The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

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Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm

794 21 7
By Zach42799


4:31 PM

319 Days To the Fall

Y/n Pov

Walker had gone to ground, which is what I was able to guess even without paying for that information, and what I have been able to dig up was that he was involved in a hell of a lot more than his rap sheet says. Neo had contacted me about him, saying that Walker was currently working with Cinder to gather Dust. That's good, my targets are lining up. Hopefully they can both be there when I start shooting. 

My scroll started to ring. I connected my earpiece and looked at the caller ID. Surprised to see Torchwick, I answered. Normally its Junior calling or Neo messaging, but for Torchwick to call, it had to be something important. 

Y/n: What you got?

Torchwick: Oh nothing... Just thought I'd call to grace you with my voice~

Y/n: Really? Well thanks for that but some of us have work to do. I'm hanging up now.

Torchwick: Wait! Wait! I was only joking. You need to loosen up a little, Red.

Y/n: Heard that before... Seriously though, you got something?

Torchwick: Check your PC. I got something that you're going to need. 

I did as he said and looked. Torchwick had forwarded me plans for a major Dust heist going down at the SDC cargo docks. It was only four miles away from where I was currently. Walker and the White Fang would be there. Cinder unfortunately, would not be. Oh well, I can at least take these guys down. 

Torchwick: Can I assume that you will be there?

Y/n: Absolutely.

Torchwick: I'll have Neo look into Cinder and where she is. 

Y/n: You don't know where she's at?

Torchwick: All we know is she's in Vale. She shows up randomly and doesn't stick around for too long. 

Sounds like she's pulling something. I want to know what it is. Neo would be my best bet. She's a natural at stealth for obvious reasons. Being mute is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to this business. 

Y/n: Try to figure that out. I don't like the idea of her running around without knowing what she's doing. 

Torchwick: Agreed. Neo and I have worked for some less than savory individuals, but something about Cinder is just wrong. 

Y/n: I get what you mean. Anyway, we shouldn't waste time. We need to get ready. 

Torchwick: You got it. I'll keep in touch.

I ended the call and went back to examining the plans. It was a fairly straightforward operation. The only hindering factor would be the three bullheads that would be in support. All of them were armed but had the cargo space needed to load up a large amount of Dust. 

I figured the best way to deal with this would be with sniper fire. I kill Walker and the rest will scatter like ants. The bullheads would have a hard time tracking me as well if I stayed concealed. All I needed to do was find a vantage point with some good cover. I grabbed my gear and got to work. I needed to get a head start on this before the radio starts sounding. Its been too quiet recently. Something is coming, and this might just be it...


9:22 PM

317 Days to the Fall

Red Hood Pov

I had arrived at the SDC dock. The night prior was interesting. Torchwick gave me a last minute warning that he was pulling a Dust robbery not far from my hideout. I was about to go in shooting when he called. Cinder hadn't been to happy with him and strong-armed him into the robbery. Still though, a little heads up would have been nice. 

Junior had pulled a little more information on Walker for me. Apparently Walker had been a victim of the Jacques' business practices. He was a name I wanted to cross of too but Weiss and I already had enough going on without me shooting her dad. Speaking of Weiss, she messaged me because Blake ran off. She warned me that she was White Fang too. I already knew that obviously, but she specified to let her know if I saw her. I had a feeling that I would be seeing her tonight. 

I grabbed Black and White, merging them into the rifle. I took aim and started scanning for movement. Last thing I needed was a civilian getting caught up in this mess. Luckily there was none. Looked like it would be a easy Sunday night.

I heard movement behind me and swung my rifle around to take aim. There stood Blake looking like a deer in headlights. I lowered my rifle and just scoffed. It would figure that she would show up here in my spot. 

Red Hood: What are you doing here, Blake?

Blake: Proving that the White Fang isn't responsible for the Dust robberies.

Red Hood: ...And if they are?

Blake: Their not!

