The Wilted Rose

Oleh Zach42799

69.4K 1.7K 535

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... Lebih Banyak

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 24: Quiet Night

755 20 3
Oleh Zach42799


10:37 AM

326 Days before the Fall

Y/n Pov

The days after visiting mom, I was just wandering around Vale. Normally I would be asleep right now but just couldn't. The city had been quiet. Crime had went down since I came around but this was weird. 

Juniors was closed at the moment and Torchwick and Neo have been radio silent for some time now. I wonder how things are getting on with them. I was in the downtown district. The place was busy for a Friday. Weiss still hasn't contacted me which was starting to feel like she was avoiding me. I should be happy about that but a part of me was a little upset. 

With nothing to do, I went into some random coffee shop. The place was pretty well decorated. I sat at a table towards the back facing the door. So long as my back was to the wall and I could see who's coming and going, I'm good. The waitress came by and took my order. I figured I should go ahead and have breakfast while I was at it. Granola bars were nice and all, but some real food would be amazing right now. 

Before my order came back, in walked a group of four. All of them Huntsmen. How did I know that. They were at the initiation. In fact, I remembered Ren and Nora. They were fairly easy to remember since one dresses like a ninja and the other is bat-shit crazy. I still didn't know the blonde dudes name. The redhead that was with them, I swear I've seen before but I cant place were. 

The group actually sat at the table next to me. I just kept my head down and tried not to draw their attention. The last thing I wanted was to interact with Huntsmen. I wanted nothing to do with them. It just so happens that I seem to attract them. 

Redhead: Jaune... Are you sure your ok? 

Jaune: Y-yeah, I'm ok...

Nora: You don't really sound like it.

Redhead: Your still upset about Cardin, aren't you?

The name caught my attention. Cardin Winchester was someone I had my eyes on. I was waiting for him and his family to fuck up. Roy told me all kinds of things about them.

Jaune: No, no.... like I said, Cardin is a jerk to everyone.

Y/n: Excuse me, are you talking about Cardin Winchester?

Redhead: Yes, how did you know?

Y/n: Had a few run-ins with him. He's a real piece of work.

Nora: I want to break his legs!

....I like this girl.

Ren: Yes, he is a bit.... much. Might we get your name?

Y/n: Y/n Todd. Nice to meet you.

Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it.

Y/n: ....Do they?

Jaune: Your not the first to ask me that....

Ren: My name is Lie Ren.

Nora: And I'm Nora Valkyrie! Nice to meet'cha!

RedHead: I am Pyrrha Nikos

I looked at Pyrrha, finally recognizing her. She was on the box of Pumpkin Petes marshmallow flakes! I love that cereal! Waitwaitwait, get back on track. I nodded and smiled. I was reserved about speaking to them but I wanted to know what Cardin was up too. Maybe I'd get something actionable from them. 

Y/n: Pleasure to meet you. Anyway, about Cardin....

Pyrrha: He's a bully who only goes after those weaker than him. Especially if their Faunas....

Nora: He talks a big game but gets his ass handed to him in almost every fight!

Y/n: Almost? He can't fight for shit, who's he beating?

Jaune: U-uh...

I looked over at Jaune. He was looking away and like he wanted to be anywhere but here. So he's the one who's losing to Cardin. I had pegged him as someone who wasn't the best fighter from the start but him being worse than Cardin was something I didn't think possible. Roy always said that Cardin was a pushover, so what would that make Jaune? 

Y/n: You're a Huntsman and your losing to the one guy that you really shouldn't be losing too?

Jaune: Um, well...

*Sigh* I'm going to regret what I'm about to suggest....

Y/n: ...Would you like some help?

The group looked at me for a second. I think that they were trying to see if I was being serious. Unfortunately I was. This was a bad idea. Lets train the guys who's going to be gunning for me. I don't know why I even suggested it. Maybe its because I can see a part of myself in Jaune. The part from before this. Or maybe I just wanted to give him the best chance at beating Cardin. Either one works really.

Ren: Is that a genuine offer?

Y/n: Yes it is.

Nora: Do you even know how to fight?

I looked her dead in the face. Did she seriously just ask me that? I was a little offended. I have been able to keep up with Huntsmen since I was sixteen. If anyone here knew how to fight, it was me!

Y/n: Of course I do! I wouldn't be offering if I didn't.

Pyrrha: Are you a Huntsman?

