I'm in Love with an Emo Girl...

By xStarryWritesx

8.7K 465 527

In which the rich and popular mean girl falls in love with the MySpace famous emo girl. More



257 14 18
By xStarryWritesx

Maybe Luxx was a little too happy about the twins getting the job at Wet Seal. Because that meant she could have an excuse to go see Irene more often.

As if she didn't see her a lot already now. She stuck around her a little more than usual in the mornings before school. She sat maybe a little closer to her than before in their shared class, and she had started spending more time with her at lunch when the twins were with Loosey and Jax.

And the two girls had definitely caught onto that.

"So~" Sugar was the first to start the conversation. She leaned forward against the driver's seat that Luxx occupied on their way to the mall. "What's been going on with you and Irene?"

Luxx stiffened up, trying to concentrate on driving. "What are you talking about?"

"You know." Spice giggled as she joined in. "Are you and Irene in love?"

Luxx almost choked. She glanced at the passenger seat. Next to her purse sat the CD Irene had given her just the night before. She bit her lip and tapped her nails against the wheel. She hadn't listened to it just yet. She feared that if she did, her feelings for her would only grow. "No, we're not in love."

But the twins didn't find her words very convincing. "Okay, so they're in love." Sugar turned to Spice this time, ignoring Luxx's denial. "Nobody will be a third wheel at homecoming now!"

"No-" Luxx huffed, gripping the wheel tightly in her hands. "I'm not asking her to homecoming." She said even though she knew she wanted to. "I literally just came out to my mom last night and I don't want to-"

Sugar and Spice gasped, staring at their friend with wide eyes. "You what?-" Spice squeaked out. "You didn't tell us about that-"

"Because I don't need the entire school knowing yet-" Luxx tried not to groan, regretting what she said now. "No one there needs to know and you two aren't the best at being quiet-"

"Are you ashamed?" Sugar asked with a tilted head, ignoring the part about them not being quiet.

The question took Luxx by surprise. She was silent as she pulled into the mall parking lot. She couldn't help but be ashamed. She didn't want to be, but she had always feared being looked down on and she knew not being straight had the potential to ruin what she had built for herself.

"I don't want to talk about this right now." She sighed. Yeah, it was nice to know her mom accepted her and still loved her, but thinking about what other people would think was too scary.

The twins dropped the subject. They stepped out of the car and gave Luxx a funny look when she followed. "You don't have to wait for us." Spice said. "We can have our mom pick us up later."

"It's fine. I can pass the time." Luxx responded. And based on the smiles that spread on the girls' faces, she knew they knew exactly where she was going.

And once they were inside the mall and in front of the store, she hardly finished wishing them good luck before she turned away. It was like some force pulled her back to Irene no matter how far she got from her. And she didn't mind that.

Before she could even enter the busy Hot Topic, she squeaked when she was bumped into and almost fell back. She was caught by the waist and didn't even have to look at who caught her. She knew the feeling of those hands on her too well.

"We always end up back against each other. Don't we?" Irene smiled as she pulled Luxx up and held her close.

Luxx blushed, trying her best to shake it off. "I feel like you purposely bumped into me as an excuse to get your hands on me."

"Maybe I did. But are you complaining?" Irene smirked. Luxx wanted to kiss it off of her lips, and she almost leaned in to do so, but stopped herself when seeing all of the people around them. Holding hands in the hallway at school had been scary enough, she wasn't ready for that level of intimacy in front of other people yet. That'd have to be saved for when they were alone. Or when Irene was just too much to resist and she gave into the temptation.

"I'm not." She replied quietly. "The twins started their first shift at Wet Seal. I thought maybe I could hang around you for a bit. If that's alright..."

"Of course that's alright. I'd love that actually." Irene took Luxx's hand and led her away from the store. "My break just started."

Luxx glanced at their hands and tried to ignore anyone who could possibly be staring as she held onto Irene's tightly. She didn't know where they were going, but she'd let her take her anywhere. She just hoped there wasn't a ton of people there so she could actually kiss her.

Irene leaned against the wall of the elevator they took, facing her and studying her closely. Luxx shifted a bit, still holding onto her hand. "What?"

Irene's eyes scanned Luxx's body. "You'd look hot with some piercings." She said, eyes landing on her stomach that was exposed by her tight cropped shirt. "Not that you aren't already hot."

Luxx blushed heavily, not expecting that to be what she said. "My ears are already pierced." She said, glancing at Irene's lip ring.

"I know. But a septum would look cute on you too. Maybe some others." Irene smiled a bit when she thought about it, leading her out of the elevator once the doors opened. "But don't even bother going to Claire's if you wanted to get that done. I'll just have Sasha do it, she did all of mine."

Luxx would be lying if she said she wasn't thinking about it now. She let Irene take her to the small coffee shop in the corner of the mall, and was relieved to see it wasn't as busy as the other stores. Bosco was at the front counter, pushing a coffee cup towards a zombie-like Camden.

