By DylanobsBitch

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"ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴜɴ ɪꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɴᴅ; ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ." Maisy Miller was once a pouge on the island of outer banks... More

intro *
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12

Ch 7

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By DylanobsBitch

Sprawled out on her bed Maisy snored softly as she had fallen asleep with papers scattered around her from a long day of research. A day had passed since the boneyard and she found herself burying the situation beneath, wanting nothing than to forget it even happened. It was only 5pm the next day but due to not having a good sleep the previous night she fell into her nap naturally.

This morning she had awoke cold and shivering some time in the early morning when the birds started to call to each other like an alarm ringing in her ear. She felt as though she had taken the walk of shame as she stumbled back towards her house. Luckily for her she hadn't been to far from home as she had ran quite a mile.

When she got back home sleep didn't come easy to her so instead of tossing around in bed she decided to get productive. After skimming her dads papers she had found the previous day it had been lingering on her mind ever since so while knowing she couldn't ask her dad cause there would be serious repercussions, she done some research of her own.

She had found out The Royal Merchant is one of the most famous shipwrecks that happened in the 1800s in outer banks. The pumps had apparently given way and had stopped working mid sail causing the ship to go down as they wern't able to fix it. Many men drowned with it leaving no survivors, despite the information being vague on that, but that wasn't what made the ship so well known.

She read that the ship was said to contain 400 million dollars worth of gold which was said to go down with it. She wasn't able to find out if the gold had survived or not as there was minimal amounts of information on the internet about it. She made a note to herself to travel down to the library to see if it held any old books which might have more relevant information about it as it had fully spiked her interest. I mean if your dad was trying to find 400 million worth of gold wouldn't you?

Maisy now understood why her dad was so interested with it as it was the sort of money that could change someones life but she had a sinking feeling there was more to it than meets the eye.

She hadn't particularly checked her phone much during the day not wanting to talk to anyone. However, she did notice Sarah's insistant messages pretty much getting the girl to text her back to make sure she was still alive making the girl smile slightly in her tirered state. She had even received a message from a few of the others including Rafe and topper, Toppers looked to be from Sarah making her laugh slightly as her heart soared at the thought of how worried she actually was.

The two girls had decided to meet later in the day just to hang around and maybe watch a film. At first Maisy wanted nothing but to come up with an excuse so she didn't have to go as she never wanted to talk to another human being again. but then she thought about how maybe it would be a good idea to get out the house for a while not wanting to decay and become one with her bed.

While being fast asleep she was awoken by a slight knock at the door as they edged the door open to walk inside. Groaning slightly as her blinds were open she found herself scrunching up further into herself in seek of escaping the light.

"Honey it is going on half 5, you should not be asleep yet." Her face found her pillow as she scrunched her eyes in distaste of getting up wishing she could just stay in her comfort forever.

"Mum leave me alone, sleep is free and I'm feeling like taking this opportunity to catch up." Rolling her head to the side she caught a look of her mums amused face at the state of the teenager. The girl hadn't washed and her hair was almost definitely in tangles, not her most attractive moment to say the least.

"Go clean yourself up, you made the decision to go out so deal with the repercussion" the woman laughed to herself as she edged towards the door receiving a unamused expression from the girl who wasn't trying to hide it. "to be a teenager again" she muttered with a sigh as she closed the door on her way out.

Maisy tossed in bed slightly so she was adjusted into the position of staring at her ceiling. She hadnt checked the time in a while so tapped her hand across her bed trying to find the misplaced device which she soon realised had fallen to the floor in her active sleep.

As the light illuminated from the phone making the girl squint at the harsh lighting, she saw it was 5:17 realising she most definitely should get moving as she was supposed to be at Sarahs around half an hour ago.

Stumbling out of bed in her haze like state she made her way to the bathroom to depict a plan in how she would possibly sort the nest her hair had become. Instead of battling with a hairbrush against the many knots most likely created she jumped in the shower wanting to freshen up which also allowed her hair to become soft and easy to manage as she ran conditioner through her long strands of golden hair.

Fruity smells lingered from her body wash that had scrubbed away dirt and grime from the previous night leaving her feeling almost renewed as it had settled the pulsing head ache that was starting to repeat on her.

