Dark Merlin: The Man Called E...

By Camelot101

729 60 0

What would you do if you were trapped inside your mind? That every time you slept, the beast came out to ter... More



39 2 0
By Camelot101

MERLIN JOLTED AWAKE IN a panic. He leapt from his bed and quickly swung around in a circle, but he found nothing but the comforts of his own chamber. Realizing he was panting, he let out slow breaths and leaned forward with his hands resting on his bed. He felt the moisture under his fingertips from his dampened sheets, and he turned his attention to his clothes. They were coated in sweat.

He squinted as he skimmed through his memories of the events that took place yesterday. Not much happened. It was just an ordinary, boring day, but it was hazy. The oddest memory was how he easily went to sleep last night. Not once did he try to fight it—which wasn't in character for him these days. Blowing out another puff of air, he stood up straight. Nothing was making sense these days. Something was going on with him, and whatever it was, it scared him.

Shaking his head, he ignored the questions that raced through. Now wasn't the time. He hastily wiped the sweat from his body and put on his clothes. He didn't know how much he had slept in, but from how high the sun looked through his window, Arthur was going to kill him.

Racing down the stairs, Merlin dashed for the door.

"Merlin!" Gaius called, causing Merlin's boots to skid on the stone. He twisted his head around to find Gaius standing over a book at one of the tables in the chamber. "Where'd you put my Rosemary?"

Merlin furrowed his brow. "Rosemary?"

Gaius crossed his arms. "I sent you to fetch me some yesterday."

Merlin pursed his lips and looked to the floor as he tried recalling their conversation. "Are you sure?"

Gaius glared at him. "Crystal."

Merlin placed his hand on the handle and swung the door open. "I'll fetch it later today."

"Hold on there, young man!" his mentor called, raising his voice. Merlin froze. "Not before you let me look at that head wound, and I won't take no for an answer this time."

Once again, Merlin was confused. At the mention of the injury, his temple suddenly began to throb. He had forgotten all about it. He reached up and touched the sore spot only to swiftly withdraw his hand with a wince. It was then he remembered how clumsy he was yesterday during training and how he had given himself this injury. What he didn't understand was why he hadn't let Gaius look at it by now. He slowly turned back around, facing the inside of the chamber. "I told you no?"

Gaius huffed and uncrossed his arms. "You must've really hit your head hard." He pulled out a bench from under the table and pointed to it. "Sit."

"But Arthur—"

"Can wait," Gaius interrupted.

Merlin sighed, his shoulders sagging. He was, for sure, fired. He quickly made his way to Gaius and sat down, hoping the Physician would be quick for once. He watched as his father-figure poured two different vials into one bowl, placed a few herbs within the mixture, and stirred it with a wooden spoon. Seconds later, Gaius dipped a cloth in the water and patted it against the cut on Merlin's temple. Merlin cringed from the sting, but kept himself still. It took Gaius all of two minutes to dab his gash, soak a small square of gauze in the mixture, and tape it to his temple. The cut stung from the lingering gauze but he tried to ignore the pain. After all, it was nothing compared to what he had been through only weeks ago. "Are we good? Can I go now?" he asked, hurriedly.

Gaius nodded. "Yes, that should be good for now."

Merlin hopped from the bench and quickly dashed towards the door.

"Oh! And Merlin!"

Merlin reached the door and gripped the side. He couldn't suppress an eye-roll as he turned his head back around to face Gaius. The Physician stood there smiling, and Merlin couldn't help but feel angry that Gaius wasn't taking this seriously.

"Arthur came looking for you earlier," Gaius said. "I told him you were still sleeping, and he was happy that you were finally getting some rest. He was understanding."

Merlin let out a huff as a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. Gaius had known the whole time, but just wanted to see how frantic he'd get. That was just like him. "Thanks, Gaius," he said softly.

Gaius nodded, and Merlin raced out the door.

The day went by in a blur. There was much to be done before lunch because after the Prince's meal they were to be saddling up for a late night hunt. Rarely did Arthur hunt at night, but Merlin was okay with that. He knew all the excitement would keep him from the thought of sleeping.

"Merlin! Are we about ready?"

