By tearingcoala1244

22.8K 729 96

Just a story about Prapai being clingy with his parents. (And maybe with other people too) šŸ„‡1 on Prapaisky *... More

Remia Theerapanyakun


3.2K 112 4
By tearingcoala1244


It's funny how life takes unexpected turns. Kinn never thought he'd find love again after Tawan, but then Porsche and Prapai came along. And now, he wonders how he ever got so lucky to have both of them in his life.

Naming their cub Prapai was Kinn's idea, he wanted to match the name with Porsche. And little did he know that the little ball of energy would live up to his name.

Their little whirlwind. Prapai is not so little anymore, he's seven years old now and always on the go. It's hard for Kinn to keep up with him sometimes. His boundless energy reminds Kinn of himself when he was younger. But that same energy is also what gets him into trouble with his dad, Porsche. Like right now.

“ I told you dad , I don’t want to go the doctors. They are scary and definitely not dentist . they always tries to take my teeth.” The distressed child said , trying to run away from his dad.

“Only if you had brushed your teeth after eating all those sugar cookies, you didn’t have to go then. Oh sorry after stealing them with your papa.” His husband sighed running after him and was clearly on verge on snapping and Kinn is very afraid he have to sleep on couch yet again. And he doesn’t enjoy that, even if the make up sex is good.

The child's eyes lit up, "Did you steal cookies with Papa?!" he asked, stopping his run and clearly forgetting all about the dentist.

"Yes," his father chuckled, "but we are talking about your teeth now. Come on, let's go.”. just as Porsche was about to grab him , he ran into the closet. That slippery little bird. Kinn is sure as hell he will hear wailing all down the visit to the dentist , just by looking at Porsches face.

It's funny how different parents can be. Kinn is more laid back and lets Prapai get away with things, but Porsche is stricter and won't hesitate to give him a spanking if need be. But despite their differences in parenting styles, Kinn knows that Prapai is loved by both him and Porsche, and that's all that matters.

So the reasonable thing he did , he slip from the door , clearly giving his husband right to drag their stuborn son to the dentist. Well just 3 stairs down to the building.


Kinn isn’t surprised when he heard shouting and more wailing. Shouting was clearly Porsche, who was trying to calm down the child and making him understand that if he didn’t go to the doctors his teeths would never grow up . And wailing was clearly Prapai who definitely, didn’t wanted to go to the doctors.

Kinn was standing with Big , infront of the dentist room. And from where they stood they could clearly see Porsche making his way with Prapai. More like dragging the wailing child.

“DAD , pleaseeeeeee. I don’t want to go. Please please, lets not go.” Prapai tried to run again , slipping from Porsche’s arm, but Mok, Porsches bodyguard , who was behind the father and son, quickly caught him.

With the child in arm, Mok attempted to reason with the child, explaining that it wouldn't hurt much ,“Young master its not scary ok. It will be just a pinch and you will never know.”

“Is it? Then lets go with me . I will go ,if you take out your teeth too”, Prapai clearly angry with Mok that his planned failed and caught by him. And now trying so somewhat make the bodyguard suffer too.

Kinn knew he have to step in now, to save the poor bodyguard from taking his teeth out for his child. Mok looks terrified by the way.

After a few minutes, Kinn came out with a smile on his face and said, "It's not that bad, Prapai. I promise."

He could clearly see how Porsche relaxed when he saw kinn. Clearly exhausted from all running and dragging. He sometimes thinks a son is probably enough for their workout routine.

Prapai then wiggled out from Mok’s hold and dashed into his arms. Kinn will never get tired of having his little warmth in his hand. Without hesitation, he picked him up and held him close to soothe him. As he embraced him, Prapai slowly started to calm down and felt comforted by the warmth of his father's arms.

Prapai looked up at his Papa with teary eyes, trying his best to plead with him to avoid the dreaded visit to the dentist. He was terrified of the thought of sitting in that chair, with the sharp tools and the drills, and the sound that sent shivers down his spine.

"Papa, I don't want to go to the dentist, can you make dad not make me go there, please?" Prapai begged, with a face so sad that his father just wanted to kiss him and make all his problems go away. But today was not a day for compromises. Prapai's little teeth needed to grow strong and healthy, and the dentist was the only one who could help.

“Come on son, let's not cry and let's make a deal, okay?"

