Some Sort Of Magic School?

Af TrumpetSound

73 16 50

As a real witch, Alisa immediately knew there was something wrong with her new school. But not only her, it t... Mere

01. Welcome To Aviara (pt.1)
02. Welcome To Aviara (pt.2)
04. The Council Recruitment (pt.1)
05. The Council Recruitment (pt.2)
06. The Council Recruitment (pt.3)
07. Magic Control Division (1)
08. Magic Control Division (2)
09. Magic Control Division (3)

03. Welcome To Aviara (pt.3)

8 2 9
Af TrumpetSound

But no matter how enchanted it is, the new students still can't use their magic right away just after enrolling. So for the first 3-4 days, everyone was just going through their normal school activities. Chatting with other friends, sleeping in class while the teachers explain, and maybe listening to some splashy gossip as well.

Only after that, one by one, their bodies began to be polluted by the magical energy around them.

That's why one week after the initiation event, the first event that needed to be held for new students was a census of magical abilities. As the name implies, it is an examination of each student's magical ability.

And about this… Alisa has also thought about it seriously, but she can't seem to say that she is someone who has been able to use magic since she was 2 years old, right? Because most of her classmates don't seem like that, maybe.

But since it was rumored that people who didn't have magic tended to get bullied by other students, it might be better if she still claimed to be able to use some magic.

So the question that remains is which magic should she confess to?

"Did you know that? I heard the highest record is that someone can use up to 19 kinds of magic." Mary said. "Though it's better not to hope that high because most students usually only master 1 to 5 kinds of magic only."

"Nineteen…?" Alisa replied a bit pensive while starting to count the amount of magic she could actually use.

'I have less magic!' She thought in shock.

Even if originally a magician's ability wasn't usually determined by the amount of magic, it was still somewhat surprising. "Nineteen... Means 'alpha', right?" She added later.

Even though it's not an official classification, Alisa also knows that in Aviara there is a level classification of magic ability for everyone. Starting from 'omega' for groups of people who can use 1 to 5 kinds of magic. Then 'beta' for 6 to 11 kinds, until finally 'alpha' for people who can use more than 11 kinds of magic.

And Alisa is actually a bit surprised by this classification, because that's a term also used by real witches. It's just that if it's original, there's actually a few more levels above alpha.

"Well, usually only VIPs can use that much magic though." Mary answered while taking a sip of her juice.

"VIP members…" She repeated. Even Alisa, who rarely talked to anyone other than Mary, had heard about them. VIP members, who are said to be a special group for the council leaders. Rumors say that they are quite fierce. But if you imagine the beautiful senior who spoke at initiation at the time, it sounds like a lie.

And regarding the census examination of the magical abilities, it's actually not as formal as it sounds either. It's more or less just like an ordinary medical examination, which is then added to a special interview.

"How much magic can you do? Anything?" That's pretty much the standard question asked.

Well, it makes sense. Even Alisa can't tell whether there are real witches in this school or not. So specifically checking everyone's magic ability is also impossible.

Though, if there wasn't any special reason, it didn't seem like any students would hide their magical abilities anyway. Except if they're in the same situation as Alisa maybe.

"I-I..." While avoiding the gaze of the senior in front of her, Alisa paused for a moment to convince herself first. But in the end she still answered according to what she had planned.

"I-I can do telekinesis." She answered super nervously. The problem is even though it's not a lie, for some reason Alisa is still afraid of being found out.

And the reason she chose that magic was also because it was the most common and practical magic to use. So it should be the safest. She also didn't think she would need her other magic either. Maybe unless someone tries to kill her? But that's unlikely to happen anyway.

"Okay. Then try moving this." Said the senior while putting an empty can in front of Alisa. But after Alisa moved it a bit, he then asked her to make it levitate too. And after she did it again, this time Alisa was told to move the same three cans until she crushed them in such a way.

'He's very meticulous…' Alisa thought for a moment while sneaking glances at the boy who was busy scribbling notes in front of her, Loki.

This senior who examined her was already making Alisa nervous from the start. But because of his thoroughness, Alisa even started to feel her hands trembling too now!

'It's not just the ability, but it feels like my magic character is also--'

"It feels uncomfortable, right?" Said a voice suddenly, which turned out to be from another senior at the next table. It was the girl who last week gave a speech at the initiation of new students, Hana.

Looking at it up close, the girl who seemed to be the council president was truly a beauty! With wavy hair that flows beautifully, the dark brown color also makes her face look very radiant. Especially with those brown eyes and pink lips that curved kindly, Alisa had a wild hope that she was her real sister!

