Wednesday One Shots

By Elliottisafrog

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NEW COVER I watched this show four times and became obsessed so take this nonsense I don't own any of the sho... More

The Rave'N {Eugene Otinger}
Artists' Inspiration {Xavier Thorpe}
Classroom Crush {Eugene Otinger}
Nails {Enid Sinclair & Thing}
Musical Muse {Wednesday Addams}
You Know my Name? {Eugene Otinger}
Jail {Xavier Thorpe}
Painting the Plants {Xavier Thorpe}
Carvival {Ajax Petropolus}
Honey Butter Toast {Eugene Otinger}
Black Cats {Kent}
Bullies {Eugene Otinger}
Pilgrim World {Eugene Otinger}
Grave Digging {Wednesday Addams}
Trip {Eugene Otinger}
Him {Bianca Barclay}
And they were roomates ({Rowan Laslow} MINI BOOK HERE
Haven't I given enough? {Wednesday Addams}
Haven't I Given Enough? {Part Two}
Haven't I given enough? {Final Part}

Sweet As Honey {Eugene Otinger} MINI BOOK HERE

354 2 0
By Elliottisafrog

Authors Note: Just like last chapter - this is a full book! I will be taking down its separate official book and moving it all here. This is my old writing so it's not the best but here it is. Enjoy.


I've never stepped foot onto Nevermore grounds before today. Attending? Not my idea. My parents were tired of dealing with complaints from the school about my - special - abilities, so they just gave up and sent me here. Neither of them attended, but they have the highest of hopes for me and the time I will spend here.

I throw down my bags onto the hard wooden floor of my new room. Usually I feel I would have a roommate, but the spot is currently vacant. I'm all by myself. It's okay that way, but I would have preferred having someone else to help me out around here. I sigh, plopping down on my bed. I really don't wanna unpack right now. I hear a knock and my head snaps up. Who even knows I'm here? I came half way through the semester... I hop up and quickly open the door, greeted by a boy only slightly taller than myself with a purple beanie on. "Hey! Your the new kid right?" He asks. "Yea, what's up?" I ask having no clue where this is going. "Just wanted to say hi, my rooms right next to yours. We've gotten two new kids this semester and the other one already threatened my death," "Wednesday?" "You've already heard of her? My buddy is down bad for her but I don't think she's worth it... anyways, I'm Ajax." "Y/n," I tell him. "Well I have homework, see you around y/n," he says, waving as he walks away. That was weird but he seems chill I guess. I shut the door and decide unpacking would be best. I get out my first trunk and neatly sort all my clothes into drawers despite the fact it will be a mess in less than a week. It takes nearly thirty minutes due to me organizing them by color. I grab some books and sketch books and begin to shelve them. I'm tired, I'll probably have to finish them tomorrow.

I'm walking to class the day after. I arrive rather quickly to my first class, Plants with Ms. Thornhill. I step in to the greenhouse-like room and look around for a minute. It's beautiful. I go and sit down seeing as almost no one else is here yet, we still have two minutes until the bell. "Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice yell and look back to see Ajax walking over, "Hey Ajax," I respond cheerfully. It's nice to at least know of someone. He sits down next to me and pulls out his phone to check the time. "We still have a minute until class, but you'll love this class Ms. Thornhill is amazing," he tells me. "Yea I'm excited- plants are some of my favorites," I reply. I see someone sit in front of Ajax, and honestly he's adorable. "Who you staring at?" I hear asked to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What? Staring? No one." I stutter out. "Cmon y/n, it's your first day there's no way you already find someone cute," he teases, lightly hitting my arm "you underestimate me," I say, matter o factly right as the bell rings. "Alright class settle down. To start, does anyone know what this plant is?" The teacher asks. I zone out as two girls both answer, one being Wednesday and the other I deem to be called Bianca. "So you know the kid you were looking at earlier? My friend Xavier is who's next to him, he's great I'll introduce you guys later," he whispers to me as the two girls continue their fight. "Okay are we still talking about flowers?" The kid I now know as Xavier asks as everyone laughs. "Well who was I looking at?" I ask. "You don't know who you were literally staring at?" Ajax asks. "It's my first day, I don't know anyone's name here." I complain. "Oh yea forgot about that- his name is Eugene. I don't know him very well, doesn't seem to have many friends. I think he's in the hummers if you wanna join," he tells me. "What are the hummers?" "A group of bee keepers I think, though he might be the only one right now. Better get there before Enid- I think he has a thing for her." "Um okay- who's Enid?" I ask. "The cutest girl in the school- she's a werewolf, wednesdays roommate, just amazing," he says, staring off. "Oh so you like her?" I ask teasing him just how he teased me earlier. His face brushes pink. "W-what, um, what like?" He stutters nervously. "Aw you do! You should tell her, you would be cute together," I say. "I thought you didn't know who she was? Well I'm assuming she's the girl you've been staring at all hour." I reply, looking right at the blonde werewolf. He just stays blushing and silent. The bell rings quickly after.

