𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭[𝐕�...

By LhilyBarbie

48.9K 3.3K 2.8K

A horrific incident on a rainy night changed an Omega's life completely, compelling him to cultivate an etern... More

Chapter ~1
Chapter ~2
Chapter ~3
Chapter ~5
Chapter ~6
Chapter ~7
Chapter ~8
Chapter ~9
Chapter ~10
Chapter ~11
Chapter ~12
Chapter ~13
Chapter ~14
Chapter ~15
Chapter ~16

Chapter ~4

2.3K 205 157
By LhilyBarbie

The excitement Vegas was feeling at the moment was out of this world because he was elated at the discovery. Pun, on the other hand, lost his words. The reason was, he did not smell anything on Pete.

"Quite an interesting story but are you a hundred percent certain?" Pun inquired.

Vegas was overly convinced. "I couldn't be mistaken, Pun." He poured himself another glass. "You couldn't sense him because he probably used pheromone blockers to mask his scent but I, on the other hand, I'm a dominant alpha and the strength of my pheromones did well in triggering his hidden ones even though it was very subtle."

Pun nodded in approval. "Makes sense then, but are you going to let him in on it? I feel he has a strong reason he's hiding his rank."

Vegas was silent for some time, making an effort to organize his thoughts. "It's very evident his dislike for us. There might be a reason behind his actions and I'm determined to find out so for now, I'll play along."

"You wouldn't tell him you know his identity?"

Vegas nodded. "He does not want anyone finding out so I don't think I should say anything. I'll just play along for now."

Pun crossed both arms over his chest, wondering what was up with his friend. This was an omega they were talking about and Vegas never got involved with one but here he was, behaving out of character because of this person. He even threatened to rip his friend to shreds if he laid a finger on Pete. "I think you're forgetting something, Vegas, you don't like getting involved with omegas, and since you know the truth, why do you want to keep pushing it?"

Vegas looked up at his friend. He was conflicted with himself. He never once got involved with them but now he was gravely interested in one. "He's different." That was the only thing Vegas could say.

Pun broke out a little laugh. "You're not making sense. You're making an exception because now the omega happens to be Pete? The dude hates your guts even." He reminded and it was like a shot to Vegas's heart.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong with me but I want Pete and I don't care about his rank. All I want to do is to get closer and maybe I might be able to break down his walls.

Pun patted Vegas on the shoulder and said mockingly, "I wish you success, dear friend."

Sarcastically Vegas muttered back, "Thank you?"


Preparing himself to go to bed, his phone began to vibrate. Pete checked and couldn't recognize the caller but still answered anyway.

"What are you doing still up?" The voice rumbled.

Pete brought the phone away from his ear when he recognized the voice and he couldn't be mistaken. He recalled Vegas promising to call him and he truly did but how did he...

"How'd you get my number?" His tone was the usual stone cold.

"I have my ways, Pete. I asked why you are still up. It's quite late."

Pete massaged his temples, not knowing why he hasn't hanged up yet. "It's none of your business. I'm hanging up."

The call dropped before Vegas could say anything else. Pete wasn't foolish. He had a fair idea of who sold out his information and he was going to deal with the brat tomorrow. For now, he was exhausted and needed rest.

Before he could close his eyes, a text came in and Pete clenched his fists when he read it.

You're quite a fierce little beta and your sassy attitude makes me want to go all the way with you.

Pete was in no mood for this. He quickly hit the block button and turned off the lights. This alpha was getting on his last nerve and he might snap soon. He closed his eyes and drifted off.


Vegas sat in his study with his phone in hand, about to lose it because his number was blocked. "Pete you're daring me huh? Blocked me? Quite an insult but I still find you hot." He pursed his lips, eyes still fixed on the device.

The door creaked open and Macau entered. "What's up, bro?" He settled before his brother.

Vegas relaxed against the backrest of his seat and all he could make out was, "He blocked me, can you believe it?"

"Who did?"

"The sexy beta," Vegas answered. "Im supposed to be angry but I still find him hot." He couldn't help but imagine sending Pete to his knees.

"The one from the auction?" Macau frowned. "I still don't like him."

"But I do and I will not stop until he gives in to me." Vegas placed a call to Joey. He needed to see Pete and this was his only option. The guy took his money anyways.

"Where's Pete currently? Don't tell me you do not know because my patience is limited."

Joey was confused for a second before realizing it was Vegas. "Hey, I already gave you his phone number why bother me?"

Vegas saw him be shameless. "If you refuse to tell me where he is right now, I doubt you'll survive the day because I'm going to hunt you down and slit your throat, detach your head from your neck, and trust me it'll be gruesome. Ah, I don't mind cutting your body parts bit by bit until you become a complete waste, and ill feed your carcass to the birds."

Joey hearing this horrific threat felt like puking his guts out. "You... You don't gave to threaten me! I'll text you the address." He was regretting shamefully taking the money because it was tempting.

"I'm glad we're on the same page now." The devilish look he had on while making the threat disappeared.

Joey was with Pete now after he texted Vegas the address and he felt shitty for doing that. Maybe he should confess before it becomes too late. Probably he should return the money too. But he needed it. He was conflicted.

