Ziam One Shots II

By ZiamArmour

26.1K 622 159

Part II of the Ziam One Shots cuz yall (and me) are thirsty af for ziam content ;) bottom!Liam...duhhh!! More

He Kneels
Green Meadows
Non Consensual
Sweet Moment
My Highness
Mon soleil et mes étoiles
Trophy Wife
Sweet I
Don't You Dare
Sweet II

That Good

1.8K 43 7
By ZiamArmour

Zayn swirled Perrie around the dance floor and she moved with an air of gracefulness and elegance.

He had wanted to ask Liam, had even told him that he wanted nothing more than to enter the festive banquet hall with Liam at his side but they had both agreed that it was a little early for them to make their relationship public. Liam had laughed and teased him mercilessly when Zayn had told him that he was forced to take Perrie as his date and while he had felt tempted to spank the sass out of Liam, he had thoroughly enjoyed the impertinence.

It was refreshing and one of the founding pillars of their relationship.

Zayn didn't want to give it up for the world.

As the music slowed, Zayn drew Perrie a little closer and forced a smiled at her. Over her shoulder, he spotted Liam, who was dancing with a woman and an irrational bout of jealousy washed over him. The woman boldly had her hands low on Liam's hips and Zayn wanted to slap them away or better, permanently cut them off.

"Liam Payne, huh?" she said and Zayn knew that it was useless to even try and deny it.

The look in his eyes had given him away.

He nodded.

"Takes a special brand of handsome to bewitch you this thoroughly."

He kept his eyes firmly on Liam and a few moments later, his boyfriend turned to look at him. Their eyes locked across the semi-crowded dancefloor and Zayn's brow furrowed. Liam flashed him a lopsided grin and in an act of pure defiance, he pulled his dance partner flush against his body. Zayn glared hard but Liam merely laughed, purposefully leant closer and whispered something into her ear. The woman threw his head back and laughed and when, a moment later, Liam pulled him off the dancefloor and they vanished into the crowd, Zayn saw red.

"Go on, go after him, spank that booty of his," Perrie laughed and Zayn slowed their dance and led her off the dancefloor.

She excused herself and Zayn watched her head for the bar. His eyes roamed around the room and he tried to spot Liam's brown hair in the sea of people milling about. It took him a few minutes but eventually, he was successful and made a beeline across the room. He elegantly wound his way through the crowd, politely accepted well-wishes from a few random people, smiled and inclined his head in return.

He finally caught up with Liam at one of the side doors that let out of the banquet room, reached out to clasp his hand around Liam's wrist, and stopped him in his track. Liam whirled around, a frown fixed in place, but relaxed it when he saw who had stopped him.

"Leaving so soon, Liam?" Zayn asked, dropping his voice down to a low husky drawl.

It had the desired effect and Liam shuddered visibly.

"Yes," he replied steadfastly.


Zayn pretended to look dejected, then stepped closer and forced Liam up against the wall beside the door.

"I did not like that stunt you just pulled on the dancefloor, I did not like it one bit," he growled and squeezed Liam's wrist a little firmer. He brought his other hand up and ran it affectionately through Liam's hair. Liam trembled but he boldly held his gaze in a silent challenge.

"'Tis what you get when you don't put out, Zayn," Liam drawled and Zayn took another step closer, almost pressing his body up against Liam's.

"Is that so?" he asked, his question quiet with just the right edge of danger to it.

Liam reacted to it almost immediately, his breathing ragged and shallow. His eyes darkened several shades until they were a dark, smoky color. Zayn absolutely wanted to punish Liam for his brazen behaviour, but he knew that he could not.

Not really, anyway, and not in the way he wanted to.

Clearly not daring to speak, Liam merely nodded and Zayn trailed a single finger down the side of his neck, past his collarbone and down the centre of his chest. He stopped just below where he knew Liam's navel was and Liam's breathing hitched.

He licked his lips.

"Zayn," he breathed and Zayn smiled.

"Yes, Liam?"

"I need some fresh air."

Zayn nodded.