"So what are you?" Ajax asks me in the courtyard at lunch. "Well I'm Bisexu-" "No, like what kind of outcast," he specifies, laughing a bit. "Oh- I'm smart I swear-" I quickly try to defend my stupidity, "But I'm a shapeshifter. Like Principal Weems." I inform. "Are you guys related?" Xavier asks, sitting down after walking from the fountain. "Not to my knowledge. If we were it wouldn't be close," I say as I look around at everyone. "Well Xavier is a branch of psychic and I'm a gorgon, that's why I wear this here lovely beanie everyday," he says, patting his head. "Oh and that guy you were staring at? I think he's psychic too, or he can talk to animals. Something like that." He tells me, smirking. "For the last time I wasn't staring at him I just happened to zone out looking in his general direction-" "Who was it?" Xavier interrupts. "It was E-" Ajax starts. "No. No one." I say. "Well he's in the courtyard right now if that means anything to you," he says. "He is?" I ask, kinda wanting to talk to him. "So you were staring at someone! Who was it?" Xavier asks, more curious than ever. "Who were you next to in Thornhills?" "Really? Okay but I could see it-" "both of you shut up." I interrupt, my face turning red. "I've never talked to him. It's my first day. Chill." I say. They nod and Xavier starts talking about Wednesday as I look around the courtyard again. I feel a pair of eyes on me and quickly look back, seeing the person I've been told is named Eugene staring at me. His face seems to go red and he quickly breaks the eye contact, he probably gets easily embarrassed like I do. I blush at anything, and it's the worst. I pack up my lunch and get ready to head to my next class.


"Here's a list of clubs you can join," Principal Weems says, handing me a paper in the hallway a few days later. "I've granted you a few hours off classes to go around and try some. I hope you can find one that fits well," she says with a huge smile. "Thank you, I do too," I reply before she walks away. Most of these look boring, but I'll try a couple I guess. The only one I really care about is the hummers and maybe archery, but I'll try hummers last since I plan to talk to the boy there. First on my list is choir. I head to the court yard to see choir and archery, heading to choir first. The Bianca girl, who is super pretty, is leading them. If this wasn't an x Eugene book I would be in love with her. "Oh hey, you must be y/n. Weems said you would be coming around to look at clubs," she says, almost smirking. "Oh- uh- yea. I can't really sing, just wanted to see what choir was about-" "well you do whatever you want, if you wanna join in you can but we won't force you." She says, quickly getting back to the song. She seems a bit snappy, but she's hot so it's okay. That's definitely how that works. Choir is boring so I just walk over to archery and see Xavier there by himself. "Heyy," I say. He looks up in surprise. "Oh hey y/n, what's up?" He asks, readying his bow. "Weems is having me try out clubs, this was next on my list." I tell him. "Oh nice- honestly archery is kinda boring when no one else is here, but everyone else has classes right now. It's my break hour." He tells me and I nod. "So how do I do this?" I ask, grabbing a bow and arrow. "So you take the bow and hold it like so, pull the arrow back with three fingers, and release." He says. Well that sounds confusing. I try, and fail. Miserably. It misses the target, not by a bunch but enough for me to be disappointed in myself. "It's fine to mess up, your just learning." Xavier tells me as I pick up another arrow to try again. This time it hits the very edge of the target. Barely better than last time, but improvement is improvement. "See? You're already getting better," he says, smiling at me. "I have to go see what the hummers is about, I might be back soon though." I tell him, sitting down the bow and starting my walk. It's not horribly far to reach the bee barn, but farther than I would have liked. I'm lazy. "Hey! Are you here to join the hummers?" I hear a cheery voice exclaim from behind me. I turn around and see the boy from plants and the courtyard. "Oh hello! Eugene right?" I ask. "You know my name?" He stutters out. "Of course! We have a couple classes together." I tell him. "Right of course, you're y/n right?" He asks and I nod. "Well y/n, welcome to the hummers headquarters. I hope you'll consider joining, I'm currently the only member." He tells me, sounding a bit disappointed at the end. "Weems likes to send people here but they never stay, people are too scared of bees." He tells me. "That's a shame, bees are adorable. I love working with them." I reply, looking round at the wooded area. His eyes light up at this comment. "Did you know some people say Queen Cleopatria used to bathe in baths if honey to give her skin that natural glow? Have you ever tried a bath of honey?" He asks me, sounding excited to await my answer. "It sounds like it'd be a bit of a mess, but if she was so pretty I'm sure it worked amazingly," I reply. "You don't even need it, you're already glowing," he tells me, quickly covering his mouth after realizing what he's said. "Aw thank you! You're adorable too," I reply to try and make him feel a bit less awkward. "Um- anyways What other clubs have you visited today?" He asks me, desperately trying to change the topic. "Choir, Archery, and now this. I don't really either either of the other two, I'm thinking of trying to start a club of my own for the artists. Xaviers idea actually, seeing as we both like to create," I reply. "That's amazing! Can I see your drawings sometime?" He asks in delight. "Of course! I'll show you sometime in class or at lunch," I reply. "I have to get to my next class but I'll see you around, bee boy," I say, smiling as I walk away. I hear a quick bye yelled after me.