She looked almost desperate to prove their innocence. Hate to break it to her, but they are apart of it. I just continued scanning with my rifle. I hadn't heard her move since she got here. Without looking, I waved her over.

Red Hood: Get down before you give me away.

Blake didn't say anything. She just crouched down next to me. For a few minutes after, we didn't speak. It was fine, I wanted to concentrate. The silence must have actually started getting to her. I figured that she would be someone who preferred silence. 

Blake: Why do you do it?

Red Hood: Why do you do it?

Blake: W-what?

Red Hood: Why were you White Fang? Why did you leave them and enroll in Beacon? Why are you here? ....Why did you run from your team?

Blake stared at me shocked. 

Blake: H-how do you know about that?

Red Hood: I know a lot of things.

Blakes eyes drifted down to my weapon and she looked on even more shocked then before. I had the Rose family symbol on the side of my weapons. As a reminder of what I lost. Looks like it also just gave me away. That's ok, I got plenty to use against her.

Blake: That symbol...

Red Hood: Another word and the world will know that Blake Belladonna was White Fang.

She sat quietly for a second but decided to speak anyway.

Blake: ....What's your connection with Ruby and Yang...?

I figured that I was already found out. What's the harm in it. It's not like I care if people know if I'm the Red Hood anyway. It would get harder to do anything but it's not like I'm trying to hide anymore. Once I find out just who started everything two years ago and take them out.... I wont be around much longer after that...

Red Hood: Their one of the reasons why I do this. *Sigh* We got work to do so lets drop this, yeah?

Blake nodded. Good, glad we got that out of the way. She clearly wanted to ask more but didn't. I heard movement again but before I could do anything, Blake gently placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and saw that it was another faunas. A monkey man that looked like he came straight out of Vacuo. Come to think of it, the Vytal festival is coming up. He might very well be from Vacuo. 

???: Hey Blake, I stole us some snacks! ...Who's this?

Blake: Someone you shouldn't be announcing that you stole too, Sun.

I looked at him, then what was in his hands. He had apples. I'm not about to shoot a man over a apple, much less over food. That being said, I decided to play around with him. Who knows, might be funny...

Red Hood: I am Vengeance, I am the night, I AM R-

Blake: Red Hood.

I snapped back to Blake, half disappointed that I didn't get to do my dramatic name drop. Though, Sun still didn't know me. I honestly didn't know where to go from there but meh. I just turned my attention back to the dock yard. If this dude didn't know who I was, then he would by the end of the night.

Sun: Ok.... So did I miss anything.

Red Hood: Nope.

Blake: So do you always break the law without a second thought?

Sun: Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?

Red Hood: *Snicker* I have some ice Dust for that burn. 

Sun and I high-fived as Blake just looked annoyed.

Sun: Ok, too soon.... 

Red Hood: Hey, heads up.

Sun: Wha-

Before he could finish, a bullhead flew by at low altitude. The wind from the exhaust made Blake and Sun flinch back a little. I looked through the scope of my rifle, focusing on the door. As the Bullhead landed, the door hatch opened and I saw who I was after. Torchwick and Walker stepped out of the bullhead and began directing the White Fang soldiers. 

Blake: Oh no...

Red Hood: Sorry kitten, but they are involved.

Blake: You knew...

Red Hood: I did.

Sun: You really didn't think they were responsible, did you?

Blake's head lowered as she spoke.

Blake: I think I did know, deep down. I just hoped that it wasn't them....

Red Hood: Hope was your first mistake....

I racked the bolt back, chambering a round. Torchwick and Walker were close together but I figured that they would separate eventually. I didn't have to wait long Walker and Torchwick separated and I prepared to fire. Walker would be dead with just a single trigger pull. He wouldn't even see it coming. It was too nice for him, but it was my best shot at getting him. 

Blake: This isn't right... The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that!

Red Hood: I hate to- 

Sun: Hey wait!

I looked over to see Blake draw her sword and jump down. Son of a bitch, I should have known that this was too easy. I found Blake in the scope and focused on her. She was going to need some help. Sun was looking on uncertain of what to do.

