Crisis of Faith

By thisgurl22

3.9K 50 4

"How can you not see how I feel about you," Finnick shouted desperately, his green orbs boring into Kaianna's... More



207 2 0
By thisgurl22

"How are you holding up?"

Finnick had to use everything in him to fight the battle of keeping a glare off of his face.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that," He scoffed, "is it really not obvious? Because, I thought I was shit at hiding it but, you'd think I was wrong, wouldn't you?"

"Hiding it," The girl smiled sympathetically, "you mean by trying to kill one of the only people who understands what you've gone through? Sure, that sounds like hiding it perfectly to me."

She had towhead waves, that reached the middle of her back. Her crystal blue eyes, complimented her golden skin. She was thin, yet muscular. and definitely well nourished.

He cracked a small grin, "You have a sense of humor. Who let you in here?"

"I'm training to be a medic," She nodded softly, "when I'm not training for combat."

"You're training to fight," He mumbled, almost in awe. His curiosity heightened when she gave him another nod, "but, you look- really young."

She was tall, but young. He didn't believe she was past twenty.

"I'm older than fourteen," She responded jokingly, "that's how old you are when you won your first games, right?"

"The youngest ever," He declared mockingly, scrunching his face at the burning feelig the words sent to his mouth. Finnick's face softened when she gave him another soft smile, "seriously though, who are you?"

"My name's Brooke Martin," She shrugged, "and I'm seventeen. Now, as much fun as this chat has been they've sent me in to administer your meds."

"What do I need meds for? I'm fine-"

"Finnick," It was Brooke's turn to scoff, "you had a breakdown."

"I wasn't trying to kill her, by the way," Finnick defended hesitantly, "I was just- out of it."

He let his eyes drift to the wall to the side of him while she connected the IV, wincing when the sharp end pierced his skin, and recollecting his memory.

"Katniss," His teary eyes were panicky and flickering every which way as he called for the girl. His face softened when they made eye contact, "Katniss are you-"

"Go away." She muttered.

"I know you're upset-"

"Go away Finnick," Katniss jumped out of her bed, and raced towards the man, grabbing him by the collar of his gown, "you didn't save him! You said you were going to save him!"

"I- I'm sorry Katniss," He cried out. He should've been able to push her off of him but, he was too weak, "I'm so sorry that I couldn't-"

He didn't want to put up a fight, and even if he did he didn't have it in him. So, she backed him into the corner with ease.

"This," Katniss shoved him backwards against the wall, and pressed herself up into his face, "Peeta is gone because of you! This is all of your fault! He's gonna die in there! They're all gonna die in there, and it's because of you!"

All it takes to flip a switch, is one small motion.

"My fault," He muttered weakly, "my fault?"

Her words were a venom. Flowing through his ears, and into his bloodstream, tainting him. Possessing him.

When Finnick's eyes snapped to Katniss, he could barely make out her features from the red tint. Within seconds, a rage-induced strength overpowered the man, and roles had reversed. Now it was Finnick who was in control.

Each time he repeated the expression it grew louder, and angrier. Finnick was overpowered with a rage induced strength, and when he shoved Katniss backwards, she went tumbling into her bedside table. Loud cracks, and shatters sounded as a flower vase left nothing but glass shards behind on the tiled ground.

"It is your fault," He screamed. The spit flying out of his mouth matched the feral look in his eyes too perfectly, "you did this! Not me! You're so lovesick over Peeta! It's all about Peeta! I lost people too Katniss, and not because of me, because of you!"

The girl stared at Finnick in pure fear from her spot on the floor. She had never seen him angry at all, let alone almost bursting with rage as he towered over her screaming the front of his argument, over and over, losing himself with each repetition. He repeated the front of his claims, his sympathy and compassion shriveling more and more each time. If he kept going, it'd all be gone for good.

It was now that Katniss knew what she needed to. As she looked in his once light-green eyes, that were now almost blackened from the anger, she caught herself wondering if he was still human. He was unrecognizable from the pain, and now he seemed more monstrous than she ever thought he was in the first place.

