~.✧ Austora ✧.~ [COMPLETE]

By TheBlaisse

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~.✧ The kingdom of Austora is built on family names and tradition. So what happens when the quiet princess br... More

~.✧ author's note ✧.~
~.✧ pronunciation guide ✧.~
~.✧ characters ✧.~
~.✧ one ✧.~
~.✧ two ✧.~
~.✧ three ✧.~
~.✧ four ✧.~
~.✧ five ✧.~
~.✧ six ✧.~
~.✧ eight ✧.~
~.✧ nine ✧.~
~.✧ ten ✧.~
~.✧ eleven ✧.~
~.✧ twelve ✧.~
~.✧ thirteen ✧.~
~.✧ fourteen ✧.~
~.✧ fifteen ✧.~
~.✧ sixteen ✧.~
~.✧ seventeen ✧.~
~.✧ eighteen ✧.~
~.✧ nineteen ✧.~
~.✧ twenty ✧.~
~.✧ twenty-one ✧.~
~.✧ twenty-two ✧.~
~.✧ twenty-three ✧.~
~.✧ twenty-four ✧.~
~.✧ author's note ✧.~

~.✧ seven ✧.~

119 18 273
By TheBlaisse

I woke up early, excitement buzzing through my veins like I'd accidentally drank one too many glasses of champagne. Not that I knew what that was like since Mother disapproved of me drinking at parties. But I was sure that if I'd consumed bubbles, this would be what it felt like.

The morning sun fluttered in through the sheer pink curtains hanging around my window and I pushed them back. It kissed my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful the day already was even though the sun had just peeked over the horizon. But every day the sun came up was a beautiful day to me, and the excitement of this trip only added to my optimism.

After having breakfast brought up to my room, I decided I didn't want to stress over the details of the day very much. So I didn't call Gentry in to do my hair. I just ran a brush through it and I made a small headband wrapped around my head and through my hair with one of my longer pastel yellow hair ribbons. Tying it into a little bow at the top, I looked at myself contently in the mirror. Mother might end up being disappointed that I didn't do anything special today, but I found I didn't quite care all that much. A simple yellow day dress and a ribbon in my hair was enough to make me happy.

I was nearly ready to go down to the Front Hall when a knock came on my door. I answered it tentatively, finding a young servant boy fidgeting in the hall.

"Hello, Highness," he said with a slightly trembling voice. "I've been sent to take your trunks down to the carriage."

"Oh, thank you."

He slowly stepped in and I directed him to the trunk sitting at the end of my bed. Though he was small in stature, he easily lifted it up and then left just as fast as he had come.

I gave myself one more glance in the mirror, making sure the slight wave at the ends of my hair were mostly tame, and then I followed him out.

As I was making my way down stairs, I intercepted Asria in the Front Hall. She had opted for a more casual style also, in a purple day dress and her hair up in a simple loopy bun. I gave her an elated smile and slipped my arm through hers. "Are you excited?"

She shrugged. "A little, I guess."

Even though she wasn't as vibrant as I was, it didn't dampen my mood.

Outside, Braz was already standing outside with Mother, who was directing the servants as they packed up our things. Braz looked just as charming as normal in a red, lace-up tunic and tall, dark leather boots. When he saw Asria and me approaching, he beamed. "Ah, there you two are. Are you ready for the best few days of your life?"

"Don't be dramatic," Asria deadpanned.

"Why not?" Braz asked mischievously. "I'm so very good at it."

She released a slightly amused breath. "That you are."

Giggling, I smashed Braz in a hug. "I can't wait to see the beaches again! I feel like it's been far too long since we've been."

"Indeed." He paused, eyeing me for a moment. I tilted my head at him and when he looked over his shoulder to make sure Mother wasn't near, I became extra curious as to what he was going to say next. But I suppose I wasn't surprised when he said, "Did your friend agree to be your guard?"

I tried to control my blush. "Yes, actually. He did."

Asria grinned smugly. "Terrific. We must meet him. Is he here yet?"

