some of my fans first. I'm sure you guys wouldn't mind, right?"
Y/n told her bodyguards as they nodded.

"Hey, guys! It's the famous Y/n Kalda. In the flesh."
Y/n said loudly as more fans started coming. She cringed slightly at her words.

"Please, can I have your autograph?!"

"Can you sing for us?!"

"Please step on me!!!"

"I have all your albums!"

Y/n sweat dropped and smiled.

"Everybody fall in line. Do no worry because I'll give almost everyone an autograph if I have more time. I'm only here for a few minutes."
Y/n said as she signed her autographs and signed more than 50+ magazines of her in just 15 minutes.

A young child said shyly as y/n noticed her. She looked really young and you assumed she was in 2nd grade.

"Oh, hello älskling! What brings you here?"
Y/n said as she was on her knees to be in the level of the child.
Älskling: means darling, my love, sweetie, etc. it's a versatile word because it's not purely romantic. (You could even use that nickname with pets and children ig).
A/n: hopefully I'm correct! I don't wanna offend anyone btw

"Can...can I please have and autograph and I picture with you?"
The child asked. Her eyes shimmering.

"Oh, of course. How could I refuse a fan. Especially when it's a child! Y'know I always wanted a sister..haha!"
Y/n said as the girl nodded shyly. As she muttered "my names Frida..."
Y/n then sighed the magazine while the mom pictured both of them.

"Wow...! Thank you...Ms. Kalda. I watched almost all your movies and series and I'm close to getting all your albums! I get one in each birthday!"
"I also wish to become like you in the future."
Frida said happily. From shy to really excited and happy.

"Wow! A real dedicated fan. Y'know if you wish to become like me, I'll support you! When you grow older why don't you become part of my agency?"
"Y'know my agency, Anderski production. Here I'll give you business card.
Y/n said with a soft smile as Frida suddenly gave her a big hug.

"Oh! Well...I hope to see you soon."
Y/n said as she patted Frida's head and left.

"Wow...I feel great. I love some of my fans."
Y/n said with a laugh as her bodyguard drove her car back home.

It's only been a few minutes since she left and y/n was bored and decided to check weebtoon.

"I wonder if Remarried Empress has a new chapter."
Y/n thought but suddenly her mom called.

"Hi mom—"

But before she could say anything, a loud bang and crash was heard. Her phone flew everywhere around the car while her head hid the window hardly and because of the impact on how the car was hit the glass flew everywhere.

Everything went fast. In the blink of an eye. Y/n and her bodyguard was now upside down in her car.

"Miss...! Are you alright?!"
Your bodyguard yelled out but you felt exhausted.

"Wha...how...? What happened?"
Y/n asked quietly, while her ears started ringing.

"A man crash his car with ours. I think he has been following us. And he's purposely targeting you."
The bodyguard said as he coughed up blood.

"Why didn't yo—you tell me?"
Y/n said loudly as she covered ears.
Her bodyguard answered her but she didn't hear anything but ringing this time.

"Ah...! It hurts! Get me out of here...!"
Y/n yelled out.

"Y/n! Are you okay?! Please tell me your fine!"
Your mom said through the phone. And it looks like she was holding back tears.

"I don't know...I feel paralyzed...my head hurts and the ringing isn't stopping..."
Y/n said quietly as her mom gasped through the phone.

"Espen...! Espen come here quickly! Something happened to y/n. We need to go close to the concert quickly.
"Please! I don't want anything to happen to our daughter!"
Her mother said. Her panic was heard through the phone. Her mothers breath was shaky.

"Mamma seems to be in panic..."
Y/n thought. The feeling seems strange. It's like she felt this feeling before. A feeling of sadness and terror struck.

"Am I gonna die again...? Please no. Not now. Not now when I have a loving family and everything...?!"
Y/n yelled out.

"No no no no no no no...!"
"Not now. Not now! No!"
"This cannot be happening!"
Y/n yelled out.

"Ma'am please stay calm! I'll try to get you out! We're in a busy road so this might have caught a lot of attention! I'm sure they'll help!"
The bodyguard said but you weren't listening.

"No! No! Please! I don't want to go! I have so many things I want to do! I wanna see Mamma and Pappa!"

"Please stay calm, I'm calling the closest hospital nearby!"

"No! They would be too late. I can feel it. This feeling...I'm gonna die again...die young again..."
Y/n thought.

"Don't worry y/n! We're coming...stay right where you are!"
You mom said through the phone.
Y/n felt more blood coming out from her head. She was already loosing too much blood.

"I...I love you mom...and dad..."
"I'm sorry we couldn't see each other in person right now...you probably would be seeing my dead corpse...haha..."
"Please don't look at me when you come here. I know it'll break your hearts."
Y/n said as her mother gasped through the phone.

"No! Don't act like your dying right now! I swear when I get there I'll make sure you don't die!"
You mom said as you heard her start sobbing a bit.