"Get off of her!"

He ignored the sound of Gale, and Boggs bursting into the room as he clawed at the girl, not even knowing what he'd do if he got his hands on her again. He screamed and kicked, fighting to get to her like it was something he needed to do. Anyone passing by would've thought it were life or death.

"Get off of me," Finnick yelled. All he wanted was for his memories to disappear. His mind was hanging on by a thread. So was his heart, "get the fuck off of me! Get off of me! Get- fucking stop!"

He kept struggling, and he kept losing energy. Katniss had been pulled up, and out of the room by Haymitch, but couldn't take her eyes off of the man. She had begun to see Finnick as an older brother, and her heart could've shattered at the sight. He was losing everything he ever was, right in front of her.

"Finnick," Gale muttered, "calm down-"

"Get off!"

Finnick let out a sharp wince when Boggs was able to hold out one of his wrist's, so one of the many nurses that had flooded in could put him to sleep. He held onto the fight for as long as he could, but eventually lost as his surroundings faded away.

"Hey! Finnick," He snapped back into his current reality when Brooke snapped her fingers in front of his face, "did you hear a single word I just said?"

He shook his head apologetically.

"You're not known for your ability to listen huh," Finnick sent the girl in front of him a goofy grin. She had a light aura around her, and it was enough to crack him just a tad. She shook her head humorously, as she removed the IV from his arm, and replaced it with gauze. His smile faded as he thought about Kaianna again. Brooke's words sounded like something she would say, "is there anything you need to talk about, or do you just like admiring walls?"

"The architectural design of these plain tile walls are really something," He retorted jokingly, "but, no- uh sorry, I just zoned out for a second."

"Right," Brooke moved her eyes to the medicine bag so she wouldn't have to meet his eyes. Suddenly, she seemed nervous, "can I ask you a tough question?"

Finnick move his own gaze to his lap, "Uh- yeah, go for it."

"Do you- do you think we can get everyone back from the capitol," She wondered slowly, almost scared to bring it up, "I- Kaianna- and everyone else, I mean."

Finnick tensed at her question. He tried to think of a response that wouldn't dwindle the hope she seemed to carry. He didn't want to break the light in her crystal eyes. He already felt the need to protect it. So, he wracked his brain, in search for the right words but, he couldn't find them.

"Uh," He sighed shakily, "you're a curious kid, huh?"

Brooke shrugged sheepishly, feeling his tone, and changing the subject swiftly, "Uh- they called for an assembly. Something to do with the rebellion. They've cleared you to go. If you're up for it of course."

"I can't just stay in this bed forever," Finnick sent out a weak shrug, "as tempting as that idea may be."

"I'm headed that way," Brooke said softly, "we can walk together if you'd like."

He nodded silently before climbing out of the white bed, and following the young girl's lead. They walked quietly for a minute or two.

"So tell me- uh- Brooke," His tone was questioning until she nodded her head, "have you always lived here?"

"No," She breathed out. Her eyebrows crinkled, and it made Finnick feel like she was fighting something, "I'm- actually from district four believe or not."

"Definitely not," He clarified with an awkward chuckle, "how did you get here?"

"My mom and I escaped," Brooke's explanation gained every bit of Finnick's attention. To flee your district, and survive the attempt seemed completely impossible to him, "it's- it was really scary, especially for a six year old, and it took us- I don't even know how many days honestly."

"What about your dad?"

"He died before I was born," She smiled sadly, "it was just me and her when we left."

He had already accumulated a massive respect for the girl. She had left everything she knew behind, and even risked her life, when she was barely old enough to attend school. To top that off, she still had joy in her eyes. She hadn't lost herself in the world yet. He felt a sense of pride strike through him.

"I don't know if I'd have been able to do what you did." Finnick chuckled lightly.

"I think you would've," She pushed a door open, leading the two of them into a large crowd of people, "but, yeah, to decide to drag you and your six year old away from everything you know when you've already lost so much? I've never met anyone braver than my mom- no offense," Finnick shook his head to dismiss the girl's worries, and she kept going once they found a place to stand in the sea of grey, "she died when I was ten. I've kind of been on my own ever since."

