By Semi_1994

45K 1.2K 4.7K

Plot: Taehyung, aged 28, has gained significant success as a thriller and drama writer. Jimin, on the other h... More

Chapter 2 & 3: Start of Winter & Game of Winter
Chapter 4&5: The Flower heart
Chapter 6&7: Ξ‘ Hand of a Friend
Chapter 8,9&10: Change of view
Chapter 11 & 12: The lie and beyond & Dear Daisy
Chapter 13 & 14: Red Herring & Chasing the Dragon
Chapter 15, 16, and 17: Vipers in the Garden
Chapters 18 & 19: The Ripple Effect & Nowhere to Run
Chapters 20-21: Butter & Through Your Eyes
Chapter 22: Lady In White
Chapter 23: Ξ‘ Little Touch of Freesia

π™²πš‘πšŠπš™πšπšŽπš› 𝟷: π™ΆπšžπšŽπšœπš 𝚘𝚏 Autumn

7.2K 170 235
By Semi_1994

".....young Sung Joon knelt at the height of the termite-half-eaten chair and looked into his elderly mother's eyes, which were as cloudy as diluted milk. Eyes blind and lost glared into the darkness behind his back. Her sickness had eaten her mind and her memories were like furniture in a deserted house, covered with dusty sheets from the previous occupant. Sung Joon reached over and stroked his mother's wrinkled hand.




Only her breathing, heavy as a rusty chain, betrayed that she was still alive.

But was she? This was not what life looked like. She was just an existence that breathed life into this empty carcass of bones.

She forgot everything! Her name? Forgotten.

Her son's name? Forgotten.

Time fades everything.

The past recedes, memories fade, flesh rots and stone breaks down.

Everything is subject to time.

He stood up and looked at her with a dark gaze that glistened with unspeakable pain and rage.

How could she forget him? How?

He pulled the pillow from her bony knees and brought it to her face.

His fingers clenched on the pillow and he pressed hard against her.

Her body started to twitch slightly and her breath now sounded like a broken gear.

"I have to let you go, Mother...I must."

Tears flooded his eyes when he felt her broken nails digging into the flesh of his outer palm.

And then, she finally stopped moving. Her bony hands dropped to her sides and she lay there like a broken puppet.

The icy wind outside the window howled like a rabid wolf on a mountain, and Sung Joon collapsed on the floor in terror, letting the pillow fall further.

It was then, that he saw his dead mother's lips like a distorted mask smiling at him.

"It was about time...."

He heard her mutter through her rotten teeth and cried out.

Her broken and old body slithered like a snake across the floor and Sung Joon found himself staring at her in bewilderment between his legs.

"No, no, no..." he screamed and turned to crawl away from her when....."

The phone suddenly rang and Jimin let the book fall from his hands in surprise.

It took him a few seconds to come back to reality and he immediately jumped out of bed to the desk and grabbed his phone.


"I'm done, where are you?"


"Why do you sound like that? Did something happen?"

Jimin got up from the chair, quickly putting on his jacket.

"Where are you? Are you far from the library? I'll come to get you."

"I'm on my way out of the building now. Are you sure you're okay? Don't tell me....are you reading one of those thrillers again?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming, don't move."

He hung up the phone and quickly putting on his shoes he ran out of the apartment.

Ari stood with her arms wrapped around her shoulders outside the entrance of the library where she worked. She was looking around like an owl, trying to locate Jimin. It was about 20 minutes since that phone call and he still didn't show up.

She checked her wristwatch and began to huff and puff impatiently. Her feet were cold and her stomach was gurgling, her hair was frizzing from the humidity and she was already starting to curse herself for that phone call.

"Damn you Jimin, I swear as soon as you get here, I..."

Suddenly she felt a hand land on her shoulder and she squeaked.

"It's me, don't scream..."

"Don't scream? Don't scream????"

Ari turned towards him while clutching her bag and began to smack him with it.

"It's not only that you've made me wait here for 20 long minutes, cold and hungry, but you also attack me from the side like some crazy lunatic and you expect me not to scream?"

Jimin started hopping from one foot to the other trying to avoid Ari's attacks without much success. One hit got him in the shoulder, another in the head, and another in the face.

"What's in that bag anyway. Bricks?"

"You have bricks in your damn head! I'm leaving!!!"

Jimin jumped forward, blocking her escape.

"I'm sorry. I missed the bus and had to wait for the next one."

"Get out of the way!" She shoved him and ran with Jimin following her like a puppy. Even though it wasn't very quiet on the streets at this time, you could hear Jimin and Ari's voices echoing through the alleys.

A short while after, they were both walking side by side with their shoulders touching, eating a hot dog covered with French fries that Jimin bought.

Ari finally calmed down and was enjoying her food. Now, the only thing that bothered her was the cold, so she wrapped her arm around Jimin's and he almost dropped his food.

"Are you working tomorrow?"

"Yes, until 5:00."

"Any news from the job ads? Did anyone call you?"


"They will."

"I like your positivity."

"One of us has to be." She shrugged with a smile and Jimin quickly looked away. She was so beautiful!

"I've forgotten what positive thinking is since I got back."

"It's hard here in Seoul. I know it well. The competition is fierce and the qualifications that each company is looking for are insane..."

"Thank you very much...." He muttered with a frown.

"....but that doesn't mean you should give up. You have to keep trying. Are you still writing that Joseon-era romance?"

"No, I gave up."

"But why?"

"I don't know, I lost interest in my characters maybe."

Ari looked at him out of the corner of her eye and squeezed his arm empathetically.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

Suddenly they stopped and she turned to look at Jimin who had his eyes fixed on the window of a bookstore.

She followed his gaze and found herself staring at a large poster of a book cover depicting a pale boy with no face and darkness adorning the background behind his back. On the same always dark background was engraved in blurred letters like smoke the word "Lethe" and at the bottom of the poster the author's name made its appearance with his picture next to it.

"Kim Taehyung"

Ari turned her gaze to Jimin and looked at him puzzled.

"Isn't that what you're reading now?"

Jimin nodded and tried to drag her away but she already pulled her hand from his arm and stood in front of the window.

Jimin was forced to follow her.

"Is it nice?"

"Yes, it is....unique."

"I haven't read any of his work, but I've heard good reviews."

"He has a special talent with words. His stories are always full of mystery and his characters are relatable."

"How so?"

"You just feel like you could be the protagonist and experience the events in your skin."

"Given the fact that his stories are pure horror, that doesn't sound very comforting to me"

Jimin laughed and stroked Ari's hair.

"His stories aren't just horror. They're a combination of drama and mystery too. I'd say it's more tear-jerking than scary."

"The road of return is a maze of utter oblivion for all those who have long since sunk into it." You're right, it sounds pretty sad. The guy must be depressed."

"The truth is, he's always been a bit weird."

Ari looked at him in surprise.

"You know him personally?"

"We were in high school together." He replied with a soft voice and kicked a rock with his foot.

"I didn't know you guys were friends."

"That was never the case. We were just classmates. We barely exchanged two words."

Ari now turned her entire body towards Jimin who had his hands plunged into his pockets awkwardly.

"So that's why you're so devoted to his stories. You're his number one fan." She laughed and Jimin turned red as a boiled lobster.

"I just like his stories and the way he writes. That's all. Come on, let's go, it's late."