"Yes, I think you do. I think we both do."

He took a step away from Liam, let go of his wrist and instead went to open the side door. He held it open hissed when Liam's hand quite purposefully brushed against his crotch. He had a fair idea of what Liam was playing at and he was most definitely game. He also knew that fresh air was not the only thing that was on Liam's mind. It was quite possibly the very last thing that was on his mind. Still, he followed Liam out of the banquet hall and they walked down the corridor in silence.

Liam headed for the lifts and when an empty one arrived, they both stepped inside and Zayn watched him as he pressed the button.

The journey was short and for a moment, Zayn felt the almost irresistible temptation to grab Liam, and have his wicked way with him. He would have preferred to get them straight into his playroom, tie Liam up good and proper and tease his insolence right out of him, or until he begged for mercy, but he wasn't reckless enough to do that to Liam without having discussed limits, put a valid D/s agreement in place and knowing his safeword.

Instead, he abandoned those thoughts and Zayn gently took Liam's and kissed it softly. Liam turned to smile at him and Zayn allowed him to pull him close.

Zayn knew exactly what Liam wanted, he didn't need him to say the words. Liam had been an open book about it for a good while now and for the first time Zayn thought he may just give in.

A few minutes later Liam slowed and they stopped in front of his building. Liam turned to face him and Zayn could clearly sense his nervousness. He found it endearing and, deciding to ease Liam's nerves just a little, he pulled him closer, sneaked his free arm around Liam's waist and splayed his fingers out across his lower back.

Liam melted into his embrace and Zayn let go of his hand, cupped Liam's cheek and smiled, then drew him in for a gentle, promising kiss. Liam moaned and Zayn pulled him that little bit closer, hugged him tightly and ran his fingers through Liam's hair. Liam practically mewled and it was with the greatest difficulty that Zayn pulled away from the kiss.

"Are you going to invite me in?" he whispered against Liam's wet, somewhat swollen lips.

Liam nodded a breathless yes but made no move to extract himself from Zayn.

"Lead the way," Zayn encouraged gently and that seemed to push Liam into action.

He withdrew from the embrace and Zayn let him slip away.

Walking up to the front door of the building, Liam unlocked it. Zayn saw his shaking hand but chose not to comment on it.

Instead, he followed Liam into the house and up the stairs. They walked up to the second floor and Liam unlocked the door to his two-storey flat.

When they both entered, the Golden Retriever Liam was currently taking care of for his friend, greeted them with great enthusiasm. Liam patted her head, then sent the dog back to her blanket and while she looked a bit put out, she obeyed and trotted off. Zayn closed the door behind them and slipped out of his shoes. He watched Liam do the same and smirked but said nothing.

Liam wordlessly reached for his hand, pulled him up the stairs and into his bedroom.

Once inside, Liam kicked the door shut and Zayn sensed the wordless locking charm, Liam cast at the lock. He still said nothing. He was rather intrigued as to what Liam was up to. He knew exactly what Liam wanted and he very much wanted to let Liam have it but he was curious to find out how Liam intended to go about getting exactly what he wanted. It was obvious that he wasn't going to take no for an answer tonight and that suited Zayn just fine.

Liam turned to face him.

"You're not leaving here tonight, Zayn," he whispered, sounding most determined, and Zayn chuckled.

"I'm not?" he asked.


Zayn suppressed an amused chuckle as he found himself onto Liam's bed with his left and right hands bound to the fancy iron-wrought headboard. The bonds were tight and Zayn flexed his fingers a little and pulled at his restraints.

He couldn't quite remember the last time anyone had tied him up — well, he could but those memories had no place here and now— but he was sure that it wouldn't take much of an effort to get out of those ropes.

For now, Zayn had no intention of fighting Liam and strange as it was, sitting, tied to Liam's bed didn't feel in the least bit uncomfortable. He was pleasantly intrigued by Liam's efforts.

Kudos, he thought, you are good, little prince, I like it.

He watched Liam carefully place a speaker and put it on. Light, but sexy music filled the room and Zayn smiled.

You planned this, my devious one.