I followed her eyes as she peered behind the carriage at all the gathering guards. I scanned the crowd for a moment, hoping to see his familiar face and unique eyes, but none were him. "No, not yet. But I'm sure he'll be here any minute."

"He better come," she muttered.

I gave her a look. "He will. He's not the type to not keep his word."

She nodded slowly, her eyes turning back to the guards despite Larklind not being there yet.

Braz just smiled at me. "Well, I'm sure he'll be a good personal guard for you if he's anything like you say he is. And it will be good for you to be with someone you know so it's not so awkward."

This small statement made me realize something that I should have thought of earlier. If Larklind really was my personal guard for this entire trip, then he'd be by my side everywhere we went. I'd asked him along in order to spend more time with him, but I hadn't realized until now just how much. I wasn't sure if that made me more excited or nervous or an approximately equal combination of both.

When the trunks were almost completely loaded under Mother's careful eye, a few more young guards emerged from around the castle in their crisp uniforms and looking eager for this trip. I swallowed when they turned the corner and Larklind was among the group. Only a second after I noticed him, his eyes gazed around and then found mine.

We smiled at the same time.

As he started to walk toward me, I quickly informed my siblings. "He's here."

Asria was instantly on alert and Braz pinpointed Larklind's form walking over.

When he was close enough, Larklind's eyes flicked to my two siblings before landing back on me. "Good morning, your Highness," he said formally, putting a fist to his chest and bowing.

I was slightly disappointed that he couldn't use my name, even though I knew it was necessary. I curtsied as did Asria, and Braz bowed. "Brazantine and Asria, this is Larklind Sarcroft. Larklind, my siblings, Prince Brazantine and Princess Asria."

"A pleasure to meet you."

"You as well," Braz said back.

Larklind looked back at me. "You look lovely today," he complimented, using that same airy voice that I was growing to enjoy. "I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair completely down."

"Thank you." I hoped my face wasn't as flushed as it felt like it was. "Are you ready to go to Caliprofra for the first time?"

He chuckled slightly. "I can't wait. Do you know what we'll be doing?"

"Well, last time we went to the market on the beach front and then strolled the beach. We'll probably also have to talk to some of the town's people, but hopefully not too much of that."

"Crossing my fingers for you," he said around teasing eyes.

"You'd have to be there, too, so cross your fingers for yourself."

"Then I shall cross my fingers on both hands." He held his hands up to demonstrate.

"Perfect." I giggled.

"Larklind, come finish packing your saddle bags!" a guard interrupted from behind us.

Larklind gave me apologetic eyes. "Sorry to leave so soon, but duty calls."

"Don't apologize. We'll have time to talk later."

"Right," he agreed around a smile. He nodded at me and then bowed to Asria and Braz, who I'd nearly forgotten were still standing next to me. "A pleasure, your Highnesses. With all respect, I will do the most I can to guard you on your journey."

Braz and Asria bowed and curtsied respectively, both smiling which gave me hope that they liked him. Then Larklind started walking backward toward the rest of the guards, shooting me one more brilliant grin before turning around.

"Okay, I don't think I've ever seen you talk to someone like that except us," Asria let out the instant Larklind was far enough away.

"Exactly what I was thinking," Braz agreed in bewilderment.

I shrugged, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I suppose I'd just never found a good enough friend until now."

They exchanged a look but it was over before I could fully process what it meant. I decided not to ask in fear that it was simply my imagination playing tricks on me.

"So you like him?" I wondered anxiously, wanting them to with all I had inside me. They were my closest family and their approval was of utmost importance to me.

"Of course I like him." Asria nodded with a wide, honest smile. "Even though I still need to ask him a few questions."

"Please don't embarrass me."

She laughed. "I make no promises."

"Oh, terrific." I rolled my eyes playfully at her before glancing up at Braz. "And you? What did you think of him?"

"I believe his temperament is perfectly matched to yours." He reached up and tapped his knuckle to my chin in pride and my smile only seemed to grow.