"Brooke," Finnick sighed, almost tiredly at the knowledge of another heartbreak, "I'm so sorry."

The girl let out a shrug, as her blue eyes flooded towards the floor, "Don't be. Everyone has lost someone or something that meant the world to them. That's just the kind of world we live in."

Finnick nodded, understanding his words almost completely.

"But," She sighed, and let a small smile form on her face, "I guess that's why we have to fight to fix it, right?"


"Good afternoon. Thank you for interrupting your schedules," Finnick's eyes floated up to the ledge the Alma Coin stood on as she interrupted his response. He sent Brooke a worried glance, and she responded with one of reassurance, causing him to ease up a little bit. He zoned out for most of her speech, "and our welcomed guest from twelve, Katniss Everdeen, has consented to be the face of our cause. To help unite the districts against the capitol."

Suddenly, Finnick's eyes were in search of the girl from twelve, through he gave up pretty quickly.

"In exchange, I have promised, several- concessions," Katniss recognized Finnick from a few rows behind him and slowly dodged through the crowd towards him, as Coin kept her announcement rolling, "first, we'll assess all opportunities for the extractions of the victors held hostage in the capitol."

The young girl kept creeping towards the man from four, getting closer, and closer.

"Peeta Mellark," Katniss stopped for a moment, startled by the shouts of dismay after Coin mentioned her partner's name, "Johanna Mason, Mags Flanagan."

"Finnick," He jumped when the brunette grabbed his shoulder softly. He just stared at her before silently nodding for her to continue, "I made the deal for Annie, and Kaianna too."

"Annie Cresta, and Kaianna Rivers. Once freed, they will be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause." Coin finished monotonously, causing more distain to sound from the crowd below.

"Good," Finnick's heart swelled as he smiled gratefully at the girl. All he had wanted since that night in Kaianna's room, was for her to be safe. He thought he'd lost the chance, "that's good, Katniss."

He let out a chuckle of disbelief. Finnick could've broken down at the thought but, he wouldn't.

"If Katniss Everdeen, fails to fulfill her duties," The grey woman found Katniss in the crowd, and locked their gaze, "the deal will be off. Thank you for you attention. Please return to your daily schedules."

Finnick looked to Katniss worriedly, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"It doesn't matter," She shrugged, her stern look remaining, "besides, it's my fault right? Just trying to clean up the mess I've made."

"Katniss," A wave of guilt washed over him when she ignored his presence, and turned to leave, "Katniss, please wait a minute!"

"It's alright," She reasoned when she realized he had followed her into the hall, "I know you didn't mean it- actually, I think you did but, considering everything it was a pretty reasonable response."

"It was not," Finnick clarified, "and I didn't mean it."

"You're just scared. I understand."

"And you're not," He chuckled lightly, but there was a hint of heartache in his tone, and it would've been undeniable to anyone, "I just- I can't lose her."

"I know Finnick." Katniss responded obviously.

"And how's that?" He retorted humorously.

He was lighter at the idea of having the people he cared about, back in his grasp, and Katniss didn't take that lightly.

"You almost killed me for one thing." She joked dramatically as they walked down the hall, headed for the hospital.

"Ok, ok, I'm unstable, everyone understands-"

Katniss cut back in, the laughter between them fading away slowly, "Besides, Johanna told me how much you care about Annie. Maybe in a better world you guys could work out. So, we've got to do everything we can to get them back, and give you both a chance at something you deserve."

His grin faltered slightly at her words. Of course he cared about Annie. They had been close ever since he trained her for her games. He felt like he had fallen head over heels for the girl for a long time but, when he knew that she'd never be able to put herself in that position with him, he moved on. He still carried love for her, but it had a different weight.

His mind was on someone else. Yet, he couldn't say that. He didn't even want to admit it to himself. Especially, when he wasn't sure he could even get her back. So, he rebuilt the smile on his face and nodded his head.

"I guess we do."

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