"Well you sure look happy," Ajax says as I sit next to him and Xavier during lunch. "Of course they are, they got to spend part of their morning with me and I'm amazing," Xavier says. "Xavier hun I love you but you have the personality of a cardboard box- I'm happy cause I got done quick and got a bunch of time to draw and just hangout," i reply. Ajax nods as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. "Hey I do not have the personality of a cardboard box-" "Xavier all you talk about is Wednesday." "So? That doesn't effect my personality-" he stops himself with realization. "Maybe you need to chill a bit bro," Ajax agrees. "Well I think I'm delightful. Fuck both of you," he says as we all laugh. "So what class do you two have next?" Ajax asks. "Algebra two," I reply with a sigh. I fucking hate algebra."damn man I'm sorry, good luck." He tells me. It doesn't really help but I still appreciate the effort.


Classes finally let out and I lay on my bed, completely just worn out. I have no clue what to do. Maybe I could draw for a bit- get my mind off of everything. I stand up and the hardwood floors are cold on my feet. I grab my sketch book and pencils before quickly sliding on slippers, deeming my pajamas good enough. It's only about nine pm so most people won't be in bed yet, but i still don't wanna make too much noise. I climb a staircase close to my dorm. I climbed it just a few days ago  and all it leads to is an open tower surrounded by windows with a singular bench. It also has a lovely porch. I find it incredibly relaxing, so this is where I'll spend probably all of the night. I arrive rather quickly and seat myself on the ledge of the porch. I trust I won't fall. I lay out my pencils. The only light currently offered is from the moon, but it's luring glow is more than enough to make me happy at the moment. I can see everything from my perch, every where. The entire forest. The entire school. Everywhere, except behind me. "Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice ask from behind me, making me jump a little. Luckily I quickly regain my balance and don't fall off the ledge. "Eugene! You scared me," I say, catching my breath from that little moment of pure fear. "Sorry, I just say you walking up here and was bored." He says, coming to the ledge and leaning on it. I pat it, an invite to sit. "What if I fall?" "I'll catch you, I promise." I say. I'm very strong. He nods, sliding up onto the ledge with me. "Hey can I see your drawings now?" He asks, noticing my sketch book. "Of yea of course!" I say, handing it to him without any thought. I started this book after I arrived at nevermore, do it only has a few pages filled out due to my new arrival. "Woah! This is amazing!" Eugene exclaims about a drawing I did of Xavier and Ajax during lunch. "Thanks! Neither of them know I did  that still I don't think," I think out loud. "You should tell them, they would be amazed!" He exclaims as he continues. "Hey y/n?" "What's up?" I say, looking down at my sketch book. It's a collage like page, filled with bees. And a drawing of Eugene. I'm sure I can explain- "This is amazing! Why didn't you tell me you did this?" "I don't know- just kinda slipped my mind I guess" I reply. I barely even remember drawing it, my best art always comes from when I'm half asleep. He looks through for just a minute longer. "When did you start this?" He asks, handing it back to me. "I don't know, probably first or second day I got to nevermore." I reply. "You've made a bunch of progress! That's like ten pages in just a few days!" He says and I nod, letting out a small yawn. My sleep hasn't been very good recently, and it's starting to catch up to me. "Cmon I'll walk you back to your room, I'm tired too." Eugene says. And I just nod, grabbing my art supplies before hopping down from the ledge. We go down the creaky old wooden stairs and my room is just around the corner. "Goodnight y/n! Hopefully see you tomorrow as a hummer!" He exclaims as I open my door and collapse into sleep.

I arrive at Ms. Thornhills class with a yawn. I sit in my normal seat, but Wednesday is sitting next to Xavier today. Probably not by choice. Ajax sits next to me like normal with a sigh. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Enid seems to keep ignoring me. I don't know what to do at this point." He whines. "Oh cmon, it's Enid. I'm sure she's not ignoring you- just maybe busy. She's been with Wednesday a lot lately." I reply, too tired for long explanations. "Yea, you're right. She wouldn't do that." "Maybe just talk to her? How often do you try that?" I ask. His face goes a bit red as he counts on one hand the amount of times he's tried talking to her this month. "Maybe that's the issue. Communication is key," I say, smiling. "Oh cmon- you can't say that when you haven't communicated you're feelings to E-" "AJAX. He has this class too, he'll hear! Also I DONT like him we literally just met!" I whisper yell, glaring at him. "Mhm sure, and I don't like Enid," he says, smirking. "Shut up," I whisper in defeat as the teacher walks in to start her daily lesson.

"That took foreverrrrrr," I whine to Ajax as we walk to lunch. "I knowwww," he whines back. We're both a couple of babies. I sit at my normal seat with Ajax and Xavier at the cold wooden bench before I notice Eugene by himself next to a fountain. "Hey I'm gonna go talk to someone about joining a club, see you guys later," I say rushed as I collect my things. "Ok but don't forget about us!" I hear yelled after me as a smile paints itself onto my face and I arrive at the fountain. "Hey Eugene," I say, as I sit on the edge with him, clearly catching him off guard. He was staring at the dirty water and didn't notice me approaching. "Oh hey y/n," he says. "Is this about the hummers?" I hear the hope in his voice. "Yea actually- I would really like to join!" I inform as his eyes light up. "Amazing! Welcome to the hummers!" He exclaims as I smile. "So besides that, wanna hangout again tonight? My dorm?" I ask. "Of course! Can you draw me?" He asks, his eyes absolutely glowing. "Of course," I say with a stupid smile on my face.