"Alright. Are the three of you ready?" Mother asked as she appeared next to us in a perfectly queenly blue traveling dress with gold accents. I also didn't miss the small tiara laced with her shimmering hair.

"We're ready," Braz responded for us.

So the four of us climbed into the carriage, our adventure awaiting on the horizon.


The ride to Caliprofra took four hours, but with my siblings in the carriage, it went by as fast as a breeze. The closer we traveled toward the coast, the warmer the air got and the wider my smile grew. If I ever married and decided to start my own estate with my husband, I hoped he'd let me live somewhere near here, where the soft lapping of the waves and gentle whisper of the wind was my heart's song. Or, at least, I hoped he let me visit the coast often. I'd be willing to compromise.

Mother signaled for the driver to head first toward the inn so that we could drop off our trunks and stretch our legs after the long ride. When the horses stopped outside a tall building, I was the first to escape the confines of the vehicle and submerge myself in the outdoors.

I lifted my face toward the sky and breathed in a large inhale. No matter how much I loved the castle and my beautiful room, outside would forever and always be my home.

"I bet you're in heaven right now," Braz teased as he climbed out of the carriage right behind me.

I gave him a wide, elated smile. "I am." I gazed up at the building in front of me, taking in the carved and perfectly painted door and the clean wash of the bricks that made up the walls. This must have been the nicer inn in town as it stood stark and pristine against the rest of the slightly dirty buildings a good distance away from it. But nothing stopped the sand that floated in the wind from collecting on the window seal and seeing that one small flaw—that I'd hardly call a flaw at all—made me feel less like a princess and more like a simple traveler. Any remaining pressure on my shoulders dissipated.

But it soon returned when Mother joined us outside the carriage, reminding us of our duties while we were here. "First things first, we must visit Lord Toklyn to pay our gratitude for housing us in his city. Then we'll go out and greet the people as we make our way to the market."

Braz nodded while Asria wouldn't look Mother in the eye. I just tried not to let my disappointment in my royal duties overshadow my excitement for the rest of the trip; the market, the beach, spending time with my family and Larklind.

Without meaning to, my eyes fluttered to the group of still mounted guards resting behind our carriage, searching for Larklind. I found him near the back and for some reason just simply still knowing he was there, even if he didn't return my look, helped my excitement to blossom once again.

As if Mother could read my mind, she added, "The entire group of guards will accompany us to Lord Toklyn's estate, but I would like for you to have your personal guards next to you at all times as we talk with the people and while we're at the market just for precautionary measures."

I swallowed to try and hide my smile at this. I would have to show Larklind everything at the market. He would love it.

A few minutes later when the couple of guards who had carried our trunks to our rooms in the inn returned, we shoved back into the carriage and then were on our way to Lord Toklyn's house. The guards following us and the flags waving high above our carriage drew the attention of the people as we slowly integrated into the more populated area of town. Many stopped to gawk or clap or smile, and when Braz took a rare moment to wave out the window with his charming grin, I was fairly sure I saw a girl swoon into her friend's arms. I had to giggle and roll my eyes.

Once all the way through the busiest part of town, we trotted up a hill, only stopping when we made it to the very top where a beautiful mansion, Toklyn Estate, sat watching guard over the city. The manor itself was nearly as big as the castle as it was one of the oldest estates in Austora, and the land surrounding it was a perfect mix of rolling hills, oceanside cliffs, and pristine roads that led down to the bustling city below.

What I would give to watch the sunrise and the town below awake on this very hill.

Lord Toklyn, a somewhat young man with an easy smile, was already waiting for us in the roundabout when we pulled up. His hands were clasped together in front of him like he couldn't wait to start talking business.

"Your Majesty," he greeted when my mother exited the carriage, the three of us soon following. With a deep bow, he said, "It is an honor that you visit Caliprofra once again. I hope you find it up to your standards."

Mother's queenly smile was bright and open. "Thank you, Lord Toklyn. My three children were ecstatic to come back as they love your town and everything in it."