Red Hood: Well don't just stand there, Huntsman. Go help her!

Sun: Uh, right!

Sun jumped off the roof following after her. The whole time watching this unfold with bated breath. I couldn't hear what was being said but Blake had Torchwick dead to rights. Thing about that is that the White Fang all had their weapons trained on her. Walker was looking mighty happy to see her too. I was half tempted to go ahead and put a bullet in his head but if I did, Blake and Torchwick were dead. I had to watch and wait. The other two bullheads converged in on Blake distracting her and Torchwick capitalized.

Torchwick used his cane to blow Blake back away from him. He followed it up by firing a barrage of rockets at her. The White Fang soldiers didn't see fit to start firing since the situation was "under control". Blake dodged and ran for cover. I took aim and fired at a soldier that had a good firing angle on her. The bullet went into his chest and he dropped. The soldiers around him stared at him for a second confused before realizing that there was a sniper. 

They all scattered for cover. Walker was the only one not panicking. I took aim at him and was a little unnerved to find him staring in my direction. I centered the scope right on his head and fired. Walker smiled and moved his head to the side right as I fired. The bullet whizzing by him harmlessly. He looked at the soldiers and pointed up at me. I pulled Black and White apart and jumped down. I had wanted to stay out of this but I can't ever get what I want now can I.

Most of the soldiers focused on me. I sprinted to cover as the bullets flew around me. I dived behind a shipping container and checked my ammo. I had fire Dust infused ready to go. I grabbed a frag grenade with gravity Dust and chucked it in the center of them. The subsequent screaming followed by the loud boom told me I got some. I popped out of cover and fired wildly. I didn't care if I hit or not, I just needed fire superiority. I needed their heads down. 

Some of them dropped as the bullets hit them, others flinched back behind cover. I grabbed a smoke grenade and tossed it between me and the soldiers. Circling around the shipping container, I went to flank them. Problem being I ran right into Walker. 

Walker: A pleasure to see you again Hood! Why don't you just surrender? I promise to make your death swift!

Red Hood: Already died once, not doing it again!

I brought Black and White up and fired at him. He summersaulted to dodge the bullets and hid behind cover. I pressed my advantage and walked to his cover, ready to blow him away only to find him gone. I turned right as Walker swung his spear at my head, dazing me. Walker was about to spear me when I shot lazarus energy out knocking him away from me and accidently into Torchwick. 

Torchwick fired right as Walker flew into him and his shot went wild. Instead of going at the two Huntsmen, it went up into a shipping container that was hanging above. Torchwick realized what happened and looked mortified for a second. I knew he wasn't trying to kill them. His goal was to keep them busy while I dealt with Walker and the White Fang. Neither Blake nor Sun noticed that the container was coming down. I had to do something!

Ruby Pov

Penny and I were rushing to the docks. We had heard the fighting and with Blake missing, it wasn't hard to figure that she was there. Especially since this dock was well known to be a SDC loading center. It would stand to reason that Blake would be there, that is if I was right about her trying to clear the White Fang of any allegations of being responsible of the Dust robberies. I knew it was Torchwick that was behind them but the team all had their separate thoughts on the matter. 

Penny: Do you think that your friend is there?

Ruby: I hope so!

We arrived at the dock yard and I saw something that completely froze me. The Red Hood let loose a ball of green energy and sent a bad guy back into Torchwick. Torchwick fired upward accidently and the rocket from his cane hit the container above Blake and the other guy she was with. I was afraid that I was about to see my teammate and friend killed when I saw the Red Hood.... Petal Burst.... 

My mind grinded to a halt as I watched Black and red rose petals fly into Blake and the blonde guy, pulling them out of danger. My mouth was dry. I couldn't even comprehend what I had seen. How did he petal burst? Who is he? Both questions I was going to get an answer to tonight come hell or high water. 