Irene looked Luxx over again. "Yeah, you need something sweet." She turned to her sister and started ordering for her, making Luxx blush once again.

"Oh do I?" Luxx questioned, unable to stop herself from wrapping her arms around one of Irene's and leaning her head against her shoulder. She just prayed there was no one she knew around right now.

Irene smiled, tilting her head to press a quick and soft kiss to Luxx's forehead. "You do, yeah."

Luxx's eyes widened a little. Bosco just giggled when she saw the interaction before she turned to start making the drinks Irene had ordered.

Being this close to Irene almost felt dangerous. Because Luxx had to bite back a few words that wanted to come spilling out. She held onto her arm tighter, looking down at the ground. "I should probably tell you about last night..."

Irene looked down at her with a raised brow,  moving an arm around her waist to pull her closer. "Why? What's wrong?"

Luxx squeaked, blushing again when she was held closer to Irene's chest. "N-Nothing's wrong, I just...I did something I never really thought I'd do..."

"And that would be what?" Irene asked, her arm resting over Luxx's hip as she twirled a strand of her hair. "Admitting you're a lesbian?"

Luxx froze, hesitantly meeting her eyes. "...Stop being right. It isn't fair."

Irene laughed, grabbing one of the drinks Bosco slid across the counter and handing it over to Luxx. "You're serious? You actually did?"

Luxx looked down at the drink in her hands, her nails nervously tapping against the side of the cup. "Y-Yeah, I came out to my mom last night after you left..."

"Aw, baby." Irene gazed at her with that familiar fondness in her eyes that Luxx was starting to like maybe a little too much. The taller girl grabbed her own drink and thanked her sister before taking Luxx's hand again. "How did it go? Was everything alright?"

Luxx nodded as she was led to one of the little tables. "It went better than I expected. My mom doesn't hate me like I thought she would. She seemed...happy for me." She said as she sat with Irene, feeling a little more relaxed when feeling her thumb gently tracing over her knuckles. "Said she'd support whoever I love."

"That's amazing, baby. I like your mom." Irene pressed a kiss to the top of Luxx's hand when no one was looking. "She's cool."

The pet name and the kiss made Luxx's heart skip a beat. She tried to hide her smile, but failed miserably. "I think she likes you too."

"I hope so. I'd hate to make a bad impression when I..." Irene trailed off, looking as if she was holding something back. "When I've just met her."

Luxx had a feeling that wasn't what Irene was originally going to say. But she did her best not to get her hopes up. Instead she thought back to what the twins had said about homecoming. She sipped her drink, squeezing Irene's hand. "Are you, um...are you thinking about going to homecoming?"

"Daya and Bosco might if they can whip up some outfits in time. But I'm not sure about myself." Irene shrugged, looking down at her own drink as she thought to herself. "Why?"

Luxx bit her lip. This was very different compared to what it would've been like if Dylan had asked her to go with him. But she found herself thankful that he didn't. She wouldn't have Irene's hand in hers right now if he had. "Because...Sugar and Spice are going with Jax and Loosey, and if I go I don't really want to be alone and I thought maybe-"

"Hold on, are you asking me to homecoming?" Irene asked in a teasing yet surprised tone.

Luxx blushed heavily, groaning and looking away from her. "You don't have to agree to it- I just thought it'd be fun and nice to go with you and-"

There was a hand on her cheek and she was pulled back to face her. Irene pressed her lips against hers, and Luxx would've been petrified of anyone seeing them if it didn't feel so good. She kissed back, fighting the urge to wrap her arms around her and never let go.

"I would love that." Irene smiled when she pulled away, gazing down at Luxx. "But I think there's one more step we should take before then. Don't you?"

Luxx shifted nervously at first, until her heart sped up in her chest when realizing what Irene could be talking about. "What is it?"

Irene's eyes never left hers. She took Luxx's hand again and laced their fingers together. "Forgive me if this sounds cheesy." She started. "But, will you be my girlfriend?"

Luxx froze, her heart speeding up as she practically melted under Irene's touch. She hardly had time to think before she was nodding quickly and struggling to form words. "I- Um- Yes please-"

Irene laughed, pulling her in for another kiss and moving closer so she could wrap her arms around her waist. Luxx kissed back instantly and latched her arms around her neck. She couldn't think about anyone watching. Her mind was way too focused on the fact that Irene had just asked her to be her girlfriend.

"So much for hating me, huh?" Irene smiled teasingly when she pulled away a little.

"Fuck off-" Luxx kissed her again to shut her up. She knew the twins were going to be overly excited when she told them about this. And if she was being honest with herself, she was going to be too. It was safe to say that telling herself she hated Irene had done nothing at all to change her feelings.


Doing my job to feed the lesbians.

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