The Black Blade Assassin

By sahkee

8.5K 252 67

She was many things. An ex-assassin. A swordswoman. Childish. Wanted. Many called her crazy. Very few people... More

I'm Lost. Eh? An Orange?
Join my Crew!
The Sea King and the Ballerina, Bon-chan!
The Fire Fist and Black Blade Assassin
Towards Yuba (With Some Complications Along the Way)
Zoro vs. Saki
See you soon, Straw-Hats
Struggle and Pain
The Doctor is Pissed
It's Shot Roulette, Bitches
I'll Miss You, Tra-chan
This Dark Aura...
Marshall D. Teach
Kidnapped by her Captain
Foxes are Cute
Mafia. Wait what?
Soooo...We're Sacrificial Pirates?
It's Nice to be Wanted
Murder is the Only Option

The Psycho, Hana Island, and Crazy Assassin Bitches

276 9 1
By sahkee

 "Are we nearly there?" Saki whines. "It's been hours!"

Nyx sighs. 'We go through this every time! Can you see an island? No! So, no, we aren't nearly there!'

Saki huffs and pouts. "But I wanna see Law!!!"

'Yeah, so do I. But we won't magically appear next to the bastard, so-' Nyx suddenly gets cut off by a blue dome engulfing them and their boat.

Saki laughs. "You were saying, Nyx?"

Saki had appeared on the Polar Tang 'magically'.

Nyx scoffs. 'Bastard.'

Saki could hear the underlying happiness in her tone, though.

"Hiya Law!!" Saki grins, standing up and tackling the poor Heart Captain off his feet.

"Oof-" He grunts.

Penguin winces, worried for Saki's life.

Saki gasps, pushing off Law, and accidentally steps on his face. "BEPOOOO!!!!" She squeals and disappears in a mass of fluff. "I missed youuuuu!!!!"

This time every crewmember present (which was probably 7 not including Bepo), grimaced. They always expected their captain to lose his cool when Saki was around. Don't get them wrong, they love Saki, but sometimes they feared for all their lives, hence why the whole crew wasn't gathered at the moment.

Bepo blushes. "I missed you too, Saki-chan."

Law deadpans. Poor guy isn't even surprised Saki hurt him in the first two seconds of seeing each other again. You could say he's used to it.

"Saki-ya. We need to talk."

"Uh-huh." Saki nods absentmindedly, too preoccupied with hugging the fluffy polar bear.

Law sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Saki-ya. Now."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm listening." she waves him off.

"You most definitely are not." Law sighs again. "Just swap out with Nyx-ya if you aren't going to listen."

Nyx bristles. 'Just because I like him more than most people doesn't mean I'm going to swap out with you. I hate doing that. It takes up too much time and energy.'

Saki wholeheartedly agreed with Nyx and said so.

"Then listen. Bepo let go of Saki."

"I'm sorry." Bepo hangs his head in shame.

Saki reluctantly let go of Bepo, but not without kissing his cheek which immediately drew him out of his depressed state. "Fine..."

Penguin and the other men sulk. "How come he gets a kiss and we don't....?"

"Shachi is in the infirmary."

Saki's eyes widen. "What?"

Law finally had her attention. "He was fatally injured by a couple of assassins. You know them?" he got straight to the point.

Saki starts to pace. "Two of them? Obviously partners, then."

Law nods. "That's what I thought."

"I usually did jobs by myself. Only a handful of times I've had a partner..." Saki rubs her temples. "I have contacts, though. I can get in touch and identify them pretty quick."

Law hums. He wasn't used to Saki being serious. He could count on one hand how many times he's seen her like this. "Do that. The sooner we identify them, the sooner we can figure out their weapons and fighting styles. I'd have asked Shachi by now but he's still unconscious."

"Take me to Hana Island." Saki orders.

"Aye aye-"

Law raises an eyebrow. "First off. I'm Captain and I give orders. And second. Can't you just call them off your den den mushi?"

Saki blinks in disbelief. "I can't call them. Are you an idiot?"

The crew silently gasps.

Law bristles.

"That's not how this works. Den den mushi's can be tapped into and people can listen to our conversation. I have to go to an island. I can get in touch there."

Law rolls his eyes. "Fine. Bepo-ya set a course for Hana Island. Again."

"Aye Aye, Cap'n!"


"I'm going alone," Saki states.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Law says sarcastically. "Like hell you are."