Lord Toklyn's laugh was deep and genuine. "How wonderful. That gives me great joy, your Highnesses." He sent the three of us a bow as well in which we each returned appropriately. Curious, he glanced at our mother again, asking, "I can't help but notice Prince Kartren is missing. I hope he did not withhold himself due to anything inauspicious."

"No, sir, he's perfectly well. He simply could not be called away from his duties this time, but I'm sure he dearly misses this place just as much as my other children have."

"Ah. I completely understand. Well, I do wish him all the best in the world as he prepares for his new role."

Something strange seeped into my chest, a feeling similar to when Julietta had been all ease and kindness but I just couldn't shake the sense that she was hiding something. I wasn't sure why I was feeling this, since Lord Toklyn was all smiles and kindness and respect. He'd always been this way, even when we'd come the first time and he'd been younger, his father still in control of the estate. I'd never felt it around him before. But now, it was there. And it was hard to ignore.

Perhaps it wasn't him exactly but what he'd said about Kartren's new role. But I'd never been uneasy about Kartren becoming king before...

I decided that now wasn't the time to try and figure out what these feelings meant. I was here to enjoy Caliprofra and, great skies, I was going to enjoy it.

Our greeting with Lord Toklyn ended not minutes later and we were soon on our way to greet the people, the lord behind us in his own vehicle so he could join the festivities. The greeting of the people was the part I was least excited for and Braz seemed to notice this. Quietly, as we descended the hill back into the city, he took my hand and promised, "I'll be with you the whole time if you need me, Saidy."

With the feeling of his hand in mine and his words tucked securely in my heart, I nodded. "Thank you."

The carriage soon leveled out beneath us and we were once again surrounded by the town and the civilians. The word of our arrival had spread in the mere minutes we'd been at the Toklyn Estate, and so crowds were starting to gather around the roads. When they spotted our carriage and our entourage, their faces lit up and many started to call out our titles and names, overjoyed. We usually received many forms of excited responses like this, but each time it was just as overwhelming. I suppose it was good that they weren't angry or hostile at our visit, but to me it felt just as hard to handle.

When the driver pulled into town square, he slowed and we soon stopped. Mother gave us an instructive nod just before a guard swept open the door. With the brightest smile I could muster, I let Braz help me exit behind Mother who'd also dawned her royal grin.

I wasn't sure if it was because we were out of the carriage without a barrier to block the noise or if the people's calls and applause loudened. Either way, it was starting to make my heart race and I had to take Braz's hand once again in order to keep my face calm, masking away the panic.

The four of us started to wave to everyone surrounding us, just as we were all taught to do. Mother was the master of the queenly wave, so even as she spoke to us, she kept on her gestures elegant and inviting. "We shall walk along the edges of the square and then down toward the market. Stop periodically to speak and greet individuals, especially children."

I remembered this from our visit to Caliprofra before, and even other smaller towns we'd traveled and toured in the past. And while I'd done this several times, it was still terrifying. Though I suppose the children were the easiest to talk to since they were so sweetly innocent and unknowing of troubles. Braz and Asria often left them to me, knowing it was the only particular part that I was somewhat able to do.

As we started to walk, stepping closer and closer to the people, slow movements caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I glanced over my shoulder and realized a few guards were breaking off from the group and approaching casually toward us, finding positions to our sides. These must have been the personal guards.

I couldn't hold back my smile when Larklind sided up next to me, looking very stately in his guard uniform and a little intimidating with his saber at his belt. He glanced over at me for the briefest of moments, but the slightest second of seeing his knowing, encouraging smile was enough to help me keep going despite the nerves that grated at my body.

Waving and hoping my smile never faltered, I trailed after my mother, doing my best to look like the perfect princess to her people. Even though many called out my name and tried to get my attention, I hesitated to get close to anyone, my mind buzzing and filled with thousands of half-finished thoughts. There was no way I'd find anything to say to these people when I could barely hear my own mind because of the noise.

