
By AngelNatari

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Sequel to "Not of This Time". Diana Jones has always felt drawn to the history of Troy and after she got her... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

120 6 0
By AngelNatari

Diana sat in between Achilles and Hector who looked very nervous, this was their first time flying after all. She now felt they were experiencing some of the culture shock she had when she first woke up in their time. The flight attendant was beyond helpful letting them each have a drink or two to calm them down.

"We are not birds, we belong on the ground." Hector said as he gripped the arm rest.

"This is called progress, I call it a risk. What happens if the plane stops working in the air?" Achilles asked just as the flight attendant began to explain what would happen if that did happen to the whole cabin.

Both Achilles and Hector did not look comfortable or reassured at all. In their eyes since they had these procedures that meant that something bad had happened in the past. Both now turned and looked at her with a confused expression on their faces.

"What now?" Diana sighed as she adjusted herself in her seat.

"Good to know the seat doubles as a flotation device." Achilles said with an eye roll.

"Let's just hope we get to our destination?" Hector said as he laid his head back on the seat trying to close his eyes.

"Or end up shark food." Achilles couldn't but mumble.

Diana shook her head, as the plane began to take off she felt Hector grab her hand while Achilles hand went straight to her leg. Giving him a sideways look she realized though he wasn't even looking at her, instead his head was back as well and his eyes were closed.

"This is takeoff, it won't be that bad." she said as she caressed both of their hands.

Finally walking into their hotel room, both men collapsed on one of the queen beds. Clearly they needed to get some rest because the entire flight they both kept looking out the window making sure the coast was clear to keep flying, Diana couldn't bear it upon herself to tell them about radar and things like that. Instead she was doing research on her phone for the resort that she and Meg stayed at before. Granted a lot of business had closed down thanks to covid and 2015 was 5 years ago.

"I never want to do that again!" Hector calls from the bed.

"For once, I agree with him!" Achilles agreed with Hector.

"The resort is less than two miles from here, it says it's closed but I am sure the beach is still open. Shall we try tonight or wait for tomorrow?" Diana asked as she walked up to the bed.

Both men looked at one another as if sharing the same thought and then nodded and looked back at Diana.

"Tomorrow, we need rest and to restore our energy." they both told her.

Diana was in bed trying her best to close her eyes but sleep seemed to escape her. Feeling someone come up behind her and wrap their arms around her made her turn back and she was surprised to see it was Achilles.

"Hector has passed out, I had a feeling you were wide awake staring at nothing. Do you need someone to comfort you or tire you out?" he asked with genuine concern in his voice.

Diana wasn't sure which to choose, she knew she hadn't been with anyone in a long time but she didn't know where she stood with either man. Hector had kissed her and before she had a chance to finish her though, she felt Achilles lightly kissing her neck. Putting her hand over her mouth to stop any noises from coming out, she felt Achilles pull her body back against his. Vivid memories came rushing back through her mind, including the night she believed Alec was conceived.

"Tell me what you need Diana." Achilles coaxed her voice, trying to hear her answer.

"I want to but I can't. Not until I do know what I am to either of you. I was dead and so were you but now we're back and things are much more complicated now. Believe me Achilles my body is responding to yours but I can't until we figure a few things out." Diana said, making Achilles pause.

"Figure out what? You technically never married Hector, so you are still married to me." Achilles said about to start kissing her again but she put her hand on his mouth.

"You left me through a piece of paper, telling me and I quote 'You couldn't keep the claim on my heart.' That sounds like a break up to me." Diana says as he looks down at her.

"Diana, forget Hector and I. What do you want or more specifically who do you want?" Achilles said cutting to the chase not even bothering with any of his usual game.

Hearing him ask that question brought Diana to a state of shock, no one had ever just asked her that in this time. Though in the future no one was ever truly interested in her enough to ever have this question come into play.

"Until you decide neither Hector nor I will touch you." Achilles said as he pulled away from Diana.

Feeling him move away caused her to panic, she quickly grabbed his hand and flipped him down onto the bed. Looking down at the man who first claimed her heart, the first man she had in multiple ways, her husband and the father of her child she knew deep down she couldn't deny him anything because in truth he would never deny her anything.

"Don't leave me again, I can't wake up alone again." Diana said with trembling lips.

Achilles brought his arms up and wrapped them around Diana; he was just comforting her realizing he had pushed her to a point she was not ready for yet. No, now he was just making sure she knew she wasn't alone. Thinking back, he had left her alone without any notice and it looked like all those times had now finally caught up with not only her but him as well. Resting her head on his shoulder and chest, Achilles began to draw circles on her arm in order to calm her down until she finally fell asleep.

"I'd still die for you, I thought giving you a way to be rid of me would make you happy. Instead it only brought more conflicts to us, our family and our child. I hope one day you can forgive me Diana." he whispered into her sleeping ear.

The next morning, Diana had them each in a swimsuit with her in one as well. She began wading out into the ocean, to the spot she thought was the same from last time. Looking back to the two men they looked very skeptical about the whole idea which just made her laugh. Achilles barely made it to Diana's side when she was pulled under the water.

"DIANA!" Achilles screamed as he looked down above the water.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Hector panicked as he too looked for Diana.

Achilles was about to answer the royal when he felt something encircle around his left ankle and pull him under the water. Hector panicked trying to swim back when he felt the same thing happen before he too was pulled under the water. Forcing his eyes open he saw a vine was dragging down both Achilles and Diana who seemed to be knocked out, down into the depths until a bright light came upon them, the next moment he opened his eyes, he was on a beach coughing water up out of his lungs.

"We're back." they heard Diana say to them.

Both men looked up and could see tents in the distance, they weren't military tents, just tents of people who were living or passing through the desert. This meant that Diana was right, she went back in time by some means of the ocean. Hector tried to describe what he saw but he didn't even believe the words that were coming out his mouth. Achilles lay back on the beach still catching his breath as Hector tried to stand up on his wobbly legs.

"Well, where do we go from here?" Hector asks Diana who is looking around the beach.

"That all depends if we are in the right time or not, hopefully we are and we won't be completely stuck in the wrong time, again." Diana explains to him as he turns back to Achilles.

"Are you still alive down there?" Hector calls out to him.

"Yes, how I do not know, all I know is that I am." Achilles said as he slowly stood up on the beach. "We should find some people and ask about the current rulers right?"

Diana and Hector both agreed with Achilles, knowing the current rulers would help them determine the time period that they were in. All they had to do was pray they were in the one they were aiming for.

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