The crew had dispersed at the captain's order to go do jobs.

Saki stands her ground. "Yes, I am. They went after Shachi last time. It's possible they were trying to get to you. It's better if you and the crew stay on the ship. Also, my contacts won't show up if you're there. They won't even let me in if you're there," she reasons.

Law's eyebrow twitches. He hates that Saki has a point. "You have 2 hours." After a pause, he adds, "Don't get distracted or lost."

Saki glares at him. "Why the hell would I get lost??! And I don't get distracted!"

"Yeah...sure." Law answers absentmindedly.

'That sassy little shit!'

​​​​​​ Saki raises her fist and it connects with the doctor's head.

'Oh, crap.'

'This is gonna be fun.'

"OW!! Shit!!!" Law curses vehemently. A huge bump forms on his bruised noggin. "What the hell??!!"

Saki pokes out her tongue. "You deserved that."

Law sneers, still rubbing his sore. "Whatever."

"Is my boat connected to the sub? I kinda need my stuff."

"Yeah? Like what?" Law's tone is...still sassy.

"Oh, I don't know...maybe my cool-ass assassin get up?" Saki snarks.

"It gives you an ass?" Law smirks.

An irk mark appears on Saki's forehead. "I don't give a fuck about that shit! Do you want me to die because I'm easily seen in white?!"

Law's smirk widens. "And if I do?"

"You little shit!"

Phantom sighs. 'Saki never swears unless she's with this psycho.'

'Yeah...I usually do all the swearing for her.'

Saki huffs and crosses her arms. "You're an asshole."


"That wasn't a compliment, Trafucker."

Law grins wickedly. "I know."



​​​​ Eventually, the Polar Tang had docked, Saki changed into her 'cool-ass assassin get up' (consisting of a black zip-up jacket with a built-in mask and black pants) and waved goodbye to the Heart Pirates. "See ya soon-ish!" Saki grins.

"Bye, Saki-chan!!"

"Don't die." Law waves back lazily.

Saki's grin widens. "Oh, so you do want me to live!"

Law quickly denies it. "No, I don't! Knock yourself out!"

Saki laughs. "Bye, Tra-chan, Bepo, Penguin, everyone!"

The crew submerged, so now Saki was on her own. Sort of.

'Go find a bar.'

'I know what to do.'

'Does she?'

'Shut up. I did this for years. I know what to do.' Saki repeats.

​​​​​​ Saki surprisingly found the bar fairly quickly. (She did get distracted by a butterfly, got a painting done of her, acquainted herself with the local animals, and played with some kids, but she didn't get lost!) She pulled her hood and mask up, leaving only her blue eyes to be the only facial feature to be seen. Resting her hand on Phantom, a silent threat to anyone that decided to mess with her, she walked in.

She strides right up to the counter, eyes searching for a symbol etched into the plain wood. She found it and she grins.

Saki waves the bartender over, a slightly bloated, older woman, and quickly taps on the counter .. / -. . . -.. / .- / .--- --- -... (I need a job) The bartender silently nods and leads her to a door marked 'STAFF ONLY'. Saki smiles her thanks but doubts the woman could see it through her mask.

She pushes the door open and another door awaits her. The tapping starts again.

.-- .... .- - / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .- -. - ..--.. / .-- .... --- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- ..--.. (What do you want? Who are you?)

Saki raises her fist and taps back. -.-- .- -- .- -- --- - --- / -.. .-.-.- / ... .- -.- .. .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / .... . .-. . / ..-. --- .-. / .- / .--- --- -... / .- -. -.. / - --- / ... . . / - .... . / -... .-. --- -.- . .-. (Yamamoto D. Saki. I'm here for a job and to see the Broker)

She waits for a reply and hears hushed murmurs on the other side.

.- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-.. --- -. . ..--.. (Are you alone?)

-.-- . ... (Yes)

The door creaks open cautiously and a shadowy figure waves her in.

'I always hated how wary they are. The process takes so long.'

'Maybe you're just impatient.'

'Looks who's talking.'

The door rasps behind her, as it closes.

She silently walks up to the significantly smaller bar and sits on one of the worn leather chairs. "Where's the Broker?" she addresses the underground bartender.

"Broker's not here. You'll have to send a coded letter."

Saki's grip on Phantom tightens. "Well, tell the Broker I need to speak in person!"

The dude shrugs. "Sorry, no can do. No one's been able to get a hold of him for weeks."