"Y/n! We are close! We see some ambulance! Please try to stay awake!"
Your father said through the phone.
More tears came out from your eyes as you saw the bodyguard struggling to come out from his seat.

"Get out. Save yourself."
Y/n said tiredly. Her light fading away from her eyes.

"I love you. Mom and Dad."

"It hurts. Everything hurts."
"Why am I still alive? Didn't I die from the car accident?"
Y/n thought as she frowned. She looked everywhere and it was all like a void. A white void. It's like there's no walls and it looks gigantic.

"Ah...mom...dad...am I really dead this time? I didn't know the afterlife would be like this..."
Y/n mumbled as she sobbed silently. Wishing she could see her parents one last time.

"You're here"

A voice said, it sounded deep but soothing. A bright light was walking to Y/n as she freaked out.

"What the hell?! Oh my gosh!"
Y/n screamed out. Completely forgetting that she was crying.

"Oh, sorry for scaring you. I thought humans wouldn't get scared easily."
The voice said. Soon the bright light faded and had shown a really beautiful woman. She had light pink hair that reached her waist and bright purple eyes. She looked like the most beautiful woman you had ever seen and your Bi side was starting to show.

"Your pretty."

"Oh—wait sorry uh I wasn't supposed to say that."
Y/n said in a panicked tone.
The lady then chuckled a bit and held y/n by the shoulders.

"My name is Isla. The guardian of the gate between life and death."
"It seems that the high lords has took a liking to you. Or it they just picked you out of pity."
The lady or so called Isla said.

Y/n said. Completely confused.

"Huh? High Lords? Gate between Life and Death? What did I just get myself into?"
Y/ thought. She then pinched her arm really hard as she winced in pain.

"I understand if you're quite confused but you don't need to hurt yourself to know. I'm holding you right now, isn't that enough proof?"
Isla said with her voice sounding so enchanting. It sounded like a boy and a girls voice. For some reason.

"I uh well...I get pretty confused and flustered in front of beautiful women. I-I mean all women are pretty even men! I guess I get confused and flustered into the type of women I like? Don't get confused I'm still more into men."
Y/n mumbled out while she was blushing.

"Y/n. Im not here to see you. Im here to Inform you of something. Your memories are intact after your reincarnation, and that wasn't supposed to happen."
"But the high Lords decided to leave it be instead and just let things go with the flow. But that has broken the flow of time."
Isla said as y/n tried sucking up all what she just said.

"I think you need to explain way better. My head can't keep up with this."
Y/n said. As Isla sighed. And decided to speak slower so she can understand.

"Like I said, your memories are still with you. And when people get reincarnated their memories are supposed to be erased about their past lives. But sometimes there are errors in the system which makes some people remember. Ugh, it's just like Anastasia De Alger Obelia. She remembered stuff she wasn't supposed to remember but I guess everything went well. But anyways you get what I mean. This wasn't supposed to happen. And if you're about to ask about the High Lords, let me explain."
"They are part of the system called

S̷̡̡̧̤͖͍͍̠̫͎͚͕͔̗͔͍̥͛̇̈́̔͗̏̉̾̄̎̆̏̽̋̈́̈́͋̒̆̏̊́̐̽̂̂̈́͘̚͠ẙ̸̧̧̢̝͈̖̘̫̗̫̻̻̺̪͕̭̼͍̰̩̫̎͜͝ͅͅs̷̨̡̤̼͕̗̱͔̼̦͙̬̪̳̜̰̱͉̠̼͇̙̠̱̭̞͆͜ͅͅt̵̨̨̩͖̜̩͉̭̰͙͖͉͚̩̯̗̣͍̼̺̰͔̙̋̿̉̄͆̏͜ė̸̥͙̪͈̞̺̬̜́m̵̨̛̬̰̗̺̓̅̎̍͂́͋̌͗͐̂͌͌̀̊̓̾͗̏̄̉̚̚͜͝͠ ̶̡̛̛̰̹̩̞͔̣̖̻̤͎̾̊̓̃̄͋̆́̀͂͘͝͠ô̸̡̜̬̭̞͍̹̝̺͉͚̼̙̳͎̫͕̣̙͉̺̠͐̏̑̎͑̆͠ͅf̸̦̮͈̟̠̼̪̈̋̓̈̍̆̐͆̇͋͊̋́̽̿̕͝͝ ̵̛͖͐̎̒̀̊̇̔̍̐̐̂̒͛̑̂́͒̚͝S̸̡̧̼̝̘͇̣͖̩̑̽̿̃͋͐͌̎̆͂̔́̿͑̋̑͛͛̈́̑̈́̿̉̉͘ḛ̶̛̥̲̪̬̻͇͎̖̆̂̾͋̒̐̓̍͛̉͑̂͆̅̈̒̈́̾̈́̕n̴̛̺̳̰̮͖̊̃̆̓̀̀́͛̈́́͋̿̇̈̀͒̓̽̀̀̎̌́̂͘͝͝͠t̸̪͍̥̭̋̃̔̎͆̀̌̆̓̓̈́̓͒̈́̉̉̀̈́̅͛̀͠͠i̷̧̢̡̧̙̫̦͙̖̯͉͍̦͎̝͓̙̥̗̻͙͈̱̇͊̑̚ḙ̵̡̡̧̢̛̙̻̝͙̩̳͚̻͕͔̫͔͖̤̜̮̳͙̳͕̻̩͚̏̑͆̀̄͊͂̏̀͆͗̀̎̑͜͜͝͝ņ̷̧̰̞̠̖͎̣̹͍̤̝̦̰͋͌̃̈́̒́͗͌́̔̍̑̍̓͝c̴̡̖̠̗̼̱̳̱̘̗̱̲͔̩͎̙͇̟̽͒̉̔̅̔̂̚͘ͅę̶̛̛̼͎̱̃̅́͑̽̎̇̾̎̀̾̋̾̿̾̒̇̔̚͘͘̚̕͘͠͝ ̸̨̮̭͙͖̘͚͈̰̤͚͇̫̖̙̼͕̫̝̼̥͓̔́̈̊ͅ

