Royal Sword Academy

By Snowstar444

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RSA Livia AU More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Livia's Voice
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Seven

36 3 3
By Snowstar444

Livia walked beside Elliot, limping a little as she headed to her dorm room beside him. "Classes are cancelled for the rest of the week, this is terrible"Livia mutters. "And five families already pulled their kids out of school"Elliot says. Livia stopped, hearing a familiar mind. "How DARE they endanger Livia, I knew allowing her to attend this school was a bad idea, but she convinced me and Malleus that she'd be safe thanks to her mind reading!" She hurried away, Elliot hurrying after her startled. Queen Maleficia hissed at Ambrose, looking far more than livid. "I smell LIES all over this story"Maleficia spat. "It's true, Livia stepped into the classroom and the explosion suddenly went off, we're not saying we think she caused it, we found out that it was set to go off once class begun!"Duchess explains quickly.

"You want me to believe that the BELOVED Beastie of the Draconia Family just so happened to enter the classroom right as the bomb went off!"A guard demands furious. "Your majesty this story is fishy, Lady Livia should be pulled out of this school immediately"Another guard hissed. "Livia has to make that choice herself, I don't wish for her to be upset with me"Maleficia says. "We understand your concern, it is well known everywhere that Livia is fiercely protected by the Draconia Family"Ambrose says. "That's right, if anyone harms her they'll be dealing with the royal family"A third guard agreed. "And if you know that, then why did you let her ladyship enter that room!"The guard that suggested pulling her out of school demanded. "He didn't know until it was too late"Duchess interrupts politely. Snorts came from the guards as Maleficia hissed in irritation. "I'm usually good at keeping my cool, but the lies all over this story is annoying"Maleficia snarled.

"So let me get this straight, a bomb CONVENIENTLY went off after LIVIA entered the classroom"Maleficia demands. "That's what we're telling you!" Livia perked up at the third voice, watching as a male with gray hair and cougar ears walked in flicking his tail. "Professor Nightingale!"Duchess greets surprised the blind man found his way here. Livia reached out, locking on Nightingale's mind. "Whoever set the bomb was aiming for all the students, not just one otherwise the bomb would've been in a specific area, one where it could hit it's target and do minimum damage, and not set the whole place aflame." The blind man stopped and turned his head, looking directly at Livia amused. "Hello, Livia, is my mind interesting to you, well I guess it is or you wouldn't be reading it right now. And yes, I know you're a mind reader! Come on out and help defuse the tension please." Maleficia argued with Ambrose and Duchess as Livia came out with Elliot beside her.

"Gran Gran Maleficia!"Livia says hurrying over to her. "Livia"Maleficia says surprised. "It's true what they said, the bomb went off as soon as I entered, but it wasn't set to kill Me"Livia informs. "So it wasn't an assassination attack, thank the stars above!"Maleficia gasped relieved. "Are you okay"Maleficia asks. "If she needs to, she can come home anytime, if she's tired, sick, lonely, scared, stressed, worried-" Livia smiled, patting the queens arm. "I'll be fine Gran Gran Maleficia, I wanna stay and learn new things"Livia assured. Maleficia sucked in a sharp breath and touched Livia's wings. "Oh your beautiful wings!!"Maleficia yells. She whirled around, glaring at Ambrose and Duchess. "Gran Gran Maleficia! It's alright, my wings will be back in three weeks!"Livia says quickly. Practical fire looked as if it was coming from the queens nose as she stared the Headmaster and two professors down.

"Gran Gran Maleficia!!"Livia protests. Queen Maleficia sighed, calming herself. "Livia, are you sure you wanna stay here? We can move you to Night Raven Collage"Queen Maleficia asks worriedly. "Yes, I'm sure"Livia nodded. Elliot walked over, giving Livia a friendly nudge as he grinned at her. "I got your back, Liv! No matter what!" She smiled at him, giving him a friendly nudge back. "You've made friends..."Queen Maleficia smiled relieved. "Yep, meet my best friend, Elliot!"Livia grinned. "Oh that's so cute! She's made a best friend, she hasn't had once since those human boys and Florina!" Livia smiled, Elliot chuckling. "Azul, Kalim, Rozzie, and Rollo?"Livia smiled reminding the queen. "Yes"Queen Maleficia giggled looking guilty. "Now that this is all sorted out, maybe Livia can explain a few things to us"Nightingale interrupts. "Are you alright, Young Vanrouge?"Ambrose asks. "Yep!"Livia nodded beaming.

"Did you see anything when you entered the classroom, something that will narrow down the search?"Nightingale interrupts again. "Uhm, no, all I saw was fire"Livia replies rubbing the back of her neck. Nightingale stared at her, sending a shiver down her spine. "Livia doesn't know anything, she was just as surprised as all the other students that got hit with the fire"Elliot defends gently moving her back. "I see, thanks for the info"Nightingale mutters. Livia sighed in relief and smiled at Elliot gratefully. "Liv! There you are!"Alison smiled walking over, Tiana and Jaseem behind him. Jerbo walked in after them, looking around curiously. "These are my other best friends"Livia grinned. "Oh, your majesty"Tiana greets nodding to Queen Maleficia. "Hello"Queen Maleficia greets. "Livia, you go run along with your friends, there are a few things I wish to speak to the Headmaster about"Queen Maleficia smiled.

Livia nodded, walking off with her friends. Queen Maleficia waved, watching her leave. "Where should we go, to the pond, to our dorm, the cafeteria!"Alison grinned. "I wanna go to the library"Elliot says. "Be surrounded by dusty old books, no thanks, I'll pick up a book unless I absolutely have to"Jerbo snorted. "Hey! Books are fun!"Livia gasped. She crashed into someone, dark blue hair startling her. "Watch it!"The male growled. "I knew I was gonna bump into this annoying girl at some point! It's only the first day and things have already gone wrong! Bet she has something to do with it, the brat better stay out of my way, I'm not in the mood!!" Livia rubbed her temples at the seething anger that surrounded the males mind. "Can you not be so rude, you're not so scary you know"Livia demands getting up. "THAT'S. MY. GIRL! HAHA, TELL HIM LIV!" Jaseem grinned at her, a proud look on his face.

The group walked away from her male, heading to the cafeteria. "Who was that?"Livia asks. "I think his name was Leo, he's a second year like Eric and Neige, heard he's a prodigy among the students, but he's really disrespectful and harsh towards others"Jaseem replies bitterly. Livia nodded, her tiny wings twitching. "Oh, I heard there's an animal room where we can get familiars! Why don't we visit that!"Elliot beamed. "We won't be allowed in until the middle of the school year"Jaseem informs. Elliot sighed but smiled, Tiana grinning at him impressed with how cheerful he was. "I know, lets go to NRC and visit my family!"Livia beamed looking at her friends excitedly. "Your brother came here, so why not! Lets go"Alison smiled. Livia laughed, running off with her friends heading to NRC.

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