Would You Kill For My Love?

By YourFavBLMomma

9.8K 491 391

There are two main Mafia families in the city of Bangkok, Thailand. The Rattanakosin Family and The Phassako... More

Author's Note
The Raging Beginning...
The Unresolved Mess...
Certain Secrets Revealed...
The Taunting Nightmare...
Reminiscing The Past...
Old Friend...
A Silent Relationship... (Part 2)
From Enemy to Friend (with Benefits)...
A Silent Relationship...(Part 3)
Characters pt. 2😊❤️‍🩹‼️

A Silent Relationship... (Part 1)

708 37 41
By YourFavBLMomma

⚠️Long Chapter ahead⚠️
*If words are slanted they are either using sign language, texting or flashbacks*

(I'm so sorry to post so late but here it is and it has more then to two parts to their stories)

🤭I hope you guys catch some of the references in here🤭


Li Ming

I was walking to the GAME ROOM in the shopping plaza and couldn't wait to see my best friend after about 5 years. We met online during a game and have been best friends since. Shia! I forgot about the Chinzilla dude..let me see if he wants to join.

Hey Chin...you want to go to the game room today?

Chinzilla Dude😂 :
I'm sorry na, I can't..

You always say no

Chinzilla Dude😂:
I'm sorry I'm hanging with my cousin today and I don't have a choice.

Uh it's fine don't worry about
It looks like I'll never get to beat you in person 555

Chinzilla Dude😂:
But you already beat me in something

What did I beat you in? Because I don't remember...

Chinzilla Dude😂:
You won my heart first 😉🥺

I smiled. Deiyw?! Did he flirt with me! What does that mean! I felt my face getting hot. I looked at the message over and over again. I wasn't paying attention and ran into the silent brother of the Phassakorn family. We fell and I landed on top of him and we stared into each other's eyes for a while.

I studied his face and he was quite handsome. I started blushing because I could feel my face heating up and my heart started racing. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Ai' Li Ming, are you ok?" Tiw ran over and helped me up and then helped Heart up.

"I'm fine na, is Heart ok?"

Tiw looked at me confused," You know him," he questioned me.

"Yeah," I smiled again. This time I'm not sure why but when I look at him I'm happy.

Tiw turned to Heart and used sign language," Heart, are you ok?"

"I'm ok khub, is he," he pointed at me and I was confused.

"He is, he was worried about you.."

"Seriously," he looked at me and smirked.

Tiw hit his arm and turned to me and smiled awkwardly. I looked at him suspiciously.

"What did he say? Can he not hear me?" I was really curious.

"Yeah he is deaf (Yeah he is deaf)," he was using sign language.

"Oh that's cool, "I looked at my hands," um how do I say Hi in sign language," I looked at Tiw.

"Haha, just wave to him," he laughed at me.

I scratched my head in embarrassment. I looked at Heart and smiled and waved. He started chuckling and I started laughing. I felt like I looked stupid but for some reason I felt good around him even if I felt stupid.


He smiled at me and waved and I waved back and laughed to myself. He was so narak. He had rosy cheeks, a beautiful smile, and if only I could hear his laugh. I stopped smiling and looked down sadly. (Narak: cute)

I looked at him again and saw he asked Tiw something. I tried to read his lips but he was talking so fast. Tiw tapped my shoulder.

"He said, are you sure you are ok?"

I looked at him and gave him a thumbs up. Tiw smiled and signed," So can we go in now?"

I gave him a thumbs up and smile and Li Ming  spoke to him. I wished I could hear his voice but seeing him smile and laugh just warms my heart. When he accidently fell on me, the way our hearts were beating the same exact way it let me know I wasn't dreaming this time.

We walked into the room and I immediately stayed close to the wall. My mom did allow me to go places but I was always with her. I closed my eyes, hugging the wall, feeling the vibrations of the music. I opened my eyes again and I didn't see Tiw or Li Ming anywhere. I could feel my heart racing and I slowly slid down the wall holding on to my chest. Before I hit the floor I felt someone grab me and hold me close and hug them tight. I could tell that it was a guy by the strength.

I looked up and locked eyes with Li Ming. He was trying to talk to me but I think he forgot I can't hear him and he looked away embarrassed.

Li Ming

I was holding Heart in my arms, looking at his eyes. I could feel his heart. It was beating so fast. I helped him stand up and took him out of the room and sat him on the bench. I tried my hardest to talk to him.

I made him look at me, by gently pulling on his chin and pointing at my lips," Can you read my lips?"

He nodded at me and I spoke again, "Are..you..ok?"

He smiled at me and nodded his head again. I pulled out my phone and went to notes and type something.
- I'm sorry I don't know sign language, you want to teach me some? You know for future occasions -  I passed him the phone, embarrassed.

He looked at me and chuckled. He tickled me under my chin which made me smile. I brushed his hand away and laughed while he typed on my phone.

- Yeah I will help you and it's ok if you don't get it right away...you can text me or write it down..I don't know everything either -

He gave me my phone back and I read it. I looked at him and he signed, "Thank you".

I looked at him confused and he did it to me again. He grabbed my phone gently and typed what he said and showed him and signed again.

"Thank you" I did it to him.

He replied, "Thank you too.."

Author's POV

Heart continued to teach Li Ming sign language for about two hours and Li Ming was enjoying it. Tiw finally finished playing the game and went to look for them and found them communicating. He knew how much Heart was in love with Li Ming but didn't know if Li Ming was going to treat him like an actual person and not a person with a disability.

Tiw walked to them, " Hi guys, is everything ok? When did you guys leave the GAME ROOM? (Hi guys, is everything ok? When did you guys leave the GAME ROOM?)"