He pulled her by the arm as she leaned into him laughing.

Just before they were completely away from the window Jimin could have sworn he saw out of the corner of his eye, a glint reflecting off of Taehyung's impassive gaze who was now staring sternly at him through the poster. Jimin shivered up his spine.

That damned man, to this day, 11 years later, irritated him terribly.

It was 6:30 in the morning when Ari got out of bed and started getting ready for work in a daze.

She came home at 23:00, after taking a walk with Jimin through the streets of the city and then, they went into a pub where they got a few drinks and played darts.

Then, Jimin escorted her to the door of her house where he bid her goodnight.

It took her at least an hour to fall asleep since her mind was full of thoughts on how to help her friend get a decent job in the business. Jimin was an amateur writer of romance novels in his spare time but worked at a grocery store to make a living.

She met him a year ago at a creative writing seminar and they had been close friends ever since. She learned that Jimin was born in Busan but moved to Seoul shortly afterward, where he went to school until he was 16.

He then moved with his family back to Busan again where he stayed until the age of 22 when he decided to permanently migrate back to Seoul again, this time on his own.

His dream was to become a writer, travel the world, taste the best food and spend at least 1 year in Italy, drinking red wine, and looking at the beautiful view of Rome from his balcony. At least that's what he told her! But to do all of this, he had to work hard, gain experience, and of course save money.

So far, he had managed to study Creative Writing at Yonsei University - he couldn't get into Seoul National University - where he finished his studies 2 years ago while doing some seminars.

But unfortunately, he couldn't find a job in the industry yet, as he lacked experience and the competition was huge.

You had to be either special, lucky, or rich with connections. And Jimin was neither of those things. At least so far, he hadn't managed to stand out with any of his writing, no matter how many companies, libraries, individuals, or publishers he tried to attract.

The situation seemed truly hopeless and Ari was worried.

She wanted to help him but didn't know how until her eyes fell on an email that immediately caught her attention.

Her eyes opened wide and a smile formed on her lips that grew wider and wider as she read it.

When she reached the end of it and without wasting any more precious time, she pressed the Forward button and leaned back in her chair, pleased with herself.

Perhaps, luck had decided to smile at Jimin after all.

It was 5:45 in the afternoon when Jimin came home from work and finally sat down at his desk to rest. His morning shift was from 8:00 until 45 minutes ago when it ended. The shop was always particularly busy during those hours, so he rarely had time to sit down for a bit to catch his breath or even eat. So naturally, he didn't even have time to play on his phone.

He took it out of his pocket and the first thing he saw were some messages he received on KakaoTalk. And they were all from Ari.

"Did you read the email? What do you think?"

"Send your resume, don't be late."

"Are you here?"

"Are you kidding me? Why don't you see my texts? If you don't reply, you're dead!" That was the last message he received just 5 minutes ago.

Confused by Ari's questions as it was, he rushed to get into his emails where he spotted, among several unread ones of the day, the one his friend forwarded to him. He opened it hastily.

"We are looking for a creative, open-minded with fresh ideas but also critical thinking and an experienced reader for the position of the beta reader and personal assistant to acclaimed author Kim Taehyung.

Requirements: Hours worked: 40.

Experience level: Expert.

Excellent knowledge of Korean and English.

Good knowledge of Creative Writing with a good understanding of what you read.

Interest in long-term cooperation.

Dedication, passion, and imagination.

What we offer: A high salary of 4.334.700,00 won per month. Paid all overtime and holidays. The writer will share his valuable knowledge on the subject and will read your works in case you wish him to offer his professional opinion.

Deadline: 00:00 on Friday.

The selection will be made within 7 days and the successful candidate will be informed by email with all the necessary information about the date and time of the personal interview.

Jimin was left looking confused at his phone's screen. He already read this email a full 3 times but his anxiety wouldn't subside.

Taehyung is asking for a beta reader. For what reason? Many writers have one.

What is strange tho, is that Taehyung wanted one.

As far as he could remember, Taehyung never seemed to need anything or anyone.

Even more so, when it came to what he was better at than anyone else.


Jimin leaned back against his seat and began to bite his lip.

Was he going to send a resume? Based on the requirements of the ad, he had no chance of getting this position.

Of course, he thought he met some of the criteria such as being open-minded and creative, passionate and dedicated, and possessing an excellent knowledge of the Korean language. Of course, his English needed some more work but he wasn't bad at it. He graduated from the 2nd best university in Seoul on the subject of Creative Writing and even finished with honors.

But he lacked experience, the thing that everyone always dismissed him for.

He also read a lot.

He read many novels, of all kinds, daily, you could say that he gained a particularly good grasp of what he was reading and always had a good comprehensive view.

His critical thinking was also very good and he always felt the stories and the emotions of the characters in depth.

However, he felt that none of this was up to the level that someone like Taehyung was looking for.

Since he was rejected by so many, Taehyung would just laugh and throw his resume in the wastebasket.

That's how absurd the idea was to him.

"I'm not sure I can do that. I don't have the needed experience."

He texted Ari, got up from his desk, and headed to the bathroom where he intended to take a quick shower, but the sound of his phone stopped him.

"I don't want to hear it. You're not missing anything to try. After all, you have something the other candidates don't have."

"And what's that?"

"Recognition. You were classmates."

Jimin laughed out loud at her last text.

"There's no way he remembers me."

"The resume has your picture. Once he sees you, I'm sure he'll remember you."

Ari seemed determined to convince him, but his fear kept him from thinking clearly about the possibility of success. Still, he smiled at the thought of an Ari who was so desperately trying to help him. She was so kind and sweet.

"I just need some time to think about it. Please don't worry."

He texted her and leaving the phone on the desk, he finally went to take a bath.

The days went by, it was already Thursday, and Jimin still didn't make his final decision. He felt pressure from everywhere. From the amount of work that was dumped on him throughout the week, from Ari making sure to keep reminding him of the deadline, to himself who started to have nuggets of hope.

It was those crumbs of hope that made him think a little more about Ari's words.

Indeed, he had little to lose if he sent in the resume. What was the worst that could happen? Getting rejected.

What was the best? Becoming Kim Taehyung's beta reader who would give him a hefty salary for an eight-hour shift.

Maybe he'd remember him eventually, maybe he'd accept him, and maybe they'd become friends.

"Why not?"

He asked himself and looked at the computer screen.

It was past 11 and the deadline was coming up in a few minutes.

He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and his stomach began to ache causing him to bite his lips a little harder and feel the metallic taste of blood roll off his tongue.

"Hello Taehyung, bye Taehyung"

He muttered and pressed the send button.

He got up from the chair, closed his laptop, and stood by the open window.

The cold November wind hit him in the face and Jimin felt a certain relief. He could see himself in the window as a grey irregular figure and he hid his face behind his palms.

"I knew this was a huge mistake all along. Now I'm fucking consumed with hope," he growled to himself and closed the window.

Suddenly, he felt his body buckle under the weight of the nervousness that overwhelmed him and he sat down in a daze. He laid his head on the desk and closed his eyes for a few seconds until the dizziness passed.

The image of Taehyung suddenly appeared in front of him and his heart began to beat faster.

He vaguely remembered him, 11 years ago, when he was still a high school student.

