Goddess|| Aqua Hoshino x F!re...

By kaeyasUmPremAcy

9.5K 468 265

||WARNING:Slow updates!!|| "Jeez...even after more than three deaths...Fate has decided to let me have anothe... More

-2nd & 3rd life-

-1st life-

1.3K 69 36
By kaeyasUmPremAcy

There are mentions of su!cide and death. And there is death in here. If you don't like this I suggest for you to skip this. (Please don't copy this. But if you think of doing this I recommend you open up to a close friend of family member. If not please know somebody out there loves you and you don't deserve death)

Means a few days later

Means a few hours or minutes later

Means real long time skip
Prob around 1 or 2 months later or smthn

Means a few years later

Means end of chapter

3rd pov:

"Why...why is it always...me?"

"I gave everything...I poured everything to get there and it got taken away from me..."

"What did I do...what did I do to deserve this...?!"
The sounds of screaming and crying echoed the halls house. The e/c eyed girl sobbed as two people were standing before her. Not a single compassion for the young h/c haired girl.

"You're a disgrace! Thinking it's good to steal your sisters scholarship and then slapping her for doing better?!"
"No wonder your mother wanted to abort you! Be thankful I gave you a home and I was able to bring you to school!"
The father said. Disappointment and irritation showing in his face.

"Get out. I don't want to see your face again."
The father said. Not a single guilt in his tone.

"F-father! Please...!"
"I beg of you! I'll do better! But please believe me that I was the one that got the scholarship! I'll make you proud!"
"Just have faith in your daughter..."
The girl said. Clinging unto her fathers hand. Tears staining her face. Her eyes were puffed from the tears.

"I don't remember having two daughters."
That was all the father said as the daughters eyes shown sadness.

"B-but...father...I'm sure you can forgive her....she said she has learned her lesson."
The younger daughter said. An innocent face glued unto her.
Of course she was the favorite. The perfect daughter all parents wants. And y/n, she's just a waste. A waste that was supposed to be thrown after being used.

"Oh, Lili, You're to Kind for your own good. Even too kind to your older sister who has mistreated you. But this time, you can no longer help her."
The father said as he called the guards.

"Take y/n out. Along with all her belongings. But leave alone the trophy's and medals she has in her room."
The father said as the youngest daughter followed her father.

"You're wrong! Father! Please! Lili!"
Y/n screamed out. It was raining outside. For sure they would wait for it to dry, right?

"I am the next heir to the L/n family's business! Take your filthy hands of off me!"
Y/n yelled out. But no one listened.

Soon they kicked her out of the house with her stuff inside her bag. She was already soaking wet.

"Whe...where am I gonna live?"
Y/n thought. For sure she could crash in her friends house for the night. They wouldn't mind, right? No. She has no friends after what her sister had done.
Memories flashed in her mind. The wide wicked smile of her sister before they kicked her out. The way she whispered that everything is going the way she had planned.

"Oh, Y/n, ever since I was born my whole life was meant to dethrone you and become the heir. I'm smarter and I'm loved my our parents. They wouldn't care if anything happens to you."

"I...I wanna die..."
"What is my purpose if this just happens to me? I have lost all hope."
Y/n thought. The first place she thought of going was her fathers work place. The L/n tradings.

"I will confess all the things they had done to me. It doesn't matter if they don't believe in me. I just want them all to know, and make sure that this will scar my whole family...for life."

She stood at the edge of the building. Her phone in hand. It's currently 15%.
In all social medias she had, she went live in all of it. Her mouth opened about to say all the cruel things her family had done. The views became 10000+.

"And yeah...this is the dark side of the L/n tradings. I don't care if you don't believe me."

"So everybody's watching! Come and see the death of the beloved Y/n L/n take her own life!"
"I hope you're watching this, Lili...father!"
Y/n called out. She checked her phone as she smiled widely.

She really is gonna kill herself on live?

Someone please stop her I'm sure someone is watching near the L/n tradings company

The whole truth is out and there is a reason why she wants to kill herself.

Guys it's her choice let her be

Guys even though she made that choice she doesn't deserve it

In fact I think it's her family who should d!e lololol

Never in her life did she feel happy about thinking if she should killing herself. Of course she thought of it multiple times but always hesitated to do it. But, this time she'll do it without hesitation.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys..."
Y/n said in a whisper. The strong rain made it easier for her to slip and fall and she wasn't afraid of that.
Plus, the rain always made her be calm and stay in peace. She just loves the rain. As y/n took a step and was about to fall of the building she heard a scream.

"Y/n, don't do this! We know your sad but this doesn't mean you have to do this!
Your father said. Tears coming from his eyes. "It was almost believable." She thought.

"I'm no longer naive. Too bad I can't do anything now."
Y/n said with a smile. Without a thought, she leaned and fell from the building. All she heard was screaming of her name. Everything went fast and soon a loud thud was heard.
Blood spilled from her head and whole body. Soon the light from her eyes faded and everything went black.


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