They looked at him like they wanted to punch him," Where have you been? (Where have you been?)"

Tiw was confused and a little scared, " What did I do? (What did I do?)"

Heart furrowed his eyebrows and signed with frustration," You left me and didn't bother to look for me or text me"

Tiw signed back, feeling guilty, " I'm so sorry Phi, I know how you are in buildings like this and I'm sorry for not trying to find you, please don't tell Lung," he pleaded to Heart.

Heart wasn't the type of guy to hold grudges or be mad at a person for long but the one thing he didn't like was people not taking the time to understand that even though he can't hear someone, it doesn't mean they have to treat me like an outcast or forget about him.

He shrugged his shoulders and threw his hands up, over the situation, "I won't tell my dad, it doesn't matter anymore, let's just find something to eat?"

Tiw felt bad but he just let the conversation go and looked at Li Ming who was confused and concerned.


"So Li Ming, what are you hungry for?" I looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Some BBQ? Is that ok?" He looked at me with concern.

"Yeah that's good, let's go ahead and go," I looked at him but he was looking at Heart.

He looked at Heart with love and I may not pay attention to a lot of things but I know when someone is in love. We were walking towards the BBQ place and I saw him.  Por Bannarasee, he was the cutest and prettiest guy I have ever seen.

"Ai' Li Ming?!" He was waving at Li Ming running towards him.

"Ai' Por, what are you doing here?" They hugged each other.

"I was meeting with P' Win and P'Sound to eat," he looked around him and looked at me and Heart, "Hi I'm Por.."

"Ow Im sorry, Tiw this is Por," Por hugged me out of nowhere."

Li Ming and I made wide eyes and looked at each other very confused. I hugged him back and smiled so hard on the inside but on the outside I remained calm. I have like him for years but didn't think I would have the courage to talk to him.

"Aw i'm sorry I'm a hugger," he smiled and we locked eyes and he blushed.

"Ai' Por?" Li Ming called his name.

"Khub?" He turned to him, flustered.

"This is Heart, he is deaf (This is Heart, he is deaf)," he explained to him.

Por wave at him and smiled. i became jealous because I wanted to be the only person to see his smile.

Author's POV

After all the introductions, they met Win and Sound at the BBQ place and sat and talked for a while.

"Well, I didn't think I'll two rivals sitting and having lunch together," Win spoke out of nowhere.

Tiw looked at him confused, "What do you mean by that?" He had his full attention.

"Oh you don't know about the-"

Sound kicked him under the table, "Win shut up, you always have to run your mouth, I'm sorry mueng," Sound patted Li Ming's head.

Li Ming brushed it off and tried to ignore Win. He really hated that his mother and her enemy were at odds. Li Ming is always a genuine guy and never wanted problems but for years he had to act like he hated the Phassakorn family, when he actually didn't mind them. When Khabkluen told them about him and Daonuea dating, he was happy for his brother and just wanted peace and want everyone happy.

"I'm sorry Li Ming, I know that's your business, forgive me," Win bowed to him in a pleading way.

Li Ming smiled, "P'Win it's ok, don't worry about it I don't mind you talking about it, I just don't like talking about it because I get every time I think about it," he sighed.

Tiw who is still confused, "Well can someone explain to me what's going on?"

Li Ming nervously chuckled and cleared his throat...

A year ago

Their mother sat all of them down with their dad (for Khabkluen and Palm he was their Stepfather) in the living room and took a deep breath. Their dad held Ratchnaee's hand to calm her down before she explained her past.

She looked at all of them, holding back tears, "First I want to apologize to all of you, I know I seem like a horrible mother by letting you guys hang around certain people but it's really me being cautious because I don't want you guys to run into..." She paused and looked at their dad and he nodded his head.

Khabkluen was concerned, "Mae, is everything ok? Is someone threatening you?" He reached for his gun.

"Calm down luk, no one is threatening me, I just don't want you and Palm running into your father.."

Khabkluen and Palm looked confused and spoke at the same time," Huhh?!"

Li Ming was shocked, "Are you saying por is only my por?"

"Yes and no.." She looked defeated.

Their dad spoke, 'Listen sons," he took a deep breath, " Yes, Li Ming you are my biological son but to me, you two boys are mine, that's why I adopted you and gave you my last name." He had tears in his eyes.

"Thank you por," Khabkluen said, smiling.

The boys hugged their dad and Li Ming hugged the both of them, happy because his brothers were and is his whole world and couldn't see his life without them. They were and are there for each other no matter what. Khabkluen and Palm smiled and hugged him back.

"So who is our father?" Palm asked, trying not to run the mood.

They all stared at Ratchanee, " His name is Kajorn Chen..."

"Mae, did he do something to you?"

Ratchnaee told Li Ming he could listen so he had to leave.


Li Ming sighed, "So after I went to my room about 30 minutes later my brothers came and told me the their dad beat our mother and tried to kill them and she blames Heart's dad because if he would exchanged placed with her and let her go abroad, she wouldn't hate him so much...she just wanted to be free from the hurt and pain."

Everyone was looking at Li Ming and they could feel his pain. Li Ming was about to finish until someone yelled his name.

"Li Ming?!.."

Li Ming looked up and saw Palm and Khabkluen heading towards him quickly.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I am so sorry to post this late but some things came up. For the next couple of chapter I may not be posting on Friday but be on the look out when I do. THANK YOU THANK YOO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K views. I'm so glad you guys are liking the story and please comment, vote, share, give suggestions and as always #BL4life🥰

I love you all and smooches 😘 ❤️💕


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