Ninjago: Amplified 【 Midnight...

By -wingedwishes-

161 10 24

Aurora and her team find themselves in a peculiar situation. For months, the vigilantes had been struggling t... More

【1】 - Just Another Mission
【3】 - Secrets Laced with Venom
【4】 - The Connectivity Between Oni Intuition and Jealousy: a Continuing Study
【5】 - Into the Snake's Den
【6】 - An Untimely Realization
【7】 - The Night's Final Encounter
【8】 - The Right Time has yet to Appear

【2】 - At Midnight's Peak

17 2 0
By -wingedwishes-




At Midnight's Peak



Aurora stared out at the scene in front of herself, feeling completely out of her element.

She and her friends had only just arrived at the masquerade party, and yet she already felt intimidated. Of course, that wasn't due to the criminals in their midst; it was instead the sheer unfamiliarity of such an event that evoked such a reaction.

After being admitted into the masquerade, Aurora and her friends passed through the massive front doors of the palace venue, trailing after the crowds.

The second they stepped into the main room, it seemed they had been taken to a new world entirely.

Before them was a massive, circular ballroom made of dark, polished stone floorings, flanked by towering golden pillars decorated with elegant flower arrangements and ribbons. Crowds of more people than Aurora could count filled the large, open clearing, separating themselves into respective groups. Some milled around at one side of the room, laughing boisterously with one another. Others preferred to dance in the center of the floor, beneath the sparkling chandelier that hung overhead. Meanwhile, a small orchestra played graceful music across from the crowds, the pleasant songs sounding above even the loudest chatter.

Two stairways stood at opposite ends of the ballroom, leading to upper floors filled with even more people. A few balconies overlooked the dance floor above, which seemed to attract most of the crowds.

Peering closer, Aurora soon realized why. Tables surrounded by masses of people were set there, and the groups' loud tones shouted a crude mixture of curses and taunting remarks. Aurora assumed they must've been gambling, judging from the obvious split in the crowds' demeanor.

"Are you KIDDING?" Eris' shocked tone sounded from the space between Onyx and Akiri. "They got an ORCHESTRA for THIS?"

"Of course they did." Onyx scoffed under her breath. "They obviously haven't spared any expense just to show off."

"That's not the only thing unexpected," Akiri nudged Aurora's side, gesturing over towards the crowds of strangers with her eyes. "It doesn't look like all of these people are criminals."

Looking around the room, Aurora realized that her best friend was right. Some of the people surrounding them appeared much too friendly to have wicked intentions; though, Aurora figured that was all just a façade to match the theme of the party.

"It's hard to tell." Aurora nodded. "Gold? What do you think?"

"She might be right, actually." Gold's voice sounded over their communicators. "They might be wearing masks, but I can still recognize some of these people. We've seen them before in other villages."

Aurora caught on to the android's trail of thought, and she forced away a grimace.

"I hate to say it, but... I think they may have anticipated being caught."

Damn it.

"So they invited locals to some once in a lifetime event to save their asses," Onyx rolled her eyes. "Sounds about right."

Aurora's eyes scanned the crowds again, weighing their options. Their mission certainly wasn't going as planned already.

It would be more than difficult to find their culprit when they couldn't deduce between innocent and guilty. Yet they'd made it into the party already; there wasn't any harm in trying.

Besides, these locals needed them– even if they were completely oblivious to the criminals among them.

"We need to move on regardless." Aurora decided aloud. "We still have the greater advantage here. If they invited locals, that means they're expecting strangers."

"Right." Akiri agreed. "We still have the upper hand, so we may as well use it while we can."

"You guys already know I'm game!" Eris laughed quietly at Aurora's side. "C'mon, Onyx, let's get this party going already!! If you wait too long, I'll be dead!!"

"Alright, alright!" Onyx huffed, grumbling just loud enough for them to hear. "But you being invisible does NOT excuse you from the ghost puns tonight, Eris!"