Always well-dressed, with his perfectly well-ironed shirts and freshly combed hair, his brown leather bag, and manicured fingernails.

Those hands.

It was one of those things he remembered very clearly.

His hands were always very beautiful with those delicate and long fingers that so caught his attention whenever he saw him holding his pen resting between his lips.

He had once noticed a faint mole adorning the edge of his lower lip.

His gaze was fixed on that mole so intently, that Taehyung must have noticed and turned to look at him.

Their eyes crossed and Taehyung leaned closer to whisper something to him that he didn't want the others to hear.

"How bold of you to think you can climb to the top."

"Excuse me?" he responded, surprised by the question.

"Wake up you fool."

He ordered him in his husky voice and Jimin suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around dazedly and found that it was already dawn.

He jumped out of his chair but stumbled and fell back down.

He fell asleep at the desk and as a result, he was now in pain. The back of his neck ached and he rubbed it numbly as he opened the laptop screen when suddenly his eyes opened wide with confusion.

"I'm too damn late."

He screamed when he saw the time and grabbed his backpack and jacket, he hurriedly put on his shoes and ran out of his apartment.

It had already been 4 days since he sent his CV, but he had not yet received a reply.

Not that he expected to receive it, of course, just...

"The email said the selection would be made within 7 days."

"The selection has probably already been made."

"Do you want me to find out? I have a friend who knows a guy who...."

Ari's words were suddenly interrupted when Jimin patted her tenderly on the head.


"You're so nice to me."

"I'm nice to everyone...."

She protested and pretended to be annoyed forcing Jimin to smile even more.

She suddenly saw him get up and pull her by the arm, leading her to the other side of the pub where they went to eat their dinner after work.

"Let's play."

"Why do we keep playing this game? I'm no good and you always win."

"I'll help you, come on."

Jimin picked up the darts from the target and handed her one.

He stood at her side and gently grabbing her shoulder, he helped her steady her body.

Ari blushed.

"Are you ready? Aim like this, hold it, and...shoot!"

His hand pressed sharply against hers and then shot forward, hitting the target.

Ari was startled and covered her mouth with her hands.

"I got it!"

"You got it."

"I got it!!!"

She repeated loudly and started jumping for joy, laughing.

She didn't realize how, but her excitement lowered her defenses and she ended up in the arms of Jimin who wrapped his arms around her tightly.

Ari wrapped hers around his neck and closed her eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the scent of his freshened hair.

The vibration of Jimin's phone through his pants pocket brought them back to reality and Ari suddenly pulled away with embarrassment.

Jimin was smiling awkwardly as well, nervously fishing his cell phone out of his pocket.

He checked his phone and within seconds Ari saw his awkward facial expression change to surprise and uncertainty.

"What is it?"

She asked him anxiously and stood up on her tiptoes to see.

"What is it?"

She repeated, pulling at his sleeve and he finally turned his gaze to her.

Without answering he handed her his phone and she grabbed it to see what shocked him so much.

"Oh my god! You did it. You got the job."

Jimin couldn't believe what he was hearing, even now that Ari was saying it out loud.

"I the job."

Ari grabbed his arm.

"You got the job Jimin, you got it!"

She said loudly and a few heads turned to look at them.

A sudden wave of heat rose in Jimin's chest and he was forced to lean his back against the wall.

Ari took his face and forced him to look at her.

"You did it. Do you hear me? You got the job."

His eyes ran quickly from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again.

"Oh, Ari!"

He heard himself saying and then a hesitant smile began to paint itself on his lips.

"Thank you so much!"

He managed to whisper and hugged her, laughing like a child, with her following.

The email asked him to attend the very next day at 11:00 a.m. at Taehyung's mansion where the interview would take place.

Jimin spent most of his evening thinking about what to wear, how to stand, and what to say at the interview. Ari volunteered to at least help him with the clothes, and after some discussion and exchanging photos of the clothing that was available in Jimin's wardrobe, they decided that a classic light grey suit paired with a slightly darker grey turtleneck would be his safest choice.

In addition, Ari suggested to Jimin to borrow her car so that he wouldn't have to waste valuable time on the bus and also make a good first impression when he arrived at Taehyung's mansion.

She would wake up earlier and before going to work, she would stop by Jimin's house where she would hand over the keys and wish him good luck.

"You're the best person in the world."

"Of course I am. Still, I'm going to take advantage of the fact that you owe me."

Jimin smiled at his phone and felt butterflies fluttering their wings madly in his stomach.

It was very late and he needed to sleep but the excitement and the anxiety he felt about tomorrow kept him awake for several more hours.

The next morning found him running around the house like crazy. One to take a quick shower, two to fix his hair, three to decide what perfume to wear, and four to prepare himself mentally.

It was 8:00 in the morning when he went out and found Ari waiting for him parked in front of his apartment.

He saw her dozing with her head resting on the steering wheel and her brown hair covering her face.

He tapped on the window and saw her bounce in surprise, which made him laugh his heart out.

She rolled down the window and glared at him, forcing him to bite his lip. She got out of the car and waved the key in front of his eyes.

"Listen to me carefully. I want you to give it back to me just like you found it. Clean and new. If I see the slightest scratch...."

"I promise to drive carefully and return it to you in perfect condition."

He interrupted her, smiling broadly with his teeth gleaming like sparkling gems.

"Go away!"

She put the key in his hand and Jimin squeezed hers in his. Ari looked at him awkwardly and one would swear a bright pink color appeared on her cheeks.


She moaned and pulled her hand away from his.

"Oh no! God, I'm going to miss the bus!!!"

She cried out when she saw the time on her phone and without the slightest warning she started running like crazy in the opposite direction with Jimin shouting things like "I'm sorry" and "I'll pick you up this afternoon as soon as you get off work" but she had already left.

Ari spat at her luck that she didn't even get a chance to wish him good luck but only nagged him about the car. She hoped he didn't misunderstand her.

Jimin watched her disappear out of his sight and scratched his head. He felt very bad that she would have to take the bus to go to work. After all, it was her car and now she was going through so much trouble just for his comfort.

He would owe her his life.

He was driving for 2 full hours when he arrived at Taehyung's magnificent 3-floor house in suburban Seoul.

He parked outside the mansion with the large courtyard and was trying to put his thoughts for about half an hour.

As he could see, the house had guards, and to enter it you had to go through an identification process first.

He looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his bangs before stepping out shaking like a fish.

He walked towards the entrance dragging his steps and carrying his papers until he was forced to stop at the tall barred door where a tall man, no older than 45 years old, appeared. Behind him, he could see 5 other men, each standing in a different spot but he could have sworn they were all looking in his direction.

"This is a private area. What brings you here?"

Jimin bit his tongue and had to do his best to answer without shaking.

"I'm Park Jimin. I have an interview at 11. I was told to come here."

He took out his ID card and held it up to his eye level so the guard could see it from where he was standing.

He watched him stare at him searchingly for a few seconds and then without taking his eyes off him he whispered something into the microphone that was placed in his jacket.

He motioned for him to approach and Jimin came closer, trying not to avert his gaze.

"May I see your papers?"

Jimin handed them to this man through the door bars and watched him examine them before handing them back to him in a fraction of a minute.

Then the door opened and the guard motioned for him to come in.

"You will be escorted inside."

He told him and Jimin bowed respectfully and walked towards the house.

