The Black Blade Assassin

By sahkee

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She was many things. An ex-assassin. A swordswoman. Childish. Wanted. Many called her crazy. Very few people... More

I'm Lost. Eh? An Orange?
Join my Crew!
The Sea King and the Ballerina, Bon-chan!
The Fire Fist and Black Blade Assassin
Towards Yuba (With Some Complications Along the Way)
Zoro vs. Saki
See you soon, Straw-Hats
The Psycho, Hana Island, and Crazy Assassin Bitches
The Doctor is Pissed
It's Shot Roulette, Bitches
I'll Miss You, Tra-chan
This Dark Aura...
Marshall D. Teach
Kidnapped by her Captain
Foxes are Cute
Mafia. Wait what?
Soooo...We're Sacrificial Pirates?
It's Nice to be Wanted
Murder is the Only Option

Struggle and Pain

239 9 13
By sahkee

Milah on the left, Leo bottom right and Mack top right. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Mack his flowery yukata, but that's the best I could do.


Milah uses daggers, so she's a close-combat and long-distance fighter. Saki smirks. That's fine. Saki uses swords after all. She can slice just about anything. She can't cut sea prism stone, unfortunately, but she doubts any swordsman has yet to accomplish that incredible feat.

Leo was more of a problem. He was hand to hand fighter but he had created impressive techniques that Saki wasn't sure how to counter. Eh, she'll figure it out along the way. Hopefully. Apparently, he also used pistols now, as they were in holsters on his waist. That's ok. So long as Saki is fast enough (which isn't a problem) she can easily slice any bullets incoming in half.

Saki unsheathes Phantom and her Norowareta Ha, quickly knocking one of Milah's daggers away. Saki doesn't bother checking where it went.

She should've.


Saki simply moves her head to the side as the dagger whooshes straight past her ear.

'Thanks, Nyx.'

Milah smirks as a tiny cut starts to bleed on Saki's cheek.

The crowd 'ooh's.

Saki chuckles, humourlessly. "So, that's what you've been up to. Devil Fruit, eh?"

"The Redirect Redirect Fruit," Milah confirms, an arrogant smirk plastered on her face. "I can redirect anything so long as I touch it. I threw the dagger and purposely missed but at my command, I could control where it went."

Usually, Saki was super excited to see new Devil Fruits in action, but this time was different.

"That's a sucky power."

Milah scowls. "You're just jealous."

'Watch Leo. He's acting suspicious.'

'Already on it.'

Saki tilts her head, genuinely confused. "Why would I be jealous? I would drown. I mean, can you even redirect bullets coming at you?"

Milah falters. ""

Saki laughs. "That's so stupid!!"

'Dodge left.'

Saki internally panicked for a second. 'What way is left??!!!'

Don't worry, she figured it out before she was flattened like a pancake.

Nyx sighs. 'Did you seriously just use your pointer fingers and thumbs to remember which way is left?'

'Of course, I did!!! Left are right are confusing!!!'

A small crater was now where she just was, Leo standing in the middle of it, having caused the damage. He smirks. "Why'd you hesitate in dodging?"

Saki huffs and ignores him. Seriously, why do people talk so much and monologue on and on? Most people are just that stupid that they tell Saki their techniques! How dumb are they?

Milah whips out 3 kunai and 3 daggers, throwing them in random directions.

Saki doesn't move, eyes tracking each one with Nyx's and Phantom's help.

'Duck and roll!'

'Jump immediately after!!'

Saki does so, avoiding three daggers and then dodges right, missing one kunai. She knocks the other two kunai harshly to the ground with her swords.

Not once did she show her back to the enemy.

Appearing directly behind Milah, she decides to try out Zoro's technique he taught her and gave permission for her to use. "Onigiri!"

The blonde bitch's eyes widen in shock and she coughs up blood, multiple wounds beginning to bleed as well. "Shit!"

Leo used the opportunity to grab Saki's wrist and throw her down.

Saki braces for impact and soon after the hard landing, twists out of Leo's tight grip, simultaneously flipping him on his back with her legs.

Saki winces, standing up. It felt like she had been tackled onto her back. Again.

Milah cackles and Leo laughs. "I ate the Damage Damage Fruit. Whatever damage you do to me, you take on as well." Leo smirks. "Since I touched you, we are now connected by pain."

"Crap." Saki hisses.

'You have more pain tolerance than that bastard. If you deal enough damage, he might pass out.'

'I'll take that chance. At least I'll know if my attacks hurt.' Saki chuckles dryly.

'Law is gonna be pissed.'

Saki grins at the thought. 'Hehe, good.'

Saki cracks her neck, grip tightening on her swords and widens her fighting stance. "Well, this is gonna be more fun than I thought. Although, I have just one question."

Milah and Leo glance at each other.

"How the hell did you two idiots get your hands on two Devil Fruits?"

Milah grins wickedly. "What, never heard of stealing?"

Saku hums. "And, you let your twin have the much cooler Devil Fruit? Man, that sucks."

Milah scowls and Leo grimaces. "What the hell do you mean by that? My Devil Fruit is cooler than his!"