Merlin's head jerked towards the Citadel's stairs where Arthur was making his way to him; his red cape failing behind him in the wind. Merlin smiled and nodded his head as he finished tightened the buckles to Arthur's saddle. "All set, Sire!"

All the Knights around him saddled their horses and waited for Arthur to mount his own. Once Arthur was on top his horse, Merlin quickly bestrode his and followed behind Arthur as the party galloped to the forest.

Merlin stayed closely behind Arthur; ready to defend him with his magic if need be. They hunted for hours. Hours of scouring the forest in search for animals, but had caught nothing. Those who shot their bows or threw their spears had missed every animal. Night was beginning to fall. They'd have to set up camp soon.

Merlin glanced around at the Knights that surrounded him and Arthur. It was unlike them to catch nothing. Even Arthur didn't raise a finger to assist with the hunt. Merlin gazed at the back of Arthur's blonde head. "Arthur, what's going on?"

"What's going on is that we're having a bad day of hunting," Arthur replied aggressively without turning to look at Merlin.

Merlin shook his head, even though Arthur couldn't see him. "No, that's not it." He took a step forward, gripped Arthur's bicep, and twisted him around. He knew he was crossing a line, but he didn't care. Danger rang in the back of his head, and Merlin glared into Arthur's azure eyes. "What aren't you telling me?"

At first, Arthur didn't respond but gave an angered look. Giving himself a minute to calm down, he pursed his lips and glanced around at his men. "We were given intel on a sorcerer meet up happening just outside Camelot's boarders. My father wants us to intercept the meeting and bring the sorcerers in."

Merlin furrowed his brow. "But they're not in our boarders. That makes us unable to arrest them."

"You really think my father's going to abide by those laws when they're on the edge of Camelot?" Arthur questioned, sounding like Merlin was stupid for even saying such a thing. "As long as sorcerers walk this earth, it doesn't matter whose land they are on."

"But you can't!" Merlin shouted. "It's too dangerous!"

Arthur's jaw clenched. "I told you not to come," he argued. "I knew you weren't ready, but you persisted on accompanying me anyway. If you're going to be here ..." He paused, and for a brief moment, his expression became tender before returning to its origin hardness. "Just don't get yourself killed."

Merlin gulped as Arthur yanked his arm away and pressed on. Merlin stared at his Prince for a good few seconds before sneaking behind him through the darkening woods.

They traveled another couple miles before Arthur held his hand up stopping the men that followed. He crouched low behind a deteriorating log, as did Merlin, staying attached to Arthur's hip. He had no desire to be here, and couldn't deny that Arthur was right. He wasn't ready to face another battle; another ... sorcerer. Not after how helpless he had felt imprisoned by Morgana.

Merlin was drawn from his thoughts as the sound of neighing and leaves crunching under hooves rang in his ears. He twisted his head to the right as a horse and its rider, cloaked in dark colors, trodded into view. The rider stopped the horse and dismounted, appearing to be waiting for someone else to arrive. A minute passed before two other cloaked figures arrived on scene.

"Whatever happens," Arthur whispered as he unclasped his cape from around his neck, drawing Merlin's attention, "stay close to me." Merlin didn't reply. His gaze ventured back towards the trio as he anxiously awaited to see what would happen.

A conversation broke out between the three, and one of the two cloaked figures to the left, who looked hefty enough to be a man, pulled out a small bag from inside his cloak. The rider held out a gloved hand allowing the man to place the small pouch in the riders palm. The rider, who acted excited as he hastily opened the pouch, dumped out a giant jewel. What jewel it was, Merlin couldn't tell. Just that it shimmered brightly in the moonlight dancing through the treetops.

"What are we waiting for?" Merlin asked, feeling all the more anxious and afraid the more he stared at the three figures. Arthur held up a hand silencing him, and Merlin clenched his teeth.

All of a sudden, a sound echoed through Merlin's head. A sound that he had heard before and knew well. It wasn't one to be easily forgotten. The surge of power he felt just from the sound alone was enough to make the agonizing crave return.