As he walked into the courtyard, he could quickly scan the area and the people in it.

Guards around the perimeter and next to the house, 2 gardeners spraying the rose bushes,

1 chauffeur polishing a silver Hyundai Sonata parked a few feet outside the main entrance and two more guards waiting for him at the door.

"This is how all thrillers begin."

He joked silently to himself and immediately an intense desire to run began to burn inside him.

When he finally reached the door, one of the guards motioned for him to follow and Jimin ran after him, bowing quickly to the other as he removed his shoes.

When he entered, he was confronted with a large room with a towering ceiling, a grand staircase leading to the upper floors, and a few corridors each leading to a different room. The house was decorated with a combination of modern and classical art, with paintings by famous modern artists as well as well-known classical painters. Vases with various flowers from the garden, beautiful furniture, and large windows carved with roses.

Jimin felt dizzy as he walked down the right corridor, trying to absorb everything in his mind so that he could recount it later to Ari.

Suddenly the guard stopped and Jimin almost fell on him in confusion.


He muttered, but the guard paid no attention and simply pointed to the only door to a room to their left, at the end of the hallway.

Jimin bowed deeply and walked there, fixing his jacket with shaking hands and breathing heavily.

He stopped slowly at the door and taking a deep breath he knocked.

"Come in."

A husky voice echoed from inside and Jimin felt his skin crawl under his clothes.

He stepped inside and the first thing that came to his attention was that very familiar smell of old books and summer wet grass.

"Makes sense..."

He said to himself when he saw a large library with countless books and a large half-open window in the middle of the room that let the smell of freshly watered grass from the garden into the room.

Dark red and white colored silk curtains gently billowed under the chilly December breeze and beautiful classic furniture with 2 leather couches and a couple of nightstands were a few of the things that caught his thirsty eyes before the master of all this beauty came to his attention as well.

There he was, sitting at his beautiful but messy as-he-could-see desk that was filled with papers and books, a few pencils, a glass of wine, and a laptop.

He could hear the sound of logs against the burning fireplace and the smell of the burning wood made him feel safe. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the flames swallowing a stack of manuscripts that Taehyung himself probably left to their mercy.

He was turned to the side, looking out at the garden through the open window, and Jimin could only see half of his face outlined by the shadows of the half-dark room.

Jimin immediately felt a sense of awe wash over him, and it brought an unpleasant memory from the distant past that he quickly pushed under the carpet of his mind.

"You can sit."

There's that creepiness again.

Jimin felt his patience wearing thin, but he bowed and sat down without receiving a single glance from Taehyung.

He left his papers on the desk after struggling for a few seconds with the question as to where he was supposed to leave them in all this mess.


Jimin played with his fingers under the desk, looking awkwardly at the silhouette sitting in front of him.

"Thank you so much for having me in your home."


"I'm ready to answer any questions you have for me."

Jimin saw a hint of a smile appear on Taehyung's face.

"Of course."

He said softly and picked up the papers without turning to look at Jimin.

For a few minutes, he flipped through them without actually reading them and then put them down again.

Jimin thought to himself that he had forgotten how many things annoyed him in the past about this man and as he could see he still kept them as part of his personality to this day.

"I read it all in your resume, so I don't need all that. I'll be short so let's cut to the chase. The requirements I have from you other than those listed in the email are very simple. I want you to be here Monday to Friday from 12 to 8 pm. There are chances that I may need you some weekends as well. Don't worry about the money. Your time will be fully funded, in any case. I noticed that you don't have much experience in some of the pieces I'm interested in and that will stand in the way of your judgment on my projects. To fix this, I'll provide you with a list of books I want you to read, from novels and poems to children's books and songs. I want you to do this in a month, which means you'll have to sacrifice a lot of your time to meet the deadline. Then and only then I will let you get your hands on one of my unpublished works. I want you to be impartial and honest in your judgment. You are forbidden to talk to anyone about anything concerning my works and what you read in them, should you do so, legal consequences will follow. Furthermore....."

Jimin watched him go silent for a moment before continuing.

".....I will be at your disposal in case you need some guidance on any of your work. I think it is also mentioned in the email that in addition to payment, I am offering some of my time for anything regarding any questions or help on your projects."

Jimin stared at him wide-eyed as if hypnotized and waited to hear what else he had to say but instead, he saw him opening the desk drawer and pulling out 3 sheets of paper along with a pen and placing them under his nose.

He brought his face over the papers and read them in a daze.

Demands and rules and then demands and rules again.

His head began to hurt and he started to feel discomfort from the smell of the grass.

There was nothing unreasonable about what he was being asked, so he didn't have to think too much about it before he picked up the pen. But before he touched the ink to the paper Taehyung's voice echoed again.

"If you want our partnership to work, I want you to keep your nose out of my matters, whatever they may be. The only thing I could use your opinion on is my work. Nothing more, nothing less Park Jimin."

Hearing his name from Taehyung's lips, he bounced at how hard his heart began to pound. He felt so hot that even the cold breeze from the open window wasn't enough to lower his body temperature.

F*cking turtleneck.

His salivating glands made his mouth so wet he almost choked, so after swallowing enough of his saliva, he lowered his eyes and signed the papers he'd been given.

Taehyung finally looked at him out of the corner of his eye as he signed but averted his gaze once he had finished.

"Tomorrow at noon I want you here. When we're inside or around the mansion, we can dress casually. I don't need you to look like a butler. But in case I take you somewhere with me, I would ask you to dress accordingly. You're free to go. Oh, and take the list with you."

He finished his monologue by pushing 2 sheets of paper toward Jimin who picked them up and stood up from his seat in confusion. He bowed and turned to leave when he suddenly stopped at the door where he gathered all his courage and turned back to Taehyung to speak.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you that it's a great honor for me that you chose me."

Here he wanted to add "I don't know why you did that of course" but he decided it wasn't a good idea to show his employer any insecurities he had and just went on.

"I truly love your work."

He said and was surprised at how confident he sounded.

"How so?"

"Ah, well...I think it has a unique color to it. It reflects what's hidden inside."

It was then at last, that Taehyung, turned and looked him in the eye and Jimin could see his face.

His stomach lurched.

Taehyung fixed his brown eyes on him for a moment and his facial expression remained blank and undefined but that quickly changed when a wry smile made its appearance on his lips.

He got up from his chair and after making his way around the office he approached Jimin who could do nothing but observe Taehyung's silhouette inch by inch.

God, he grew so much taller since he had last seen him.

And his back had widened so much that his muscles were shamefully prominent under his shirt.

Jimin blushed.

Taehyung now stood in front of him, so close, that Jimin could see the fine lines that painted his beautiful lips and feel his hot breath tickling his nose.

So close, that Jimin tried to take a step back, however, his body was paralyzed and so he just stayed still.

"You haven't changed Jimin. You always say what the other person wants to hear."

Ari was right! Taehyung recognized Jimin and that recognition contributed to his choice. The thing is, what exactly did Taehyung remember about Jimin?

"I just...."

"But some things have changed, haven't they? Let's play a game. Let's discover those changes together. It'll be a lot of fun."

Jimin looked completely confused and disoriented but before he could ask, he saw Taehyung lean over him and straightened his jacket gently and carefully, touching the bare skin of his neck with his fingertips so much, that Jimin had to force himself to finally take a step back.

