ARELLA (A Mafia Story)

By UghSt00pid

831K 25.2K 2.2K

People call him the devil incarnate. To his family, he's just husband and father. Following up on a man who o... More



16.3K 565 35
By UghSt00pid


"Can you take her today? I know that I'm asking a lot of you, but you're doing legit work today. None of the dangerous crap. I just want a day to myself that's not spent changing diapers and wiping noses." Freya questions in a whisper.

She wants me to take Arella to work with me today. The baby is almost over being sick and it took a toll on my wife. I worked almost everyday that my little girl was sick, so Freya got stuck with the brunt of it.

My wife doesn't have to beg, though. I would happily take Arella to work with me. Well, as long as I'm spending the day at the office. No way in hell am I ever going to bring her to the kennels or on a stakeout.

Turning over to my side in bed, I open my arms in invitation. Freya takes the opportunity and scoots into my awaiting arms. Laying her head on my chest, she gently uses her finger to run down the scar from when I was shot.

"I will happily take Arella with me. You deserve a day to yourself too. Go get your nails done, have some brunch with your girls. Spend as much money as you like. Anything for you." I mumble, breathing in my wife's soft scent.

She hums contently while continuing to stroke my scar. A wrinkle forms in her forehead after a moment and she tenses.

"What's wrong, love?"

Hesitantly, she lifts her head so our eyes meet. "I feel guilty when I need some spare time away from the kids."

Her confession is quiet and somewhat forced, like she had to build herself up to saying the words out loud. But there's no need for her to feel guilty about telling me her feelings.

It's understandable that she gets overwhelmed with Arella sometimes. Taking care of a toddler is hard work, but taking care of a special needs toddler is even harder.

"Don't feel bad for needing a break, love. If you ever feel like you need time, just tell me that. I'll take Arella when possible. Hell, you can even hand her off to one of the boys. The love their little sister and like spending time with her."

While I talk, I stroke my wife's hair and back, the silky strands smooth beneath my tattooed hand.

Freya chuckles mirthlessly and let's her head fall back down to my chest.

"Yeah, like that's actually going to work. Arella is attached to my hip when you're not around. She won't go with any of her brothers if I'm not in the room."

"Maybe it's time to let her cry it out. It seems harsh, but she can't always be with one of us. She needs to learn that she's safe with her brothers." I suggest, knowing that Freya is going to hate it.

"No way am I letting her be emotionally distressed just to take some alone time. I'll figure something out." She waves her hand through the hair, a clear signal that she's done talking about this.

Good timing too because I can hear the baby starting to wake up. She's still sleeping in her toddler bed in our room. We're just lucky she's no longer trying to sleep in our bed. Cerberus is to blame for that one.

He wiggles his big bodied self into bed with her. That's enough to keep Arella sleeping in her own bed at night.

When Freya makes a move to stand to get the baby, I stop her and stand instead. Arella is rubbing her eyes and sucking on her pacifier when I get to her.

Crouching down beside her bed, I lean down and gently grab her. She whines softly and nuzzles her face into the underside of my chin.

"Good morning, little bee. Did you have a good sleep with Cerberus?"

The dog in question lifts his head at the sound of his name and stretches out along the bed, taking up the space Arella was just in.

While rubbing her back, I straighten to my full height and head into the nursery. One quick diaper and clothing change later, I'm carrying her back into the bedroom so I can get dressed and ready for work.

Freya is sitting up in bed and smiling at me as I pace around the room with our daughter in my hands. She seems content to lay with her head on my shoulder, so I don't bother handing her over for her morning milk.

I know as soon as she's in Freya's arms, I'll never get her back. She'll cry for her mama and I won't make it out the door for work.

"I'm going to go prepare a bag for her today." Freya whispers as she tosses the heavy comforter from her body.

"Okay, thank you. I'll be down in a second."

She leaves and I lay the baby down on the bed so I can finish going through my morning routine.

"You stay there, little bee. Papa has to finish getting dressed. I'll be right back."

At my words, Arella's bottom lip pokes out in a pout and she whines, deep blue eyes filling with tears. My stone cold heart falls into my stomach and I shake my head.

"No, don't give me that look. I won't even be a minute." I beg.

Turning over onto her stomach, she burrows her face into the blanket and makes the saddest crying sound ever. Sighing, I walk back over and pick her up, bringing her into the closet with me.

Being shot hurt less than that. I just can't seem to say no to my angel. Not when she looks at me with those sad eyes while pouting.


Now dressed and armed with my cranky baby, I make my way downstairs. Everybody is seated around the table while having their breakfast.

Davide's face lights up when he sees his sister. He stands and takes her from my arms, blowing a raspberry in her neck. She giggles while wiggling her nub.

"There's my favorite sibling!" He exclaims, rubbing his nose against hers.