She didn't spend much longer as she dried off and threw on a comfy pair of clothes she wouldn't mind sleeping in before chucking a few random things in a bag ready to leave the house. As she made her way downstairs she made sure to check that no one was around before sneaking a bottle of wine in her bag for their movie marathon along with a few snacks to keep them occupied.

She decided to walk knowing it wasn't a far trip and strolled through figure 8 enjoying the afternoon sun which seemed to grace her skin. Breathing in the fresh air she let her mind calm slightly wanting to have a fun carefree night knowing she needed that desperately and the Cameron girl always seemed to be able to light a smile on the girls face even in the gloomiest of situations.

They hadn't known each other long but it was if they were long lost siblings, like twin flames almost. It was if she knew the girl her whole life and that brought comfort to Maisy as she has been looking for something like this for years. Longing for it even if she was in a crowded room.

Walking to the front door she pinged a message to the girl to let her know she was here as she gently knocked on the door stepping back a bit as she looked at the huge house. Not before long the door opened making a smile grace her face but instead of seeing the familiar blonde girl she had expected, Rafe entered her view.

"hey, I didn't realise you were coming over are you okay, I didn't catch you at the end of the boneyard after everything that happened." Maisy still didn't completely know what had happened but Sarah promised to give her a full story about it later so instead of telling the truth she went along with it.

"yeah sorry I just had to get back after all that you know, Pouges really know how to host a party." she smiled slightly as she was invited in standing in the entrance of the Camerons home which would never become a normal sight. Every time she entered it , it was if she had stepped into it for the first time not fully being able to comprehend the size of it.

"I completely understand, what are you here for anyway?" before she could answer she was cut off as Sarah came bounding down the corridor with a great smile on her face lighting up her own seeing the bundle of joy Sarah seemed to be. Maisy loved the fact the girl seemed to be so happy with life it made her feel comforted that not everyone has to go through hardships like herself.

"Maisy is here for me Rafe, its a girls night and your not invited so run along we have a lot of things to talk about" at that she grabbed Maisys hand edging them down the coridoor the one she had just come from.

"what talking about when your next pedicure is booked? I bet Maisy will find that fascinating" at the sarcasm obvious in the boys voice Maisy laughed as Sarah sent him a glare ready to walk away not wanting to be in the presence of her brother.

"wow Rafe it's nice to see a man so educated in pedicures, very refreshing. I'll talk to you later" Maisy waved slightly as he smiled right back as the two girls disappeared down the corridor.

"ugh he makes me sick sometimes I swear thats all he thinks my life revolves around" Maisy laughed seeing the girls dismay for the comment he had sent her way.

"well he's not particularly wrong, when was the last time you didn't have your nails done." Sarah nudged the girl slightly with a scoff before the two girls started laughing. 

Sarah lead her outside towards the family's boat saying she had set everything out nicely and that it would be one of the only spots the two wouldn't be disturbed. Believing her word, they made their way onto the yatch and headed towards the main cabin where Sarah had strung up a few lights and blankets over the pull out couch and a tv ready to go when they needed.

Maisy wondered how much money this family must own as the boat looked just as nice if not nicer than their home. The girl had grown up with a small barely working boat her whole life, this was a completely different experience.

The girls had settled down onto the couch as Maisy grabbed for the snacks and wine she had brought lighting up Sarahs eyes as she immediately went to grab the two girls glasses making them laugh at how eager she was for a drink. The two laughed and joked a bit as they talked about everything and nothing at the same time.

"so what actually happened last night at the boneyard, I left before anything happened. All I heard was the gunshots, was everyone okay?" Maisys eyebrows furrowed as she quizzed the girl worried that it had been a bad change of events once she left. Guilt riddled in her mind and stomach at the thought John B or someone had been the other end of the barrel and all she did was run away scared. Pathetic was all that came to mind at the thought as dread ate away at her. She just wanted to know so she didn't overthink it.

"I don't know particularly when you left but Topper and John B got in bad fight, They both started drowning each other it was.... a lot. Thats when JJ decided to whip a gun out on topper, like it was insane where did he even get a gun right? The gunshots you heard were warning shots he fired in the air so everyone was okay. I didn't stay around to see how John B was but all I know was that it was pretty bad."

