Unhinged | S. Harrington| B...

By cupids_quill003

41.2K 1.2K 203

In which Steve 'the hair' Harrington falls in love with Charlie ' the Psycho' Hopper. Or In which the Billy... More

Are You Okay?
New Kid, Same Drama
Cigarettes And Kisses
Drifting Apart
Boy Kisses
Author's Note
Lose You
It Got Me
Monster Hunting
It's Always Been You
It's Over
Come Back
Season Three
Summer Nights
Back To Square One
All In Your Head
He's Back.


821 31 12
By cupids_quill003

Steve was pacing, wringing his fingers together. He seemed to tremble every now and then. Dustin and Robin were sitting next to each other and watching him.

“Maybe you should sit down-” Steve immediately cut Robin off.

“I can't sit down, okay? What's taking them so long.” He glanced back at hospital room, where the doctor was examining Charlie.

Steve, with Dustin and Robin's help, ahd brought Charlie to the hospital in his car. He never in his life had driven so fast, especially in such a weather. Charlie was ice cold and limp when they brought him in. He was immediately taken to the emergency room and the other three were shut out of there.

Minutes later, the doctor came out. She was a plasant looking lady.

“You're with Charlie hopper?”

“Yes. How's he?” Steve asked with badly hidden concern.

“He hasn't regained consciousness yet but he should wake by morning. He isn't in any immediate danger.”

Steve exhaled deeply. Robin and Dustin seemed to relax too. The doctor asked if the sheriff was informed. Steve had tried he couldn't reach Hopper. Then the doctor asked to speak with Steve alone. Robin and Dustin went to stay by Charlie's side.

Charlie had been moved to a private room. He wasn't in his wet clothes anymore. He was wearing the hospital gown and a blanket was drawn to his stomach. An IV drip and stand was enxt to the bed. He seemed fast asleep. His chest heaved slightly with each breath.

Robin walked towards the small cushion couch against the wall and sat down. Dustin stood rooted to his spot, watching Charlie with a mix of worry and sadness.

“You're really close, aren't you? You, Steve and Charlie?” Robin asked, weakly smiling.

“Yeah, yeah we are.” Dustin responded sighing. He walked over and sat next to Robin.

“They helped me through a hard time, last year. And Charlie used to babysit me when I was little.” Dustin smiled wistfully.

“He's a genuinely good person, you know? And he has been through a lot but he still can't seem to catch a break.”

Robin looked back at the sleeping boy. Charlie Hopper had quiet the reputation in school. He was an outcast just like her, not popular, or a jock, or a nerd. But he wasn't a troublemaker either. He was just there. He preferred his own company, he was the loner type. She really wanted to talk to him but he scared her. He was always moody or angry. And she never expected to see him any different any time soon. But when she saw him at starcourt for the first time, he was different.

Robin remembered the first time she heard him laugh. It was a velvety, almost music like sound. It was at something stupid Steve said but it was a genuine laugh. It felt unreal to see him like that, especially with Steve Harrington. They hated each other for all of high-school. Steve even gave him his infamous nickname. But Robin could see, what they have was real. Both of them had changed. And she actually liked having them around.

“Did he ever faint like this before?” Robin asked. Before Dustin could say anything, they heard the door open and Steve walked in. He looked distressed. He froze for a few seconds, just staring at Charlie's pale face with so much pain that Dustin started to panic a little.

“What did the doctor say?”
Steve didn't answer Dustin first, he just walked over to Charlie's bed and cradled his face.

He didn't care that Robin was there. It didn't matter. Dustin and Robin silently watched as Steve repeatedly kissed Charlie's forehead, temple and cheeks. He mumbkel something incoherent in Charlie's ear and kissed him again. He pulled up a chair sat next to the bed.

“She said, he fainted because of exhaustion and possibly because he hasn't eaten anything in days. Not to mention he was out in the rain for god knows how long.”

Steve said to Dustin, keeping his eyes on Charlie. They stayed silent for a few minutes then Steve spoke once more.

“I knew something wasn't right. I should've paid more attention.” Steve sighed.

He knew he should've listened to his gut feeling and talked to Charlie about whatever was bothering him. The way Charlie was acting was strange and Steve knew it. He regretted all the times hd brushed away his worries and pretending like everything was fine.

The rain had subsided considerably. Claudia came with her car to pick Dustin up because Steve had called her. The young Henderson wasn't too happy about it. But Steve thought it was better if Dustin left. Robin, however was stubborn and wouldn't leave with them. Even though Claudia offered to give her a ride.