"Noted, but denied!" Eris chirped.

Onyx groaned, apparently having to stop herself from facepalming at the ghost's antics. She waved goodbye to Aurora and Akiri, wishing them and their other friends good luck before passing through the crowds and disappearing from sight.

"Guess we should get going, too." Aurora turned to Akiri, and her friend nodded in agreement. "I'll search the second floor first, if that's alright with you?"

"No problems here." Akiri assured with a warm smile. "Just be careful."

"I plan on it, as always." Aurora swore.

At those words, Akiri's lips curled into a smirk.

"Says the one who's constantly jumping into danger," she teased. "But I'll hold you to your promise for now."

With that, the hidden oni waved goodbye, vanishing into the swarms of crowds. Aurora watched her leave until she couldn't see her anymore, unable to hold back a smile at her friend's previous joke.

Yet Aurora's happy mood was quick to fade. Unlike the other partygoers, she had a job to tend to.

Aurora allowed her feet to guide her blindly to the closest stairway, ascending the steps to the second floor. Her eyes scanned the strangers that milled around her, searching for potential culprits.

The only identification they were aware of was the man's scar, making it especially difficult to rule him out. It was such a miniscule detail, yet it would be visible despite the masks; Aurora just hoped they'd be able to find it, even with their odds.

Though, those odds seemed to even out the longer Aurora observed the crowds.

After a while, telling the locals apart from the criminals became all too obvious. Aurora could see who was who just from their behavior. Most of the criminal community was bolder, attempting to pick-pocket others or snapping at strangers for the smallest comments. Meanwhile, locals were much more laid-back, conversing with those around them with huge, genuine smiles.

Maybe finding their culprit wouldn't take so long after all.

After some time, Aurora found herself close to one of the emptier balconies. She broke away from the crowds for a moment, stepping out into the smaller clearing.

Loud laughter suddenly rang out from nearby, and Aurora's focus instinctively traveled to the source of the noise. Her eyes widened as she recognized Onyx, who was seated at a table on one of the adjacent balconies.

Sure enough, the merlopian was in the middle of a card game; judging from her opponents' scowls, she'd been winning for a long while already. A large group of people circled around her, watching in awe as she played her cards. Onyx grinned as she spoke to them, most likely making a witty comment as she slid a new card onto the table. Whatever play she'd made, it caused the entire crowd to go wild; Aurora had to stifle a laugh at the sight.

Clearly, Onyx and Eris were faring pretty well.

Yet that topic caused a new thought to pop into Aurora's mind. She peered over the side of the balcony, down at the masses below.

...I wonder how Akiri's doing?

Aurora's eyes absentmindedly fell on a couple in the ballroom, watching as they danced in sync with one another.

Would she want to dance like that?

...Wait, what?

Aurora scrunched her nose in confusion at herself. Why was she acting so out of it tonight? She was on a mission, she couldn't afford to be so careless!

She scolded herself in her head, turning her focus away from the dancing crowds. Though, just as she was about to wander away from the balcony, she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder.

With her mind already set on her best friend, she expected to see Akiri the moment she veered around.

However, when she looked to see who tapped her, Aurora found herself facing a complete stranger.

"You look lost."

Aurora instinctively studied the newcomer the second she turned around. At first glance, he appeared no different than any other partygoer in the room. He adorned a formal suit and tie, except his was a desaturated, green color. He was slightly taller than she was, yet, judging from what little she could see of his face, Aurora didn't think he was much older than her at all.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Aurora opened her mouth to say something, but her words were cut short as she met the stranger's gaze. His pupils were eerily thin, and his blue irises were strangely tinted white. Looking more closely, Aurora realized that wasn't the only odd aspect of his appearance; a bizarre green color was just barely visible on his cheeks, hidden beneath his dark, feathered mask. Even when he smiled, his teeth appeared slightly sharper than they should've been– Aurora began to wonder if she was seeing things, or if the lighting was playing tricks on her.