Y/n: No. Just some guy who cant leave well enough alone.

The group all looked at each other. Jaune looked uncertain. Like he was tempted to accept but couldn't bring himself to say yes. His pride wasn't letting him. I already knew his answer in that moment. It didn't matter to me. Honestly, it worked better this way. 

Pyrrha: That's actually not a bad idea. I could even help.

Jaune: Uh... I-I'll think about it guys. Thanks for the offer Mr. Todd.

Y/n: Just Y/n. I'm only nineteen.

Nora: Really? You look older.

Ren: Nora!

Nora: What? Its true.

Y/n: *Chuckles* Yeah, I do look older than I am.

Our orders came and we all continued chatting. I actually found that I was having a nice time. Like for the first time in years, I was actually a normal guy. But like everything, it came to a end. We all finished with our orders and said our goodbyes. I headed back for my hideout. I needed to study up on the Winchesters. With the lack of anything else to do, maybe I should start looking into them. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and find something....


11:24 PM

325 Days to the Fall

The next night, I was headed for the police station in downtown. The research came up blank. Nothing that I found was anything of use much less incriminating. Though I did find something interesting about the police. There has been a string of disappearances that have been attributed to Grimm. You would think that reports like that were common, and you would be right. The problem I found with it was that these folk disappeared from the middle of the city. The more damning evidence of a cover up is the fact that all the missing people were Faunas or people who support Faunas. 

I was going to need to be careful. These guys liked to call in Huntsmen for even the smallest of things. I didn't need them getting in the way. I had to do this quietly, and I knew just how to do so. There's been a new trick that I've been wanting to try out with petal burst.

I made it to the station rooftop. It was a rather large building so it would probably take a little time to find the archives and server room. I looked around and found what I was looking for. A small ventilation shaft. So small that a rat wouldn't be able to get through. I petal burst and went in. I was a little worried about what would happen if I reformed in the vent. Would it give and I fall, or would I be crushed? I don't want to find out....

I exited the ventilation shaft into a small room. It looked like storage. I activated the nightvision in my mask and looked around. No cameras, that's a plus. I would rather avoid having to track down the security office as well. I caught my breath and petal burst again. heading downward in the vents. 

If I had to wager, what I was looking for would be in the basement. It would be the most secure area of the station since there's only one way in and out. Well... Unless you can do what I can. I came out into another side room on the first floor. I silently walked to the door and gently cracked it open. The hallway was empty. 

I quickly and quietly left the room, closing the door behind me. As I was making my way through, I heard faint talking coming from the stairway coming down. I ran down the stairs and hid in a unlit part of the stairway. After a minute, the voices faded. I took a look around to get a idea of where I was heading.

The basement area had a secured automatic door with a biometric scanner. Something you would expect to see from Atlas, but not so much a Vale police force. Where did they get the money for this? I know that the kingdom isn't giving it to them because their funding is nearly nonexistent. 

I pulled my knife and wedged it between the wall and panel. Prying off the cover and exposing the internals, I began rewiring the scanner. It took less than thirty seconds for the door to be opened. I put the cover back on and continued inside. It was late but it probably won't take long for someone to realize something was up with the door. 

The hallway was completely unlit, like no one was here. That may be the case but it was better to be safe and assume there was someone here. All the doors were labeled thankfully. It would be a nightmare to find the archives if they weren't. 

Halfway down the hall was the server room. I dipped into the room and immediately went to the computer. First order of business was to get the police records regarding the Winchester family. What I would get from it would be invaluable. I pulled out my flashdrive and started extracting the data. If there is one thing that they can't completely bury is bodycam footage. There's a nice little protocol regarding them revolving around automatic uploads. Any time it was activated, Accidental or intentional, it gets saved here. 

Police policy dictates that anytime a officer responds to a call, the camera comes on. With how big Vale is and how lazy office cops are, its a safe bet that their still in here. Problem would be finding them. That's where Junior comes in. He knows people who could actually sift through this data much faster than I ever could. 

After extracting the data, I pulled my flashdrive from the computer and made my way out of the room. The hallway was still empty which makes things easier. I hurried down the hall, searching for the archives. If my information was correct, and in this case it was a big if, then the records of the disappearances should date back all the way to seven years ago. Junior going to be busy for the next few days. 