"I'm not entirely sure I understand..."

"I'm really glad we saw each other again after all these years. I expect you tomorrow at noon."

He smiled at him and placed his hands in his pockets.

Jimin looked even more confused now but decided not to show it and just bowed in, returning the smile.

A few minutes later, Jimin was in his car and on his way back, glancing at the time. He couldn't wait to get back and tell Ari all about it.

He wanted to tell her about everything he saw, about the smells he smelled in that magnificent garden and Taehyung's strange attitude.

Yes, it was indeed very strange.

Jimin was back after two hours of driving and the first place he visited was the grocery store where he worked until yesterday.

He called his boss the very night before and informed him that he was quitting.

He received some angry messages about the late notice and some more about his unprofessional behavior.

But what could he do? He didn't think he was going to get the job either. It was a surprise for him as well.

When he entered the store, his boss - a middle-aged man, looked at him with obvious displeasure and motioned for him to go to the warehouse, which he did.

Jimin left his work backpack over there and had come to pick it up.

As he was picking up his backpack his boss slipped into the storage room and stood behind him tapping his foot on the floor in irritation. Jimin turned around with the backpack hanging on his shoulder and when he met his angry gaze he lowered his eyes in shame.

"I'm sorry-"

"You're completely untrustworthy! How could you tell me that you quit your job just the night before? I didn't even have time to find a replacement for you, and until I find one, I'll have to work your shifts so Ye Sol doesn't have to take all the burden."

Jimin was listening with his head down to his boss's cursing, and all he could think about at that moment was how bad he felt for Ye Sol.

" get the hell out of my shop. I shouldn't have taken you, look at the damage you caused me. Get out!"

He growled and Jimin bowed apologetically and nearly stormed out of the and out of the shop.

Ari was placing some books when she saw out of the corner of her eye a familiar figure standing with his hands at his waist, looking around as if he was looking for something.


She whispered to him and saw Jimin turn towards her. A wide smile made its appearance on his face and she saw him approaching.

"What are you doing here? It's too early, I'm not done yet."

"I know! I parked your car across the street and...."

He pulled something out of his pocket and after taking her hand, he squeezed it into her palm.

Ari looked at him in wonder as she felt something cold tinkle in her hand and then opened her palm to see what it was.

A white gold bracelet adorned with white gems like snowflakes.

Her cheeks flushed and she felt the weight of her emotions suddenly crushing on her chest.

"But why?"

"I've had my eye on it for a long time. Your birthday is coming up, so..."

Ari lifted her head and looked at him with her wide eyes, biting her lower lip. She felt embarrassed but happy at the same time. She liked his gift very much.

Jimin realized the uncomfortable position she was in at that moment and took her hand again, smiling comfortingly.

"I'll pick you up in a few hours. I have a lot to tell you."

He told her and leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, which caught her off guard.

She watched him pull away and quickly disappear from her sight and leaned her back against the tall shelf behind her.

She couldn't understand why lately, his presence always made her feel so dizzy. It was a mystery to her that she wanted to solve as soon as she could.

It was 21:30 and Jimin and Ari were sitting comfortably in her car, eating instant noodles and watching the thick raindrops racing across the car window.

"How are you going to work tomorrow?"

"I'm taking the bus."

"The period of good impressions is over already?"

She laughed and a noodle fell out of her mouth and stained her jeans.

"That only applies when I'm escorting him out of the house."

"Oh, you're going to accompany him to events?"

"That's probably what he meant, yes."

He responded and handed her a napkin.

"Anyway, I'd tell you to be careful. I didn't get the best impression of what he said to you as you were leaving. It's a little...."



"It's a little creepy indeed."

"I'm not surprised based on what he writes."

"Did you read his book?"

He asked her in surprise and Ari moved uncomfortably in her seat.

"I wanted to know what kind of person he is."

"You can do that just by reading one of his works?"

"Jimin, the things we enjoy watching, eating, hearing, and writing says a lot about us."

"Okay, and what do his stories say about him?"

"It's not so much about his stories as what causes him to be so impressed with their creation."

Jimin turned and looked at her with his mouth full and Ari wiped his lips with the napkin.

"The things we like or at least are drawn to and enjoy, reveal aspects of our character. For example, why are there people who hate horror movies while others love them?"

Jimin shrugged.

"Some research suggests that people who enjoy horror are people who love to be in control. They are fascinated by the idea of control even in the part of life you can't control. In a horror movie, the viewer is the only one who can see the evil that will happen. There are warning signs that warn you if the killer is coming and you can see it. The sense of knowing the evil that is about to happen gives you a sense of security and of course, the knowledge that this evil cannot touch you is thrilling. In real life unfortunately none of us can control the evil before it happens and that's because there is usually no warning music or a voice to foreshadow what will be about to happen."

Jimin swallowed his soup and looked at her with his wide-open owl-like eyes.

"It never occurred to me that liking thrillers makes you some kind of control freak. I'll have to watch my back with him."

Ari patted him on the shoulder and Jimin choked on his soup, laughing.

"Just be careful, okay?"

"I'll keep my eyes open."

He reassured her and stroked her cheek with his fingertips.

Ari shuddered and immediately pulled away. Jimin blushed and tried to cover his embarrassment with another spoonful of soup.

"I'll take you home, it's late."


He agreed and turned to put on his belt but his gaze caught the glint of the bracelet he gave Ari and she was now wearing.

A shy smile lit up his face and he turned away to hide it.

Ari started the engine and soon they were on their way back to Jimin's house.

Ari's car was parked outside the building where Jimin was staying and he, after quickly saying goodnight to her, tried to get out, but suddenly stopped and slowly turned to look at her.


She asked him puzzled and Jimin looked at her with a look full of seriousness.

"You said that what we write says a lot about us...."


Jimin hesitated for a moment.

"What do the things I write say about me?"

Ari stared at him silently with wide eyes, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. She had to admit that she was taken aback by his question.

"You're full of false hopes, and passion, looking for validation, and you have tendencies to run away from a dull daily routine that never seems to hold the slightest interest for you. Sometimes, it feels like you can't connect with the reality unfolding before your eyes."

He heard her say, locking his gaze on hers, and felt a weight settle on his chest.


He murmured and his body sank into his seat but not for long.

"Good night Ari, thank you so much for everything."

He said with a smile and after pinching her cheek tenderly he got out of the car slamming the door behind him and letting a few thick raindrops brought by the wind hit her face.

Ari bounced from the slamming, sank in her seat, and started biting her nails.

"I guess I said something really stupid."

She muttered to herself and broke a nail.

The next day Jimin went to work by bus and after walking 10 minutes more, he arrived at the mansion where he had to go through the identification process again and then taken to Taehyung's empty office.

The housekeeper of the house, an elderly woman of about 50 or 55, with her hair tightly tied in a bun and a black suit, showed him his desk which was placed at the far end of the room the night before, 10 feet away from Taehyung's heavy table.

"You'll find everything you need right here. Inside the first drawer to the left of your hand, you'll find your ID card. You will wear it every day at work. This is your ticket. Don't touch anything else in this room, please. In case you need anything, let me know on the phone to your right."

Jimin listened to her talking to him sharply without the slightest expression on her face and it made him feel like an elementary student.


He said and the woman turned her gaze to him.