He had a fairly good idea of what was about to come and Liam did not disappoint.

He gently swayed his hips from side to side as he slowly loosened his tie and pulled it over his head before carelessly discarding it on a nearby chair. His hands trailed down his front, over his hips and down to his mid-thighs. He swayed his hips a little more prominently and kept his eyes locked on Zayn's as he licked his lips and started to slowly unbutton his shirt. His fingertips brushed against his, undoubtedly, heated skin and Zayn instantly thought of ways to increase the sensations but he refrained. This was Liam's show and he wasn't about to ruin his moment. He had clearly planned this and Zayn appreciated the effort.

With his shirt completely unbuttoned, Liam unfastened his cufflinks, placed them beside the speaker on the dresser and, turning his back on Zayn, he slowly shrugged the shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall down his arms and slip to the floor. Zayn swallowed and licked his lips, the pale skin on Liam's back looked delectable and he wanted to kiss every inch of it, wanted to bite and nip it until Liam moaned continuously underneath him and begged for more.

"So sexy, so beautiful," Zayn whispered.

Liam turned his head to look at him over his shoulder. The smile that curled his lips upward melted something fierce inside Zayn and he wanted to tell Liam to turn around but he swallowed those words.

Liam, seemingly having read his thoughts, turned around, slowly, and gracefully, and his hips swayed in the shape of an infinity symbol. He took a step closer to the bed, dropped his hands to the waistband of his trousers and toyed with the top button.

Zayn drank in the sight of his bare chest, smooth and pale. He wanted to kiss every inch of Liam's chest, wanted to flick his tongue repeatedly over Liam's nipples until they hardened underneath his teasing touch. He wanted to gently bite the pert nubs until he had Liam moaning and writhing beneath him. He wanted to swirl his tongue around Liam's bellybutton and kiss every inch of his stomach until it quivered beneath his touch. He wanted to tie Liam's wrists to the headboard, wanted to spread his legs and tie his ankles to the feet of the bed. He wanted to kiss every inch of Liam's body—

Zayn's breath hitched when Liam popped the top button of his trousers, teasingly toyed with the zipper, then slowly dragged it down and slipped his hands inside.

They slid down his legs and even though Zayn couldn't see them, he knew that they lay crumbled and pooled at Liam's feet. Liam stilled his hips, gracefully stepped out of his trousers, expertly toed his socks off and Zayn looked at him, then slowly let his gaze trail down Liam's chest. His very prominent erection sprang free and bobbed excitedly, delighted to finally be free of its constraints.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Zayn felt his own hard cock twitch in response and he shuffled on the bed, suddenly finding his trousers way too tight. Liam stepped out of his boxers, discarded them onto the floor and, leaning forward, he braced himself on the bed. He lowered his knees to the edge of the bed and Zayn let out a low moan.

The sight of Liam on all fours, slowly crawling towards him, slowly straddling him, awoke the beast in him and he struggled against the ropes that held him tied to the bed.

Liam straddled his thighs, squeezed his shoulders, and suggestively moulded himself against Zayn. He expertly undid Zayn's bowtie and tossed it to the floor, then unbuttoned several buttons of Zayn's dress shirt.

"Still want to leave?" he breathed hotly against Zayn's ear and Zayn growled in response.

He clenched his hands into fits and broke free. With almost no effort, he wrapped his arms around Liam, flipped him onto his back and threw his coat on the floor. He pressed Liam into the mattress and pinned his hands above his head.

"No," he said firmly and delighted in the moan that fell from Liam's lips as he writhed beneath him, half-heartedly struggling against the sudden change of power dynamics between them.

Zayn lowered his head, pressed his lips against Liam's and pushed his tongue inside his mouth. He thrust his hips down and rolled them against Liam's hard cock and swallowed the low, lengthy moan his ministrations drew from the depths of Luam's throat. He pulled away from the kiss and stared down at Liam, who looked up at him with lust-laden eyes, full of desire, want and need and just a little bit of desperation.

"What do you want, Liam?" he asked firmly yet softly, his gaze never once wavering.