But then I focused on a specific figure, shorter than the rest. A girl, most likely not even six years old, stood leaning against her mother's legs and holding several bright yellow flowers in her small hands. Her round green eyes caught me looking at her and peered up with a tentative smile.

This small moment was enough to clear my head and draw me closer.

"Hello," I said gently, proud that my voice only shook a little bit. Though my mother might say it was unladylike, I crouched down so that I could see the girl's features better. "Your flowers are very beautiful." Quickly, with a grin, I added, "Just like you."

She giggled, a strand of her brown bangs falling into her eyes. "Do you want one?"

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to take one from you."

"Here!" She thrust one of the flowers, stem and all, into my hands, her beautiful eyes sparkling with playfulness. "You need one because you're pretty too and we can be pretty together."

Laughing, I nodded and accepted the small gift. "Thank you. I'll treasure it forever." Looking down at it, I had an idea. "Do you want to see something cool?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

I broke off most of the stem, causing her gaze of excitement to falter into confusion for a slight moment. But then I tucked the flower behind her ear and her smile once again bloomed wide across her face.

"Perfect," I said as I tapped my finger tip to the end of her nose.

She squealed before it turned into a delighted laugh. "You too! You too!" she insisted, giving me another flower.

I did the same to this one but stuck it in my hair.

This brought her even more joy. "We match! Does that make me a princess too?"

"Of course."

Before I could realize what she was doing, she threw her arms around my neck. I froze for a moment, never having this happen before. But then my mind processed and I beamed, gently hugging her back.

She pulled away almost as fast as she'd embraced me, spinning around and tugging at her mother's skirt. "Mama, I'm a princess too!"

When I looked up at her mom, I was scared that maybe she'd be upset since I started talking to her daughter without permission. Swallowing, I rose back to my feet and fumbled for something to say, but nothing came out as my mouth worked.

Luckily, her mother's eyes gleamed as she looked down at her daughter. "Yes, honey. A beautiful princess." And when she turned her gaze back to me, I found she wasn't upset at all. She looked almost grateful. This was confirmed when she gave me a curtsy and a nod that seemed to say "thank you."

I found the entire situation actually somewhat enjoyable and so I curtsied back, letting myself be content in not knowing what to say for once.

I continued walking down the square, stopping periodically when I found a little girl or boy who looked a little easier to talk to. I left each one with a smile on their face and mine, not only proud of myself for being so social but also genuinely uplifted by these children's pure spirits. Sooner than I realized, the market was in view and I'd made it all the way through the crowds, having let go of Braz's hand long ago but not even having had the need for it. I'd done it by myself and I hadn't messed everything up and I didn't feel like I was going to hyperventilate.

It was a wonderfully strange, exhilarating feeling that I'd so rarely felt before.

As I waited for Mother and Braz—who always thrived and took much longer in these situations—and Asria who was with Braz to finish greeting everyone and join me at the edge of the square, a tap came on my shoulder. I spun around, having nearly forgotten in all my elation that Larklind had been by my side the whole time

I couldn't stop my beam. "Did you see that?" I asked breathlessly.

Chuckling, he nodded. "Every minute of it. I'm proud of you."

"I can't believe I did it."

"I can," he replied reassuringly, pulling a blush to my cheeks.

I glanced away, adjusting the flower behind my ear even though it was still firmly in place. Swallowing and trying to hide my smile, I shifted the subject. "I can't wait to show you the market, every inch of it. They have the most beautiful things to see and buy like no other place I've ever been to. You'll see."

"I can't wait." He grinned brilliantly and I wished it would never go away.

My siblings and Mother eventually concluded their greetings and soon joined me at the edge of the square. Braz found me right away and I quickly told him about the kids and he was perhaps even more excited for me than I was for myself. I turned, thinking that Asria was right by his side and heard all of this as well, but she wasn't. I found her next to Mother, who was speaking low to her. Braz and I exchanged a glance in caution but didn't dare intrude. Luckily, while Asria's expression was hard, she didn't seem overly upset about whatever Mother was saying.

Soon, Mother finished speaking to Asria and looked up at us. "Are we ready for the market?"

