Warhammer 40k FanFiction: Whi...


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The article discusses the Baruel a faction of the God of Machines, also known as the White Mechanicum or Arch... More

[Part 02] History of White Mechanicum
[Part 03] Doctrines and Beliefs
[Part 04] The Death Cult of The White Mechanicum
[Part 05] White Mechanicum's Ties to The Empire
[Part 06] Technoculus Kaldrok - Abbot of The Baruel Cult of The Machine God
[Part 07] Baruelian Magic

[Part 01] What is the Baruel Cult of The God-Machine?

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"If we combine religious fanaticism, psionics, ancient Terran rituals of exorcism and magic, and advanced technology, the Baruel Order of the God-Machine should come to mind. The most mysterious and terrifying faction of the Brotherhood of Mechanicus..." ~ Inquisitor [Classified].

The Baruelan Order of the God-Machine, also known as the White Mechanicum or Arch-Mechanicus, is an unorthodox faction of Tech-Chaplains whose fanatical belief in the God-Machine and search for enlightenment through technological knowledge leads them down a dark path. They believe that the total mechanical transformation of the human body, considered by the Empire to be the pinnacle of technological progress, is the actual demise of man's sacred form as bestowed by the God-Machine.

Because of these unorthodox beliefs and doctrines, the faction is constantly persecuted by many factions of the Adeptus Mechanicus, which consider the White Mechanicum to be a mortal enemy of the Empire. Despite this, the faction has survived due to its remarkable technological achievements and strong faith, which have saved it from extinction. The White Mechanicum focuses on the worship of the human shell and maintaining its sanctity while accepting modifications to it, but only in a way that preserves its original form.

The sect is divided into two divisions: scientific-medical and religious. The tech-priests of the scientific-medical division, known as Lazaretans or Hospitallers, strive to perfect the human body through advances in biomechanics and genetic engineering. They are also innovators in the fields of transplantation and the effective treatment of infectious and mental diseases. The Baruels Hospitallers have earned the respect of many imperial guards and marines due to their achievements and superior empathy for patients.

The Tech-Captains of the religious division, known as Tech-Exorcists, are responsible for training their charges into loyal clerics, both in faith and science. They are also proficient in ancient Terran rituals of exorcism, which allow them to expel evil spirits and demons, both from machines and from the human body.

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