He looked back at the gem in the riders hand and found it glowing a bright fiery white. Merlin felt his face flush as his heartbeat quickened. It was a crystal, and not just any crystal. It was one of the crystals from the Crystal Cave. He remembered the desire well. The urge to give into its beauty and see what the future held, and once he had, but with this urge came another strong desire to withhold. He knew that nothing but despair came from inside the crystals. The last time he found himself gazing into one was when he discovered Morgana's betrayal. He had tried so hard to stop something that he couldn't and, in the end, was the one to cause it all.

"Do you know what that is?" Merlin whispered, assertively.

"It's a crystal from the Crystal Caves," came Arthur's bleak voice.

Merlin stared at Arthur's expressionless face before finally understanding. "That's why we're here, isn't it?"

"My father wants it," Arthur continued. "He thinks its connection to the cave could lead us to it."

"Lead you to the cave?" Merlin asked, his eyes widening. "Why would you want that?"

"Don't be so stupid, Merlin. My father wants it destroyed." Merlin felt like his heart could stop. "It's the birthplace of magic, right? So, what happens when it's gone?"

Merlin didn't want to find out. "How do you know about the cave?"

"Gaius told us, now, would you shut up?" He twisted his head around to face Merlin and glared at him.

Merlin swung his head back towards the cloaked figures as the horse neighed loudly before fleeing after his rider failed to calm him. The three figures suddenly took off running in different directions.

"They heard us," Arthur informed. "Seize them!" The Knights suddenly sprang from the bushes and ran after the two that escaped on the left. Meanwhile, Merlin followed Arthur, three Knights trailing him, as they raced after the rider who was last seen holding the stone.

Whoever this rider was, he was agile. He zipped around trees and moved gracefully through the dark woods. He spun around, yelling out, "Fleoge!" as he thrust a dagger their way. In an instant, Merlin felt a rush of magic though his body and his eyes glowed gold as the magic left his body. The dagger suddenly changed directions and flew past missing them all.

Jumping out from behind the trees, two other men charged them. Arthur withdrew his sword and flung it in front of his face, barely missing the tip of another blade. The three Knights that trailed Merlin pushed past him and intercepted the two men while Arthur moved around.

"Merlin! With me!" he shouted, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly in both hands as he advanced.

Merlin glanced between the Knights and Arthur before hurriedly following Arthur's lead. Up ahead, not very far at all, the rider continued to run. Merlin furrowed his brow realizing that something was wrong. With how quick the rider was, he should've gained much distance between them.

A piercing ring went off in Merlin's head and he skidded to a stop nearly slipping on the wet leaves. He stood still panting as he listened. Arthur must not have heard him stop as he continued his chase for the sorcerer. Seconds later, Camelot Knights zoomed past him in an attempt to aid their Prince.

There it was again! Merlin whipped his head right as the ringing appeared to be coming from that direction. Cautiously, he pursued the noise, not bothering to glance back to see if he was being followed. He crept through the narrow valley listening closely.

Instinctively, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to succumb to the now-melodic-sound. As he listened with not his ears but with his mind and his magic, he slowly took steps in the direction the music grew louder. He opened his eyes once he had arrived at the spot where the music was the loudest and found himself standing in front of the stone wall of the valley. He squinted to see in the dark and found a small hole in the stone. His head told him no, but his arm didn't obey as he reached inside and pulled out the small leather pouch that contained the crystal. It rang loudly in his head and he desperately wanted to rip it out of the pouch, but he resisted.


Merlin jumped at the sudden outburst of his name. He slipped the pouch under his leather jacket and held it there with his arm pressed against his ribs. He couldn't let Arthur know he had the crystal. Uther couldn't get his hands on it.

He made his way through the valley back to where the chase had taken place and was greeted by Arthur's angered and confused expression. "Where were you?" he asked, vigorously.

Merlin shrugged. "I thought I saw something, but I was wrong."

"I told you to stick close to me," Arthur exploded. "You could've gotten yourself killed." He shoved past Merlin. "Luckily for you, none of them escaped."

Merlin twisted around gazing at Arthur's back as he walked away. "I'm sorry, Sire. It won't happen again." His eyes met the sorcerer who Arthur had pursued, but his face was still covered by the shadows of his cloak. Even though Merlin couldn't see his face, he could still feel the sorcerer's wicked glare.  

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