All the way at the end of the hall was the archive. I should have figured that it would be all the way at the end. I expect that this was a trap. I decided to get creative just in case. I got to the door and opened it. Looking around the room, I saw nothing as far as security measures. I pulled out a smoke grenade and rolled it in gently, closing the door. 

A muffled pop sounded and I opened the door. Waiting a second more, I saw exactly what I was thought. Security lasers. I petal burst in, dodging the lasers and making my way to the section I needed. It wasn't long until I found what I needed. I grabbed the case files one by one and made copies. It was a long and annoying process that was too time consuming for my liking. 

I finished my task and replaced everything back where it belonged. Picking up the spent smoke grenade, I petal burst back to the door. I gently eased it open and made my way back to the stairs. This was going very smoothly. Normally shit hits the fan by now but I might get out of this undetected. I made my way up the stairs and petal burst into the ventilation shaft. 

I decided that I would make a stop by the phone panel that's locked up outside. If I can tap into those, I would get even better insight into what the goings on are in the station. Not only that, but I'm starting to suspect corruption in the police at the highest levels. The security in the station was to advanced for what they should be able to afford. The only way to confirm that would be to listen in and wait for a slip up. 

I made it outside and dropped down to the ground. Still undetected, I made my way to the phone box and picked the padlock. It was a basic lock that a monkey could pick. It took barely ten seconds for the lock to come off. I opened the box and connected a small listening device. I closed it up and replaced the lock. I took a look around and I petal burst away from the station. I was proud of myself. Normally things go to hell about halfway through. This actually went off without a hitch. 

I climbed up to the neighboring rooftop and started to make my way to Juniors. It would take a bit to get the information that I needed but it would most likely pay off. All I needed was actionable intel that would give me a excuse to raid the Winchester manor. All I could do for now though was get the files to Junior and let him work his magic. 

It didn't take long for me to make it to the club. I dropped down to the street and walked in the back door. I kept a spare set of clothes here just for this occasion. Working with Junior had its perks. So long as he didn't cross any lines, then he can operate for a small fee. Have to make money somehow. I changed into some street clothes and put my hood up. After hiding my equipment, I walked out into the dance floor and to the bar. 

Melanie and Miltia were very quick to spot me. The twins were very good at picking me out, even when I was trying not to be found. They pointed me out to Junior as I approached. Before I could reach the bar, the twins practically pounced on me. I may have gotten a little too drunk one night. I'm not going to spell out exactly what happened but ever since then, these two clearly had a thing for me. Unfortunately for them, the only thing I was willing to give them was a friends with benefits type of deal. Anything more was reserved for one person and her alone. 

Miltia: Fancy seeing you here, Hoody!

Melanie: It's been a a while since we've seen you. Why don't we spend a little time together. Alone~

Y/n: Sorry girls, been busy. Still am too, so if you would...

I shook the girls off much to their disappointment. I ignored them and walked to Junior. He was trying and failing to hide a smile. It was kind of pissing me off...

Y/n: ...What?

Junior: Not a thing. *Chuckles*  So what brings you in tonight, Y/n?

Y/n: I have files that need to be sorted through. I was hoping that you could help out with that.

Junior: What kind of files?

I put my bag down and pulled the files. The flashdrive was noticed but we both knew it was better to wait to look at that. Junior opened the files up and took a look. With each line he read, he realized what they were and most likely how I got them. He looked both horrified and impressed. 

Junior: This is going to cost quite a bit to sort through.

Y/n: I can slack off on what I'm taking from you and pay a hefty bit. You in?

Junior: ...Money first.

I pulled out my wallet and dropped the Lein on the counter. It was practically everything I had but its not like I don't have ways to make it up. Junior wasn't the only one paying me. Not only that, but I had side projects that were just about done now. That will bring in some cash.... I hope....

Junior: Alright. I'll get these to a fixer who specializes in information like this. 

Y/n: So there's a market for police files?

Junior: There's a market for everything, kid.

Y/n: Well, you have my number. Call me when you got something. Oh! One more thing. Can you make sure this stays quiet. I would rather not have issues come up because I'm digging into this.

Junior: Don't worry kid. I'm known for being discrete.

Y/n: ....I'm sure you are.

Without another word, I turned and walked away. The twins were still eying me like I was a slab of meat. I thought about sticking around for a bit but decided against it. I still had work to do. I returned to the back and undressed. Getting my equipment back on, I made my way back out. The night wasn't over yet....

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