Robin reclined in her chair and Steve in his. They were quiet. Steve was watching Charlie and Robin was watching him. Steve caught her eye and raised an eyebrow. She shook her head.

“I know what you're thinking.” Steve said. Robin just stared at him. So he continued.

“He's my boyfriend. We've been together for months now. I'm telling you...this...because for some reason I know I can trust you.”

“You can trust me.” Robin assured. She smiled weakly and Steve returned it.

“Do you love him?” Robin asked looking Charlie.

“So much. He changed me for the better, you know. And I'm terrified of losing him.” 

Robin looked like she wanted to say something but then decided against it. After a few minutes she started to drift off. Steve was awake, but he was lost in thought. He heard muffled sounds coming form his side. He looked up to see Charlie was sleep talking.

Steve stood up and got close to his face hear what he was saying. He couldn't make out anything. So he tried to calm him down. He threaded his fingers through Charlie's hair and spoke softly

“You're dreaming, Lee. Just go back to sleep. It's okay.”

But Charlie didn't calm down. He thrashed his head from side to side. His mumbling got louder and Steve could make out some words.


“Shh Charlie... It's okay. It's okay.”
Steve held him down and kept repeating.

Charlie shot up with a gasp. His chest heaved with heavy intake of air. His eyes wandered around the room. Steve cupped his face to anchor him.

“Hey baby. You're okay, it's okay. Look at me.”

Charlie's eyes met Steve and he released a shaky breath. He relaxed back into the pillow,  now well aware of how exhausted he was. His eyes didn't leave Steve.

“Steve...” He whispered, his voice breathy.

“You're safe, Charlie, I'm right here.” Steve made an effort to smile. Charlie sank further into the bed. His eyes closing by itself.

“Go back to sleep.”

And he did.

Next morning Charlie woke up, feeling just a little better. He blinked a couple of times before registering where he was. To his right was his boyfriend, fast asleep on a chair. His hand tightly holding onto Charlie's. To his left was a passed out Robin.

Charlie tried to remember how he got there. Slowly the memories of the previous night came back to him. Heather and Billy. Billy and Heather. The Holloways. The rain pouring down on him. And that's it. He sighed and closed his eyes again. Suddenly he realized, he wasn't feeling too hot, there was no headache and no voice in his head.

Was it all just in my head? He thought.

Charlie tried to remove his hand from Steve's without waking him up but the brunet woke up regardless. He blinked to oriente himself and finally met Charlie's eyes.

“You're awake. How are you feeling?” Steve asked, getting up and coming closer to Charlie.

“Better.” Charlie whispered. Steve searched his eyes as if trying to figure out if he was telling the truth.

Charlie was indeed telling the truth. He wasn't feeling off at all. As if the last few days were nothing but a fever dream.

“How did I get here?” Charlie asked looking around.

“You fainted. In the middle of road. While standing under a raging storm.”
Steve said carefully. Charlie chuckled dryly at the absurdity of it.

“Can we leave?” He asked, Charlie wasn't a fan of hospitals.

“Yeah... Get dressed and we need to talk to the doctor.” Steve kissed the top of his head went to wake Robin.

Robin left, saying that at least one of them had to be there on time for their shift. She said she'll make and excuse for Steve. One she left, Steve carefully helped Charlie into his clothes. His head was quiet. It was almost empty. He wasn't aware of anything other than Steve's touch and his warm breath.

Charlie and Steve went to doctors office to talk about Charlie's health. She insisted that he needed to see a psychiatrist to help with his eating disorder. Charlie had been diagnosed before with Anorexia and chronic depression following the death of his sister. Charlie was hesitant but he could not argue, because he knew the director and Steve were right. So he agreed. He was scheduled a meeting with a psychiatric specialist in two days.

Then they were free go home. The ride home was silent. Steve seemed lost in thought and Charlie didn't disturb him. His own head was complete numb. No fear or anxiety, he e felt nothing honestly. Although he tried not to show it.

As soon as they reached the Harrington residence, Charlie went upstairs to their room. He started stripping off his clothes, desperately needing a shower. Steve came into room, soon after just Charlie was pulling  off his pants. He stared at his boyfriend for a   second too long.

“I need a shower.” Charlie said after a pause.
“Join me?”

Steve swallowed.

