[Part 03] Doctrines and Beliefs

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The Tech-Chaplains of the White Mechanicum are absolute guardians of the divine image of the God-Machine, whom they see as the embodiment of extraordinary power and genius. Their doctrine dictates treating the human form with the utmost respect and preserving its sanctity. For this reason, the Baruel Order of the God-Machine recognizes that every individual was created in the image and likeness of the divine, making the human body sacred and inviolable. For this reason, any modifications are made only when absolutely necessary and their preservation is essential to maintain divine sanctity.

However, this attitude of theirs puts them at odds with the more orthodox factions of the Adeptus Mechanicus, who consider the rejection of total mechanization to be blasphemy and a curse. Nevertheless, the White Mechanicum combine their beliefs with other cults that recognize the sanctity of biological matter, which helps them maintain their human identity and integrate with other factions of the Empire.

In order to maintain their human identity, the Tech-Captains of the White Mechanicum use sacred technologies to preserve and enhance their human form. They believe that by using these technologies, they will reach the full potential of humanity and unlock enlightenment that will allow them to transcend human frailty.

However, their respect for the human form and preservation of its sanctity are often viewed with suspicion by those who do not understand their devotion to preserving the divine image. Nevertheless, the White Mechanicum believe that their faith and sacred technologies are the key to achieving humanity's true potential and ultimate liberation from the cycle of life and death. Their fanaticism and devotion to their cult are legendary and their fanatical struggle to preserve divine sanctity knows no bounds.

Warhammer 40k FanFiction: White Mechanicum, Baruel Cult of God-MachineWhere stories live. Discover now