Camp Cretaceous (Brook X Read...

By Phirgelt1

8K 273 36

An island with wild reptiles from the dead, dinosaurs. Stuck at this failed amusement park are 6 kids survivi... More

Chapter 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 8

Episode 7

417 23 3
By Phirgelt1

Y/n P.O.V

All of us were still at the second lagoon. Where we had just escaped from being mosasaurus food. The alarm is still going. While the alarm was still going we were all running to group together. A loud voice came from the alarm. "Attention. All park-goers must report to the south Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in two hours." The loud voice had stopped along with the alarm.

Now almost all of us are back together. Some are still trying to get to us. "That's it? No explanations? That's all we get? Brooklynn complained. We have to move. The only way we're gonna make it is if we run." Dauris told us. "Umm" Sammy said as she had looked back at Yas who was limping from hurting her ankle.

"Are we sure that's the best way to get there?" Sammy continued to worry for someone she cares for. With a worried expression. "Im fine" Yas said as she already knew that Sammy was talking about her. She had a bit of an angry expression probably because she still isn't on good terms with Sammy after the phone incident. "I've competed with a torn ACL." Now pointing behind her she said "You should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy."

Ben had finally reached us, panting hand on his sides. "What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and, naturally, we have a problem." Ben had gone ahead and pulled out a map of the park now pointing to where we were located. "We're here. The docks are on the southern tip of the island." Ben said as he had moved his hand to where the south docks are.

"Even if we ran at peak Yas, there's no way we'd make the last boat out." Ben is now looking up at the rest of us. "You don't know that." Sammy said. Ben scoffed "Yes I do. I memorized the evacuation plan on the ferry ride over." All the rest of us groaned, looking away annoyed and upset.

"Um Can we use those somehow?" Darius then pointed to the Kayaks floating on the water. "Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait?" Darius was now just shouting ideas that don't make sense. "Or make a few jetpacks real quick? Oh! We should befriend a unicorn!" Brook said annoyed and feeling despair. "Face it. It's hopeless."

Then there was an automated voice. It was different from the one with the alarm. The one with the alarm was a male voice this on the contrary is a females voice. "We will be arriving at Main Street– your destination for fine dining" "Is that?" Brook said, memorizing the sound. "And shopping at Jurassic World." Now we were all running to the noise most of us recognized.

"Followed by stops at the Jurassic World Lagoon and the South Ferry Dock." Now we were all at the railing looking at what we knew as the monorail. Kenji now with his hands up with a smile on his face said "Monorail, what-what!" along with all the other happy campers. "Hurry," Darius yelled at us , running to the stairs for the monorail.

I saw Kenji Brook and Sammy yelling happily as they ran for the monorail stairs. But it was short lived as they turned around and sat down against the wall of the stadium. Now me and Darius are catching up to them. Then motion aed us to lower to the ground. Now shushing us.

Darius had looked over the side to see what they were scared about. Then immediately turning back with his eyes wide and mouth agape and gasping at whatever he saw. Soon collecting himself and slowly turned back over to look. He then turned back around and quietly said "move."

I was about to follow Darius as a hand grabbed my wrist looking back I saw Brook scared that Toro I now knew would see us. She was shaking her head no. Telling me not to go or leave her. Darius had motioned to the others to come. Some started to go but rushed back as Toro started to turn back around. We could hear his footsteps growing louder with every step.

We had seen him walking away as if we saw Darius throw a rock to make a noise so Toro was distracted. Now all of us were sticking our heads out to see if the coast was clear. Darius again motioned us to come. Kenji started running then the rest of us followed. Now we were crawling up the stairs like you probably did when you were a kid just faster. You know because our lives are in danger.

I noticed Brook had stopped moving because bumpy had passed her. Then we all stopped moving when bumpy hit a cup and it started to fall. Brook had gone ahead and tried grabbing it before it made a sound. Twisting and turning then catching it in her arms. We were all watching. When that was over we started to crawl again.

The monorail had pulled around and Kenji almost made a noise but beforehand Brooklyn had put her hand around his mouth now that we were at the top. The people at the top were Kenji and Brooklynn. But of course Jurassic world hates us and the monorail came on saying "Next stop, Ferry Landing!" Toro had turned her head and roared loudly seeing us.

"Run!" Darius shouted, Now we were all on our feet running. I had officially made it to the top with Kenji and Brookylnn. Who were now in the monorail. I had run in with Sammy and Darius now joining at the top. Sammy had stumbled forward while running in. Darius had turned around hearing Ben screams.

He had run back to the side watching Ben and Yaz slowly coming towards the top with Toro behind them. Toro slipped on the stairs as they continued forward. Yaz slowly started to fall back due to her injury.