I hear a knock on my door. "Hey! It's Eugene!" He yells through my door. I rush and throw open the door in excitement, I platonically love this man. "Hey! Come in!" I say, closing the door behind him. It's roughly ten pm and we're both in our pajamas, so no judgement here. I plop down on my bed and unpause my music, the current song being Freight Yard by The Garden. I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't listened before, and it really sets the tone for reading. Especially the book you're reading right now. We both sit on my bed as I pull out my sketch book. "Have you ever drawn before?" I ask. "No, I'm more into watching others draw. I just stick to bees, it's what I know and what I'm good at." He tells me. Now that I think about it, I still don't know his 'powers'. "So what do you do besides draw?" He asks as I lay out my base. "I like to knit, I play a couple instruments, I enjoy cooking but I suck at it. Oh and I'm Bi so if thinking about tits counts as a hobby-" I reply before interrupting myself. "How about you?" I say, looking up for reference. I know his face well enough I don't need it, but admitting that sounds creepy. "Well I really like reading, and I like spending time with you. I also just learned to make flower crowns, I quite enjoy that." He reply's. "Aw you like spending time with me? I like hanging with you too," I say. As if we aren't already, I can tell that we are gonna be friends. That song comes on next as I start the basic shapes. "You excited for tomorrow?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence. "Yes of course! I get an excuse to eat a bunch of fudge!" He exclaims with laugh I return. "Where did you volunteer?" He asks me. "Pilgrim world too, I hate the place but I hated all the options and at least this way I get fudge," I reply, now refining the shape to the drawing. "That's fair, I have to imagine there's much worse though right?" He asks. "Yea- Ajax got the bottom of the barrel. He chose it but he chose bad." I say with a little laugh. "Xavier got the Weathervane and I wouldn't trust him with my drink, so the public probably shouldn't either." I joke.

Not even twelve hours later we all gather around Principal Weems as she instructs us to behave in Jericho for some community service. I chose stupidly chose Pilgrim World, my two closest friends chose the weathervane and that questionable old shop I forgot the name of and can't be bothered to look up. I know for a fact that Enid will end up with Ajax at it, Wednesday accidentally applied for the wrong job and Enid is always dying for alone time with him. I don't know how their not together already honestly, just both oblivious I guess. Mostly Ajax though. That poor himbo doesn't get half as many bitches as he deserves. Anyways, I head towards the pilgrim world I'm bound to for the next few hours. I arrive rather quick and a lady with red hair is at the front. I look around and see a few familiar faces, Yoko, Wednesday, Bianca, and Eugene all stick out to me. "Ok children-" the lady starts. Im too tired to listen, Eugene and I stayed up late last night just talking and vibing. I yawn and see her staring needles at me. Sorry you're boring I guess? I look around and see people getting pilgrim outfits handed out. Lovely. I don't wanna wear it, but I'm aware in my lack of choice. I go to the public bathroom with everyone else and change rather quickly, arriving back outside to not get yelled at. She hands each of us a tray of fudge. "Go hand these out, free samples always get more." She instructs as we all separate. I see Eugene near the pillory eating some fudge. He's gonna get sick- I can't even imagine eating all this fudge. I walk around to inside the store in which I see Wednesday speaking in another language to a bunch of tourists. All of them leave and look disgusted before she quickly follows and I decide to hand out samples in here myself. "Sample?" I ask every time anyone walks near. Usually they say yes, and I run out nearly instantly. Well now I know where Eugene is and don't wanna be stuck here, so I set out to look. I walk to the pillory and see someone stuck in it. "Hey? Why are you here?" I ask. "Well some girl-" he starts before I see Wednesday and Eugene walking to a building I know is closed. "Them?" I ask and he nods. I walk away as he asks for help, running to stop them from doing some stupid shit. I hide behind a wall and I watch Wednesday talk to Eugene. "If anyone asks anything, just play stupid. Say the door was open." She instructs and he nods. She enters quickly. I don't mind Wednesday doing whatever she wants, but she's not roping him into this. "Hey Eu- are you okay?" I quickly ask. Now that I get a full view of him he is pale and appears to have vomit on his shirt. "Yea I'm great, Wednesday helped me." He says. "Well I finished handing out samples, wanna walk around and see everything this place has to offer?" I suggest. "I would but I already promised Wednesday-" "Eugene she's using you for this, I love her just as much as you but I'm not letting her get you in trouble." I say. He looks nervous but nods, walking closer. "So where do you wanna go first?" I ask as we start our journey. "I don't know, let's just see what we fine." He suggests as I nod. "I'm gonna stop in here one sec," I say, hopping in the fudge place. He would have followed but he's obviously sick. I look at the wall of options. "May I have one of the brownie fudge pieces please?" I ask and the boy behind the counter nods and gets it for me. "That'll be five dollars." He says. That's a lot but I get it for him anyway. I quickly pocket the treat, it's for Eugene and I to share when he's feeling better. I would get some for Ajax and Xavier but they couldn't be bothered to spend time with me so they don't deserve any. The bell rings as I exit the shop. "We actually have to go soon, we should probably change." Eugene tells me almost instantly when I get back. "Oh ok, let's go then." I say. We walk to the not far restrooms and change back into our uniforms, and I make sure to grab the fudge and move it to my uniform pocket. I'm not sure what to do with the uniform so I just sit it in a basket with the others I see. Once im out Eugene already is, and I can confirm this is definitely and improvement from him smelling like and being covered in his own vomit. "Ready for the ceremony?" He asks. I smile, "of course, let's go."