Now this was a thing Kinn was trying to do. Make deals with Prapai. So Prapai can start early with his deal making habit. Kinn knows its too early for someone to start it and Kinn will definitely not pressure Prapai if later on he doesn’t want to do any thing with his Business. But a father can dream right.

Kinn spoke gently, wiping away the tears from Prapai's cheeks. "If you go today, I'll make sure you can spend two days with Venice. Your uncle Vegas will even take you guys on his new motorcycle trip."

Kinn knows both Prapai and Venice’s obsession with motorcycle. They were always trying and begging both Porsche and Vegas to make them give a ride .

And sure enough ,Prapai's eyes widened in amazement.

"Really, Papa?" Prapai exclaimed, his face lighting up with excitement. His father nodded, smiling.

"Yes, really. But first, we have to take care of those teeth. You're going to be a brave little boy, right?" as Prapai took a deep breath, determined to be strong for his father, Kinn couldn’t be anymore prouder.

“Ok enough of it, don’t go around making deals without informing the person who will fulfill it. Lets go, we are already one hour late.” Entwining his fingers with his free hand Porsche tried to get them going.

And when Porsche held his hand, Kinn felt like Everything will be ok.


Everything is not Ok. So fucking not oK.

When they entered the dentist's office, Prapai who was still in his fathers arm, held his father's shirt tightly. Kinn could feel his sons little heart racing.

Ah, there is our hero of today," the doctor beamed up with a smile, clearly trying to make Prapai relax. Turning around Prapai politely wai’d the doctor after hearing the doctor.

"Sorry, doc we were late," said Porsche sitting down on the chair, Kinn sitting on his right, Prapai on his lap.

The doctor smiled and waved his hand, "No worries, I was just lazing around today. Also, I saw Prapai's report. It seemed like he had an allergic reaction after eating honey right?".

Porsche nodded in agreement, "Yes, Prapai loves honey, but we have been making sure to keep him away from it now since his last allergic reaction. We told the kitchen staff to put sugar on his sweets since he is fond of them. Which clearly didn’t help since the cookie monster definitely ate more sugar than he was intended to"

Yes , the last allergic incident, which kinn definitely doesn’t want to remember anymore. Whenever he thinks about the horrifying scene when he came in their room, finding Porsche distressed with their one in his arms fully naked, his skin so red that it could have been mistaken as blood. Kinn never felt that much horror in his life.

The doctor raised his eyebrows, "Interesting. You know, I have been reading about a new type of honey that is said to have miraculous health benefits. It's called the 'Red Honey', and it's found in the mountains of Nepal. The bees collect nectar from a specific type of rhododendron flowers, which gives the honey its distinct red color. It may also help with his sugar intake and with his teeth problems"

Porsche looked intrigued, "Really? What kind of benefits?"

"Well, it's said to cure allergies, asthma, and even cancer. But, it's also highly allergic and can be fatal for some people. But its not recommended for everyone," the doctor cautioned.

The doctor nodded again , studying the report for a moment. "Well, I think I have some good news for you Khun Porsche. There is actually a cure for honey allergies too. If you completey want to cut down his sweet ."

Porsche's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I had no idea."

The doctor smiled. "Yes, it's not very well known, but there are treatments available that can help build up your immune system to tolerate honey. It's a slow process, but it's definitely worth it."

Porsche breathed a sigh of relief. "That's great news. Thank you, doctor.”

"Now let's go down on the recent problem, Prapai has toothache, right?" Dr asked.

"Yes, that's right," Porsche replied.

"In this case, we would recommend some brushing or toothpaste, but it would be beneficial if we could give a full dental checkup," the doctor suggested.

Prapai had been sitting quietly on kinns lap, but he started to get restless when he heard the doctor saying about check up.

"Whatever you find it right, doc," Porsche said indicating his trust in the dentist's expertise.

"Come on, Prapai, let's check on your teeth," the doctor said, leading them to the examination room.

Without hesitation, Dr asked Prapai to sit down and prepared to conduct a thorough examination.

Everything was going well. However, as soon as Prapai saw the sharp dental tools, he began to fuss, scream, and show visible signs of fear.

Kinn tried to calm him down. But Prapai was wailing so loud that Big and Mok both barged in with their guns

“Everything alright boss?” Big asked , taking his gun down.

It was Porsche who answered “ Yes Big , don’t worry.”