I hesitated in responding as Asria refused to meet either my or Braz's eyes. I'd have to talk to her when we got back to the inn since I knew right now wouldn't be the best time. Luckily, Braz was quick to reply since I wasn't. "Yes, ma'am."

Mother nodded, clasping her hands together. "You can venture a bit, but not too much. I would like the three of you to stay somewhat near to me and to each other. And of course to your guards."

I snuck a smile to Larklind before following Mother into the bustling market.

Despite my acute fear of large crowds, the market was different. There was something about it, an energy that made it feel less like a gathering of people but more like a gathering of... things. Shimmering jewelry, intricately woven fabrics, citrusy fruit and hardy home-grown vegetables, brightly painted pottery, and thousands of other extravagant items sat on display on tables, in tents, and in every cozy corner of the marketplace. I was sure that if I couldn't see the ocean horizon between the lanes of stalls, I'd get lost in there forever. But I wouldn't mind. The market of Caliprofra was a place I'd willingly never leave.

Despite Mother's request to stay close, I couldn't help wandering a bit more than Braz and Asria did, unable to contain my curiosity and excitement at each turn. I knew it was probably not couth for a princess to tug on her personal guard's sleeve and drag him around, but I did exactly that without a care of what it looked like. Larklind laughed each time I gasped at something new and pulled him away before he could even get a glance at the last thing I'd told him to look at. But I couldn't help it. I wanted to see and show him absolutely everything.

"Look at these," I told him when we made it to a particular table set up with gorgeous pieces of beaded jewelry. In awe, I investigated each accessory, every tiny gem and jewel catching my eye. They were laboriously made, as I could tell by each bead's perfect placement and shine.

Larklind looked over my shoulder, examining a specific necklace in front of me. "Wow," he breathed. I looked up at him, my chest warming at the fact that he was able to see the beauty in it. I loved many things about Braz, but he'd much rather admire a map or a piece of writing than something less practical like jewelry. But it seemed easy for Larklind which was a nice surprise.

However, even as there was appreciation in his gaze, there was also something dim, ever so small as it was. My smile laxed for a second, wondering if I was imagining it or if it was really there. I wanted to ask, but I wasn't sure what to ask, let alone how to ask it. What did it mean?

But the note in his eyes was gone before I could figure out what to say and when he looked at me once again, there was nothing but kindness and curiosity in his features. "Do you want one?"

The offer startled me slightly. "Oh, no. It's okay. I already have far more jewelry than I need or actually wear, though it is quite lovely. But perhaps it can go to a more deserving home."

"I see. I suppose it never hurts to look even if we will never purchase anything," he said with a slight teasing hint in his voice.

I chuckled. "I will buy something eventually. I just haven't found the right something yet."

"That sounds like a challenge."

I cast him a side glance playfully. "Hm, does it?"

And with that, we were off, his hopes high in finding me something I absolutely couldn't resist.

Surprisingly, he took his new task very seriously, his eyes scanning everything we passed and his mind working hard. A little crinkle even formed on his forehead as he thought long and hard about a certain item.

I hated to break his concentration but when we passed a fabric stand and his eyes lingered on a certain tapestry, I had to ask, "Can you believe this is possible? The stories they tell through a simple needle and thread is absolutely breathtaking."

"It truly is." He paused as he stared at the tapestry a moment more. "Do people from other countries bring their items to sell at this market?"

"Not generally, no. But Austora has received many new immigrants over the past few years and, as you know, many moved here from Brikenfolt, Carsethan, and even Quynt two hundred years ago after the Inland War."

He nodded, having known all this as most Austorans did. We valued our history nearly as much as we valued traditions and most children knew all of the major events in their family and kingdom's history before they knew how to read or write simply because of their parents' story telling. I thought it was a beautiful thing and I had so many fond memories of Mother, Father, and even on occasion Kartren telling me about valiant warriors and our brave ancestors from the past.

Larklind reached out and gently brushed his fingers to the tapestry, saying, "My family moved to Austora after the war."