Pete was calm as he went through some paperwork with Joey by his side. The young man wouldn't leave his side until he paid back every single penny. "Why do you keep staring at me when I asked you to work?" He asked after noticing how the young man wouldn't stop staring at him.

Joey was startled. "If I ever... I'm not saying I'm going to do it, just saying..." He inhaled. "If I ever give out your information for a little money because I need it, what will you do to me?"

"Slit your throat and I'll cut your body into multiple pieces and feed you to the birds."

Joey almost lost his balance. He received a similar threat a while ago. Why do they all want to cut my body parts?! One says I can't return the money and the other insinuate I shouldn't dare take any money.

Pete with an emotionless face asked, "You took the money he offered?"

"How did you know?" Joey covered his mouth in shock.

Pete met Vegas only a few times but knew how much he loved to throw away money without second thoughts. He might have offered Joey something. "I know what that dude is capable of. Return everything you took before my patience runs out."

Joey was suddenly elated and relieved Pete didn't pull a gun on him. He wanted to return the money anyways but Vegas will be a problem. "Vegas doesn't want me to return it. He threatened to kill me and pressured me into telling him where you are at the moment."

Pete raised a brow. "He did? He's insane." After thinking for a few seconds, "Let him come if he wants to die. Return everything you took and I'll take care of the rest. He said the next words with all seriousness," Next time you do something like this I wouldn't forgive you easily."

Just whatever. Joey was excited he was still alive after telling the truth and quickly went behind Pete. "You must be stressed, right? Let me massage your shoulder."

This kind of omega was rare to come by and Pete did not know what to do with the kid anymore. He just left him to do whatever he wanted. He had a bigger headache coming his way soon.


Vegas exuberantly announced his presence at the Black Phoenix territory, with Macau trailing behind. He knew about this gang but never has he done any business with them. His eyes scanned around trying to spot Pete. He was easily let in because who didn't know the mafia? His influence was enough to make everyone pave way for him but of course, he's just a guest.

"This is not like you, brother." Macau purred.

"I just want to have a little fun."

After 2 hours, Vegas still sat in the lobby unattended to. Pete was too busy to spare some time for his visitor. This has never happened to the mafia and he was in disbelief he was being treated with so much disrespect.

"Quite disrespectful." He mumbled suddenly and Macau rolled his eyes.

"I told you that man was arrogant. Making you sit here for 2 hours. Should I go in there and punch him... Ouch!!! It hurts!" He screamed after Vegas smacked the back of his head lightly.

"I love you a lot but don't say nonsense or I'll kick your ass. Pete is probably going to be my future partner so you should respect him."

Macau in no way wanted someone who punched his brother and now was currently disrespecting him as an in-law. He was not going to have it. "I still don't like him. He's so arrogant that I want to teach him a little lesson."

Before Vegas could kick him, "Woah, how dare you speak like that about my Saviour! Do you alphas think you rule the world?" Joey shot lasers, "so cheap!"

Macau tilted his head to the side to have a better view of the creature. He finally realized he might be Joey, the one he's heard about. "Are you the thief?" He taunted. "You look like one, and I learned you took the bribe from my brother too, who's cheap now?"

"I returned everything. So that back your words."

Vegas sighed exasperated and got to his feet. Both of them were so loud and he was about to lose his senses. "Kill each other if you want, I'll go to Pete."

"Don't leave me here with this dwarf." Macau spat.

Joey's jaw dropped. "And you're a nincompoop!"

Their little banter went on and Vegas left them to search for the beauty who didn't want to see him. He out of nowhere was crossed by a man he assumed was the leader of the Black Phoenix and halted his steps.

"Who are you?" Prem asked in his deepest tone. He only got back from a trip and saw the unusual presence which did not sit well with him.

Vegas' face twisted into a frown with both hands crossed over his chest. "I'm here to see Pete. You're the leader around here?" He tried to confirm, but not in a friendly tone.

Prem leaned back slightly before answering, "I'm the Boss and also the father of the one you're looking for. Don't you think I deserve some respect?" He knew the Theeranpankul Mafia boss all too well. He had quite the reputation.

Vegas processing the man's words quickly changed from cold to warm in a split second. This person said he was the father, and even though he wasn't certain, he should give a little respect.

"Forgive my manners, Sir." He extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm Vegas."

The man hesitated for a few but accepted the hand nonetheless. Vegas continued. "Can you please take me to see Pete? He's quite stubborn and kept me waiting for so long."

The man pinched the bridge of his nose. That was Pete's nature and he wasn't surprised. Vegas was a man of reputable status and he wouldn't mind doing business with him in the future. "Come with me." He announced and began walking away, Vegas right on his tail.

Pete almost lost it when he saw Vegas at the door, evilly grinning at him. "Hey," Vegas said simply. "Your father allowed me in." He pointed a finger at the man who was settling himself on the couch.

Pete looked in his direction and muttered. "Father?"

The man shrugged and looked away from them. He had a hunch Vegas wasn't going to be just anybody. Pete needed to learn to entertain people. Alpha or not. He doesn't really agree with him living as a beta anyways.