Seeing no immediate danger both Big and Mok went outside. But then tried focusing on his child who was still struggling with his doc.

Dr tried to calm him down and explained that it was necessary to check his teeth properly. However, Prapai refused to cooperate and tried ran out of the room. Kinn was sure Porsche would snap now clearly seeing the frustrated expression on his face.

But as always his love never fails to make Kinn speechless. Porsche rushed to Prapai's side and took him into his arms, just like a newborn baby, Porsche tucked him into his arms. Prapai was clearly overwhelmed with emotion, and he couldn't stop crying. Porsche held him tightly, rocking back and forth, saying soothing words and wiping his tears. Despite being in the doctors room , Porsche didn’t even hesitate to unbutton his shirt as he knew Prapai felt safe and secure like this.

Kinn self a sigh of relieve when Porsche took Prapai in his arms. Because he knew he would calm down. Kinn always knew that Prapai would come to him whenever he needed something - a snack, a toy, or just some company. But there was a special bond that the little boy shared with Porsche.
Whenever Prapai was upset or feeling unwell, he would crawl into Porsche's arms and hold on tight. Kinn knew that it was Porsche who Prapai felt most comforted. Prapai always grab Porsche like a snake, like he would never let him go , not even for a second.

And kinn didn’t mind. He knew he couldn't compete with Porsche's magic touch. It was as if the man had some sort of calming superpower that worked only on Prapai. He liked seeing Porsche with Prapai. He adored it. Sometimes, when Kinn was feeling particularly down, he would watch Prapai's sleepy form curled up against Porsche and envy the man his ability to bring such peace and contentment to others.

But what made him more imotional is when Prapai unconsciously held onto Porsches neck trying to smell him. Kinn knew about this habit too. Prapai loved Porsches natural smell , that’s why he knew his husband didn’t wear perfume anymore. Prapai had always found comfort in Porsche’s smell. He would always know which is his dad’s shirt. One day Kinn clearly remembers , he couldn’t find the shirt he wanted to wear so in rush he wore Porsche’s one. And when their little whirlwind came storming in his arms , it didn’t even took a second for him to recognize his dad’s shirt.

Kinn couldn't help but smile at the memory. It was amazing how much Prapai relied on his dad’ smell.

As soon as kinn saw Prapai eyes were closed, and he was taking deep breaths in through his nose, almost as if he was trying to smell his dad whole. Kinn knew it will be alright. His son will always have his dad whenever he cries until hie finds his other half .

As he sat there with his family, he couldn't help but feel at peace.


As time passed, Prapai's sobs turned into gentle sniffles, and he began to calm down. Porsche continued to hold him, ensuring his comfort and well-being. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Prapai stopped crying and looked up at Porsche with so much love and trust , it honestly made him cry some more.

“Done crying, you big baby?”, teasing their son and wiping his tears once more. As Prapai sat on his bed, still wiping his tears, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. His parents had always teased him for crying, but he couldn't help it sometimes.

Prapai managed a small smile and shook his head. "I'm okay now," he said quietly.

“And I am not a kid , I will be 8 soon.” Huffing Prapai stated.

Kinn and Porsche both laughed at it.

Seeing the situation settled down, Dr knew that he had to come up with a solution to ease Prapai's fears. He decided to try a novel approach- he took off his lab coat, donned a clown suit, and painted a big red nose on his face. He then put on a comical voice and started doing silly dances in the room.

Prapai was initially taken aback, but soon he started laughing, and his mood began to lift. Dr capitalized on the moment and took the opportunity to examine Prapai's teeth. The checkup went on without any further issues, and Dr. Smith was successful in addressing Prapai's dental problems.


Later on, at that night both parents were clearly exhausted and decided to sleep down early.
Kinn though Porsche was asleep but then he heard Porsche whispering to him.

“Hey Kinn, Remember when I told you I would raise Prapai just as I raised Chay?” facing kinn said Porsche as he went deep down in his arms.

“Mm, what about it? I clearly remembered you telling me that you would raise Prapai without having a screw loose”, Kinn couldn’t help but teased his husband.

“Yeah well, because Chay was an angle. He didn’t scream when I had taken him to dentist. I was thinking.”

“And what were you thinking?”

“How about we dump our little dumpling to Chay and Kim for a week and go on a vacation to a quite beach?”

Well that was a offer he couldn’t turn down.

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