"You know what I want," Liam replied.

"Do I? Do I really know what you want?"

"Ye—yes," Liam said but this time his voice quivered and he sucked in a sharp breath.

Zayn rolled his hips again and Liam whimpered.

"Tell me anyway, tell me what you want."

"I—I wa—want you to fu—fuck me."

Liam stumbled over his words and Zayn found it endearing. He pressed a firm yet tender kiss against Liam's lips.

"How do you want me to fuck you?"

Sitting up a little, he straddled Liam's thighs and finished unbuttoning his dress shirt, then pulled it off his shoulders and tossed it onto the floor beside the bed.

He leaned forward, splayed his fingers over Liam's chest and slowly ran his hands upward to Liam's shoulders and from there along his upper arms, down his forearms until his fingers intertwined with Liam's. He squeezed and Liam's fingers tightened, firmly holding his hands in place. Zayn leant down, trailed warm kisses along his chest, past his collarbone and along the side of his neck.

"What do you want, Liam?" Zayn asked again and nipped at Liam's earlobe, sucking it into his mouth and flicking his tongue repeatedly over it.

Liam mewled, whimpered, and moved beneath him, not necessarily struggling but just desperate for more.

"Do you want it like this? Do you want me to look at you while I push inside you and slowly fuck you into oblivion? Or do you want to get on your knees for me, while I grip your hips and thrust into you, stroking your prostate each time I claim you as mine? Do you want to stand, legs around my waist while I fuck you into the wall?"

"Ngh, Za-Zayn," Liam panted hard and clenched his fingers so tightly that Zayn didn't need to look at them to know that his knuckles had gone white.

"Tell me and I'll make it so good for you, I promise."

Zayn kissed his jawline, peppered tiny kisses along his lips and lifted his head to look at Liam, who looked so utterly divine, pinned to the mattress, his hands raised slightly above his head, gently restrained by Zayn's hands. Liam's eyes were nearly black with lust. He had parted his lush red lips and they were slightly swollen from all the kissing they had been doing. His breathing was uneven and shallow and his face beautifully flushed.

Unable to resist, Zayn captured his lips in a fierce kiss and determined to make Liam's head spin, he kissed him with everything he had and then some.

His kiss had Liam writhing and moaning underneath him, almost trashing even.

He slowly slid off Liam's thighs, gently broke the kiss, moved to lie beside him, propped his head up on his hand and smiled at Liam, who stared at him, breathless, utterly mesmerised and like he was the only person that presently existed in the entire universe.

"Want to look at you," Liam whispered and his hand moved to run down Zayn's chest and Zayn let him, let him play with the curls of his chest hair, let him press the palm of his hand against his heart and let him move his hand down to the waistband of his trousers. He let Liam undo his belt, let him unbutton his trousers and let him pull the zipper down. He let him slip his hand inside, wrap it around his erection and groaned when Liam squeezed, then rubbed his palm along the shaft.

He captured Liam's lips in yet another searing kiss and when he pulled away, he asked where he kept his lube.

Liam feebly motioned towards his nightstand and Zayn pulled the top drawer open and located the bottle of lube. He clasped his fingers around it, moaned when Liam slipped his hand into his boxers and wrapped his long nimble fingers around his throbbing erection and stroked it with a sense of purpose.

Zayn silently noted that Liam used the same special brand of lube he himself preferred. It was shockingly expensive but worth every penny. Looking down at Liam, he smiled.

"Careful with that now, I kind of need that...unless you prefer a dildo?" he warned jokingly, teasing Liam a little. Liam smirked but dutifully withdrew his hand.

Placing the lube on the bed, Zayn shuffled around, climbed across Liam and over the bed to take off the remainder of his clothing. He noticed Liam's eyes dropping to his groin and heard the sharp intake of breath as his eyes settled upon Zayn's cock for the first time ever.

Zayn allowed him to take a good long look, then gently ordered him to shuffle to the centre of the bed. Liam obliged and, spreading his legs, he made room for Zayn to kneel between his legs.