Though this didn't surprise me because of his darker hair and eyes, it did fascinate me to know more about his family. "Were they Carsethanian?" I guessed.

"Yes. From Adbront, a very small town in the countryside. Even though that was several generations ago, my parents prided themselves in making sure I knew about where I came from and all that the old Sarcrofts went through to come to Austora for a better life." His smile was wistful as his gaze shifted from the tapestry to me. "This scene reminds me very much of Adbront."

Taking a closer look, I realized the picture was of a sweeping field with purple flowers sporadically growing in the grass and white clouds dancing through a bright blue sky. In the distance, a little house sat admiring the view in peace.

"It sounds like a very calming place," I muttered.

"It is," Larklind responded, his voice taking on its now familiar airy quality that always brought goosebumps to my skin. "It's been a very long time since I've gotten the chance to visit since my father has aged and traveling is harder for him these days. But I do hope to go back eventually." With a smile, he nodded at the scene before us. "Maybe I could find a place like this."

"Sounds... perfect," I admitted, letting myself, just for a very small moment, imagine this place. Suddenly, there was nowhere I wanted to go more.

Larklind continued his search, but both of us slowed our paces and found slightly more joy in talking with one another than gazing around. He went on to explain the stories his parents had told him about his family coming to Austora, and I was captured with every word he said. With his prompting, I told him of some of the royal legends and stories that I loved when I was little, though I wasn't completely sure if they were all true. But hearing Larklind laugh at them made their true validity not matter.

We were nearing the edge of the market where the tables and tents lined the slightly jagged shore line. Without the market surrounding us, some of the wind seeped through the walking lanes and caught the ends of my hair, pulling a smile to my face. I couldn't wait to go to the beach tomorrow and just simply submerge myself in the gentle charms of nature.

"Princ-uh, Saidy," Larklind said, catching my attention. I turned to see where he'd gravitated toward a table, smiling slightly at how he was still getting used to my name and how I was still getting used to hearing him say it.


With a triumphant grin, he replied, "I think I beat the challenge."

He gestured down at something in a basket on the table and when I looked, I gasped. "How did you...?" But I couldn't finish. Because he'd pointed directly at a group of daladias.

Gingerly, I reached out and clutched the stem of one in between my fingers. These nearly rivaled the beauty of the ones in the Greene at the palace. I'd never seen white and purple daladias before, only the white and pink we grew at home. But these had perfectly purple tips, vibrant and stunning.

My eyes glided from the flower to Larklind once again and I slowly shook my head in disbelief. "These are my favorite." And while I'd been reluctant to share this with Ibrin, I found it completely easy to share with Larklind.

He seemed surprised for a moment before laughing. "I had no idea. They just looked like something you'd love, I suppose."

"You're very right about that." I brought the bloom up to my nose, the smell even more fragrant than the pink. "Mm, one of my favorite smells, too."

Before I realized what he was doing, he pulled a small pouch from his pocket and counted out three coins. He handed it to the man keeping the stall.

"Oh, Larklind, you don't have to-"

"Yes, I do," he insisted around a grin. "You can't tell me it's your favorite without expecting me to get one for you."

"I didn't say it so you would buy it for me."

Chuckling, he said, "I know you didn't. I would never think you would. But friends do that kind of thing for each other."

As I looked at him, I couldn't stop my smile from spreading. The act had been so small, yet it had turned into the best part of my day. "Thank you."

With eyes sparkling, he breathed, "You're welcome."

A/N OKAY BUT THIS CHAPTER HAD TOO MANY CUTE SCENES, I CAN'T-!!! Ahhhh one of my favorites (but ngl the next chapter is my favorite so far so you should be excited for that hehe It was the one that I got excited about on my alt acct XD) ANYWAY, what are y'all's thoughts? I know it was a pretty easy going chapter with lots of light stuff and fluff and sweetness but I promise there's some more action coming up *evil laugh* ... Yes, I'm just going to leave you with that >:) hehe ----->

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