"Taehyung..... is not coming?"

"Mr. Kim has other commitments. He will be here when he has time. When you're done, call me and I'll escort you back. If you need anything else, you know what to do. Have a good day."

She told him and after bowing slightly, she turned and walked out of the room, leaving him staring at the door with his mouth open.

"Everyone here is so friendly."

He laughed wryly as he pulled out Stephen King's Blood and Smoke book and turned the page where the story of room 1408 began.

It was an appropriate story for this place, as Jimin felt like he has currently trapped in a room himself that hid his demons very well from all those who didn't believe in them.

Would he become another Mike Enslin? Would he discover how wrong he was to come here? How many demons would he find within these walls?

"Just one."

He said to himself and got back to work.

The days would pass and Jimin would come at his usual time, sit at his desk, read countless pages of various books from the list Taehyung had given him, and when the time was up, the housekeeper would wait for him outside the office to escort him to the door and from there the doorman would take over, leading him to the courtyard and then to the exit.

Twelve days had passed, yet Jimin had not been in contact with Taehyung. He didn't even know if Taehyung was in the mansion. Every time he left the office, it was to go to the bathroom and he hadn't been able to spot Taehyung's shadow moving anywhere in the visible to his areas.

Not that he particularly minded not having him over his head, but he was starting to wonder.

It was 5:30 in the afternoon, and Jimin was sitting sleepily reading a book while rubbing the aching muscles in the back of his neck.

He was reading so much in the last week. The fact that he was forced to read so many books for so many hours was causing his eyes, neck, and back to ache.

Same now, the pain in his neck wouldn't go away and Jimin took off the headphones he was wearing and started rubbing his muscles while complaining.

"A certain someone needs to show some mercy."

"Tired already?"

Jimin jumped up from his seat and dropped his water bottle on the desk. Luckily it was sealed.

"Taehyung.....I didn't know you were here."

He excused himself and Taehyung, who was now standing across from him with a can of beer in his hand, smiled at him.

Jimin was so engrossed in his reading that the fact that he was wearing headphones and that his desk was turned in the opposite direction from the door must have prevented him from hearing and seeing Taehyung enter the room.

"It's my house, isn't it? Where else could I be?"

His smile grew wider and Jimin felt stupid.

"Right, of course, you are rig-...."

"So you're tired?"

He interrupted him and took a sip of his beer, leaning his body against the desk.

"Not at all, no."

He assured him and Taehyung folded his lips inward with his tongue before placing the beer on the desk. He approached him with his hands in his pockets and Jimin instinctively took two steps back.

"When you want to lie about something, it better be about something important."


Jimin looked confused but his eyes remained fixed on those of Taehyung who had just licked his lips with his tongue.

"So....are you tired?"

"My neck hurts a little, that's all."

Taehyung's eyes were fixed on his neck and he reached out to the back of it, touching it with his fingertips.

Jimin held his breath and clenched his fist hard. So hard that his nails dug into the flesh of his palm.

Taehyung looked up and was met with the nervous look of Jimin who looked like a small tiger cornered in a cage, ready to attack, even though he knew very well the outcome of such an attack.

He smiled at him, pulled his hand away from his neck, and took a few steps back, absentmindedly grabbing his beer from where he had placed it.

"You'll have to get used to it. It won't be the only thing that hurts you."

Jimin smiled hastily and crossed his hands before bowing his head slightly. What does that even mean?

"I'll let you get back to work."

"You're leaving?"

He lifted his head and looked at him with some annoyance.

Taehyung walked past him, but noticing the annoyance in Jimin's voice he stopped and looked at him puzzled.

"You don't expect me to babysit you, do you? I have things to do. After all, I see you're doing just fine without me. I mean, you can read without any help right?"

"Damn, you." Jimin thought to himself, however, he said something completely different.

"I'm doing just fine. Thank you so much for your concern."

"I might see you later though. You still have another two and a half hours."

And with that sentence, he bowed his head, smiled wryly, and walked out of the office.

Jimin imagined himself punching him in the teeth and wiping that stupid smile off his arrogantly handsome face.

That thought made him feel instantly better, so he just sank into his seat and sighed deeply before turning the page.

It was around 10:00 pm and Taehyung, who had just entered his office, suddenly froze in his spot when he saw Jimin with his head lying on the table, asleep, on his open book.

He looked back down the hallway and then back at Jimin before finally entering and shutting the door behind him. He approached with slow steps and stood over Jimin's headrest, tilting his head to the side so he could see Jimin's face more clearly.

Jimin's hair was falling over his eyes and Taehyung hesitantly reached out and moved them to the side.

His hand moved slowly and stroked Jimin's cheek and then gently grabbed him by the chin. Taehyung watched him silently, without moving for at least a minute, only listening to his slow rhythmic breathing that filled the silence of the room.

His gaze was dark and his facial features hardened so much, that he clenched his chin like a pair of pliers and Jimin moved in annoyance in his sleep. Suddenly, the darkness vanished from Taehyung's face and he finally let go of Jimin's chin.

He then kicked Jimin's chair and he jumped up in a daze, almost ready to fall to the floor.

"What happened?"

"What are you still doing here?"

Jimin sank into his seat and looked around dazedly, rubbing his eyes.

Suddenly he jumped up from the desk again and looked at Taehyung in surprise.

"Why am I still here?"

"That's what I asked you."

Taehyung saw Jimin look at his watch and turn white as a sheet. He found it amusing and leaned his hip against the desk.

"It's late!!! I have to go....the bus..."

"You've already missed it. The last one left 10 minutes ago."

But Jimin wasn't listening. He grabbed his books and papers, hastily stuffed them into his bag, and ran to the door. His haste, however, prevented him from watching his steps, so he tripped on the carpet and fell wide on the floor, allowing his things to fall around.

Taehyung, who was still leaning against the desk, bit his lower lip to keep himself from laughing and while shaking his head, he approached Jimin who looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"This doesn't count as an industrial accident. You tripped yourself."

He said and leaned to pick up the scattered papers and books.

While Jimin tried to lift himself from the floor, his elbows shook from the weight of his body causing him to slip and fall again, hitting his chin.

Taehyung sighed deeply and covered his face with his palm. He then put the bag aside, grabbed Jimin by the shoulders, and lifted him like a broken puppet.

So simple and easy.

Jimin turned red with embarrassment, but the pain in his chin rivaled his embarrassment, so he simply grabbed himself on Taehyung's arms and let his face rest against his chest.

The first thing he felt, was Taehyung's warm bare skin against his cheek and his collarbones stabbing him in the nose. The very next thing was the familiar smell of clean cotton tickling his senses and for a full second, his heart pounded loudly. He could have sworn he felt his knees buckle again, so he tightened his hands on Taehyung's arms to hold on.

"Thank you."

He muttered shamefully and felt Taehyung gently push him off of him so they could look at each other.

"Jimin, I swear in high school, you did better at walking."

"You can fire me if you want."

"And miss out on that kind of fun? No way."

Jimin laughed and Taehyung helped him to his feet, leaning him against the wall next to the door which was now open and a terrified housekeeper and one of the hallway guards appeared.

"Mr. Kim, what happened?"

The older woman asked and her eyes fell on Jimin with his messed hair, rubbing his aching chin.

"Everything is fine, don't worry."

