Habit (Larry Stylinson)

By LS28MEA23

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When Louis' mom decides she needs to put Harry in charge to look after Louis when she goes to work, Louis mak... More



826 21 10
By LS28MEA23

A few days later, Louis was in the car with his mom, driving to Harry's house because she needed to work her shift that morning. Louis couldn't believe that he was letting this happen. He was just hoping Harry wasn't going to be a complete asshole.

"You know this is completley unescessary, right? Like for the hundredth time, I don't need stupid supervision." Louis said with his arms crossed and staring out the window.

"The previous events say otherwise. And it's not only for supervision because I think it would be nice for you to hangout with someone other than Niall."

Louis just sighed and slumped into the seat even more.

As they walked up the pathway to Harry's front door, Louis reminded himself to act extra annoying. He prepared himself for his plan as his mom knocked on the door. The door opened revealling a very tall, curly haired, muscular man wearing a black tanktop, black skinny jeans, and a golden necklace with a cross. He also had other jewlery like a couple rings on each hand. He had quite a few tattoos scattered on his tanned arms. Louis was only capable of peering up at the man with his lips slightly parted looking extremly flushed. He was completley speechless while standing there tensed and jittery. 

"Oh hey Jay!... And you must be Louis, right?" Harry asked in a deep and raspy voice as if he'd just woken up a few minutes before. 

Harry stuck out his hand to shake Louis'. And just like that, Louis' plan was out the window. He forgot about his plan to be a menace because he was too intimidated for any of that. Harry looked down at the much smaller boy who he assumed was about 14 waiting for a response.

"Um yeah... I'm Louis." He said in a small and quiet voice.

Louis took Harry's hand to shake it, hoping he wouldn't notice how sweaty it was. He noticed that Harry's hand was gigantic compared to his. Harry also smelt like cologne, but not in a way that was too strong. He also smelt a little bit of fresh fruits like watermelon and also clean laundry. Louis couldn't believe this man actually existed, standing right infront of his eyes. And he was supposed to spend time alone with him? For multiple hours in an empty house with just them two? Practically day after day? He couldn't tell if he was happy or really scared. 

While Louis stood there awkwardly, Harry also spent a moment to observe Louis. He was very tiny which made him adorable. He had grey tracksuit bottoms, a yellow t-shirt, and black vans. His hair looking fluffy with a cute fringe falling on his forehead. Harry noticed Louis' discomfort. He didn't know why Louis would be uncomfortable. He thought it could've been how Harry was basically a foot taller than him, or how his appearance made him look like a dickhead, or maybe Louis was just naturally nervous around everyone.

"Well come on in." Harry said, stepping aside so both Jay and Louis could enter his home.

"So you don't mind staying with Louis until I'm done work?" Jay asked Harry.

"Oh no not at all. We can get to know eachother and I'm sure we'll find something to keep us occupied." Harry smiled at them.

"Great thanks." She then turned to Louis who was still trembling and picking at his fingers and said "have fun and be good. I'll be back in about four hours at most. You're fine?"

"Yeah," Louis responded.

They said goodbye and Jay left the house, leaving only Harry and Louis standing across from eachother. Louis started to become even more nervous as Harry stared at him as if he was trying to figure Louis out.

"So do you want anything to drink? I've got orange juice, apple juice, chocolate milk, or just water of course," Harry asked, walking into the kitchen as Louis followed him.

"I'm fine."

"If you say so. Help yourself if you change your mind."

Louis nodded and then continued following Harry into the living room where Harry sat down on the comfy brown couch. Louis just stood there, not knowing what to do. Louis was getting sweatier by the second.

"Come sit." Harry patted the spot on the couch next to him and grabbed two PlayStation 4 controllers and turned it on.

Louis slowly made his way over and hesitantly sat down next to Harry, making sure not to sit too close even though he wanted to sit in his lap right then and there if he was more confident.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit worried or something."

"Yeah um I'm okay," Louis lied.

"So how old are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm 16."

"16? You look much younger than that. I was thinking 14 maybe. Well I'm 18 if you wanted to know."

18? Louis thought he looked about 22 or could even pass for 24 but in a good way. He just looked so big and mature. Louis didn't say any of his thoughts like Harry did and just nodded his head instead. Harry couldn't stop staring at the boy. He looked so cute and loveable. He wanted to squeez Louis so hard for looking so innocent and shy. Harry leaned back looking so carefree while Louis still sat on the edge with tight muscles and little movement.

"Lean back it's okay. Just relax, Lou." Harry reassured him and put his large hand on Louis' stomach making him rest his back on the couch cushions.

With those words, Louis' breathing and heart rate picked up as he felt Harry's hand on him that was pushing gently. He could feel Harry's body heat seep through the fabric of his shirt and onto Louis' body. He knew Harry already felt comfortable with him considering he was already using nicknames.

"Can I call you Lou? Do you like that?"

"Yeah that's fine. I like that." Louis smiled.

Harry put his feet up on the coffee table and passed Louis one of the PS4 remotes.