Zayn leant forward, placed both arms on either side of Liam's head and leant down. He captured Liam's lips in a teasing kiss, then trailed kisses down the front of his neck and teased Liam's Adam's apple. It bobbed as Liam swallowed hard and Zayn smiled.

"Arms above your head," he whispered and Liam obeyed without hesitation.

Sweet praise almost slipped from Zayn's lips but he bit his tongue and swallowed that remark.

Instead, he leant forward, dropped a kiss into the open palm of Liam's left hand and trailed soft, wet kisses across his wrist, all up his forearm, along the inside of his elbow and up the inside of his upper arm. He kissed his way down towards Liam's pert nipple, sucked the dark nub into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, then gently bit down.

Liam writhed underneath him, groaned, and panted hard. Zayn took that as his cue to move on to Liam's other nipple and subjected it to almost the same treatment.

This time he, however, bit a little harder.

Liam screamed and bucked his hips almost violently.

Zayn pressed his own hips down and effectively restrained Liam's hips, then gently trailed a ton of kisses all over Liam's right shoulder, his upper arm, the inside of his elbow, down his forearm, across his wrist and finally dropped a single kiss into the open palm of Liam's right hand.

"Fuck, Zayn, I swear if you're just teasing, I'll strangle you with my bare hands," Liam swore under his breath.

Zayn chuckled.

I'd like to see you try, he thought then kissed Liam hard and plunged his tongue into Liam's mouth, sought out his tongue and stroked it with practised determination.

You taste sweeter than the finest wine, he mused.

It would take no effort for him to have Liam bound so tight he would only be able to think about moving. The thought excited Zayn way too much and he pulled away, covered Liam's chest in kisses and licked, sucked, nibbled, and kissed his way down to Liam's throbbing erection. He trailed a single finger along the long shaft, repeatedly circled around the head, scooped up some of the precome and tasted it.

"You taste divine," he whispered as he popped his finger from his mouth and watched Liam swallow hard.

He flexed his fingers but didn't move them from where Zayn had asked him to put them.

"I think I'll suck you off first," Zayn mumbled and not waiting to hear Liam's thoughts on the matter he lowered his head, covered his teeth, and sucked Liam's cock deep into his mouth. He wisely restrained Liam's hips and Liam groaned, loudly and without the least bit of shame.

"Zayn, fuck—" Liam panted and Zayn held his gaze as he sucked Liam's cock.

His tongue twirled around the head and then he took him deep, coated it with plenty of his own saliva and closed the fingers of his hand around the base. He stroked in time with his bobbing head and blindly reached out for that bottle of lube, gently nudging Liam's legs further apart.

Liam obliged and Zayn stroked the palm of his hand up and down the inside of Liam's thigh. He lightly scratched his fingernails over the sensitive skin, trailed his fingertips over Liam's balls and along the perineum, then gently rubbed over the rimmed muscle, feeling it quiver and contract beneath his teasing touch.

He opened the bottle of lube, tipped some of it into his hand and coated his fingers with it, then gave Liam's cock a hard suck that forced a lengthy, almost guttural groan to fall from his lips.

His index finger found Liam's hole and Zayn circled his lube-coated finger around it but did not attempt to breach the tight muscle. He just sucked and teased, teased and sucked, sucked and teased and felt Liam's entire body tremble beneath him.

His legs were shaking and Zayn did not need to look to know that Liam was curling his toes. He was mildly surprised that Liam hadn't attempted to curl his fingers into his hair and for a moment he felt tempted to pull away and deny Liam his orgasm but decided against it.

Instead, he pushed gently at Liam's hole, still not enough to breach but enough to let him know about his intentions.

Liam tensed further, his cock leaked precome into his mouth and Zayn cupped Liam's balls with his remaining free hand. He squeezed gently, rolled them in his palm and rubbed over them.

Liam mewled, moaned, whimpered and Zayn thought that he was trying to say something but it was all a bit of a garbled mess.

Zayn paid no heed to it.

He pushed his fingers past the tight ring of muscle, pushed right in up until his first knuckle and gently thrust in and out of Liam.