Maisy didn't know what to say after she heard that. it was a lot of information and that lead to hundreds of questions she knew Sarah couldn't answer. She was happy no one was hurt but at the mention of how bad John B looked she couldn't help but feel anxious about the whole situation.

She had no clue what her old group of friends were up to but if they managed to get hold of a gun somehow, there was definitely something they shouldn't be doing. She had always thought over the years what they had been up to while she was gone, they had all become so different as people that she often wondered if they would even enjoy her company anymore. But after speaking to them all briefly she knew that it was still them.

Pope was still into all his sciences striving for top grades and top schools. The boy had always been too smart for his own good but she was beyond proud of the boy. John B seemed to keep his streak of sarcasm and same characteristic, there seemed to be little to no differences despite the obvious anger he seemed to hold nowadays. Finally JJ, now he was the same old JJ. Always being the one to make everyone laugh along with always having the most stupidest ideas. Some things never change.

"Jesus.... well I guess no one got hurt but surely JJ is going to get called in, sounds like he was a kid on christmas day with that gun." her eyebrows furrowed as her voice was consumed with concern for the boy as there was nothing good about the situation. Also knowing that Luke would be anything but thrilled to have to bail his son out and she dreaded what the repercussions would be for that.

"well he held a gun to Toppers head, wether he was actually going to shoot him or not it doesn't matter. Anyways I think it's time to put a chick flick on what do you say? Mean girls or clueless?" Maisy tried to pass over the obvious dig with JJ, so instead of carrying on the conversation Sarah cut off she smiled while thinking of the film she would rather.

" That is so sexist for you to assume i only watch chick flicks. We should watch clueless" she smiled as she seated further into the couch facing the tv as the other girl followed her actions which rolling her eyes at the girl.

"oh i'm sorry where are my manners, but i'm glad you picked that as I was never really going to give you an option" Maisy scoffs while nudging the girl as they begin to laugh. The film began to roll as the girls sipped on their glasses of wine while digging into their heap of snacks laced over the blankets. They were tucked right in as they laughed at the movie making jokes as it went on and the alcohol taking effect as it made the movie seem 10x more funny.

Due to it being early in the morning after a while the two had finished their film and carried on talking for a bit before deciding to call it a night. Exhaustion was definitely taking its toll as it hit them like a ton of bricks and the two fell asleep almost instantly breathing in the comfort that the two gave each other.


As Maisy stirrered she heard the clutter of objects hitting the floor echoing through the floorboards along with 2 voices she hadnt expected. She groaned as she pushed her face further into the the soft cotton below hoping to drown the two voices out but there was no use.

"do you mind its barely daylight and your interrupting my sleep, would you please stop flirting over me and go...."as the girl turned slowly to glare at the boy she hadn't recognised at first to then be greeted with John Bs face causing her words to disappear on her lips. Instead of being greeted by a guilty face for waking her up his face held nothing but anger for the girl making her heart stop slightly.

"Maisy, its fine he's not staying long" she suddenly felt very claustrophobic as she moved her eyes from the boy who still seemed to stare at the girl with nothing but betrayal.

"well if you don't mind me I'll leave you lovebirds to it, don't particularly feel like being a third wheel the moment i wake up. Great to see you though." her slight laugh came out forced as she was more than uncomfortable in the situation and the obvious tension fogging up the room. But as she started to get up from her spread out position she was stopped by his voice.

"don't bother, I was leaving anyway" he sent one more distasteful look towards the girl at her hurt expression not expecting it to be this bad when they found out. So instead of saying anything else she fell backwards dramatically into her original position wishing she could do that conversation over so she didn't have to leave it on such an awakward moment.

John B was long gone and the two girls sat in silence one full of confusion and the other rubbing their eyes as if it would magically wake her up from this nightmare.

"what the hell was that about? Don't tell me you had sex with him and it ended badly. " a long sigh exited Maisy as she slowly sat up to sit beside the girl who kept looking back and forth between the door and her as if she couldn't understand or believe what she had just seen.

"Of course I didn't, how poorly do you think of me? Not that he's not attractive beacause John Bs great but not that way. But you thinking im already getting it on with boys is something we re going to have to dicuss." She said teasingly threatening the other girl making the room fill with lighthearted laughter before it fizzled out leaving the two in questioning silence.