Y/n asked. The last sentence sounded like a glitch and it sounded terrifying.

"Oh, I forgot. Nobody should know the system. Plus that's the English translation. If we put it into T̵̨̧͍̟͔̞̗̣͍̪̺̻͔̜̯͗͛̅̊̚ḛ̷̡̨̱̲̖̰̬̹̺̫̺̩͇͎͒́̋n̸̛̲͆͌͛q̵̡̰͍̞̞͓̣͙̭͎͔̭̠̐̉̏ē̴̛̹̅̿̑̑͊k̶̡̰̝̥̼̜̞͎͕͕̥͔̭͇̯̂̏̐̆̋̃͒̔͝k̸̘̱̹̣͍͖̭͓͖̈́̂̀̈́̎͗͛͑̈́͘͝͝c̷̉̿̐̅́̓̑͜n̷̲͈̞͈̤̙͆̑͆̏̆͝ś̸̢̛͍̝͖̙̺̗̙̠̪̩̬͒͌̑̄͆̂̇̽̀̕͘
You'll be definitely confused."
"Just saying it you can't even hear it properly because it sound like a glitch."
Isla informs.

"The thingy you said was a language? That's really weird."
Y/n said.

"It's weird for you because you weren't born as a D̶̬̞̜̒a̸̯̪͑̇́̚͘͝e̸̡̜̘͓̼̖̒̈́͂͗̂̕ṃ̸̨̮̤̂̈́̾̓̀́͜ó̸͈̇̕n̴͕̰̞̒͊̈́͐̄."
Isla said with a sigh.

"A demon?"

"No. A D̶̬̞̜̒a̸̯̪͑̇́̚͘͝e̸̡̜̘͓̼̖̒̈́͂͗̂̕ṃ̸̨̮̤̂̈́̾̓̀́͜ó̸͈̇̕n̴͕̰̞̒͊̈́͐̄."
Isla said as she froze.

"We need to get back on track. Like I said, I'm part of a system. We watch over the world and keep it the same."
"Anyways, the High Lords Are the one who check the files and info of the people who were just born and the ones who just died. They see if you fit to live again or to just leave you dead and send you to the after life. They they tell me to will bring them to the gate of life OR the gate of death."
"There, get it now?"
Isla said.

"Uh...yeah I think so."
Y/n said.

"Just so you know...you're the first reincarnation I have spoken to. We aren't even supposed to interfere with you pathetic humans. It's just that you have ruined Y/n Kalda's time line. Now we have to make a clone of you and restart everything in that world so she doesn't die."
Isla said as she looked around in a hurry.

"This is now your punishment. And is the system punishment. The time line shouldn't have been ruined but the High Lords pity's you and decided to give you another life. Your punishment is living multiple lives until you have a happy one. Let's just say it's like you've been cursed by dying multiple times and living again. And it will happen until you...you...I'm sorry. I don't everything but that's what the High Lords told me. I only know you'll live multiple lives and that's it. No other info's I know." "Im sorry...you might have a hard time with the lives. No matter how much you kill yourself you'll just be in other lives again and again."
Isla said, feeling really bad for you.

"Ugh, maybe killing myself was a mistake. I should have handled it like a champ instead of giving up. I'm hopeless..."
Y/n mumbled as she sulked.

"Y'know...maybe I'll try to convince the High Lords. They took an interest in you so maybe they'll allow."
Isla said.

"Allow what?"
Y/n asked as Isla flinched.

"Looks like my time is up. I'll go now. I will visit you in dreams. For now your punishment will be harsh for now. Forgive me if it will take long."
Isla said as she snapped her fingers as y/n began to fade as she freaked out.

"W-wait! I have more questions! What bad will my punishment be?!"
Y/n shouted out but it was too late. The only thing she heard was 'by the way...I'm a boy.'

Let's just say your 3rd life was already really cruel :)
(Check description and you'll know how she died)

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