Red Hood Pov

I petal burst forward, trying to get to them. Blake looked over as I reached them, her eyes widening as she saw what I was doing. I grabbed hold of the two and pulled them out of the way. Blakes eyes never left me as I tried to get up, Key word being tried. Walker walked up to me laughing his ass off and kicked me in the face, knocking me back down on my ass. 

Walker: That's the only problem you have Hood... You always save the little people!

Walkers spear shifted into a shotgun and he aimed it right at my head. At this range, my aura wouldn't protect me. Not like it mattered anyway.... This was always how the story was going to end. That is until help came in the form of a young girl wearing red.

Ruby: HEY!!!

Walker: MY! MY! Another one! Oh, tonight just keeps getting better and better!

Penny: Ruby, are these people your friends?

Ruby: Penny, get back!

Walker, seeing that Torchwick was standing around doing nothing, ripped the cane from his hand and fired, hitting Ruby dead on. I barely processed what happened as I pulled myself from the ground and tackled Walker, knocking both the cane and his Shotgun from his hands. I beat him relentlessly. Walker tried to get me off but failed in every attempt. 

I yanked my knife out and brought it down on him. Walker caught the blade in his arm as he raised it to defend. I pulled the blade free and tried again but was knocked off as a explosion resounded above me. I looked up to see that two of the three Gunships from before were destroyed. Looking back, I saw Penny standing there aiming for the last one. I looked back to Walker and saw that he had used the distraction to get away from me. 

I chased after him but Penny turned her attention to me instead. Her swords stopped emitting a green energy and all of them shot forwards towards me. It was so quick that I didn't have time to dodge them all. Of the ten that she had, four embedded themselves into my arms and legs with surgical precision. 

Red Hood: AAARRGG!!!

The scream I let out was more out of frustration then pain as I watched as Walker and Torchwick escaped. This was my chance to get Walker and these jackasses got in the way. I yanked one of the swords from my arm out and cut the strings that were holding them. Penny didn't take to kindly to that and shot another two out at me. I tried to petal burst away but with the swords still lodged into me, I couldn't. 

I managed to deflect both of the blades, albeit barely. I dropped the sword in my hand and pulled the two from my legs out. Those were the ones that were really going to cost me. I let the lazarus energy start working  in conjunction with my aura. I rarely let my aura heal me since I had the lazarus energy but I needed the boost right now. 

I dove out of the way as the swords came back around. I landed heavily and pulled the remaining sword from my arm. I began to get up.... and saw that Ruby and Blake had me cornered with Penny walking over. Sun was also there but unlike Blake and Ruby, his weapon wasn't drawn. 

Ruby: You petal burst! How did you do it!?

...Oh shit...

Penny: Red Hood, you are under arrest for the murder of- 

Sun: Wait, Wait, Wait! Blake, are we seriously going to arrest him after he just saved our lives?

Blake: He's a murderer, and I think after seeing what he did, Ruby deserves a answer!

I looked between them all, my eyes focusing on Ruby. She looked conflicted but was determined to get her answers. I looked at the bloody sword in my hand and clenched it tightly, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed. Blake was the first to react as I tossed the sword at Ruby, who had me dead to rights should I fuck this up. Blake swung downward and I caught her by the arm, spinning her around and tossing her at Penny. Sun stepped in to try to hold me down but that earned him a swift headbutt and a broken nose. 

Ruby recovered as I rolled out of the way of her scythe blade. Wasting no time, I yanked out a smoke grenade. Pulling the pin, I tossed it into the middle of the group. I knew that I was busted. The first thing that was going to happen was a blood analysis. It might not be done tonight or tomorrow but soon, the world will know that not only is Y/n Rose still alive, but that he is the Red Hood...

I petal burst out of the smoke cloud to see that the police were starting to clear the dock yard. I pulled my grapple gun and fired at the warehouse roof and sprinted away. After running for what felt like a eternity, I made it to my hideout. I didn't bother getting undressed, I just flopped down on my couch. Things had gone from bad to worse in a instant. What's worse is that I was now screwed....

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