Music starts playing right after we've sat down by the band and it's honestly lovely. Weems and Mayor Walker and rambling about how honored they are. I reach my hand out to the boy next to me, making our fingers brush. He looks at me surprised, before deciding to just go for it. He grabs my hand and we just sit there like that as they finish. "Time to unveil the statue!" I hear Principal Weems yell. Everything is bright all the sudden. A loud boom. I have no clue what's happening, Eugene has a tight grip on my hand and we're running, or more he's pulling me away. I catch my breath looking back, and the statue has emitted into flames. The face melts as Wednesday plays Vivaldi Winter on her cello. Somehow, I honestly kind of expected this turn of events.


It's been a week since that day at Jericho went wrong, and now I have dance preparation to do. I really want to ask Eugene but I have major anxiety and going for things doesn't always work out with it that well. Ajax has been telling me all week he'll say yes, but I just can't bring myself to ask. What if he doesn't? What if he laughs? What if he's already going with someone? What if this ruins the friendship we have? I just feel like I shouldn't risk it. I shouldn't be scared- I don't even like him like that. Just as a friend, you know? But also either way if i don't take the chance I'll really hate myself. I feel my feet carrying me to his room before I can even realize it. I guess I'm doing this. My anxiety is just and uphill spiral. "Hey Eugene I- what in the world are you doing?" I ask as I enter his room. "Wednesday promised to go stake out a cave with me tonight! She wants to learn more about the monster!" He tells me, looking up happily. He has a backpack with a bunch of equipment suited for just what he has promised. A lamp, a knife, a rope, and a lot more. "Oh, ok." I say in disappointment and start to walk out of the room. "Hey what's wrong?" He says looking up, making me stop dead in my tracks. "What do you mean?" I ask without turning around cause the guilt is plastered on my face. "Y/n, you know what I mean. Hummers don't keep secrets, especially from each other." He reply's. "Well I really wanted to ask this guy to the dance but apparently he's busy." I say as I exit, without turning around or waiting as he calls me name to undoubtedly ask who this 'guy' is. He's horrid at taking hints.

