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Even though Luxx had slept with and been with plenty of guys before, she didn't often experience a whole lot of romantic gestures. And she didn't think any could measure up to this.

She looked down at her pillow that she had been squeezing in her arms to find mascara stains covering it. The CD that Irene had given her was playing in the stereo, and while this kind of music wasn't really Luxx's thing, she couldn't help but feel emotional over the fact that Irene had taken the time to put together so many songs like this that reminded her of her.

She didn't exactly know all of the song names or all of the artists, but there was a lyric in one song that stuck with her. So much so that she replayed the song.

Luxx stood up from her bed and walked over to her desk, grabbing a pen and quickly writing down the lyric.

Things are better if I stay

She stared down at it, wiping away some of the mascara that had run down her face. Things always felt better when Irene stayed with her. Like any sort of fear of judgment was gone. Like there was a barrier between her and whatever could make her more insecure than she already felt deep inside.

She sat in front of her mirror and started to clean up her face, the song still playing in the background. In the reflection, she could see her homecoming dress hanging from a hook on the back of her closet.

Originally, Luxx had imagined it would be Dylan's hands resting on the skin tight material. If not him, then she figured it would be another member of the football team or one of the other buffer and attractive guys at school. But thinking about them didn't make her heart skip a beat. They didn't make her feel weak in the knees or want to hang onto them and never let go. But Irene made her feel that way. Irene made her heart skip a beat with just the slightest thought of her.

She stood up and walked over to her closet, running her hand down the sparkling pink fabric of the dress. She bit her lip when realizing that she'd be expected by everyone to show up at homecoming with one of the most popular and attractive guys. All eyes would be on her. And she'd have another girl as her date.

And not just any girl. Irene. MySpace famous Irene Dubois.

"Fuck..." Luxx rubbed her head. She hadn't even thought about that. She was dating Irene fucking Dubois. Even more eyes than usual would be on her.

But the nerves were outweighed by the fact that her heart swelled whenever she reminded herself that she was Irene's girlfriend.

Luxx was lost in her thoughts when the door to her room was slammed open.

"You're dating Irene?!" Sugar and Spice screamed in unison, staring at her from her doorway in shock.

Luxx quickly turned off the music, facing them with wide eyes. "I- I don't know what you're talking about-" The words left her lips without even thinking. "And who let you in? My mom is working-"

"Her MySpace bio changed." Sugar practically ran to Luxx's desk and opened her laptop, determined to prove her point as she ignored her question. "It used to say she was single and now it says she's taken with a little heart next to it."

"And you're the only one she's shown interest in like that." Spice chimed in, making herself comfortable on Luxx's bed. "We even heard her call you princess that one time."

"See?" Sugar pointed to the laptop screen. Luxx hesitantly looked, finding that Irene's bio had indeed changed.

She sighed. She couldn't deny it now. She had originally been excited to tell them, but she couldn't help how nervous she was. "Okay, yeah..." She rubbed her arm. "She asked me to be her girlfriend yesterday and I said yes."

I'm in Love with an Emo Girl (Luxrene)Where stories live. Discover now