That's why while waiting for her turn, just like the others, Alisa also hoped that she could be examined by her. Because her bright smile definitely won't make her too nervous in this examination. But because she wasn't so lucky, unfortunately Alisa missed one table from her.

"I'm sorry. Not just your magic ability, we also need to check your magic character a bit." Said Hana again. "Most students are not that aware. But some sensitive ones will usually feel a little uncomfortable. Like you." She added.

"Ah, I-I see. It's fine." Alisa replied awkwardly, although in her heart she became a little calmer after being explained honestly like that.

On the other hand, Loki glanced at her in surprise when she heard Hana say that. "Can you just tell her like that?" He asked.

"If they look uncomfortable, it's okay to just tell them." Replied Hana.

"Is that so? Well, if you say so I guess it's fine." He replied. "Anyway, the inspection is over. You can't do any other magic?" He asked Alisa again, and Alisa tried to shake her head as normal as possible. And finally the boy put Alisa's examination notes into a pile.

Even though instead of directly telling Alisa to leave, he started to take something from the drawer. "Take this. It's for people who might be able to fly anywhere. Must always be worn." He said. He handed a small pin in the shape of a blue star.

Confused for a moment, Alisa took the pin and looked at it first. Unlike normal pins, it didn't look like it was made of metal but rather some kind of wood…? "What is this for?" She asked.

"Hm, think of it as a police alarm. So that you can't enter the restricted area." He replied. "You know where the restricted area is, right?"

Alisa tries to remember the school map that she has seen many times. "West area?"

"Yeah, smarty. You may return now." He replied again. And that's how Alisa passed her first examination smoothly and worryingly.

But after Alisa left, Hana sighed bitterly. "It felt a bit wrong giving that pin to her earlier. She looks nice." She said.

"Well, looking nice doesn't necessarily mean they're harmless." Loki replied flatly.


But compared to the magic examination census which was half relaxed and half serious like that, the direct patrol was actually still more serious. It became so clear after a week.

As if trying to keep up with the increasing number of first grade's magical abilities, the council members who were seen wandering around the school were also getting more apparent.

Not only in the main school building, but also around the sports hall, library, canteen, even in the dormitories, there are always one or two grade 2 students with a special Council band on their sleeve.

"Judging by the rules, maybe they're worried the students will fight using magic?" Mary said while chewing her lunch. Because even earlier there was almost a fight in the cafeteria, and several Council members immediately split them up.

Alisa nodded silently confirming Mary's words. But when she caught other students playing magic with their food at the next table, she thought of something else. "Maybe besides the fights, the pranksters also make them worry?" She said.

Because obviously, high school students who just learned how to use magic yesterday are sure to really enjoy experimenting! Starting from the small useless things, until finally leading to a really negative one.

As a result, students who are caught abusing their magic will be immediately dragged to the old student council office.

Council's main building is actually placed in the west area. But if they have businesses near the school, it seems they also often use the old Council building which is not far from the main school building.

It's just, because it was often used to punish students too, unknowingly since when, this building became famous as a building of punishment.

"Smashed the classroom door… Clean the dormitory's floor."

"Next, disturbing the teacher during class… Clean the gym."

"Furthermore! Throw your friends 10 meters away, peel onions in the cafeteria!"

So like in previous years, at the start of the year like this, Aviara will have a lot of cleaners and onion peelers. It was even said that some were kicked out of the dormitory for several days and told to sleep in the forest--although Alisa hoped that was just gossip that Mary had exaggerated.

"Even so, that kind of punishment is still mild, you know." Mary added.

"...There's still something worse?" Ask Alisa.

"Of course!" Seemingly pleased by the question, Mary widened her smile and brought her head closer to whisper. "If VIP members intervene directly, they say the punishment will be more severe. They even said it could involve violence."

Alisa was silent for a moment, but then she laugh a bit. "See, you're exaggerating again. I mean, how can you use violence… right?"

"Well, we have powerful healing magic here. So they said some people in the Council won't hesitate to carry out some extreme punishments." Mary replied. "Especially the vice president who is said to be crazy!"

Hearing the direction of the conversation that seemed to badmouth someone, Alisa scowled a little. "Maybe you meant strict..."

"No. 'Crazy' is correct." Mary replied dryly. But because Alisa still looked unhappy, she added. "Or well, if you want a more formal word, I guess we can use 'sociopath'."


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