The second I get out I dash to my room. I cover my face, realizing how big of a mistake I've made. It's too late to go back now though. I quickly close and lock the door. The dorm is all mine since my roommate is non existent, so I just sit on my bed as tears prick at my eyes. The dance is in a few hours and I have to get ready but I'm really not in the mood. Right as I think that I hear a knock. "Come in!" I yell, I can tell it's Ajax. "I can't it's locked!" I hear him yell. I sigh as I stand up and slowly walk over to open it. He looks amazing and is ready for the dance in the most beautiful white outfit. "Y/n aren't you so excited for the dan- woah what happened?" He exclaims. I realize now I must have mascara and eyeliner all down my cheeks from the tears. "I don't think I'm going to the dance," I mumble out as we walk over and sit on my bed together. "Why not? There's no shot Eugene said no," he starts, "Ajax I didn't even get the chance to ask. He's going cave-watching with Wednesday." "Excuse me their doing what?" He says in an unapproving voice. "I know, on the night of the dance too! This was my one chance, and now he thinks I like someone and might even know it's him if he stopped being so oblivious for three seconds!" I yell as I fall backwards and cover my face. "Okay listen, I'm not letting this happen. You've tried way to hard and are way too amazing to not go to this dance just cause Wednesday already made prohibited plans." I sniffle as I prop myself back up. "I don't even know what I'm going to wear." I tell him. "Well I may have brought something knowing you wouldn't be prepared-" "hey-" I object "shut it you never are I'm just looking out for you," he retaliates as I sigh. He pulls out something he sat on the floor earlier and hands it to me with the widest smile. "Try it on!" he tells me. I grab it and head to the bathroom. I sit and lock the door. Slipping out of my sweatpants makes my legs all cold, I do not appreciate it. By this point I have an hour left until the dance. It's on pretty quick and it's white to match the theme. I had low hopes, but this is just stunning on me. It fits my body and general aesthetic perfectly. He did amazing, despite all odds. I walk out of the bathroom, leaving my pajamas on the floor, and sit back down by Ajax. "You look stunning!" He exclaims and claps. "I know! All thanks to you!" I reply just as energetic. "Now makeup, the crying mascara look isn't what we're going for." he tells me, making a great point. We both walk to the bathroom and open the door. I kick my pajamas to the side as I get to the mirror and pull out my makeup. I wash my face quickly. "What should I do?" I ask. "I'm not the person to ask about that," He replys. I decide just some light eyeliner and shadow. "are your nails painted?" "Done yesterday by Thing!" I tell him, showing my non-eyeliner applying hand. "They look amazing! He always does so good! Enid was just showing me how he did hers too," He exclaims and kinda daydreams off as I just nod in agreement. I'm done with my entire makeup in roughly thirty minutes. "Let's go ahead and start heading down, maybe we'll bump into Eugene on the way." He tells me winking as my face rings pink and I sigh in disapproval. We exit the bathroom and I slide on my favorite shoes. We quickly exit the dorm, feeling zero need to really just sit around getting anxious. We arrive right in front of the ball room, Wednesday and Tyler right in front of us. I get bad vibes from Tyler, I've never liked him honestly. Everyone except Xavier disagrees though so I think it better to say nothing. "Wednesday?" I hear Eugene ask. "Oh uh Eugene hi," Wednesday says in her usual monotone voice. "Why are you going to the dance? I thought we were supposed to go cave watching?" He asks while sounding very disappointed. "Excuse me cave watching?" Tyler interrupts. "I'll explain later- and Eugene there's been a change of plans. We'll go at the cave tomorrow." She says as she walks forward in the line to the dance. How could she do this? First she sets him up for something dangerous then abandons him? What the fuck. Usually I like her but I think we might have an issue here. I walk in and nothing is really going on. I arrived a bit late and Wednesday is doing some weird ass dance but like go off I guess slay queen. I walk to refreshments and see Ms. Thornhill. "Hey! How's the dance going y/n?" She asks me. "Pretty good- my friend was busy but it's still fun," I say with a smile. Suddenly red starts to sprinkle. I look up. Blood? In a matter of seconds it's pouring. The floors are covered. Everything's covered. "What the fu-" I get inturuppeted when I see wednesday gliding over faster than the speed of light itself. "Eugene. He's in trouble." Wednesday tells me thornhill, interrupting our conversation. My eyes go wide in knowing while ms thornhill is just confused. "Cmon we have to go- now-" I say as the three of us dash out to the woods. "What's going on?" Thornhill asks and wednesday explains. "My visions- Eugene left alone- monster-" she exclaims out of breath. "Eugene??" I yell. "Y/n?" I hear. "WHERE ARE YOU?" I exclaim. No response. I go to where I think I heard the yell. I look all around. Suddenly I see his motionless body laying on the woods hard floor. "GUYS HES HERE" I scream and the others rush over as I grab his cold face. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen, my heart basically has been beating so fast and at this sight it rather just give up, stop beating at all. I can't breath at what I see. "Hey- it's okay- you'll be okay-" I stutter out, my heart dropping lower every second until it's deep in my stomach. He's passed out at least. I quickly check his pulse, it's there but barely. He's definitely unconscious and completely limp, barely any breath. I can't lose him. He's everything I can't live without. I can't let this happen- I won't. His face and arm are both pretty bad, I quickly rip part of my dress and tie up his arm to lessen the lost blood. It's pure red. I feel tears prick my eyes. He has to be okay. He has to be. I refuse for it to end bad. It can't end like this, this story can't just end like this it's not right it's not what was meant to happen,


"Is he awake yet?" I say, rushing into his room. I haven't been allowed all week due to procedures but I'm finally allowed. I'm greeted with no doctors, but two women I've never seen before. "Hello?" I ask. "Oh hello dear, you must be y/n," one of them says standing up and I nod. "Oh Eugene has said so much about you and how amazing you are," she says. "I heard you are who saved his life." She exclaims "No not at all, all I did was say where he was and minimize blood flow. Without Wednesday he'd be dead," I mutter, tears pricking my eyes. "My dear you did save his life. And you made him the happiest he's ever been. I would always get texts about how much fun he had with you, it was the sweetest thing. He just adored you." She says, and tears start to flow. "I know hun, I know," she says hugging me. "We're Eugenes moms, sorry we didn't introduce ourselves sooner. Sue and Janet." She tells me. "Thank you," I say as we release from the hug. "Do we know when he will be awake again?" I ask. "Sadly we don't, we're hoping soon." The other mom, Janet, says from her chair. I nod, "well I have to go, but I promise I'll be back. Take care," I say, leaving as tears pour. I'm so fucking happy he's alive- I just hope he wakes up.

I finally arrive back at my dorm. I was only gone for an hour but it felt like ages of worrying about him. What could I possibly do now? I wanna do everything I can with him, but at this point it's nothing. Whenever I feel this jumbled mess of emotions I draw it out, but opening the book will just make me think of him more. Maybe that's what I need? I have no clue. Music might help. I quickly grab my cold phone and turn on the first playlist- the song being Freight Yard by The Garden. That's the first song we listened to together. It makes no sense lyrically but I felt like it was just our song in some way. If he doesn't wake up, if it all goes wrong, is it still our song if I have no one to share it with? I like to think so. I like to think he thinks it's our song as well. My god I hope so. I hope he's okay.