"You've got to be kidding me." Saki seethes.

"Nope. He's gone dark. Off the grid."

"Where's Mack?" Saki tries another path.

"Hmm..." the bearded (and looking much too old for this line of work) bartender strokes his chin, thoughtfully. "Mack...ah! You must be Yamamoto D. Saki, yes? His partner?"

Saki scowls. "Twice. I partnered up with him twice. I just need to know where Mack is and how I can contact him."

The old man points behind him. "Mack is in the kitchen most likely setting it on fire."

Now that Saki paid attention, she could smell an unhealthy amount of smoke. "Old geezer, you knew where he was this entire time!"

The said man nodded. "He didn't want ya knowing...or something."

Saki jumps over the counter and sides purposefully toward the hazardous kitchen. "Yo. Mack." She greets her old partner in crime. He wore a flowery yukata which brought out his yellow eyes and black hair nicely.

Mack flinches and throws a fire extinguisher at her. Saki merely unsheathes Phantom and cuts it in half, foam going everywhere, effectively putting out the minor fire. "Who the hell are you??!!"

"Eh?" Saku blinks, confused.

'Your hood.' Phantom supplies helpfully.

"Oh!" Saki pulls back her hood and pulls her mask down.

"Oh, hey Saki! Sorry, you scared me!" Mack chuckles.

"I need your help." Saki gets straight to the point.

"Um, hello to you too."

"What assassin duo is on this island right now with a job to kill Trafalgar Law?" Saki ignores Mack's jab.

"That'd be Milah and Leo."

Saki's face wrinkles up in disgust. "Those two?"

Maxk sighs. "Yeah...anyway what's the rush? Why is it so important?"

"Trafalgar Law is my friend."

"Him?" Mack's eyes widen in disbelief. "You are friends with the Surgeon of Death? The psychopath?"


"Geez, you need help, you poor thing." Mack shakes his head regretfully.

"Where are Milah and Leo now?"

"Fighting down at the cage."

"Thanks, Broker."

Mack freezes.

Saki chuckles.

"I—eh—what—how do you-" Mack stutters.

"See ya, Mack."

'Always knew that guy was more cut out for info dealing than assassination. And seriously. How could we not know? It's pretty obvious.'

'Obvious to us, maybe.'

Saki bursts out of the kitchen (not before putting her hood and mask back in place) and heads towards the random wardrobe placed in the room opposite the bar. Every set-up was the same on whatever island Saki would go to. She opens it, climbs in, and closes it behind her. Finding the lever near her head, she braces herself and pulls. Mechanisms turned and creaked. Saki quickly sits down.

'This one is a lot slower.'

Aaaaand she was free falling.

Saki somehow lands safely on the concrete ground below. She swears they want people to die trying to get here. She doesn't even know how they created all this. They'd have to be crazy creative and sadistic.

Before her stood a huge crowd of people, being so damn loud Saki wondered how she didn't hear them in the secret bar or the actual bar. In the midst of all these toughened, scar-wounded assassins, soldiers, and pirates, stood a metal cage. Two people were fighting each other, on the brink of death, blood spattered everywhere. Saki could even see a few teeth on the bloodied ground. But that's how it was here. Two people pit against each other in a cage with whatever weapons they wanted to use and fight till the other was dead or unconscious, while the spectators bet on whoever they thought would win. No rules other than that.

But Saki had no reason to focus on that. She had to find Milah and Leo. Immediately. And Saki had an idea as to where they were.

She pushed through the crowd and after they saw her signature assassin get up and swords, they backed off. They knew who she was. A person not to be messed with.

She made it to the fighter's application booth. Ignoring the man's terrified expression, she asks, "Are Milah and Leo fighting?"


"Where are they?"


"Hey, Sa Sa!!"

Saki internally shudders that the awful nickname. "Milah." Saki keeps her cool externally and turns to face the pretty blonde with devious blue eyes.

"What brings you here, huh?" Milah, the bitch, smiles innocently. Make-up was caked on her face so thick, Saki wasn't sure where it started and ended.

She could see Leo coming from a mile away. He was that damn tall. Even taller than Tra-chan. Another thing that stood out, was his hair. It was a bright blond hair along with his very blue eyes. Leo drapes his arm around Saki like they were old friends. "Sup, piccoletto."

The twins both wore black jackets, black trousers and black boots.

Saki scowls and not-so-gently pushes his arm off. "I need you two to stop pursuing Trafalgar Law."