“Is this you trying to seduce me to not talking about it?” Steve asked.

“We can talk in the shower.” Charlie said and went to the bathroom without waiting for an answer.

Soon, Steve joined him, as expected. Charlie was standing under the cold shower. He palm flat against the wall and his head bent downwards. He felt two steady hands on his waist and he turned to face his boyfriend. Their lips met in a hungry, all consuming kiss. After being deprive dif their for almost two days they were desperate.

But Steve pulled away.

“Why didn't you tell me?” Steve asked. His one hand resting on Charlie's waist and other running up his chest to the side of his neck.

“What?” Charlie blinked away the water.

“That it was getting bad.”

Charlie hummed, rubbing his nose against Steve's and whispered.

“I didnt want to... drag you into my mess. Again.”

Steve sighed and closed his eyes.

“Your mess is my mess, Charlie. I love you.”

Charlie smiled despite himself.

“I love you too.” Charlie whispered. He placed a kiss on Steve neck and another. Then another.

“...Lee?” Steve's voice came breathy.


“Are you really okay?” Steve asked.

Charlie met his eyes and smiled.

“So much better. I promise you... No more secrets.” He reassured.

“No more secrets.” Steve agreed.

And they kissed again. Finally letting each other be with the other person without having to hold back. Steve pressed Charlie the wall, showering his neck with kisses. Charlie gripped Steve's hair, growing desperate.

“Fuck... I want you so bad!” He moaned.

“Are you sure?” Steve asked.

“Yes, baby.” Charlie muttered gainst Steve's ear and bit his earlobe. He pulled back to look Steve dead in the eyes and say

“Fuck me.”

By the time Charlie and Steve finally made it to Star Court, they were inevitably late. Steve managed to get Charlie to eat breakfast. And Charlie after a little bit of struggle managed to eat it. Charlie also tried not to make anything obvious by limping too much. Steve said Robin knew about them. Charlie didn't mind, he trusted Robin.

Dustin was already there, apparently, they had figured out the code. They also knew where the Russian were. The young Henderson had been watching their move all morning. Charlie, Steve and Robin sat around the small table while Dustin rambled on about what he saw.

“That keycard is what openers the door. But the guy with the keycard also has a massive gun.”

“So they really don't want anyone finding out what's in there.” Charlie said.

“But there's gotta be a way in.”

“When there's a will, there's way.” Charlie commented, tapping fingers on the table.

Steve settled his hat in the table and said.

“Well you know... I could just take him out.”

Charlie snorted, earning a glare from his boyfriend.

“Take who out?” Robin asked leaning back in her chair.

“The Russian guard.” Steve said casually.

“Like on a date?” Charlie asked, biting down a smile.

Steve shot him another unimpressed glare and continued.

“What in sneak up behind him, I knock him out, I take his keycard. It's easy.”

He said it so casually Charlie couldn't even fight back his eyeroll.

“Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?” Dustin snarked.

“Which is why I will be sneaking.” Steve retorted.

“Have you ever actually won a fight?”

“Okay that was one time.”
Steve defended.

“Twice. Year prior. Jonathan, because it seemed like he beat the shit out of you.”

Steve started to defend himself.

“Even Charlie beat you up.”

“That was in middle school.”

“and it was well deserved, might I add.” Charlie interrupted.

Robin seemed to zone out and she abruptly got up and ran outside. She took out all the money from the box with their tips.

“Hey what are you doing?” Steve yelled after her. Robin turned around and said

“I need to money to find a way to get us in there. A safe way. Meanwhile just sling ice-cream, behave and don't get beat up.” and she was off.

“Half of that was mine.” Steve muttered miserably to Charlie who just patted him on the back.

Charlie was was reading through some magazine. But the gears in his head were turning constantly. The emptiness he felt in the morning was gone. Now his way too fast brain was having a million thoughts at the same time. Charlie tried to tell himself, it was all in his head.

Steve was slinging ice-cream like everyday with a sour expression. He occasionally tried to glance inside at his boyfriend. But he could only see Dustin pacing back and forth.

Siddnely the phone rang. Steve came in and answered.

“Hello, scoops ahoy... Uh hi Nancy, yeah he's here. Okay sure..”

Steve covered the receiver with his hand and said to Charlie.

“It's uh Nancy, she wants to talk to you.”

A/N: I'm not very proud of this one.

Anyways,do you want Charlie with Scoops Troup, With El and the others or with Nancy?

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