"Ouch, sorry. Did I hit a nerve?"

Milah responds by sprinting toward Saki and raising her dagger.

Saki sheathes her swords.

'What the hell are you doing?!!'

Saki smirks. 'I won't bother using my swords with Milah. I'll get her down first and then go all out on Leo. Well, nearly all out.'

'Nearly all out on Leo? The one who basically tied your nerves together so you can feel his pain? Are you serious?'


Saki leans to the side, Milah stabbing air and Saki grabs her wrist, pulls her forward and knees her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Turning so her back was to Milah for the first time, Saki, still gripping Milah's wrist, flips her, the blonde landing harshly on her back.

Leo rushes at Saki, about to tackle her, but Saki kicks him in the chest, making him skid back a few metres.

Saki feels the full force, too, but ignores it, turning her attention back on the girl staggering back to her feet. Milah seemed to have never-ending daggers up her sleeve. Literally. How did she not cut herself on those?

Milah touches her nose hesitantly. Blood was streaming from it. It looked slightly crooked, too.

Saki raises her fist, about to knock the lights out of the other girl, but she suddenly feels like she was full-forced punched in the face. But she wasn't. She looks at Leo, grinning a bloody smile. The bastard punched himself. Saki wipes at her mouth and crimson-red blood stains her hand.


She ignores the newfound injury, but from her second of distraction, Milah had gotten up, two daggers in hand, a bloodthirsty look in her eyes.

Saki had missed her chance.

Milah pounced and took Saki to the ground. Saki, not expecting the tackle, hit her head on the ground and black dots cloud her vision for a couple of seconds. She could feel warm, sticky blood in her hair.

Saki's leg quickly goes over Milah's head and pushes her off. She rolls so she was now on Milah, leg to her throat cutting off her air supply. Milah was quickly turning red, blue and then purple until she finally passed out. She immediately stopped choking her and Saki punched her in the face for good measure. She might've broken the girl's nose. Saki didn't regret it one bit.

She stood up, turning her attention to Leo.

The crowd cheers. "Saki! Saki! Saki!"

Some guys in white hurriedly came into the cage and took Milah's unconscious body out on a stretcher.

Saki smirks. "Guessing you beating yourself up while I was choking Milah, didn't work out too well for you?"

Leo grits his teeth. He had punched himself so many times trying to get to Saki. He even got so desperate as to grab one of his twin's knives and cut himself. He even stabbed his thigh! Saki has the exact same injuries as Leo, but she didn't even flinch! How is that? They might've gotten stronger, but Saki was still ahead of them.

Saki unsheathes her swords once again, all the while grinning a bloody smile.

One down one to go.

Leo finally pulls out both his pistols.

"I was wondering when you were going to use those."

"I wouldn't get too cocky. You may have beaten Milah, but you won't beat me."

"Who's getting cocky now?" Saki counters, positioning her swords in front of her in the shape of an 'x'.

Leo twirls his pistols around his fingers, grinning like a sadist. He aims and he pulls the trigger on both.

Saki slices her swords down, cutting the bullets in half. What she wasn't expecting, though, was for them to explode on impact. Saki was blown backwards into the side of the cage, her swords flying out of her hands. Blood dribbles down her temple and out of her mouth. "Ah, dammit."

Leo smirks widely. "Wasn't expecting that, eh? I would've used it earlier, but Milah was in the way."

Saki chuckles darkly. "Is that so?" she braces herself against the wall of the cage and slowly starts to stand. "Can't say I'm a fan."

"Didn't think you would be."

"So, I wonder what happens...if I do this."


Saki mutters something under her breath and disappears. Next, her swords disappear. Leo looks around in a panic. She appears in his line of sight long enough for him to see her grin. And then she was gone again. Blood spurts out of Leo's shoulder and he yelps in pain. Suddenly, his gun was sliced in half and his eyes widen, profanities slipping off his tongue. The pistol exploded, which in turn made his other one explode. He flew backwards and knocked his head on the metal of the cage. He was in so much pain. There was blood everywhere.

Saki stops in front of the blond Devil Fruit user, sheathing her swords. She smirks down at him. She was covered in more blood than Leo. He wasn't sure how she was still alive let alone conscious.

Saki crouches in front of him. "I beat you. Stop pursuing Trafalgar Law."

Leo spits blood next to Saki. "No."

Saki punches him in the jaw as hard as she can. His neck snaps to the side and he's out like a light. Saki sucks in a breath at the pain.

'Pinch him.'


'Since he's knocked out, it might sever the connection.'

Saki pinches him. Nothing. Good.

Saki slowly stands up, flinching at the pain and dizziness.

And the crowd goes wild.


Raise your hand if you made two characters impulsively and had no plans of giving them Devil Fruits, but you did anyway!! 🙋‍♀️ Me!! Raise your hand if you have no idea if you did good in this fight scene!! 🙋‍♀️ Me!!

O​n another note​​​​​​, am I making too many OCs? I know that sometimes it annoys people, so I hope I'm not annoying you guys with all the OCs for this arc.

Holy shit, triple update? Look at me go.

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