He assured her with a smile and looked at Jimin who was starting to come to his senses and hung his backpack on his shoulder.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

The guard seemed unconvinced but Taehyung nodded in affirmation and motioned for him to leave.

"I'll take Mr. Park to his house. Mrs. Noh, you are free of your duties for the day. Have a good night."

"No, no there's no need, honestly there's no need at all, I'll take a bus."

Jimin protested and tried not to look at Mrs. Noh whose gaze he could still feel on his back.

"I told you, you missed this. The next one will be at 6 am. So either I drive you home or you sleep in the doghouse."

"You have a dog?"

Jimin asked in obvious surprise.

"No, let's go."

He pushed him towards the door and Mrs. Noh and the guard stepped aside for them.

"Sir, I can take him."

"You're off duty Dong Won. I'll handle this myself."

"It's two hours away, I'll take a taxi."

Jimin continued to protest but Taehyung didn't seem to listen and just dragged him along like a doll.

A short time after, Jimin was sitting in the passenger seat of the silver Hyundai Sonata he saw parked in front of the mansion's entrance a few times.

The car smelled wonderful with the soft scent of the leather of the seats. That at least gave him some sort of comfort. He felt so ashamed and stupid after all this embarrassment that he couldn't even look at Taehyung who was driving undisturbed in the seat next to him.

Jimin opened his phone and checked his messages.

He had some unread ones from Ari asking him if he was off work and some more with what she had for dinner.

He replied to her and then just continued to pretend he was looking for something online to avoid any conversation with Taehyung who just leaned over and turned up the volume of the music playing softly on the radio.


"You're wearing nothing but my T-shirt

Call me shallow but I'm only getting deeper, yeah

Stay on the ground until your knees hurt

No more praying, baby, I'ma be your preacher..." ♪♫♩♫

Jimin looked up from the phone but didn't turn to look at Taehyung.


"And I'll keep leading you on

If you keep leading me into your room

The drinks are all gone

But that's fine, baby, so am I...." ♪♫♩♫

He slowly turned his head and looked at Taehyung but he had no expression on his face and was just driving looking at the road without paying the slightest attention to him.

"I'm about to take you back to church (back to church, baby)

Well, tell me your confessions, baby, what's the worst? Yeah (yeah, what's the worst?)

Baptize in your thighs 'til it hurts (you know it hurts)

'Cause I'm about to take you back to church (oh yeah)..." ♪♫♩♫

Jimin sighed and turned his gaze to the street, sinking slowly into his soft seat.

A crooked smile made its appearance on Taehyung's face and Jimin noticed it out of the corner of his eye, which made his heart pound.

"What's your problem?"

He thought to himself but didn't say it.

"Did you like any of the books I told you to read?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah, sure."

"Which ones?"

"I liked Shutter Island a lot. It was so interesting and the ending blows your mind. Room 1408 is also one of my favorites. Just the thought that something like that is possible chills you to the bone."

"But it's not."

"Thank goodness! I have enough problems with the living, I wouldn't want to be burdened with the dead, thank you very much, I'm awfully busy for something like this."

Taehyung bit his lips to avoid smiling and shook his head.

Jimin sat in silence, but his mind was working feverishly, thinking very seriously if he should say what he was thinking.

"Just don't."

He heard a warning voice inside his head.

"I've read that those who enjoy horror are people who like to be in control."


He heard the voice in his head screaming to him.

Taehyung turned his eyes on him, but only for a few seconds. Then he turned them back to the road.

"Yes, I read that too."


Jimin sounded surprised and Taehyung sighed with a laugh.

"Who doesn't want to be in control?"

Jimin was taken aback.


"We should take control of our own lives and if we have the power, why not the lives of all those who can't."

"I don't think many people would like you controlling their lives."

"You think? There are a lot of people out there who can't control even their most basic urges. Sex? Food? Gambling? They fall on these like animals and if you don't remind them that everything has a limit that if they cross, it will have consequences, they might just drown in the misery of their weakness."

"So, control through fear?"

Taehyung gave him a wide smile and Jimin felt a shiver down his spine.

"I'll do what I gotta do."

Jimin felt his heart pound in his chest and his stomach lurched with another strange feeling he couldn't describe.

"Do you like controlling others?"

For the umpteenth time, his mouth wouldn't shut up.

"Only if they want me to."

Jimin knew instinctively, that this was a lie the moment it came out of his mouth. Yet, in a completely paradoxical way, he felt his admiration and respect for Taehyung reach an entirely different level.

He liked him.

He liked him a lot.

The traffic in the heart of the city was unusually short tonight.

The November sky was dark as coal and the cold wind that blew tonight could pierce your bones.

Taehyung rolled down the window and stuck his head out to taste the smell of the asphalt that was drenched with winter moisture. The icy wind whipped his face.

Jimin watched him with a troubled look. He noticed that his shirt was now buttoned up, unlike before, when he had it half open with a full view of his chest.

The memory of himself, on Taehyung's chest, made Jimin blush like a tomato and without saying anything, he sighed deeply. Taehyung put his head in.

"Does your chin still hurt?"

"A little."

"It's not serious. The worst that can happen, is it'll be bruised for a few days.

Jimin shrugged indifferently.

"I'll be fine."

Taehyung checked the time on the radio and then looked at Jimin.

"Your house isn't far from here. Do you want to get a drink before I drop you off?"

The surprise on Jimin's face was pretty obvious and Taehyung couldn't hide his joy.

"If you want...."

Jimin didn't sound too sure.

"Do you want me to decide for you? Are you willing to give me that control?"

Taehyung smiled at him and his eyes lit up. Jimin understood the significance of their earlier conversation.

"Let's have a drink."

Taehyung smiled wickedly at him and turned to the first turn left with Jimin cursing himself for agreeing so easily.

Taehyung pushed the 3rd glass of beer towards Jimin who drank it in one gulp like a thirsty castaway. Taehyung watched him with great interest as he talked non-stop, full of excitement. When he was drinking alcohol, he couldn't shut up.

"I can't understand why you won't give me a straight answer. Did Sung Joon have feelings for Min Ho or not?"

"I told you, it depends on how everyone interprets it."

He laughed into his glass.

"What other interpretation could there be when he returned that kiss?"

"He did?"

"Well, he certainly didn't resist it. Come on, Taehyung, you're the writer, who if not you knows his characters better? Please tell me."

Jimin begged him and Taehyung shrugged in Jimin's despair.

"Why does Sung Joon's feelings matter so much to you?"

"Because those feelings were the ones that played the decisive role in keeping himself alive in Min Ho's memories."

"Yes, Min Ho. His feelings played a role, not Sung Joon's. The whole essence of Sung Joon's vivid memory of Min Ho lies entirely in Min Ho."

Jimin frowned.

"Okay then, I believe that Sung Joon also had feelings for Min Ho."


"Yes! No one returns the kiss to someone they don't have feelings for. I would never do it."

"You'd be unpleasantly surprised to find out how many can do it."

"Can you?"

He asked and leaned forward, looking at him with his wide eyes, filled with an unexpected hope for an answer. Taehyung pushed his glass aside and brought his face closer to Jimin's, resting his chin on his inner palm. He could smell the alcohol on Jimin's breath which was now tickling his nostrils.

" none of your business."

He winked playfully and Jimin frowned, throwing his body against the back of his chair.