That was the final straw for Liam who came with a long guttural groan of what Zayn thought was his name, the rest he couldn't make out.

Liam filled his mouth and Zayn swallowed it, suckled every drop out of him and when Liam keened lowly, he slowly allowed his cock to slip from his mouth and withdrew his finger from inside Liam.

Zayn sat back on his haunches, looked at the pretty mess he had made and smiled wickedly when he noted that Liam still hadn't moved his arms.

Such a good little prince you are, Zayn thought and wondered what would happen if he said the words aloud. He didn't give in to his desire to praise Liam and braced himself on one arm as he leant forward and simply looked at Liam, who's eyes fluttered opened.

He looked at him with such intensity that Zayn's heart skipped a beat and he wondered whether now was a good time to tell Liam that he loved him.

He decided against it, captured Liam's lips in a slow kiss and this time Liam's hands moved as he trailed them up his arms, over his shoulders and as Zayn shuffled to lie on top of Liam, he let his hands slide down his back and to his arse.

He allowed Liam to explore and rocked his hips gently. Liam shuddered and sighed into their kiss.

Zayn gently drew away, smiled down at Liam, and brushed his damp hair away from his forehead.

"Can you take a little more pleasure or have you had enough fun for one night?" he asked and Liam nodded.

"Yes, yes, I can take more," he whispered and, slowly pulling back, Zayn once again sat back on his haunches and reached for the lube. He squirted a generous amount onto his hand, coated his fingers with it and circled a single finger around Liam's hole. He teased until Liam squirmed and asked for more. Only then did he breach the still tight muscle, pushed his finger inside, pushed in until the second knuckle, then pulled back and thrust his finger back inside.

Liam clenched a little around his finger but loosened soon enough. Zayn kept his eyes locked onto Liam's and pushed his finger all the way inside, thrust a few times, then angled his finger and brushed against Liam's prostate.

"Ngh," Liam shuddered and his body trembled.

Zayn did it again— and again— and again— and again.

Only when he had reduced Liam to a moaning, whimpering, quivering wreck did he stop. He pulled his finger out, added a second one and slowly pushed inside. The tight muscle fought back with mild resistance, but Zayn thought that Liam was a little too high on pleasure to really care about or feel the burn. He still took his sweet time, eased two of his fingers inside and once again angled for Liam's prostate. Liam's moans, gasps, and the way his body writhed was music to his ears and when Liam's eyes slowly fell closed, Zayn stilled his fingers and reminded him to look at him.

It took Liam a moment to respond but he eventually forced his eyes open.

Smiling at him, Zayn continued to tease him, all the while thinking how good and obedient Liam was and how much he liked it. He teased Liam's prostate a while longer and when he started writhing beneath him, he pulled back and stopped teasing.

Liam moaned at the sudden loss of pleasure and Zayn rubbed his lower abdomen to distract and give him something else to focus on.

After a while, Zayn continued to move his fingers and continued to tease Liam. He took much more time than he usually would but this was not a scene and Liam wasn't his sub. They were just two people making love and Zayn desperately wanted Liam to feel good.

He had promised him that much and he intended to keep his promise.

"Wa—want m—more, Z-Zayn," Liam whined and thrashed underneath him.

Zayn smiled.

"You sure?"

"Y—yes, pl—lease Zayn, n—need your cock, please, so bad."

Such a good boy, you even know how to beg for it, oh you're sinfully beautiful, Zayn thought and withdrew his fingers.

He coated Liam's now loose hole and his cock with plenty of lube, helped Liam to bend his legs at the knees and then guided his cock to Liam's hole. He gently pushed and Liam gasped and shuddered. His half-erect cock faltered a little but Zayn gently stroked the inside of Liam's thigh, teased with his fingernails, and pushed deeper into Liam.