Darius had watched as Yaz slipped on the steps turning back to face Toro. She slowly started to back away from Toro as she kept trying to grab her. Darius had started to run back down to help Yaz move up. "Please stand clear of the closing doors" The monorail voice stated. With me, Kenji, Brook, and Sammy inside. When the doors started to close Kenji had run in between the doors. His arms were crossed trying to keep the doors open for the others to reach the top.

I had stopped paying attention to what was going on. Sammy had gone to the other side of the door trying to pull it open. On the other door was me and Brook trying to hold that side open. The monorail was yelling at us more.

From when we saw the others the doors finally opened fully again. The people in the middle had come crashing down into a pile. Brook and Sammy had their backs to the door until everyone was inside. Toro had fallen down through the hole made by her weight.

Now we were on the monorail heading to the south docks. "No way. Something bad always happens when we think we're safe. Watch. The doors are gonna open." Kenji had said Sammy started to walk away while Brook continued to look at Kenji. "Then, the trains gonna stop because that's how this works." He finished. "I'm pretty sure we're safe now." Brook said, walking away. "Well, we were until you said that."

We were all looking out different windows of the monorail. "Guys, we did it. We're going home." Darius announced turning around. A smile located on his face. His brown eyes wide. Now everyone else was looking at each other.

A soft smile was on everyone's face now. Sammy was the first to go on a chair excitement. "Whoo-hoo!" Some of the other kids looked at her like she was crazy and she did scare Ben. Darius was the next one to join her "Yeah! Whoo!" Now everyone else but Kenji was happy and excited.

"This calls for celebration." Brook said "I might be able to help with that." Ben said, unzipping his fanny pack that was now covered in dirt. "Stashed a few treats for the road." Ben now had three food bars in his left hand and four in his other then spread them out showing how many there were. Everyone had a smile on their faces after the shocked expressions. Now Ben only had one bar left in his hand.

After one bite of his bars everyone but Ben had a disgusted look on their faces. Some spit it out, others holding their hand over their faces. Then Kenji wiped his tongue off with his hand.

"Ben, someone stole your candy bars and put dirt in em" Sammy said. "They Are carob bars. They pair perfectly with–" Ben replied explaining. "Carob juice." Darius said after reading the label on the juice cantanior Ben had given all of us. "Carob is nature's chocolate. Just as delicious, with none of the sugar or caffeine." Ben informed us.

Brook dropped the Carob bar and looked at Ben wide eyed and said "What's wrong with sugar or caffeine?" Now she was leaning on the chair looking at the rest of us continuing. "First thing I'm gonna do when I get home is hug my espresso machine." By now she was hugging the chair as if it was her machine. "I may never let go." She finished.

"You know" Kenji started then cleared his throat, "I've often described myself as a tall, hot drink." Kenji ended up hanging on to the rail in the center. All but him scoffed. There were complaints obviously "Come on, man." "Gross." Brook pointed at him and said "You could never be coffee." Kenji looked away and mumbled "I could be coffee." I said to him "Give up now or you're going to make more of a fool of yourself later." All he did was glare until Yas spoke up.

"I cannot wait to be home. Once my ankles better it's back to training. And I guess finding a new corporate sponsor, since mine was Jurassic World. But you know '' Yas said. "Yeah I know, I know it shouldn't be another theme park." I commented. Yas smiled at me and said "I already made a mental note."

"It's gonna be weird for things to be normal again. Like, are video games gonna seem boring now?" Darius said then started to chuckle. "How about you? What's the first thing you'll do when you get home?" Darius asked Kenji. Looking at him as Kenji dropped back down from holding himself up with railing. "Depends on which wing of our mansion you're talkin about. East wing is usually off limits, but Dad and Candy are away on business, so I guess i'll go downstairs to our bowling alley." He laughed a little and continued "Staff always lets me win. Life of a VIP. "

'That's sad' I thought. Sammy then asked Ben what he would do to get off the topic. "So, what have you missed, Ben?" "Oh. Let me guess, you can't wait to get home to your closet of dork pouches." Kenji said pointing at Ben. Brook and Sammy laughed at Kenji and Ben. "Ha, ha. Very Funny." Ben said with a grumpy face.

"Seriously, Ben, you've had juice boxes for days!" Darius exclaimed. His hand gestured to Ben. "How much stuff can you fit in that thing?" Sammy asked her hands on the back of his seat looking over. "One, lots, and two, obviously the first thing I'm gonna do when I get back is restock it." Ben finished. Now laughing about his infinite fanny pack. All of us started to laugh along with him.

