The Life of AMP

By MelaninMadeInSpace

46.8K 579 67

Welcome to an abundance of stories surrounding some of our favorite youtube groups , and individuals. I'm hop... More

Online Era
Interactions - Fanum
Friends? - ChrisNxtDoor
Caught - Duke Dennis
WTF - Agent 00
Friend of a Friend - Kai Cenat
Believe Me - Fanum
Surprise! - Duke Dennis
Believe Me pt.2 - Fanum
Block - Kai Cenat X Davo Migo

AMP Meeting - Davis

2.3K 36 2
By MelaninMadeInSpace

Rolling over to my side I slammed my hand down on the phone as it sounded off it's typical alarm. It was supposed to be alerting Davis that he needed to start heading back to the AMP house, but of course he never heard the thing so it was honestly kind of useless.

Looking over at Davis he was passed the hell out , didn't even look like he noticed or heard the alarm which like I said was typical. Shaking him slightly, he groaned a little bit before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

I chuckled , "You know you have to go right?" I asked

Davis just shook his head, "5 more minutes" He mumbled

"If I give you 5 more minutes, you aren't gonna have enough time to get ready for the shoot" I told him

Davis opened his eyes looking up at me, "If I miss one shoot it shouldn't be a problem right?" He asked

I nodded my head, "You're right it won't be a problem it'll be a BIG problem" I said emphasizing the word

He sighed, and I placed a kiss on his lips. "The faster you go , the faster you can come back and we can hang out" I told him

"Y'know I think it's time" He said

I chuckled raising an eyebrow, "You think it's time for what?" I asked him confused

Davis returned his eyes back to mine from the ceiling as he moved one of my locs behind my shoulder. "I think I'm ready to tell them about us" He said

"Are you sure?"I asked

Davis nodded his head, "Yeah I mean we've been dating for almost 2 years, they just think I've been hanging out with my brother or my family all the time." He said

I nodded, "If you're ready Davis then do it" I told him

Davis sat up, "I mean are you okay with that? I don't wanna do something you're uncomfortable or not ready to do yet, I kinda like us being private with our relationship" He said

I chuckled, "So what are you saying? Do you wanna tell them or keep it private and selective?" I asked him

Davis sighed as he rubbed his hands down his face letting them drop on his lap, "I don't know"

Placing my hand in his I gave it a squeeze, "Davis I love you, and whatever you decide to do I'm right there with you always. But right now if you don't get going they might send Shane to look for your ass" I told him chuckling

Davis laughed slightly as he nodded his head, "I love you, y'know that" He said looking over to me

I nodded my head, "I'm kinda hard not to love" I told him as he kissed me, "Now go get ready so you can leave me for the whole day" I said as I pushed him up off of the bed

He chuckled making his way towards the bathroom, he had disappeared into the bathroom for a moment before sticking his head out the door. "You know you can join me if you want right, save water" He said

I rolled my eyes, "Get in the shower Davis"


Looking down at my phone the screen lit up with a photo of Davis and I indicating his phone call. Picking up the phone I smiled, "Hey how was the shoot?" I asked

He didn't answer but I heard shuffling in the background, "Um Davis?" I said again

"Ayo who's this?"

Pulling the phone from my ear, and looking at the caller ID it indeed did say Davis🤍 so I was confused when someone not Davis spoke. Putting the phone back to my ear I could hear the shuffling again , and Davis in the background. "Bro give me my phone"

"Nah, nah , nah we tryna figure out who this is" The voice said again

Just as I was going to say something the person on the other end interjected, "Excuse me ma'am my name is Agent00 , and we're just trying to figure out who you are we've seen your photo pop up many times and we're just trying to figure your existence out" He said calmly

I chuckled, "Niggah hang up the phone, you're deadass not making the situation better" Davis yelled at them

"Well it seems like you guys are having fun so I'll just leave you to it, have fun Davis" I said a smile on my face as I hung up the phone

Shaking my head I went into the kitchen, and it didn't take long before my phone began ringing once more. "Helloooo" I sang

"I'm sorry about them" He said sighing

I chuckled, "It's no problem y'know, they're just curious" I told him leaning against the counter

"Do you wanna go to dinner tonight?" He asked

"You sure you up for it?You sound tired" I asked chuckling

Davis sighed on the other end of the phone, "Yeah I'm sure, I'll pick you up at 7" He said

I looked over to the clock on the stove, "Um you do realize thats giving me only 20 minutes to get ready right?" I asked him

"Yeah , yeah I do love you"

Looking at my phone I shook my head as I placed it down on the counter and went into the bedroom to go and get ready. In all reality it wasn't going to take long for me to get ready because I had already done half of the process beforehand so surprisingly by the time he walked through the doors I only really had to just put on my shoes.

"See I had the faith in you that you'd be done, and look at God" He said placing a kiss on my lips

I chuckled, "You're lucky I had just finished getting out of the shower before your friendly phonecall" I told him

Davis sighed once more, "Sorry for that by the way"

I shook my head, "It's all good trust me"

We didn't waste anymore time at the house , as we made our way to the front door and then eventually to his Tesla. We talked a little bit about the AMP shoot they did today, and before I knew it we had pulled up to this really huge familiar house.

Looking over to Davis he smiled slightly, "Surprise" He said

"Surprise how?"I asked

Parking his car, and turning it off he looked over to me. "Surprise we're having dinner with the guys as an introduction dinner surprise!"


Alrighty y'all I hope you enjoyed this cute little Davis one for the girls out there that love Davis, definitely an underrated guy tbh unless you're talking about the list. Anyways I hope y'all loved it and enjoyed it there will be a part 2 however, it won't be for a little minute. Sooooo if you did enjoy this one please don't forget to vote, comment/message me and follow. I love y'all dearly and hope y'all are having a great day/night as well as an amazing week/weekend🫶🏽


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