"Fuck!" Liam groaned and Zayn dug his nails a little firmer into Liam's thighs, attempting to distract him. Liam kept his eyes locked on his and reminding him to breathe, Zayn continued to edge deeper into Liam. He was slow but deliberate and a few moments later, he was fully sheathed with his balls resting snuggly against Liam's arse cheeks. He sought out Liam's hand, allowed their fingers to intertwine, but let the other trail to Liam's hip, which he gripped hard.

He pulled back, then pushed inside and Liam made the most delightful sound of pure unadulterated pleasure. Zayn leant forward, told him how fucking beautiful he looked, then captured his lips in a searing kiss. He gradually increased the speed of his thrusts until he had built a steady rhythm.

Adjusting his angle, he aimed for Liam's prostate and scored. Liam's entire body convulsed beneath him and Liam screamed in delight, mumbling a ton of incoherent nonsense.

"Want to touch you."

He sounded almost like he was begging and the look in his eyes told Zayn that he was.

"Touch," Zayn whispered, granting permission, and Liam's hands all but flew to his shoulders, holding on, gripping tightly. Zayn didn't even mind in the slightest. He thrust harder, faster, rougher, felt Liam's cock swell between them and set an unforgiving pace. Liam attempted to lock his legs around his waist but he didn't have the energy left to sustain his hold and they dropped back onto the bed though he kept them bend at the knees. Zayn thrust harder still.

"So gorgeous, so fucking gorgeous," he whispered against Liam's lips, too out of breath to kiss him, too high to focus on anything but slamming into Liam and hitting his prostate, providing him with maximum pleasure.

He watched Liam, watched how he desperately tried to keep his eyes open, tried to keep looking up at him but eventually lost the battle. His arms fell back onto the bed and he gripped the corners of one of the pillows and squeezed, held on for dear life.

His mouth hung open and every so often his tongue darted out to wet his lips. He was panting hard and large pearls of sweat rolled from his forehead down his temples and soaked into his hair.

Liam's chest was rising and falling rapidly and his entire body trembled and shook from the impact of Zayn's thrusts.

He half-moaned, half-sobbed and Zayn wondered whether Liam was still able to string a coherent sentence together.

He highly doubted it.

Unbelievably turned on by the sight of Liam's debauched body beneath him, Zayn increased the ferocity and intensity of his thrusts, slammed into Liam as if to claim him, and felt his own orgasm building.

It started somewhere deep in the pit of his stomach, spread with the uncontrollable fury and as his body supplied him with an overdose of adrenaline, endorphins and other delightful hormones and, with one last thrust, one last brush of Liam's prostate, he came on a low but long guttural groan.

As he filled Liam with streak after streak of thick white-hot come, he managed to find it in him to close his fist around Liam's cock. He pumped once, twice and on the third stroke, Liam exploded over his hand, coating it and his stomach with a heavy load of his come.

Zayn stilled, braced himself on both hands and slowly pulled out of Liam. He sighed, tiredly moved to flop down onto the bed beside Liam and wiped his hand on the bedsheet.

When Liam rolled onto his side and curled up against him, Zayn had enough sense left in him to pull him into his arms and hold him tight.

Zayn pressed a breathless kiss against Liam's temple, rubbed his back tenderly and three sweet words fell from his lips in a loving chant, I love you, I love you, I love you.

He wasn't sure whether Liam had heard him and stiffened a little when Liam sobbed into his chest and moaned against his hot and sweaty skin.

"Fuck Zayn," he mumbled, clearly half incoherent. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"That good, eh?" Zayn teased, hugged Liam tighter and flung one leg over Liam's thigh to envelop him almost completely. He rubbed his back soothingly and, unable to resist, he quietly reassured Liam, and repeatedly told him that he was safe and loved.

"Little prince," Zayn whispered and Liam mumbled something completely incoherent into his chest.

Eventually, Liam's breathing slowed down and he sighed, mumbled something that very much sounded like I love you too, then drifted off to sleep.

Zayn lay awake a little while longer, his instinct to protect Liam forcing him to make sure that Liam was just asleep and hadn't, in fact, lost consciousness.

He checked Liam's pulse and was able to feel Liam's steady breathing against his chest.

A minute later, Zayn too, drifted off into the land of dreams.

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