I knock on the hospital door the next day, letting myself in after no reply. Luckily no one is here, so I can just relax for a bit. I brought a little bee plush I found laying around and my sketching stuff, might a well draw him now that I have seemingly all the time I could ever ask for. Even though now that I have it, I don't really want it. I open the book to the next blank page. No one really knows what happened to Eugene, and he's the first survivor of the monster. I hope he can help us figure this crazy shit out. I didn't sign up for this. I brig my pencil to the paper, first blocking out basic shapes. I'm not sure exactly how creepy this is but I'm hoping less than Xavier painting a girl who he's never really had a good interaction with. Besides, I plan to give this to him. I start to plot out the facial features. He's really adorable. I hear a door open and my head snaps over to look. It's Sue, one of Eugenes moms, the one who I talked to the most yesterday. "Oh hello hun," she says. "Hey, if you want some alone time I can leave-" "no it's fine," she interrupts while sitting in a chair across the room. "What are you working on? Eugene always talked about how amazing you were at drawing, he really did just adore you," she says with a warm smile. My face heats up a bit but I get up and show her the book. "I just started, but here's a finished one." I say while flipping to the finished Hummers inspired page with her son on it. "That's just amazing, I understand why he always talked about your incredible talent now!" She exclaims, flipping through the book. I smile a small thank you before resuming my seat and continuing my drawing. "I have to go find Janet, but I'll talk to you later sweetheart," she tells me. "Ah okay, goodbye, stay safe," I say as she nods a goodbye and the door shuts behind her. I pull out my phone and earbuds turning on the playlist Eugene and I were working on together. We both only added a few songs, I don't really know what he put. I soon find out. The first song that comes on is Can't help falling in love with you, I wonder if he put that on with meaning or if he just liked the song. Either way it doesn't matter, we're just friends. 'Wise men say, only fools rush in,'  This is what friends do. Friends usually want to be as close as possible and spend their whole life together. 'Take my hand, take my whole life too,' well I guess I wouldn't really want this with Ajax or Xavier or any of my friends from home... 'For I can't help falling in love with you,'



I find myself rushing through the hospital halls. I just got a call- Eugene's awake. "EUGENE?" I exclaim, bursting into the room. "Y/n!" I hear that comforting voice reply as I look to see him there. I just want to run up and kiss him- but that's definitely a bad idea. I look around to see his moms standing with us, they just don't need to see that. "Oh my god Eugene..." I whisper, scurrying to his side. "I heard you visited me a lot," he says, a smirk on his face. "Of course I did, you're my friend and I love you," I say. "I heard you drew me too? Can I see?" He asks. "Oh yea sure," I reply pulling out my mini notebook from my pocket. Yes I just carry that shit around- you never know when you'll get inspiration. "Y/n that's amazing," he says. He looks at his moms for a second. "Can I have a minute with just y/n? I need to talk about something important," he requests. What in the world could it be? Is he gonna say it was creepy to draw him? I mean it was but like still. "Ooo I smell romance-" Eugenes mom, Janet, starts before Sue closes the door on her leaving it just the two of us. He lets out a bit of an awkward laugh. "Eugene this might be a weird time but I need to tell you something." I say and he nods. "I think you're just adorable and I can't live without you and I just wanna spend all my time with you all the time. I adore you. I really like you," I exclaim. I know I stutter and speak fast, but I'm hoping he gets the message. He smiles as his face goes just as red as mine. "I really like you too," he says. What now? He grabs my jacket and pulls me close. Seeing as I'm already fairly close and he's sitting up this isn't hard for him. I feel my breathe hitch still. He kisses me and it takes me the fuck off guard. I quickly give in, nothing weird or wanting more, just pure joy. It's short, but it means everything to me."I'm sorry I should have asked first-" "no it's fine, in fact i wanna do it again," I say, grabbing around the collar of his shirt. Right as wednesday walks in. God damnit wednesday why right when I was about to get some dick- (this is a joke). "Eugene, I heard you're awake." She says as I step out of the room. I don't see Eugenes moms, my best guess is their at the gift shop or some sort of shopping for things for him. I do however see principal weems walk into his room after I leave. All of the sudden wednesday runs out, weems following close behind. I dash in to see what's wrong. "Eugene? Why are they running away?" He sighs. "Well right before I passed out by the cave I saw a flash of light. There was a person in all black. Except their boots. Their boots were red." He says. Red.