"Here. Do you like to play Fifa?"

"Yeah I like it. I play it on my Nintendo Switch at home."

"Oh nice! Yeah I used to have a Switch but Liam broke it."

"Liam?" Asked Louis.

"Oh yeah. He lives right across from me. We've been friends since we were kids so we're pretty close. My family thinks he's my boyfriend because of how close we are. You should meet him soon."

"Oh you're gay?"

"Yep yep. How 'bout you?"

Harry could tell Louis was gay the minute he laid eyes on him, but he wanted to ask just to be sure.

"Yeah me too."

"Knew it," Harry laughed.

Louis felt himself becoming more loose with Harry now knowing he was actually really nice. They continued to play Fifa for about two hours. Louis beat harry almost every match, cutley giggling to himself when Harry became frustrated with how good he was.

"Do you want some lunch? How about I make us some ham sandwitches is that alright?" Harry sat up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh yeah that's good."

Harry quickly made the two sandwitches while Louis sat on the stools that faced the inside of the kitchen. Louis tried not to stare at him so he wiggled and spun around in the chair like a little child. Harry finished and brought over the two plates and a jug of chocolate milk out of the kitchen.

"Do you want to eat in the living room and watch a show?" Harry asked with his hands full.

"Yeah sure." Louis climbed down from the stool.

"Oh Louis, do you mind grabbing me two cups from the kitchen please? There in the cupboard above the kettle."

Louis went into the kitchen and opened the cupboard and saw the cups up high. Crap, he thought. He had to climb on top of the counter to reach them. He didn't know whether he should do that or not trying to decide if it would be rude. He also didn't want to ask Harry because he thought it would be very awkward and a bit embarrassing. So he made up his mind and started to hop up on the counter and reach for two cups. Harry went back into the kitchen to see what was taking him so long to see Louis on his counters. He started to laugh hysterically at the sight, making louis jump.

"You could've asked me you know? I forgot how short your legs were," Harry said, still laughing and walking over to Louis.


"Oh don't apologize. It's quite funny actually... and cute."

That made Louis blush like crazy. His cheeks went bright pink as he looked away from Harry. Then he blushed even more when Harry took his small hand and helped him down. They went back into the living room and sat next to eachother with their plates in their laps and chocolate milk in their cups, this time being closer together. They watched Grease after finding out they both loved it.

"You don't eat the crusts of your sandwitches?" Harry asked Louis.

"Oh um no I don't."


Harry really liked the boy for every little thing that he did. His raspy and high pitched voice was adorable and so was his smile when he was fond of something. Harry saw Louis staring at his curls every now and then whether Louis was aware of it or not. He realized that Louis is probably only quiet with him and that he just needs to warm up to Harry to become himself. 

They spent the last half an hour on Louis' iPad he brought over. Louis showed him his village on the Smurfs game. They laid down on their stomachs touching shoulder to shoulder while Louis showed Harry how to play the game. Harry was too busy listening to Louis' soft breaths to pay attention. He adored how Louis would say a sincere 'sorry' whenever he accidently kicked Harry's foot while he was swinging his feet up and down. He also noticed how Louis would keep biting his nails.

"Don't bite your nails." Harry told him, maybe sounding a bit too stern than he intended.


"You don't have to keep apologizing, sweets. I'm just saying, it's a bad habit."

Once again, Louis' heart fluttered at the nickname 'sweets.' He loved it.

Then there was a knock at the door. Louis' mum. Louis thought that knock on the door would sound like a relief before he met Harry, but he found himself very upset that he had to leave and go back to his boring house. Harry got up to answer it, letting in Jay.

"Hey boys. What've you two been up to?" Jay asked.

"Oh not much. Just watched Grease, made lunch and hungout."

"Aw thats nice! Ready to go Boobear?" Jay said and Harry chuckled to himself at the nickname.

"Mummm don't call me that!" Louis huffed.

Jay and Harry laughed at the boy.

"Well thanks so much, Harry. I hope he wasn't a pain or anything. He can get... irritating."

"Oh no not at all. He was super shy. I could barely get words out of him."

"Is that so? Wow! he's normaly loud and talkitive. That's the first eh Lou?"

Louis just turned shy and looked away nodding.

"Alright then. Best get going. I'll probably drop him of Wednesday. I'll let you know."

"Sounds good. Bye Lou!"


They got back into the car and started driving off.

"So did you have fun? How was he?" Jay asked.

"Was alright I guess." Louis said, trying to sound nonchalant.

In reality, that was the best day of his life. He felt like he fell deep in love with Harry. Everything about him. He already missed his voice and scent and personality. At first he was extremly intimidating and he still was, but Louis felt the need to cuddle up on his chest for hours.

"He said you were shy?"

"Well yeah I just didn't feel like talking to him much... and he was a bit scary." He mumbled the last part.



Alright!! That was chapter 2 :)

New part on Wednesday!!!!

Lmk if I should do longer chapters or if this length is fine.

Fri Apr 21 2023

Lots of love,

- M xxx

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