Now Kenji was out of his seat and picked up one of the flash lights. "Check it out." He said now pointing the light up in his face like you would do while telling a horror story. Then he bent his knees so he was crouching on the floor. Kenji had gone ahead and pointed the flashlight at all of us. Now to block the light we all put our arms up and squinted like you would if the sun was too bright and you wanted to look up.

"I found the first thing at Jurassic World that works!" Kenji then dropped said object. "Still works." "I still can't believe how much went wrong. Like that time we almost got eaten" Brook said. "Which time? How was there more than one time?" Yas questioned.

Darius then stood up and held up his carob juice "Lets all raise our carob juice." Everyone else picked up their carob juice. "A toast. To not getting eaten!" Everyone else quoted Darius and Kenji was a little late. Then we drank. Now we had a sour look on our faces excluding Ben.

"To no more running away!" Brook said standing up. Now everyone quoted her. The difference this time was we were all smart enough to not drink the juice again. "To the return of a low-level gnawing dread rather than an all-encompassing impending doom!" Ben said. All the rest of us didn't understand all of it but we went with it. No one really quoted him but they made up a similar thing.

"I got one." Sammy started but there was a loud explosion that was heard shaking us all up. It was to the point we had to sit down in our seats to not fall on the floor. Now we are all looking out the windows to spot whatever that noise came from. In the end none of us could see anything. Leaving us in a panic. "I don't think it was near us. We're okay. We're still okay." Darius told us having us calm down a little but we were still a little frightened or at least that's how I feel.

"I know camp wasn't what we thought it was gonna be. But after everything we went through, at least we're leavin this place with five new friends! To the six of us being best friends for life! Clink!" Sammy said trying to lighten spirits worked in the beginning but then fell back down hill. Most people looked away from Sammys gaze trying anything else to avoid the conversation. "Wait, do you guys not see us as friends?"

I'm pretty sure Sammy was a little hurt as she considered us friends but none of us did back. "I mean.." Brook sighed., "Doesn't it usually take more than a few days to become friends with someone?" "We were thrown together at random. We have nothing in common." Yas said "That's not true!" Sammy defended. "We've been through more together than most friends have in a lifetime." "And now that it's over, whats are the odds that we'll ever see each other again?" Ben said. He had a good point. The only one that we could see would be Brooklynn but she would never notice us again. Now it was quiet and no one was talking and heads were down.

"Coming up on the right, youll see our world-renowned 18-hole, dinosaur-themed golf course. Its one of the many wonders that makes this park so very Jurassic." The automated voice said. "What does that even mean?" Brook asked herself now that the tension in the monorail calmed a little.

"I thought I knew", Darius started "My whole life, I had this idea of Jurassic World. My dad used to say this place was All-osaurus and a bag of chips He was so corny." "um, was? So, your dad is" Ben questioned. Everyone was silent realizing what that meant. "Im sorry Darius. Ugh! Sorry. Nice one, Sammy, ya ding-dong! Like sorry could begin to-" Sammy said, blaming herself for not liking what she said.

"Its okay." Darius said, cutting her off. "Hey, at least your dad never saw what a dumpster fire this place turned out to be, huh?" Kenji said, trying to cheer up Darius about his father but the only thing he got was a push on the back from Yasmina. "Ow! What?" Kenji said, "I meant it's cool that Darius and his dad were so close. I could count on one hand the number of times me and my dad have done anything." Sammy had now looked at Kenji with a saddened gaze. "Kenji, that's just real sad." "Yeah." Kenji said acknowledging it "Did I mention I have a bowling alley?"

"Dang it!" Ben yelled, "Come on, it's gotta be here somewhere. Oh!" Ben had started to search his fanny pouch and ended up dumping its contents on the seat next to him. "Bumpy stepped in something icky and Im low on sanitizer." Now he was pouring more sanitizer on his hand.

"Ben, why are you here?" Kenji suddenly asked. Darius had now walked over and tried to correct Kenji. "What he means is– Eh, well, you're scared of dinosaurs, and the outdoors, and sometimes the indoors, and germs." Darius said, starting to make a list of things he was scared of. "Whipped cream for some reason?" Sammy said, adding to the list being made. "The way it moves." Ben said looking straight up then his face scrunching up.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. What's the deal?" Kenji said. By now I was beside him and gave him a slight shove with a dirty look on the side. "My mom works for Mr. Masrani. She got me into camp. Said it would be a great way for me to face my fears." Ben, now had motioned quotation marks with his hands "It's been a nightmare!" Ben said, his voice raising high in frustration. His hands by his face curled into fists. "I'm sick of being scared all the time. And of running, and of almost getting eaten, and and of holding everyone back. I just can't do this." Ben was out of all of the frustration and just left with hopelessness.