While she's occupied, I grab my coffee from the kitchen and quickly prepare a bowl of eggs for Arella. Our chef took care of breakfast this morning, so there's a large spread.

Filling up my plate and making sure my baby bee gets what she needs, I deliver the plates to the table.

Gianni wiggles his eyebrows at me and I can already tell his going to be a on his bullshit based off that single look.

"Guess who wants to come to work with you today?" He taunts like he has the juiciest drama he's ever heard.

While I wait on his answer, Davide passes Arella over to me so she can eat.

"Who?" I hedge.

"Alessandro. Can you guess why he wants to go to work with you?"

Sighing, I lean over and place Arella in her highchair. My youngest son never wants to go into work with me. He would rather stay at home on his computer. It doesn't take a genius to know why he suddenly wants to come today.

In fact, he's glaring at Gianni like he's a nuisance. He wouldn't be wrong.

"Because he wants to spend time with his sister. Now, eat or I'm going to make you come to the office with me today without your phone. You can sit there and be bored." I reply while spooning some food into Arella's awaiting mouth.

"I would rather light my ball hair on fire than go into the office with you." He grumbles.

Andrea wrinkles his nose while Davide cups his family jewels, like he's imagining his own junk on fire. Alessandro just looks up, blinks, then goes back to eating his waffles.

"Don't talk like that at the dining room table." Freya admonishes.

"Sorry, Mama. Am I allowed to talk about it in the living room?" Gianni inquires, his voice ringing with genuine curiosity.

Green eyes roll to the back of her head as Freya expresses her disappointment. "Fine, yes. I don't really care. Just not at the table."

"Yes!" Gianni does a little victory dance, making Arella giggle at his antics.

"I'm off to the gym. I'll be back in a couple hours. My phones on if you need me." Davide suddenly announces, standing up from his chair.

"Take your guards!" I yell at his retreating back.

"I always do, Papa!" He calls back.

Alessandro finishes his meal and heads off to wash his hands and get ready. Andrea follows suit, leaving just Gianni. He's finished his food and is now tapping rapidly on his phone.

"I'm off too. Gotta go do man things, ya know?" He tosses a napkin onto his plate.

"What type of man things are you going to do exactly?"

Before he answers me, he heads into the living room and calls out, "Gotta go shave my balls."

Freya groans and palms her face shouting, "I didn't need to know about that! You know what? No more talk about balls, testicles, scrotums, or nuts. I'm tired of hearing you boys boast and casually chat about your family jewels. I thought the fascination with your balls would change as you all got older. Apparently not."

"But Papa asked!" Gianni tries to defend himself.

"Boy! Get your ass upstairs and leave your mama alone!" I wave my hand towards the stairs to emphasize my point.

He slinks towards the stairs while talking under his breath. Why did I think having four boys was a good idea?

"Come give Mama kisses before you go." Freya leans over and presses kisses all over Arella's face, careful to avoid her messy reaching hands.

Using my napkin, I clean the baby, then lift her out of the chair.

"You're coming with me today? Are you excited? We're going to have tons of fun at Papa's office. Alessandro is coming too!" I try to keep my voice elevated to keep her from being upset that she's leaving Freya.

Arella nods her little head and waves her hand towards Freya over my shoulder, seemingly not upset that she's leaving.

"Bye bye, princess. Be good for Papa and brother's." Freya hands me a bag that's filled nearly to the brim with crap for the baby.

I doubt she's going to even use all of this. Nevertheless, I don't say anything. Obviously, my wife is a tad bit anxious and she just wants to make sure Arella could have anything that she might need.

Thanking her, I lean down and press a kiss to her cheek, then call upstairs for the boys.

"Andrea! Alessandro! Let's get a move on!" The former of the two rushes down in a perfectly tailored suit, while Alessandro comes down at a much slower pace.

He pulls Arella out of my arms and carries her to the door. The two have a silent conversation while I text our driver.

"Are you sure they don't have a telepathic connection. I mean, look at the two of them." Andrea comments next to me.

Shrugging, because who the fuck knows? I lead the way out the door and down to the parking garage. Arella seems content to lay in her brother's arms and stroke his cheek.

Not too long ago he couldn't stand to touch anybody and now he's carrying her around while letting her touch his face. Words can't describe how proud I am of my son. He might not allow anybody else to touch him yet, but he allows Arella.

That's all I can really ask for.

I open the back car door and gesture for him to put her in her car seat. He does so with ease then steps back. Andrea tries to get in next, but Alessandro pushes him away with a grunt, taking the seat next to Arella.

I have to bite my lip in a serious effort not to laugh. My oldest son stands there, flabbergasted.

Clapping him on the shoulder, I tell him, "Better luck next time." Getting into the passenger seat.

"Guess I'm taking my own damn car then." He reaches into his pocket and retrieves his car keys.

"See you there, Papa!"

"See ya."

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