"Eh?" Milah looks to Leo and raises a disbelieving brow. "You want us to give up a payday?"

The two hold eye contact for a few seconds and simultaneously burst out laughing.

"Hear that Leo? Saki-chan here wants us to give up our easy money." Milah wipes fake tears away.

Leo catches his breath. "That's hilarious."

They look at Saki's face, not smiling one bit. "Oh! Oh! You're serious!"

Saki crosses her arms. "Of course I'm serious."

Milah's face hardens. "Yeah, well, if you think we're gonna give up that bounty, you're sorely mistaken."

"Yeah, well, if you think I'm gonna stop bugging you, you're sorely mistaken." Saki mimics the other girl's tone.

Leo and Milah scowl.

"Here's an idea." Leo starts. "Beat us both in the cage and we'll stop pursuing the Surgeon of Death."

Milah smirks. "Both of us at the same time. A 2 v 1."

Saki mulls this offer over.

'You won't get another offer. It's worth a try. These two are rip-offs anyway.'

'Are you sure? They fatally wounded Shachi. They've improved.'

'So have we.'

"Ok. I accept." Saki holds her hand in front of her and Milah shakes it, trading a malicious smirk with Leo.

"You made the right decision, Sa Sa." Milah giggles.

Leo agrees, nodding his head rapidly, a wicked glint in his eyes. "We're gonna have so much fun."

"It definitely feels like it," Saki says dryly.


Saki had signed up for the 2 v 1 and the man in the booth looked at her sympathetically. Before he was looking at her in fear and now this? What have those two been up to since she saw them last?

She walks to the back of the audience, seeing as her match wasn't up for another few rounds and she had to call Law to tell him she might be a lot longer than the 2 hours promised.

"Saki-ya. Where the hell are you? It's been 2 hours."

Saki laughs awkwardly. "Umm...saving your ass?"

"What did you do?" Law asks, exasperated.

"So...the assassin duo are assholes that I know from my years as an assassin myself and let's just say I cut a deal."


"Well, that's encouraging."

"I'll get the infirmary ready."

"Have some faith in my awesome skills."

"Last time I had faith in your 'awesome skills', Shachi, Penguin, you and I nearly died. Bepo didn't because you refused for him to tag along and possibly get injured."

"Yeah....well.....I'm not gonna die. I don't think...Anyway, see ya later, bye!"


Saki hung up and the announcer speaks up.

{And now for a 2 v 1!! Milah and Leo vs Yamamoto D. Saki!!! It doesn't seem like an even match, folks! Let's see how Yamamoto fairs against the unstoppable twins!​​​​​​}

"Guess I'm up." Saki grips Phantom, ready to fight.

'I wish I could beat those asses up.' Nyx sighs in disappointment.

'I'll tell you how it feels.' Phantom offers.

'You love to rub it in, don't ya?'

'Yeah, I really do.'

Saki walks with purpose and confidence up to the cage. She had wanted to beat these bitches for a long time now.

{The bets are in! Look to the board to see the results!}

Leo and Milah -600

Yamamoto -200

​​​​​​ Draw +1000

{Not looking good for Yamamoto!}

The crowd 'boo's.

{Competitors enter the cage!} The announcer calls.

Saki, Milah, and Leo do so.

{Begin in 3..."}

Saki readies her stance, hands itching to draw Phantom and her Norowareta Ha.

This was revenge.

For Shachi.

For Law.

For herself.


Milah reaches into her leather jacket, grinning sadistically.


Leo smirks.



​​​​​​ A/N: Ok, let's just say while writing this, I had no idea where'd it would go. I started and... I just kept typing and somehow turned into this. I even came up with Milah's name on the spot! Like, what?? I always take my sweet time picking and choosing a name. The name has to be good, have a meaning that refers to the character's personality, and be easily remembered. Usually. For Leo, I was just like 'screw it' and searched up unique male names and it was there and I thought 'eh, that's a good name' and went with it. Oh, geez, sorry, I didn't realise how long this a/n was. For those of you who actually read this, here's the fun fact!​

Mack, Milah, and Leo didn't exist when I started writing this chapter. (Sorry not sorry).

Also, if you have any requests for some background on Saki's assassin jobs and whatnot, comment and I'll write one with or without Mack, Milah and Leo, depending on what you guys want. I haven't planned for a chapter on that but if enough people want it, I'll write it.​​​​​​​​

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