Before she could consider what she'd seen, her eyes landed on one, final trait.

A scar, located exactly on the right side of his chin.

...Found you.

"What's wrong?" A smirk lifted on his lips at her silence, unbothered. "Serpent got your tongue?"

"No." Aurora clarified, frowning. "You just surprised me, that's all."

"Well, can't say I'm surprised by that." He shrugged. "I tend to have that effect on pretty women."

Aurora's eyes immediately narrowed at the comment, taken off guard yet again. A powerful feeling of discomfort welled in her gut, its intensity only growing as the conversation drew on.

"Speaking of," he reached out towards her tie, flicking it with a finger uncaringly. "What's with the getup? I think you'd look much nicer in a dress."

Aurora instinctively pushed his hand back, taking a step away from him for good measure.

"What I wear is my business, thank you." She snapped.

"Oh, so you're feisty, huh?" He grinned, unfazed. "Nothing wrong with that. I like that in a woman."

Aurora nearly gagged. She had never met someone so repulsive; she swore she'd never hated another person so quickly in her life.

The stranger, however, didn't appear to notice her distaste. Instead, it seemed he failed to read the room at all; or, worse, he purposely refused to acknowledge it.

"Hey, I'm not busy, and you don't look like you have places to be," he continued. "Why don't we dance?"

No, nope, nuh-uh. Not in a MILLION years.

"I'm not much of a dancer." Aurora declined quickly.

"Good, then I can teach you!" He offered instead, pointing down at the stairway with a thumb. "Meet me on the first floor once you've gotten over your nerves, mkay? Don't keep me waiting too long!"

With that, he was gone before Aurora could blink. He hurried off down the stairs, disappearing into the swarms of people.

Aurora released a long, exasperated sigh at the previous encounter. Her shoulders immediately relaxed once she was alone again, though her discomfort still remained.

What an asshole.

"Wow, he was absolutely lovely." Gold's sarcastic tone sounded over Aurora's communicator, evidently sharing in her thoughts.

"You're telling me," Aurora groaned under her breath. She made her way back to the balcony's edge so she wouldn't be overheard. "He's definitely a potential culprit, as much as I hate to say it."

"Yeah, I saw the scar, too." Gold agreed. "You'll have to go after him."

"...I'll be doing what now?" Aurora blinked.

"Aura... I'm sorry, but that wasn't a clear photo. You'll have to get his mask off for that." Gold apologized, sympathetic. "But even then, there's no telling if he's the one we're after– unfortunately, his horrendous attitude isn't enough to be sure."

Aurora paused, exhaling in defeat.

First the suit, and now this?

This is not my night.

"...You're saying I have to go through with this, aren't you?"

"Sorry, Aura." Gold affirmed. "I wish there was another way, but we didn't anticipate our culprit being such a sleazebag."

"That's an understatement." Aurora scoffed, straightening her stature. "But fine. I'll see what I can find out."

"Check on the others for me in the meantime, will you?" She requested. "Let them know we have a trail."

"Copy that," Gold replied. "Good luck, Aura."

"I'm gonna need it, Gold, I seriously am." Aurora groaned. "It's gonna take everything in me to not punch this guy."

"Trust me, I don't blame you." Gold laughed. "But try to refrain from it until you get a clear shot."

"Copy," Aurora sighed. "See ya on the other side, Goldie."

"Alr– hey, wait– are you calling me that nickname Eris came up with??"

Aurora grinned, her nerves eased just the slightest bit.

"Maybe." She admitted, amused.

"...I'll disregard that, but only because of what you're dealing with."

Aurora snorted a laugh.

"Alright, alright." She took a deep breath. "Enough stalling. I better go, before someone thinks I'm talking to myself."

"Best of luck, Aura!" Gold encouraged. "You can do this!"

Aurora thanked the android as she left the balcony, but her smile soon straightened into a frown.

I hope you're right, Gold.

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