Maisy knew there was no use trying to disguise what happened so she let out a soft sigh before fully facing the confused girl next to her.

"okay this is going to sound fucking wild okay? but just hear me out." she glanced over to the girl with a pleading look which made Sarahs face soften as she knew this was going to be hard for the girl to talk about so she nodded and kept quiet to allow Maisy space to speak.

For the next half an hour Maisy told her everything. She tells her originally she lived on the island which seemed to shock the girl but she didn't say anything. Telling her all about the Pouges and how they used to be best friends as well telling her why she had left to go to Chicago at the age of 13.

Speaking about it made Maisy slightly emotional to think she had left them so many years ago and now they couldn't even look at her without disgust. Leaving them was almost definitely one of the hardest things she ever had to go through and now she was struggling to believe the pouges would ever understand that.

She even went into slight details of Chicago telling her how much she had struggled with the change from Outerbanks to there. Not fully telling her everything she just said how hard it had been for herself to be so far away from her home.

 Maisy didn't want Sarah to look at her any different by telling her what she had been up to as that scared her to her core. She was disappointed In herself and that was all the grief she needed to go through. Anymore and she was afraid she would break.

Hating disappointment was a huge thing for her and she went through it ever day as it repeated on her mind in a cycle. Chicago sucked. 

She just wanted to have what she once had but things never come easy and she had realised that for a long time.

Sarah asked how she had been coming back to which she responded telling her she was more than happy to come back she was just scared to see the people she once knew as everything was now so different. Sarah was more than sympathetic when she heard the girl talk with emotion thick in her voice. This had been the first time she had talked to anyone about it and she was so relived to get the building pressure off her chest slightly. It was if one of the many weights she was constantly carrying had been lifted, however there was still so many she was still trying to figure out how to get rid of.

coming to the end of her explanation the two girls sat in silence as the morning sun was now bright and illuminating the whole room embracing the girls as if a crack of light was finally allowed to show from Maisy.

"I knew it" Maisy looked up from her fidgeting hands with confusion laced over her features how that was the first thing she spoke.

"what?" she spoke with nothing but confusion.

"I knew you were a Pouge, there is nothing about you that screamed Kook. " Maisy let out a laugh of disbelief as the two laughed together letting the air calm around them as it had slowly become a pleasant atmosphere. There was no pent up nerves or doubts just pure breeze.

"seriously though I knew it but I would have never guessed you were friends with the pouges, like you completely acted as if you didn't know them."the girls laughs settled slightly at that as Maisy knew she was wrong to keep it to herself but she had no clue how she was suppose to go about the situation so she just tried to pretend the situation never existed. Thats what she usually done in difficult situations.

"I'm sorry I lied and kept this from you."her voice was so small Sarah barely caught it which made a small sympathetic smile grace fall over her face as she lent over to embrace her in a well needed hug to which Maisy reciprocated without a second thought needing it more than anything as it had felt like forever since she hugged someone.

"you never lied, I just forgot to ask." they lent back as they both smiled at each other she could feel tears building in her eyes as they lent back into the couch so she pushed them back not wanting to cry but feeling so lucky to have found the star which Sarah Cameron was.

"anyway more important talk, Rafe wanting to mack on you makes me want to be physically sick you need to sort that asap." Maisy let out a real laugh as she glanced over to the girl holding a disgusted look on her face. 

"im not kidding! like seriously it's gross."

"he's not that bad, but he's definitely not my type anyway so you don't have to worry about him getting in my pants. Many boys will try though trust me." Sarah lets out a physical sigh while wacking Maisy with a disgusted face making the girl laugh at her dramatics.

"okay what is your type then?" Maisy sits on that question as she tries to think of her past crushes as she never really thought what her type would be.

"I guess... blonds, but I appreciate a guy who can make me laugh. Oh, and I like a good smile thats important." she looks over at Sarah to see her sat with a knowing smile making her smile with confused look not knowing why she would react like that.

"so pretty much JJ" Maisys eyes get big at that as she goes to open her mouth only to let incoherent mumbles exit not really having an answer to that. "once again I knew it, I saw you guys at that first party, its sweet."