"Why are you so shameless? I thought we weren't supposed to see each other again?" Pete asked while getting up from his seat.

Vegas shoved both hands inside his pockets and took two steps closer. "But I wanted to see you again. I already told you I like you." He said casually and Prem's eyes dilated at the declaration but said not a word.

Pete on the other hand was itching to throw a fist. "Shouldn't an Alpha be chasing an Omega rather than wasting your time on a beta who doesn't like your guts?"

Ignoring the other presence in the room, he closed the gap between them and Pete and stepped till he was against the desk. Vegas placed both hands to his side, locking him in before declaring, "But I do not like omegas, I'm more into betas and you're one so just give in."

"Idiot," Prem mumbled, knowing very well Vegas just messed up his chance. If he ever had one that is. He knew Pete was going to misunderstand.

Pete heard Vegas stating his dislike for his kind and it threw him off the edge, "You're disgusting, get out of my office and out of my territory. Remember to never return."

"If liking you makes me disgusting then I guess I am, I'm suddenly crazy about you." He said without shame, breathing Pete in.

Pete's mind wandered to places. Vegas was chasing him this much because he thought he was a beta. He clearly stated his dislike for omegas and Pete thought Vegas would pull back if he found out who he was. For the 100th time, he realized these people were no good.

Pete didn't like him but weirdly, since he changed, this was the farthest any alpha had ever gotten close to him. No one could cross the boundary he put up but Vegas was effortlessly doing so. He felt something tingle his chest and quickly brushed it off. For the first time, he didn't want to draw his conclusion but wanted to confirm first.

"Would you be after me this aggressively if I were an omega since you don't like them?" He questioned, expecting the worst answer. It wasn't new to him but he still wanted to hear him say it.

Vegas felt like he was been pulled by a magnet toward Pete and leaned his face forward till they were only inches apart. Pete, why are you hiding who you are? Did something bad happen for you to live like this and dislike my kind? Who hurt you? These thoughts ran through his head in a millisecond. He answered, "If you care to know, I don't dislike omegas, and if you happen to be one, I wouldn't mind."

This wasn't what Pete expected to hear so he was stunned, his face suddenly hot, and for a moment couldn't say a word, but when he dropped out of his daze, he pushed Vegas away from him, though not aggressively. "Leave." He stated simply.

Vegas was amused by the reaction. "I don't want to."

Pete turned to face him with a mad expression. "I don't want you anywhere near me."

"Kicking me out because you turned red? How is that my fault?" Vegas greatly noticed and he loved it but knowing Pete, he still wasn't going to admit it.

"Shameless. Can you both recognize the old man is still in the room?" Prem shot at them. He saw everything that happened and though Vegas had the reputation of being ruthless, he was chasing Pete like a desperate being. Not bad. He thought.

"I'm sorry, Sir, we got a little carried away. I apologize." Vegas thought this man might also be of great help to him in the future so he wanted to play smart.

Pete wanted Vegas out of the place already so he got to the door and opened it wide enough for Vegas to go through. "Get out. I'm not going to repeat myself for the third time."

Vegas couldn't help but question why he was so tolerant of Pete and found some of his rude behaviors cute and hot. Sauntering his way over, he sneakily snaked his hand around, Pete's waist and leaned toward his ear, ignoring the murderous gaze Pete was giving him. "I'll be back darling," he let go, "ah, don't miss me too much, but if you do, just unblock my contact, and with just a call, I'll come running to you." Vegas winked and went out of the door.

"Keep making me dislike you more," Pete grunted in annoyance while directing his gaze to the grinning man."

"I like him." Prem declared.

"I don't and never will." Pete countered.

Prem nodded at Pete. "But I doubt that Alpha is going to give up easily."

Pete ignored him and got back to work.

Vegas got to the lobby and to his surprise found Macau and Joey conversing happily like they weren't at each other's throats earlier. Looking closely, they seemed to be the same age and probably that was why they got along so fast. Who knows.

Macau spotted his brother. "We're leaving now?"


"Will you come to visit again?" Joey pouted, he just made a friend and Macau was leaving already.

Vegas rolled his eyes at the young man. "It's not like he's going for good. We'll be regulars here from now onwards." He said.

The two young men said their goodbyes and everyone departed.

On their way, Vegas couldn't stop smiling behind the wheel. Every thought he had was about Pete and nothing else. "How could he be so cute? Kicking me out even." He broke into a laugh.

Macau thought his brother was finally crazy. "Call him cute when he kicked you out. Weird.

Something hit Vegas. "Hey, brother, you think if I had babies with Pete they'll be cute like he is?" Someone who never cared about children asked out of nowhere and it was enough to make Macau jolt up in his seat.

"He's a beta and can't have kids, have you forgotten!" His brother was really weird lately. Saying even the impossible and smiling widely while doing so.

Vegas paid no attention to Macau because he knew it was possible. He was going to make the omega his. "Who cares if he's beta? I can still get him pregnant. What does a kid like you know? Don't interfere in adult's business."

"You finally lost it, bro." Macau facepalm.

"Yes, I've lost it and it's all because of him." He grinned. "Next time, I won't go easy on you, Pete."


I'll see you in the next chapter

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