We all looked at Ben, our thoughts all similar but different. Bumpy was now in between Ben's legs making noise trying to be a comfort to him. "But it's not all bad. If I hadn't come, I– I never would have met–" Ben was suddenly cut off by the sound of crashing. Now we were running to the back car looking to see what the sound was.

Darius had started to go closer to the glass all the way in the back. Then all of us started to slowly follow him to the glass. He then turned around quickly and screamed "Guys, we gotta turn off the lights!" He then ran over to Kenji stealing the flashlight from him.

his hand and got on the seat then proceeded to hit the lights above.

After that there were sparks flying from him destroying the lights. Now Darius had climbed to the other chair to knock out that light. After he had knocked out that light we could all see the dinosaurs that were flying behind us. We all had a horrified look on our faces. The dinosaurs sounded like they were screeching. All of us stood frozen at the sight behind us until Darius started to talk "Flying reptiles are basically seabirds. They're attracted to shiny, Moving objects, and with all these lights on–" Darius said then Sammy cut him off Yelling "Were a shiny, moving object!"

One of the flying dinosaurs had gone ahead and tried to grab onto the monorail and it had cracked the glass. The rest of us screamed after it screeched. The rest of us ran to grab a flashlight. Slowly all the flashlights were taken and Ben didn't get on while the rest did. "What should I do?" Ben turned and asked us.

"Just keep out of the way!" Brook yelled to him while handing Yasmina a flashlight. Now the rest of us had started to smash the lights off. We could all feel the smashing of the dinosaurs trying to pick up the monorail from the top. The electricity started to make a weird noise that sounded like buzzing from the banging of the lights.

Darius had turned around to give orders to us "Brooklynn, you're with Yaz. Sammy, help Ben and Bumpy across!" Some of us had almost fallen while running across. Now we were in the front car trying to turn off its lights. Ben had fallen to the floor while Sammy was helping Bumpy cross to the final car. Sammy then pointed out the window showing a car that had been damaged by the dinosaurs already.

"At least now we know what that boom was earlier." Sammy said "I told you–" Kenji started "Don't" Brooklyn cut him off. "If we don't switch tracks or stop this car right now, we're gonna hit that thing, full speed!" Darius yelled as we finished turning out the final lights.

"The front car, there's control panels there!" Kenji shouted while pointing straight ahead to the door. "VIP Tour, I was eight, they let me drive." Now Darius was at the front door trying to open it. "No, no, no!" Darius said while trying to open the door that was stuck tight. Most of the others including me ran over to help try to pry the door open.

Next thing I know Darius turned around and yelled back to the rest of us "Im gonna get to the control car through there." The rest of us started to question his mind of sanity. "We don't have a choice! Me and–" Darius stopped not finishing "I'm the only one who can fit." Now the car was hit from the side causing the people standing up to fall to the ground.

"Distract the flock while I crawl over the top to the control car. Use the flashlights, keep them away from–" Darius stopped at a sudden squeak of something opening. When we turned around we saw Ben climbing out of the hatch. "Ben!" Darius shouted.

Now the others and I waited for Darius to bring Ben back inside. Dariuses body is only half way out. None of us could hear what was being said over the sounds of the dinosaurs. Darius was now inside again sadly without Ben. Turning on a flashlight and talking to us "Come on! We have to keep them away from Ben!" then taking off all the way to the back.

All of us now took off with flashlights on, waving them around to attract attention. By the looks on are faces you could tell we were horrified. We could tell we were getting their attention by the fact they were swarming around the car. Some of us were switching side to side or waving them around aimlessly into the black sky that was overcome with dinosaurs. Some of the dinosaurs had started to attack the car. Attempting to grab on. One had gotten behind Kenji and I looked back in terror to see if he was alright.

All of us held on for dear life as the tracks had been switched. With us making a slight impact with the other monorail car. Me and the others watched as the other monorail fell off the track and exploded making a fire. The bright lights had attracted the dinosaurs and they flew off to the fire. We were all smiling now as emotions no longer were of terror but of happiness.

We had all ran to the front to see Ben after he caused us not to crash. We had watched him open the door to look at us. All of us were chanting "Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben!" in sink. Are fists going in an up and down motion. Ben had gone down on his knees to see Bumpy as she walked up to him. Then she started to love on him like a dog, her tail wagging except it was going up and down instead of going side to side.

We all walked up to him. Darius was the first to speak. "You saved us, Ben. I didn't know you had it in you." Ben started to walk forward.

In a few mere seconds the lights were out and the sound of glass shattering was loud. Ben's face went from a soft smile to panic within a second. It was all too quick for me. Before I knew it Ben was in the claws of a dinosaur hanging on to Darius to not be taken off.

The dinosaur had let go and now Ben was dangling from the edge; the only thing that kept him from falling was Darius' hand.

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