"I don't have a crush on JJ okay? I would rather stick forks in my eyes, that boy is nothing but a pain in the ass. What about you how are you and Topper going?" her cheeks were obviously tinted red from embarrassment so all she knew what to do was to divert the conversation onto someone else making the girl sat beside her laugh while shaking her head slightly in amusement.

"its going good.. I think. its just.. I love him obviously but we haven't gone the full way yet" This time Sarah looks down to avoid Maisys shocked glance as she knew the two had been together for quite a while now.

Sarah goes on to confide in the girl of her worries as she feels nothing but comforted around the girl. Telling her about how she thinks giving it to him is such a big deal to her but not as much to Topper which seems to upset the girl which she thinks is silly but Maisy understands it to so much length.

Loosing that part of you is huge and should be special and Maisy had always regretted loosing hers to someone who couldn't give two shits about her. It's like ripping away a part of you that you have held for so long and to give that to someone else is really important that it means something and holds a special place In your heart. Having it as a regret is painful and it lingers. Maisy understood and sat as she listened to ever single word the girl was saying. She had listened to her so she would always make time for Sarah.

The girls conversations had changed to talking about everything and nothing at the same time as they were laughing and feeling carefree in the moment they were in. Maisy wouldn't say it but she was so thankful to have stumbled and crossed into Sarahs path. The girls felt like they have know each other their whole life and to find a friendship like that was something very rare nowadays.

They were never going to let this fade, it was special and they made a note to always keep it that way.


Maisy had said she needed to get home so Sarah offered to walk her back so the two strolled along the shore making their way down the road back to hers. As they were walking they spotted a young girl crying so decided to go talk to her as she was on her own. Soon enough, after settling the worked up girl, they began to ask her what was wrong.

She had told them she left her toy in her boat which seemed to be crashed further out of the coast due to the strong winds Agatha had happily given them. Fucking Agatha.

"Oh, so you left her in the boat?" the small girl sniffled and nodded making Sarah look back at Maisy with a sympathetic look before turning back to the girl.

"Okay, can you tell us what she looks like?" the girl goes on to say she has a trunk and blue ears telling the girls there were most likely looking for an elephant toy.

"Okay ill go get her" Sarah begins to climb a beam as the little girl clasps onto maisys hand making her share a smile with her as she said it will be all okay.

She noticed from the side Topper, Kelce and Rafe all staring at the girl in worry as everyone had noticed the wires which were most likely on and would give her one hell of a shock if she touched them.

"Sarah please be careful." Maisy said with worry as the girl balanced along a beam over to the boat looking like she could fall at any second.

"I'm an athlete Mais, ive got this" she glanced back at the girl as she laughed slightly while Maisy was holding onto the younger girls hand in worry as though it would help Sarah.

Shouts of worry was heard from both topper, and Rose who had come out the house to see what she would call a daughter walking straight into something that could kill her just for a stuffed toy. However Maisy would have done the exact same if Sarah hadnt done it so it was going to be either or. With Sarah stepping up for the job herself really made Maisy admire her more than she already did.

She had finally reached the boat and started climbing in which is when she screamed and fell forward making Maisys heart beat in her throat as she instantly began to climb over to the boat across the beam needing to reach the girl. Topper had also sprung into action running over which is when Sarah began to laugh as Maisy was halfway across to her while she was just looking back at all of her friends worried faces while holding a broken wire.

Maisy let a breath of relief exit her body as she rubbed her face as she began to laugh herself at the cruel prank the girl had played on them all.

"you absolute suckers" she laughed at all our reactions finding humour in it where as Topper found it anything but humerous.

"oh you should have seen your face!" kelce nudges the boy with a laugh to be greeted with a glare. Maisy sticks her middle finger at the girl forgetting about her and moving back to solid ground and to the girl who was patiently waiting for her stuffed toy.

"Yeah. Okay, yeah, I'm sorry that I care. okay, guilty." sarcasm laced in his voice obviously embarrassed he had fallen for the stupid prank.

"your officially her bitch." Maisy overheard and laughed making Rafe fill with pride and a smirk as he was able to make her laugh. Sarah waved around the toy in her hand making the young girl giggle as she made her way back to the land hopping off the beam with a skip in her step.

as the girl thanked the two she ran off with her toy back in hand as the two girls smiled watching her run off. Maisy all of a sudden smacked the girls arm slightly getting a hurt reaction from the girl who laughed while looking at Maisy.