"Eugene she's gonna do something stupid we need to call the police- like right now." I say urgently. "Y/n she'll kill us." He reply's. "Ill take the blame, she can kill me. I need to help her. We need to save her." I reply, pulling out my phone and dialing Enid. She picks up quickly. "Hey y/n what's up?" "Enid wednesday is going to confront thornhill she's in a bunch of danger-" I start. "Why thornhill?" She interrupts. "Thornhill is the bad guy. She's who was controlling the Hyde." Eugene says. "I saw her." "Hey wait is that Ajax? Why is he in your room?" He interrupts himself. "That's besides the point- what do we do?" "Well we think their going to try to kill everyone at the school, get the, all out." "How in the world do we do that?" "Get the nightshades help- come up with something- just anything-" I say. "Nightshades?" She asks. Ajax sighs. "I'll explain on the way," he tells me as Enid hangs up. I now have no clue what's going on at the school. Twenty minutes ago my most unsure thing was if Eugene is okay, and now he's the only one I'm sure is okay. "We can't do anything- I say we just hope for the best-" I start. "Y/n their our friends. They need us. Hummers stick together." He tells me. I can't disagree with anything this boy says. He hops up quicker than he's supposed to since he is still in recovery and grabs my wrist, dragging me out the door as we dash down the halls.

We finally arrive at the bee barn after spending thirty minutes just running here. The moon light was our only light and the crunching of leaves and twigs under my feet kept startling me. He quickly opens the huge wooden door to reveal the barn just how he left it besides the honey I harvested.  Eugene let's them, meaning the bees, all out, and they zoom away before we head to the actual school. We're in such a rush we don't even close the door on our way out of that old wooden barn. "Cmon! Faster!" Eugene yells as he runs to find the courtyard we used to attend lunch at. I follow as fast as possible, but I'm scared, tired, and about to cry. These empty hallways are scary, almost like an omen of the hell about to come. We arrive rather quickly, only to see Wednesday. Thornhill pointing a gun at her head. Shit. If we don't think this through and play it right someone will die. Maybe if we just- wait. Bees are swarming her head? Now all of her. I hope she's allergic. "That's what you get for messing with Nevermore, bitch." Eugene says as she gets brutally attacked by bees. I grab his arm to keep him from getting any closer to this mess. Wednesday goes over to thornhill. "Look away Eugene and y/n." She says. Eugene listens, I don't. I should have. She snaps her neck with her foot. "Cmon we gotta find the rest of the students," I exclaim to the other two with me and they nod in agreement. We run out of the courtyard, dashing through the woods. "Xavier! Ajax!" I scream, just trying to find someone else I know. There seems to be no one, the woods are empty and silent. I could hear the trees sway it was so quiet. "Y/n?" I hear yelled back after a minute. I start to see people. I sprint. The others do too. Ajax is cradling Enid who looks super badly injured. Xavier runs up to me and hugs me. "Why are you here? I thought you were with Eugene?" He asks pulling back. "I am. Never left his side. He had to save his friend. Our friend." I say as I try to catch my breath. Ajax gives me a hug as Enid gives Wednesday the most loving hug I've ever seen. Everyone is okay. It's all okay. Thank god it's okay.

"Cmon y/n you have the whole semester off, you can't just spend it next to my hospital bed." Eugene laughs. "Of course I can, I can do whatever I please." I reply. Everyone is supposed to go home, but I just want time with him. He was never supposed to leave to fight so he has to stay longer, but the longer he's here the more time we have together. His moms have invited me over for dinner when everything's back to normal. Hopefully that's soon. For now, at least I have everything I want.


It's been a few months since the incident and I still have nightmares about it. I plan on hanging with Eugene for a bit though, so that should help. I stand up and the hardwood floors are cold on my feet, even with socks. I grab my sketch book and pencils before quickly sliding on slippers, deeming my pajamas good enough. It's only about ten pm so most people won't be in bed yet, but i still don't wanna make too much noise. I climb a staircase close to my dorm. I climbed it just a few months ago when I first hung out with Eugene. My favorite part is the porch. I find it incredibly relaxing, so this is where I'll spend probably all of the night. I arrive rather quickly and seat myself on the ledge of the porch. I trust I won't fall. I lay out my pencils. The only light currently offered is from the moon, but it's luring glow is more than enough to make me happy at the moment. I can see everything from my perch, every where. The entire forest. The entire school. Everywhere, except behind me. Except this time I know Eugene will be there. "Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice ask from behind me. "Hey Eugene!" I reply happily. He walks over, sliding up onto the ledge with me. "Hey can I see your drawings again?" He asks, noticing my sketch book. "Oh yea of course!" I say, handing it to him without any thought. I started this book after I arrived at nevermore, but now it's nearly full. "These new ones are so cool! How come I didn't see earlier?" He asks, "I don't know- just kinda slipped my mind I guess" I reply. I barely even remember drawing a few of them, my best art always comes from when I'm half asleep. He looks through for just a minute longer. "You started this the beginning of the school year for you right?" He asks, handing it back to me. "Yea, probably first or second day I arrived here." I reply. "You've made a bunch of progress! That's like eighty pages in just a couple months!" He says and I nod, letting out a small yawn. My sleep hasn't been very good again, I've started having nightmares about the Thornhill situation. Just gives me bad vibes. We still haven't tied up all the ends. "Cmon I'll walk you back to your room, I'm tired too." Eugene says. And I just nod, grabbing my art supplies before hopping down from the ledge with him. We go down the creaky old wooden stairs and my room is just around the corner. I open the door and he follows me in, closing it for me. Were both already in pajamas so we just cuddle on my bed, it helps the nightmares a lot. I'm so grateful to have this boy in my life.


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