"You've always been so irritating, you know that?"

"Oh, three beers? Really? Is that all it takes to cross the line and start telling the truth?"

"I'm not afraid to say what I'm thinking. Never! I always, always say wha-.....what? Where are you going?"

Jimin saw Taehyung stare behind his back and stand up with a not-so-pleasant smile lighting up his mouth like a diamond.

He turned to see where he was going and saw him approaching a young man who had grabbed a girl by the arm and from the looks of it, was pushing her for something she didn't seem to want. Jimin stood up a little dazed and immediately followed Taehyung.

"So you accept drinks, but refuse to pay for them? Do you think I just bought you a drink like that? You should always pay back the treats."

"She's supposed to let you f*ck her for...."

Taehyung suddenly stepped between them and glanced at the girl's drinks and said:

".....50 won? Really? Here, take 100. Keep the change for the taxi. It's dangerous to drive in the state you're in."

The young man was surprised to see Taehyung take out his card and wave it in front of his face with an irritated smile. With his body, he covered the girl who was standing behind his back and looking at him with awe and hope.

"Who are you again? Who is this guy?"

He asked Taehyung first and then turned to the girl.

"Get out of my way buddy....and you, come with me."

He continued and went to grab the girl by the hand but Taehyung grabbed her first by the wrist and held her tightly behind his back.

"Please, I don't know this guy..."

She tried to excuse herself but Taehyung motioned for her to be quiet and turned to the young man.

"No woman wants to be pressured into doing something she doesn't want to. Give yourself some respect and give up."

"And who are you to tell me what to do huh? That chick drank the drinks I bought her but now she refuses to go with me? If she didn't want, she simply wouldn't take the treat. Accepting a free drink says a lot about a woman's worth."

"The fact that you're waiting like a beggar for a woman to repay you with her body for a few cheap drinks? What does it say about your worth?"

Taehyung was getting into the spirit, and all of this was dangerously uplifting him. The young man turned red with anger, so much, he couldn't contain himself and grabbed Taehyung by the collar of his shirt and the girl screamed.

"I've had enough of you, I wi-..."

"Do it! Just give me a reason and 10 lives won't be enough for you to pay for the court."

Taehyung challenged him, playing with his tongue and pinning his glowing eyes on the young man.

"Please stop, somebody, help us!"

The girl shouted and several people got up from their tables to see what was happening.

"You damn twink, I'm going to"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was suddenly hit with a right cross from the side and slumped down with exclamations of surprise coming from every direction.

Taehyung who felt someone pulling him back by the shoulder before the punch took place, turned and looked to his right and saw Jimin shaking his hand in annoyance. Jimin looked at Taehyung and shrugged.

"What? He was talking too much."


Taehyung giggled in surprise as he stood with his mouth agape and started clapping enthusiastically.

The young girl who was withdrawn in fright now approached in shock and looked at the young man who passed out on the floor.

Then she looked up at Jimin and Taehyung, confused but also ecstatic.

"Thank you....very much."

It was the only thing she managed to say and the two young men looked at her in surprise. It was as if they almost forgot she was there. Jimin smiled shyly, and scratched his head awkwardly, shifting his weight on one foot and then on the other. Taehyung smiled without showing his teeth and leaned to pick up his card from the table.

He turned to the pub owner who just came out of the bar and handed the card to him.

"The drinks are on me. Ours, the girl, and our..... friends who are camped out on the floor. And call a cab, please."

The bar owner grabbed the black unlimited card Taehyung gave him and looked at it in surprise. It was the first time he had ever seen one in front of him.

The same look must have been on everyone else's face who happened to witness the scene, including Jimin who was now desperately searching for his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans but it was too late.

"Damn it!"

He cursed to himself and frowned again like a little kid.

Jimin escorted the girl to the taxi and after putting her in, he sent her home safe and sound.

Taehyung, who was standing behind him, holding the car door open, honked and Jimin turned to look at him startled.

"Let's go John Wick."

He laughed at him and Jimin walked quickly to the car.

Now, he was smiling too.

When he closed the door and turned to put on his belt, he saw Taehyung offering him a small ice pack for his hand.

"First your chin, and now your hand. One may think you've been beaten up tonight."

Jimin took the ice pack and placed it on his aching hand with a restrained smile.

Taehyung licked his lips and then set off for Jimin's house.

Throughout their short remaining ride, Taehyung couldn't stop smiling.

"What? Why do you have that smile permanently plastered on your face?"

"Why not?"

"A few days ago, you wouldn't even look at me, alone in the dark, spouting off a bunch of rules, and now you're all smiles."

"My attitude goes with the occasion. I can't be serious or smiley wherever I want. Only where I'm allowed to."

"I can see that."

Jimin muttered and smiled again.

"You put that guy down. Took him several minutes to recover."

"What's with the surprised tone? Just because I'm not as tall and with a wide back as you, does that mean I can't hit someone? I'm pretty good at beating you know."

"You were pretty good, I'll give you that. The girl must have felt her heart skip a beat."

He teased him and saw Jimin's cheeks turn red again and the tips of his lips lift.

He was pleased with himself.

"I was, wasn't I? I couldn't let him keep talking like that about women. Disgusting frog, did you see the nerve he had?"

Jimin spoke passionately.

"I did."

"But why didn't you try to avoid his punch? He was about to put you down."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and looked at Jimin out of the corner of his eye.

"Physical harm is a relatively simple thing. It doesn't take much effort and often has short-term results. I prefer to inflict damage with long-term consequences. The deep pain that you will remember even in your sleep, a humiliation that will follow you everywhere. If he would hit me, even his great-grandchildren would have to pay. And believe me, I'd let him do it."

He said, and Jimin was left staring at him, clutching the ice pack in his hand.

"You're too handsome to say things like that."


He heard the little voice inside him screaming at him.

Taehyung bit his lips to keep himself from laughing.

"We're here."

He said after a moment and stopped in front of the building Jimin was staying.

It took him a few seconds to gather his courage and then after picking up his backpack, he turned back to Taehyung.

"I caused you a lot of trouble today. I'm sorry! I'll work hard and make it up to you. Thank you so much for driving me home and I'll give you the money for the drinks."

Taehyung stared at him through the mirror in silence and waited for him to finish so he could finally turn around and cross their eyes.

"I'll make you spit blood, so yes, you'll work hard. I'll make sure of it. I have a car so I drove you here and money to spend, so I treated you. I don't need your money. But I expect you to treat me something good with your first paycheck. Now, get out."

Jimin clenched the door handle as he listened to him, and his stomach lurched from the sudden worry. Still, excitement began to burn within him and it gave him a new breath of life.

"I'll treat you to the best barbecue you've ever had. Good night, see you tomorrow!!!"

He bowed slightly with a nod of his head and cheerfully stepped out of the car with a bright smile lighting up his handsome face.

Taehyung saw him suddenly stop at the entrance of his building and after turning to him, he bowed again, this time more deeply, and went inside.

Taehyung stayed in the car for a few minutes with an expressionless smile painted on his lips which slowly faded away, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel. His eyes were still fixed on the entrance of the building, right where he saw Jimin enter. It was as if he was trying to capture every detail of the area photographically and aesthetically.

Then, after running his fingers through his soft hair, he started the engine and disappeared into the darkness.

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