"don't ever pull that shit again you sick fuck." the two girls laughed at that knowing she was joking while still being annoyed that the girl had got her so good.

"aw I'm sorry, if im actually going to die I hope it will be a lot more dramatic than that. What a bad way to go huh." they looked back at the boat with a laugh as they noticed everyone who had crowded around seemed to disappear elsewhere now realising there was no problem anymore.

"your telling me. Well I should go home and I would ask you to come with but you've got a lovesick puppy who has a severely hurt ego." she laughs as she begins to back up ready to head home.

"I'll go fix it with a few band aids see if that works with Topper. I'll see you later." they wave goodbye as Maisy makes her way down the coast knowing her house wasn't far. Taking in the destruction that was still evident across the land she felt a pang of sympathy for all the Pouges who needed to money to pay for food helping out on the Kooks land. She just knew their homes back on their side were looking almost 10x as bad as this did.

Not pondering it too long she carried on her way down the coast back home in search of helping out herself with the mess.

On the other side of the island a group of 4 Pouges, unknown to her, were making their way to the Redfeild lightlhouse in search of clues on the royal merchant. Maisy had no clue they knew about it, more than she probably did, as they drove down the street making their way there.

"I mean, it's obvious, right? A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?" he remained hopeful despite the disappearance of his father, determined to bring him back from where he is. John B knew there was something else going on and he wasn't going to stop until he figured it out.

"Yeah. It's possible." Kiara spoke despite her big doubts on wether this was the grief and denial talking.

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, you know, deal with your sad feels." turning the compass in his palm Pope looked up to receive a glare through the mirror from John B as a good tell to shut up.

"-you know, how to deal with your sad feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, thats how I do it." JJ almost mumbled to himself as he got completely cut off by John B obviously worked up over the situation.

"I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message." he was almost hysterical the way he was talking, so frantic while looking between his friends trying to make just one of them understand him. After the new information about a familiar Blonde being back on the island he was filled with grief, hurt and anger and nothing was going to change that. In his heart he knew she would understand him but she left when they needed her. 

She had done this to herself.

"If it helps you believe, John B." Kiara was trying to be sympathetic but failing badly, all she wanted to do was comfort the boy but at this moment it seemed that wasn't possible.

" Look, I-I don't need a therapy session, okay? Look, I'm not trippin' out." he stared straight ahead trying to stay focused on his driving instead of his emotions.

"it's okay to trip, bro, but-" JJ once again tried to cut in but at the moment John B was making it very difficult for anyone to have a say and help him. he didn't want helping.

"Look, my-- my dad is missing, okay? missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish. and then have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering." his voice was laced with emotion as he was almost trying to convince himself that this was the reality.

Little did he know JJ knew exactly what he was going through, the one person he had always found comfort in and gone to in his times of need had vanished without a single word. He knew what that felt like and it hurt like nothing he had ever felt before. Not wanting to relive his emotions he coughed under his breath to relieve the emotion building up in his voice to try lighten the situation.

"Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility." he looked around at everyone to receive a few half hearted nods.

"Yeah, could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere." Pope joined in looking at the boy also with sadness thinking of the same girl which had plagued his thoughts for years with. When he found out the girl was the one he had met at the boneyard a few days ago he was shocked. he would have never put two and two together which annoyed him to no length that he couldn't place her. She had looked so different and had a different aura to her.

He didn't feel anger like the other boys did he just felt sad for the girl. There was obviously something keeping her from the boys and he made a note to himself that he was going to figure it out. they had all been too good of friends to just vanish without a single word and he knew the truth would eventually come out.

"Absolutely. Uh... or Atlantis." he looked around with raised brows as if he had figured it out to only receive an eye roll and a warning from Kiara saying that was enough.

"what do you think the message is?" she looked over to the Routaledge boy not knowing particularly where they were going.

"Redfield Lighthouse. That's my dad's favorite place." they continued on down the road to see a lighthouse peak over the trees. The group looked at each other before they continued on hoping to god that they would finally get some answers about this fucked up adventure.

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