Block - Kai Cenat X Davo Migo

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Walking up towards the long line I watched as it seemed like it was only getting longer, just as I was admiring how long it was my phone began ringing, picking it up I placed it to my ear, "YO! Where ya ass at?" Kai's voice rang

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Walking up towards the long line I watched as it seemed like it was only getting longer, just as I was admiring how long it was my phone began ringing, picking it up I placed it to my ear, "YO! Where ya ass at?" Kai's voice rang

I chuckled hopping inside of the sprinter," Yo you gon stop talkin' to me like I'm one of your lil' side pieces"

He smacked his lips, " Bro you here or not?"

"Niggah damn we here chill out , we gon be up there ina second" Devonte said as he hung up the phone

I looked over to him shaking my head, "How you lit already , and we just got here?" I asked him 

Devonte shrugged his shoulders as the sprinter took off upwards towards the driveway, when we got to the gates we hopped out and we all walked towards the front doors. I came to the party with Devonte, Punga, Dez and Tylil as much as I wanted to come by myself these grown children hopped inside my car before I could even pull off. 

"Yoooo! ITS MY GUY KC3000!" Tylil yelled as he went over and dapped up Kai 

I shook my head at his loudness, "Ooop I see the drinks I'll see y'all ina minute" I said

Kai smacked his lips as he stood in front of me suddenly, "Niggah you just got here, you ain't even said hi or nothing" He said 

I sighed giving him a quick hug, "Alright I said hello , and gave you a hug can I go check out the drinks now Dad?" I asked him sarcastically

Kai laughed, "Yo Dad? That's crazy" He said shaking his head

I chuckled, "Imma be right back" I told him patting his shoulder and walking over towards the counter

As I walked over there displayed on the once clear counter tops were various bottles of Casamigos, Henny, Tequila shots you name it these boys damn near had it . I shook my head chuckling at this, just then I felt like someone was watching me and when I went to look I saw a confused Fanum standing a little ways from me. 

I raised an eyebrow, and when it seemed like realization set in to who I was he smiled. "Yo! Ain't no way they dragged your ass outta the Bronx over to the A!" He said giving me a hug 

I laughed giving him a hug, "Well y'know they said y'all was tryna kick off the summer in the A , the right way so y'know I had to slide through for a bit" I told him

"Nah that's crazy we been tryna get your ass out here forever and all we had to do was say we was throwin' a pool party?" He asked shaking his head

I smiled, "Well I'm here now so what's good with the A?" 

"Ayo fanum the Dj- Wait a minute. Y/N what're you doin' out here?" Duke asked giving me a hug

Fanum patted him on the chest, "She heard summer party in the A and came with Tata James , Punga, Dez, & Devonte" He said

I rolled my eyes, "Oh my god that's not even what happened" 

Fanum nodded his head, "Right if you say so, you seen the rest of the guys yet?" Fanum asked as he looked around us

I shook my head, "I dead just got here with the boys, and came to check out the drink selection" I said motioning over to the counter

"Y'know we had to do it a little grand for our first party of the summer" Duke said smiling all the while flashing his diamonds smile

I chuckled, "I can see that y'all damn near bought all the Casamigos and Henny out the store" I told him

"Don't worry cause I bought the biggest bottle!" 

The three of us looked over to Tylil who , I didn't know where the hell he'd bought the bottle from but he did have the biggest bottle of Casamigos in his hands. I shook my head, "Like I said grown children" I chuckled

"Aye Duke you still got Zay bag in your closet?" Someone asked coming over

As I gave him the one over I felt someone bump my shoulder to see Kai giving me a goofy smile, "You like what you see?" He asked slinging his arm around my shoulders

I made a face as I rolled my eyes, "I can't look at people?" I asked him

"Ayo! Davo Migo this my friend from back home" He said catching his attention 

My eyes widened slightly as I looked from Kai over to the guy who held a small smile on his face, stepping a little bit in front of Duke he extended his hand out to me as he looked down at me. "Davo" He said licking his lips

I tried my best to hide the smile but failed as I reciprocated his hand shake, "Y/N" 

Davo, as he'd introduced himself held my hand in his a little longer until the guys felt like they needed to interrupt. "Alright, alright , alright we're here to have a party let's go find Chris he wanted to see you when y'all got in" Kai said as he moved us away from Duke , Fanum, and now Davo

I swear my mouth was on the floor at the major cockblock that just occurred from Kai, when we'd found Chris I turned to look at him, "What the hell was that?" I asked

Kai laughed, "What? We can't let y'all dip out when the party just started" 

I sighed shaking my head, "What does that matter to you sir? The hoes is here anyways" 



Heyyyy y'all so this one was short but sweet so I hoped y'all enjoyed this one for Mr. Davo Migo I will be doing a part 2 but I just wanted to do something short to introduce Davo for the time being. Anywayyysss don't forget to vote, comment/messgae me and follow me to keep up with everything. I love y'all dearly🫶🏾

- Melanin J🤍

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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